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“It’s been a month,” Julia murmured, looking at Erin with disappointment. “I have to do something radical to speed up the process,” she said.

“Common Julia, you can’t force this. By the way, your voice has become as sweet as the songs of the nightingale!” Erin spoke a few words of motivation.

“Yeah, but that’s not enough. Even when I am all female, I am not when it comes to down there,” she said, pointing towards her crotch, “I don’t know how to deal with it! I feel stuck!”

“Hmm, let me think,” Erin said, lost in thought. After a few moments of mind-wandering, she clicked her fingers and asked, “Are you a virgin? You are, aren’t you?!”

Julia blushed for a bit and said, “Well, you are an angel. I guess you know already.”

“I think that’s the problem! You never explored your sexuality, girl! You never had sex like a woman!” Erin exclaimed, “I think what you need is a loving partner.”

“That makes sense. I think I have spent too much time being sexually repressed,” Julia muttered, “But who? Who will have sex with me?”

“As I said, don’t force yourself. Go with the flow and you’ll find the love you seek,” Erin said with a calm tone.

“I will take note of that, but not this time. I am losing my virginity, tonight!” Julia said with confidence, “I am not spending another day with that thing hanging between my legs!”

“Oh, okay,” Erin smirked, “Good luck!”

“Remember, don’t get yourself in trouble! And use condoms!” Julia got ready and walked out for her “manhunt” while Erin kept yelling out sex tips and advices.

Julia walked into her store and was immediately greeted by her employee Dinesh. “Good morning ma’am,” he wore a bright smile on his face.

“Good morning!” Julia greeted back.

“You look great, ma’am! For less than two months, you look unrecognizable!” Dinesh gave a compliment.

“Oh, thanks,” Julia smiled. Dinesh returned to work and Julia took on her manager’s seat.

I just said I will lose my virginity with such vigour, but I have no idea how?! Julia screamed in her thoughts.

Suddenly, Julia’s mind was lit with an idea. Her eyes darted towards Dinesh. He was cleaning the shelves. Julia raised herself from her seat and slowly crept up behind him. “Hey,” she called.

Dinesh was a bit startled by his boss’s sudden appearance. “Oh! Hey, ma’am,” his voice quivered, looking at Julia’s gaze.

“You can call me Julia,” she murmured.

“Okay, Julia,” he said, “did you need anything?”

“Yes, I called you, because, I thought, if you wanted, umm, can we go on a date?” she stuttered in between.

“Oh, thanks, but no, I am married,” Dinesh said with a smile, “There’s men better than me who’ll say yes in a heartbeat.”

Julia was taken aback by the fact that Dinesh was married. But she was desperate to be a girl. She decided to try something else. “Well,” she said, “you know, it can be a one-time thing. No commitments at all.” Julia approached closer to Dinesh. With him pinned to the shelves Julia raised herself to reach for his lips, but Dinesh intervened. “I am sorry ma’am, but I am faithful to my wife.”

His words shattered the motivation of Julia to proceed further. She stepped back and apologized, “I am sorry, I just, all these hormonal changes, it’s driving me crazy.”

“No, I understand,” Dinesh assured. “I am sorry,” Julia said with guilt on her face. She walked out of the store and kept walking on the pavement, lost in her struggles.

Shit! I shouldn’t have done that! He’s such a nice guy! He took care of my store for all this time without complaining for a single thing. He didn’t even ask for a raise for all that extra work! And I treated him like that! Fuck!

Julia sat on a bench. She stopped herself from shedding tears for her wrongdoings. There was no time! She quickly realized that it cannot be some stranger. That narrowed it down to only one man she knew whom she trusted – Lucas! “That’s right! Oh God, how could I not see this before!” she pulled out her phone and called him.

“Hello?” Lucas called from the other end.

“Hey, Lucas! It’s me!” Julia said gleefully.

“Oh, wow! You sound so different!” Lucas cheered.

“Yeah, and you still recognized me,” she giggled.

“We’ve been friends for years! Now you may turn into a babe, or a leprechaun, I am gonna know that’s my best friend!” They both laughed.

“Will you date me?” Julia asked nonchalantly.

Lucas stopped laughing. “Well, we both know each other. You never said it to me, but I had always noticed. Now, you are on your journey, and I respect that. But I cannot ignore your past,” he said.

Julia couldn’t stop her tears from rolling down her cheeks. She had almost lost hope when he continued, “Now, before you think I am being a complete asshole and rejecting you, I am saying yes!”

Julia was baffled by his response. “I have been in plenty of heterosexual relationships. And you know, I am not gay. But I am open to try and venture into uncharted territories. At least for you. So tonight at eight. Les Trois. Dinner’s on me!” he said with suave in his tone.

