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I have theorized some potential stories which will be converted to full-fledged games in future, as I keep on adding more features in later editions. I wanted to share them with you, so that I can work more in tune with the demand of my audience. So, here are the ideas:

IDEA #1 - JAMBUDVIPA(Adventure/Fantasy)

Jambudvipa, is the ancient name of the South Asian region of India and some parts of China. The South Asian culture is rich with stories of magical mysteries and elements of gender bending. The story would be you somehow trapped in that timeline and the adventure that ensues. You'll be exposed to a new world filled with powerful Hindu Gods and Demons, magical creatures, and kingdoms of that time.

IDEA #2 - TULPA(Psychological Horror/Sci-fi)

Tulpa is a concept in Theosophy, mysticism, and the paranormal of a  being or object which is created through spiritual or mental powers. You decided to create the being out of your lust, the perfect woman you desire. It's all in your mind, and she is your imagination. She says what you want to hear, does what you tell her to do. But where do you draw the line between imagination and reality? What if the tables are turned to her favor instead of you? You'll witness the power of mind over body, how it bends reality to its will, in this story.

IDEA #3 - THE TEMPLE OF KAILASA(Horror/Mystery/Adventure)

The Kailasa Temple is a huge Lord Shiva temple in Maharashtra, India, built by cutting a single rock hill. It is shrouded in much mystery because of its unknown origin and indestructibility against invaders. You are a tourist who visits the temple out of curiosity and love for India's heritage. However, you are met with severe consequence because of your sins. You are cursed, and only one God can lift the curse - Lord Shiva. The path to the lord is filled with perils, and you must persevere through them, or perish.

I think that's more than enough ideas, for now. I will set up a poll for you to choose which one is the best to work on now. Don't be saddened if your choice is not the one with majority votes. I will eventually build all of them, after completing the one with the most votes.


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