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Chapter 3

Blue eyes stared back at Julia as she examined herself in the mirror. Adele and Erin rushed into her bedroom over her dreadful scream. “Are you alrigh-? Oh!” Adele and Erin gasped, seeing Julia shrunken down to about 5 feet 4 inches tall from her gawky 6 feet 1 inch earlier yesterday. Julia saw Adele and Erin standing near the door and approached them, “Look! This is incredible!” she spoke with an androgynous voice. She perched on her toes and spun in excitement, making her night-gown swirl. “That is,” Adele paused for a moment, taken aback, “great!” Erin followed, “Yeah, this is awesome! Girl, you look younger too!”

“Oh, really?” Julia walked back to the mirror and gazed carefully at her reflection, “Yes, you are right! I look the way I did three years ago!”

Adele chimed in, “Julia, do you remember what you dreamt last night?” Julia looked at her and remembered. “Yes, I remember. I was being groped and dragged by the bullies at the mall. Then suddenly, I felt this positivity overshadow the nightmare, and it all vanished. I felt like I was back in the arms of my mother,” Julia teared up a bit while she recalled her memories. She then realized and asked, “It was you, weren’t you? You saved me from the nightmare!”

“You were going to sabotage yourself if I hadn’t interfered,” Adele mentioned, “You felt small and weak in front of those men. You have belittled yourself for far too long. Not anymore.” She approached Julia, “You are not just a girl. You are a strong independent girl. I believe in you, and now it’s time you should believe in yourself,” she said. “Girls come in all shapes and sizes. A girl can be tall, strong, and muscular. That doesn’t make her less feminine. If you really want it, it’s good for you. But don’t let your insecurities change you. Instead of letting them control you, acknowledge them and overcome them,” she advised. “Having said that,” she smiled, “you look quite pretty.”

Julia leaned forward and hugged the godmother tightly, “Thank you, I needed that,” she whispered. Adele hugged her too, and they took a while reciprocating each other’s emotions. Julia wiped off her tears of joy, and so did Adele. “Sorry to break the moment, but I think it’s time for Julia to get her makeover!” Erin cheerfully announced. Julia squealed in excitement as she imagined herself walking out full femme on the streets. She ran down to the bathroom to freshen up for the day. She went to the loo and then stripped off her clothes to shower. “Oh!” she gasped as her hands rubbed against her skin. She looked down and saw her body hair was thinner and sparser, making her skin smooth to touch. Her penis was still intact but had lost some girth. She walked out with a towel covering her body and another covering her head. Looking at herself wrapped around like a woman sent waves of euphoria down her spine.

Erin ushered her to a seat in front of a dressing cabinet that she had no idea was in her room. “When did you get this?!” Julia exclaimed. “I improvised,” Erin chuckled. “Alright, I have brought a bunch of casual clothes, nothing too extravagant. I know you want to keep it simple,” Adele walked in furiously with two bags of casual streetwear with other accessories and put them on the bed beside Erin. “Alright, Julia, let’s try the clothes first, and then we will do the makeup!” Erin suggested. “Yes, okay,” Julia picked up the two bags and went into the bathroom. She didn’t come out for a while. Adele and Erin both could hear Julia struggling and whimpering for something. “Julia, are you all right? Do you need help?” Erin asked. “Um, actually yes,” she sounded defeated. As Erin opened the door and walked in, she saw Julia in panties, sweat dripping down her face as she tried hard to attach the hooks behind her bra together. Erin giggled a bit. “You could have called me earlier, you know that?”

While Erin put on the hooks behind Julia’s back and turned her around, Julia flushed red as the bulge in her panties was quite visible. “Okay, that’s not the way you tuck. I know you won’t need it anymore in a few months, but still until then,” she pointed at her crotch with her eyes, “you have to take care of that.”

“But I don’t know how to tuck,” Julie murmured. “Common girl, why am I here? To help you!” Erin said with a bright smile. She guided Julia step by step, and after much effort, she managed to tuck it in. “Holy shit! This is amazing!” Julia hollered in shock. There was almost no sign of a penis or testicles that could be seen from outside. “Alright, now put on the outfits one by one and show us,” Erin said as she walked out. Julia soon followed, wearing a purple top with flutter sleeves and dark jeans. “Nope,” Erin wobbled her head in refusal. “It looks too dark,” Adele said with slight disappointment. Julia walked back in to try another. After a couple more denials, they finally chose her in a white top with dark green shorts. “That looks great on you!” Erin applauded. “Yeah, the contrast suits you,” the godmother smiled and clapped lightly.

