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It was the New Years Eve. Fireworks popped and sparkled, lighting up the night sky. Tim Gibson looked outside his window, cherishing the little moments of happiness he could still experience. He was alone in his apartment as he usually did, except a few times when he brought in hookers who stayed the night. Tim could never imagine that being independent could be so lonely. After a few nasty breakups, he gave up being in a relationship. His IT job at KelTech industries paid him a decent salary, but it was not a job worth living for. Tim had lost all meaning to his life. He could go meet his parents, but he didn’t. In fact, he never asked for anyone’s help. Not even a talk. As he gulped down the last remnants of alcohol from his bottle, he crouched over the window with his torso outside. Before he could catch himself, he lost his balance and fell, aiming straight for the concrete pavement. Tim saw the ground approach, and then it all went into darkness…

“What? Where am I?” Tim’s whisper echoed in the void.

He looked everywhere, there was nothing but space. He was shocked to find out that his body was missing too. There were no hands, no body, no face. The only things he could see was the faint glow of stars far away.

“Oh, you are awake,” a deep voice roared in the space.

“Whoa! Who was that?!” Tim looked around, startled by the voice.

“I am Yiba. I am a slave to his will. You are in the Purgatory, the land between the living and the dead,” the voice answered.

“Wait, I am dead?!” Tim was shocked.

“You are awake now, so yes. You are perfectly dead and ready.”

“Ready for what?” Tim asked in apprehension.

“Your fate. Let me see,” the voice trailed off into a bunch of hums before returning to say, “Okay, You are quite the sinner, I must say. One of your biggest sins is that you never respected the women around you. Always treated them like objects for your pleasure.”

“Well, I-” Tim tried to explain his actions, and he was immediately reprimanded by the voice.

“Don’t you dare interrupt me! I see everything! So, don’t even try to justify your actions!” the voice thundered over Tim.

“As I was saying, you are a sinner of lust and vanity. Hence, you are sentenced to ten lifetimes of a woman!” Yubi declared.

Tim was speechless. “W-Wait, what? Why a woman? I thought-” Tim stuttered.

“You’ll know why,” Yubi smirked, “And no, there is no hell for eternal damnation. That’s made up by the mortals to control their fellow kins. One of the root cause of suffering in the world.”

“What happens when I complete my sentence?” Tim asked.

“You join us, if you learn your lesson,” Yubi answered, “You died on Earth’s New Year, I guess this is your new year resolution. See you in ten lifetimes,”

Tim felt a bubble of energy implode in him, sucking him into the nothingness. He lost all consciousness as his ethereal form got projected back on Earth. The next thing she knows, she is coming out of the womb of her mother…


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