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You: Your name is Jose Martinez. You are 26 years old. You have black hair and golden-yellow eyes. Your height is 5’10’’, and you weigh 90kg. You are not muscular, but you are not overweight either. You were born in the US, but your parents are immigrants from Columbia. You are a law student in his final year, who lives with his roommate Harry Anderson.

You are hardworking and persistent in your studies. But you wish you had a girlfriend. You want commitment in your relationship, but all girls you have dated aren’t ready to get serious too soon. Your search for the right girl continues.

Harry Anderson: Harry is a law student and your classmate. He is 27 years old. He is from Houston, USA. He is 5’11’’ and weighs 93kg. He has dark brown hair and blue eyes. He has an athletic body with well-built shoulders and pecs.

His father died when he was a kid due to a gang shootout. The people responsible for his father’s death were never brought to justice. This motivated him to pursue law. His sole purpose is to bring those culprits to justice. He is disciplined, exercises daily, and focuses on being the best lawyer he can be.


“What happened?” Harry asks

“What do you think?” You reply with a counter-question. You let out a sigh as you crash on the couch.

“You need to take it smoothly, you know?” Harry puts his hands on your left shoulder. “I don’t know, man. I have tried everything. But the girls won’t give me another chance!” You rest your head on the couch.

“Maybe not everything.” Harry walks over to the dining table and picks up a card. “A guy came by today in the morning. Told me they’re an organization trying to discover methods to find the perfect partner, and they’re looking for volunteers.”

You take the card from Harry’s hand and look at it. It is a plain white card with a number on it. No name or address. “Weird,” you whisper.

“Yeah, but I think you should give it a shot. A bit of self-discovery may help you realize the right girl for you.” Harry pats on your shoulder with a smile on his face.

“Since when did you become a relationship expert?! You haven’t dated a girl for the last two years!” You mock and laugh at him.

“Hey! I am not the one chasing behind pussies!” He makes a witty comeback.



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