Ding! The bell rang. Erin whizzed through the hall and opened the main door. “Heyy!” Lexie walked in, and they both air-kissed each other. “I called her in since she wanted to join and help!” Erin turned around and introduced Lexie to Adele. “Thanks for coming,” Julia cast a glance at her. Erin opened the drawer on the cabinet and pulled out a bunch of makeup kits. “Why don’t you teach her to put on makeup?!” Adele proposed to Lexie. “Yeah, sure!” Lexie agreed with a cheerful grin on her face. She stepped in front of Julia and opened the kit. She gently touched Julia’s cheeks and then rubbed her fingers against each other. “Just as I predicted,” Lexie mentioned,” Your skin can be dry for various reasons, and cold weather can really aggravate that. So, put on some moisturizer first.” She daubed Julia’s face with the moisturizer and massaged it thoroughly into her skin.

“Alright, the next thing you should put on is a primer. It helps keep your makeup on, especially during a warm day or a busy one when you usually sweat a lot. But since it’s winter, we won’t need that,” Lexie instructed, and Julia nodded.

Lexie pulled out a jar of lightweight foundation and scooped out a spoonful of the cream onto her palm. She applied it in the form of dots throughout Julia’s face. “You can use your fingers or a brush to spread it. I am gonna use my fingers coz we are going for a casual look.” She smeared and massaged them over her forehead, cheeks, and chin, then gradually spread the remaining onto her ridges of eyebrows and nose. “That’s called the T-zone. The area across your eyebrows and your nose. Make sure to do the way I did, which will help you accentuate a more natural look,” Lexie gazed at her with a smile, “I think I am going good so far.”

While Adele and Erin looked attentively, Lexie raised her hands, holding a tube, “This is a concealer. A small amount of this on your face can create a big difference! As the name suggests, it conceals,” she made the quote signs with her hands while saying conceal, “any blemishes or flaws on your face. I don’t see none of that on you, so we’ll skip this step!”

“Okay, girl, now it’s time for some contouring!” Lexie cheered as she put forward the matte bronzer and the blush on the table. “Contour should mimic the shadow on your skin,” she added, “so be careful not to choose a color too deep for your skin tone,” she took a fair amount on a brush and blended it on the high points of Julia’s face. “Now, we shall add a bit of brightness to the apples of your cheeks with this shimmery blush!” Lexie smiled, and Julia reciprocated. She brushed on the highest parts of the cheeks with the blush. Julia saw herself in the mirror and was awed by her own beauty. She couldn’t believe how gorgeous she looked.

Lexie took out the highlighter, “No makeup is complete without this. This will bring a natural glow to your face,” she circulated a small quantity on either side of the cheekbones. “I would put some on the nose, but let’s not be too dramatic,” she giggled, followed by others. “Aww, you look so cute!” Erin squeaked.

“You want some eyeshadow?” Lexie asked to which Julia responded with an eager nod and resounding yes. Lexie applied the eyeshadow, taking care of not hurting Julia’s eyes in the process. Julia’s heart skipped a beat as Lexie bent down and came close to her face, doing her best not to flinch. “Now, we should put some eyeliner! They are my favorite!” Lexie stated, presenting her own. “They look mesmerizing!” Julia praised while she gazed at her eyes. Lexie applied the eyeliner in one swoop like a professional. Then she proceeded with the mascara, “this will add some thickness to your eyelashes,” she stroked them with a small brush, starting from the base to the tip.

“Okay, let’s move on to your lips! Before applying lipstick, apply a lip liner. It will help contour your lips and make your lipstick last longer,” she informed Julia. She lined the lip liner at the edge of Julia’s lips and shaded it in. Then she rolled out the pink lipstick and coated Julia’s lips with it. “Finally, some lip gloss!” she gleefully marked the end of the session by applying the lip gloss all over Julia’s lips. “Wow, they look so plump!” Erin remarked. “You look absolutely gorgeous!” Adele cheered in admiration.

“Thank you for your kind words, but I hope Julia likes it too,” Lexie bowed and looked at Julia, waiting for her approval. Julia sat there in silence, looking at herself. As her eyes brimmed with tears, Lexie quickly grabbed a tissue and dried them up. “No, no, no, don’t do that. You’ll destroy the makeup!” Lexie put her hands over Julia’s shoulders, and both looked in the mirror. “I love it!” Julia echoed her feelings throughout the room. Her innocent smile spread over her face like rays of sunshine.

“What the –“ Lexie muttered and walked back as she saw Julia’s hair sprouting out of her head like vines and flowing down. Julia’s face turned into shock as she saw her hair get longer every second. Her dark brown hair slithered down her neck, past her shoulders, and finally stopped around her mid-back. She tucked the hair falling on her face behind her ears and gasped in looking at Lexie.

“Will anybody explain to me what just happened?!” Lexie clamored with wide eyes, the one most shocked by the supernatural event. Adele made her trembling body sit down on her seat and told her the entire story. Adele and Erin revealed their true identities and showed her their angel wings. Lexie looked at them agape and blurted out, “So, you both are angels from heaven, Julia is actually a woman in a man’s body, and you two are helping her become a woman again?”

“Yup, that sums it up,” Erin said. “That,” Lexie paused for a moment, “is so cool!” Everyone else in the room was taken aback by her reaction. “That’s not the reaction I expected, but it’s going great I guess!” Adele muttered softly. Julia’s concerned expression eased up. For a moment, she thought she was going to lose her potential BFF!