“You should have started with that, you asshole!” Julia chuckled and cried at the same time.

“Whoa! Easy! Don’t make me wait!” Lucas laughed hysterically.

“Thanks, Lucas,” Julia whispered.

“Yeah, no problem, see you later,” he hung up.

With the date fixed, a plethora of concerns rushed to her mind. She ran back to her apartment and dashed into Erin’s room. “I have a date! It’s Lucas!” she announced. Erin and Adele both looked at her with awe and surprise. “That means we have a lot of things to do to make you the most beautiful girl in the room!” Erin exclaimed.

By the evening, Julia was standing in front of the mirror with disbelief in her eyes. “Phew! I know, it could have been better,” Erin murmured. “What? No! I look gorgeous!” Julia said in excitement. “Okay, girl. I think you need to hold your horses. I mean, common, it’s not that good!” Erin kept pulling her leg.

“Erin, will you stop teasing her!” Adele came in. “You look beautiful!” she praised Julia. “That’s what I was saying! You did a good job, Erin. And if you didn’t, that’s on you anyway,” Julia scoffed.

“Wow, look at you, all grown up! And of course, you look dashing in that dress and makeup!” Erin clapped a few times and gestured breaking her sweat from her forehead.

Thank you. Both of you,” Julia glanced at both of them with a grateful smile. They looked back with the same warmth. Without much words, they gathered together for a hug. After a while, Julia walked out in her golden yellow dress and hailed a taxi to the Les Trois Chaeuvex. She was five minutes early, but she was surprised that Lucas had already booked a table for them.

“Not bad, huh?” Lucas said, “You look gorgeous.”

“I’m flattered, really,” Julia replied, “You look not so bad yourself.”

Both chuckled and gossiped for a few minutes before ordering food. “This is delicious,” Lucas said as he took a big bite of the Chicken confit. “Hmm,” Julia nodded, taking her own bite. After the meal was over, they decided to take a walk.

It was late night and the streets were empty. The lights illuminated the pavement in patches. Lucas and Julia sauntered through, enjoying the privacy they had in the open. “So, since you were always a girl in the inside,” Lucas asked, “Did you ever had a crush on me?”

Julia chuckled for a bit and then answered, “I don’t think so,” she looked at him with anticipation. “Wow, you did me dirty, didn’t you?” Lucas laughed.

“You know, I never thought about you like that,” Julia said, “I love you, really, but as a friend.”

“Then why all this?” Lucas asked, “Why go out on a date with me?”

“Um, I don’t think you’ll believe me,” Julia sighed, “Let’s just say, I thought, maybe if I date a man, then it will help me be more of a woman.”

“Does it work?” Lucas asked. “I don’t know,” Julia whispered, “Will you kiss me?”

“Sure,” Lucas said, slightly taken aback by Julia’s straight-forwardness. They approached each other and locked their lips together. They kissed for a few seconds before Julia pushed back. “Come on, no,” she whispered. “Hey, take it easy,” Lucas said, “Listen, you don’t need a man to define your femininity. I see a woman when I see you.”

Julia looked at him with teary eyes and mumbled, “Thank you. I need to go.” She walked away on the path they were coming from, vanishing around the corner. Lucas walked alone to his home.

Julia was meandering through the undulating roads when her phone rang. It was Lexie.

“Hey, where are you?” Lexie asked.

“Hey, somewhere near the bridge, I guess,” Julia looked around and replied in a moody tone.

“Are you alright?” Lexie asked, concerned.

“I don’t know, I should be, but I am not so sure,” Julia’s voice broke as she teared up.

“Hey, why don’t you come over to my house. We can talk,” Lexie spoke softly.

“Okay,” Julia nodded and hung up.

A fifteen minute sombre walk and Julia was standing in front of Lexie’s apartment. She rang the bell and Lexie welcomed her in.

“Alright, tell me what happened?” Lexie asked as she made herself comfortable in her cushion ball. Julia told her all about the day she had been through and how she was unable to make herself kiss Lucas.

“Julia, I hear you. But you wouldn’t be where you are if you were not a woman. Just because you still haven’t completed your transition doesn’t make you less,” Lexie said.

“But it doesn’t feel right! I hate this thing between my legs! I have been enduring it for so long and finally when I am so close to getting rid of it, it just doesn’t go!” Julia bawled in tears.

“Hey, Everything will be alright,” Lexie gave her a hug, “Relax, and we will figure this out. Julia nodded and composed herself.

“So, from what I infer, you are not attracted to men, sexually,” Lexie spoke, “but what about women?”