Julia stood up from her seat and walked over to Lexie, “Thank you for understanding,” they hugged each other. “Wow, your hair is so silky and thick,” Lexie said. Julia chuckled, “Yeah, they are.”

Lexie realized something and yelled out, “OMG! I forgot the nails!”

The girls dropped the bags and looked out for the perfect nail polish. “Julia likes pink, and there are so many shades here,” Erin said, “What do you think, Julia? Would you like the Hot Pink? Or the Bubblegum?”

“Nah, I think she wants something subtle. There’s already too much pink on her cheeks and her lips. How about this Lemonade? Or Crepe?” Julia thought for a moment and glanced at the shades. She looked at Erin and then at Lexie. Finally, she said, “I will go with subtle for today.”

Erin was surprised by her choice, but then she saw Julia’s flustered look at Lexie and smirked, “Very subtle.” Julia stared at Erin and turned red with embarrassment by her remark. Adele replicated the shade into two more bottles, and they gathered around Julia to paint her nails. Soon, the nails were done. Then they sat together and chatted together, laughed a lot, and moved over to the table in the hall to have lunch. While they were busy doing makeup, Adele used her magical powers to cook food for all of them.

“Mmm, rice cooked in coconut milk and garnished with lamb sauce?! Ma’am, you should own a restaurant!” Lexie expressed her fondness for the dish. “I think you should join in and be a part of that too if I ever open one!” Adele responded to her lauding, and everyone beamed with laughter.

Julia kept tucking her hair back as every time she leaned forward to take a bite, they would fall in front of her face. “Let me tie that back,” Lexie held a hairband. She pulled all the hair into a high-end ponytail and tied them firmly. “Is it too tight?” Lexie asked. “No, it’s fine,” Julia answered.

After lunch, they sat together to watch a movie. “Julia, you decide,” Adele said. Julia went through her stash of DVDs and picked up her favorite. “King Kong,” she announced her choice. “King Kong, it is,” Erin affirmed. Julia opened the pack and pressed out the CD. She turned on the player and placed the CD in it. The screen lit up. Julia fell back onto the sofa with her friends. “Rebecca Rose. Nice choice! She was one of the best actresses of the 60s and the 70s!” Lexie said with excitement. “She was my Nan,” Julia informed Lexie. “No way! You gotta be kidding me!” Lexie said, baffled, “Hey, godmother, really?” Adele looked at her and nodded in approval. “Holy shit! How many more secrets are you hiding up your sleeve?!” Julia chuckled, looking at Lexie’s dumbfounded expression.

The movie started, and all four of them heartily enjoyed every scene, occasionally passing remarks and praises for the actors. Meanwhile, Julia gradually slipped her hand onto Lexie’s, and she reciprocated! Julia’s heart pounded as Lexie’s hand gripped around hers, and she looked at her and smiled.

Watching her grandmother in her prime made Julia emotional. Julia’s mind wondered – She was so beautiful, both from the outside and the inside. Look at her! Her beauty made a beast fall in love with her. She could melt the coldest of hearts. Pacify a raging volcano of a man with her gentle touch. Can I be that elegant?

Suddenly her train of thoughts was interrupted by the roar of King Kong as he fell from the tower to his death. The movie ended soon, and Lexie decided to return to her home. “Can’t you stay for the night?” Julia asked. “Yeah, we’ll have so much fun! Lots of games!” Erin exclaimed.

“Ah, I wish I could stay. But I have to go back for my shift at the mall before sunset. Maybe next time,” Lexie proposed. She noticed Julia ogling at her, and so, she winked at her and said, “See ya.”

As she walked down the stairs, Julia felt desolated. Adele could sense her sadness, so distracted her by teaching her some feminine body language. “Nice! Keep your body straight and your shoulders slightly backward,” she instructed. Julia seemed engrossed in her learning to be the girl she was meant to be. “No, look here,” Adele demonstrated, “Keep your legs close together, and foot faced forward,” she walked, and her hips naturally swayed with each step. Julia tried her best, but she stumbled after walking a few meters. “Don’t try to control every movement. Feel it. Let your hips move naturally and walk you through it,” the godmother advised. After a few hours, “Okay, I think that’s more than enough for one day. You did well,” she said.

Julia walked back to her room, exhausted. She rested for a bit, then ate her supper. They played some board games to pass the time while Julia learned some mannerisms by interacting with them. She finally went back to her room and changed into her nightdress to go to sleep. She noticed the king kong toy on her bed. “Good night,” Julia heard Adele and turned around to find her standing at the door. Adele waved her with a smile, and she waved back. Adele shut the door and walked away.

Julia untied her hair and massaged her scalp, “Oooh,” she moaned in the cathartic release of all the tension from her long curls. She threw herself onto the bed, holding the fluffy king kong doll close to her chest. “I wish I was as beautiful as you,” she whispered, as she drowsed into sleep.


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