“What about them?” Julia asked, clueless where she is going with this.

“Are you attracted to women?” Lexie asked, straight to the point.

“Um, I-I… am not so sure,” Julia said, her eyes escaping direct eye contact with Lexie.

“Common, Julia. You are telling me you are not attracted to me? I can see it in your eyes!” Lexie chuckled.

Julia gasped, looking at her wide-eyed. “But, doesn’t that make me a heterosexual man?” her face crumpled again in worry.

“What?! That’s the stupidest thing I have heard, ever!” Lexie guffawed, “Girl, you are a lesbian!”

“How can you say that?” Julia asked, “I mean, I was a born a man, and that’s a fact. Isn’t my sexuality restablishing it that I am indeed a man?”

“You need a lot of studying to do. First of all, gender and sexuality are two different thing. Your gender and your sexuality may or may not align with each other. And that’s totally normal,” Lexie said, “You need to accept the fact that you can be a woman and love woman. I am one, and I know one when I see one.”

“Whoa, you are a lesbian too?!” Julia said in surprise with a slight streak of smile spread over her face. Lexie responded to her question with a wink and a sly grin. She approached Julia and whispered in her ear, “If you still have doubts in your mind, we can clear all that up, if you let me.”

Julia gazed at her for a moment and went in for the kiss. Lexie reciprocated with much enthusiasm. They kissed passionately, lost in the pleasure of lovemaking. Julia finally retracted her lips and took a deep breath.

“So, did that make you feel like a man, or a woman?” Lexie spoke with a breathy voice.

“Woman, definitely a woman,” Julia heaved a sigh of relief, as Lexie ushered her onto the bed beside them. “Now, I won’t do anything down there because I don’t want to make you feel uncomfortable, but I think we can play with these,” she said as she grabbed a handful of Julia’s supple breasts, “and you can always play with mine.”

Lexie pulled down Julia’s dress as her breasts bulged out. Her perky nipples met with Lexie’s tongue, overwhelming Julia with tantalizing sensations. Lexie sucked her sensitive bosoms while holding them with a firm grip. Julia moaned and whimpered in excitement, having not fathomed this kind of euphoria hitting her all at once. She bit her lips and arched her back, pushing her breasts into Lexie’s mouth. The lack of action in her nether made her squirm in desperation. She could feel the wetness between her legs but she didn’t want to touch and break the illusion she had achieved. Lexie’s hands stroked Julia’s curvy physique, while her tongue and teeth teased the titillating regions of her body, except her crotch. After about half an hour, Julia couldn’t take it anymore. Her left hand instinctively approached downwards to investigate and she looked at Lexie suddenly, shocked. Lexie was taken aback by her expressions and she moved back to know what happened. Julia craned her head up and looked below. There was nothing between her legs but a juicy vagina throbbing for pleasure!

“Holy shit!” Julia gasped. Lexie was agape, looking at the miracle. “I knew there was something off with you! I mean how can someone change so much in just a couple of months!”

“Lexie, I can explain,” Julia said, choosing her words carefully. “No need to tell me anything right now, we can always talk later,” Lexie said with a cunning smile as she bent down and shoved her fingers into Julia’s sleek pussy. “Oh God!” Julia screamed in ecstasy, feminine urges overflowing into her mind. Lexie kept thrusting her fingers into her while her tongue licked her clit. Julia squealed and whimpered for a release. It had been quite some time since they both started. Julia was exhausted and was still unable to cum. She was surprised how much endurance she had as a woman. “Why is it so hard for me to cum?” she asked Lexie. “It’s your first time, you need to stop overthinking and just feel it,” Lexie said with her glazing mouth, before she lowered her head again to continue ravishing Julia’s feminine folds.

Julia followed her advice and as she anticipated, she was hit with the most intense climax of her life. Her body shook violently and she squirted out a lot of fluids onto Lexie’s face! “Whoa! She squirts!” Lexie giggled, wiping off her face with her hands. She lied down beside Julia, who was still moaning in the aftermath of the orgasm. “Yeah, it stays for a while,” Lexie stated, taking a sigh of relief. Julia turned around towards Lexie and said, “I love you, Lexie. Ever since I first saw you in the mall.”

“Yeah, I figured. I love you too,” Lexie said with an endearing smile. “Thank you, for helping me in my journey,” Julia said, “Now, it’s my turn.”

Julia climbed over Lexie and stripped her naked. She aligned her crotch with that of Lexie’s and started swaying and grinding her hips against Lexie. Aflame with desire, she leaned forward for a kiss, while they kept scissoring each other. It didn’t take that long for Julia to orgasm again, and again, for the rest of the night, along with Lexie.


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