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Ting! The bell at the door chimed. “Hey!” A black man wearing an oversized hoodie and earmuffs came in and greeted, “Yo! Merry Christmas!”

Jay, the manager of “Xcellent Video Store,” woke up from his slumber, alarmed by the sudden commotion. “Lucas, hi,” Jay composed himself.

“The weather is brick tonight! You’d be crazy to go out there!” Lucas exclaimed with a cheerful smile on his face. “Yup,” Jay affirmed, still dozing.

“Man, You should have gone and spent some time with your friends and family,” Lucas said, “Nobody is spending Christmas in a sweaty booth, jerking off to 80’s porn.”

“I don’t have friends,” Jay muttered with his eyes half-closed, “and my parents live on the other side of the country.” Lucas said, “C’mon man, you have me!”

“Yeah, b-but,” Jay stopped. His eyebrows furrowed and he seemed lost in thought. Lucas put his hand over Jay’s shoulder, “Bro, if you have something buggin’ you, just say it.” Jay looked into his eyes but refrained from revealing his secrets.

“Alright, bro, whenever you want,” Lucas walked out of the shop after having a beer with his pal. He was concerned about Jay since college because of his depressed and sad demeanor. Jay has a bachelor’s degree in business administration, and he was once a bright student during his high school. But something changed. He socially distanced himself over time. His academic excellence deteriorated, which resulted in poor grades and no adequate placement. After working under an abusive boss for a few months, Jay quit it and opened the video store with the help of a small loan. Only a year after that, the pandemic broke. Clinging at the edge of bankruptcy, he managed somehow to pay the installments and bills with the help of his parents. It has been two years now, and he has hardly made any progress in life. The worse thing is, he doesn’t even care.

While he sat alone and stared outside the glass window watching the descending snow, he contemplated the secret he had been cherishing for almost seven years.

*I wish I could tell him. I wish I could tell my parents. I have been carrying this burden for so long, I feel exhausted. But they would never accept me if I told the truth. They would abandon me. It’s better this way. But to what end? Is this how I am going to live the rest of my life? Dwelling in a basement and running a video store? This business is so dead! Who would choose this over Netflix and Pornhub in the privacy of their home?* As Jay’s mind wandered over his worries, his eyes got heavy, and he fell into sleep again.

“Wake up,” Jay heard a soft feminine voice call him. As he opened his eyes, his blurred vision cleared up to a woman with angelic wings. She glowed with energy radiating from her. She wore a blue gown and ornaments studded with diamonds on her ears and neck. She was so beautiful and heavenly that Jay’s mouth dropped open seeing her. He was no longer in his shop. The space stretched to infinity, with stars on top and clouds being the ground on which he laid.

“W-Who are you?” Jay asked, “I am in a dream. This is a dream. Right?”

“Yes, you are right, in a way. This is your dream world. I am just a visitor.”

“Visitor? You mean you are not a part of my dream?”

“Yes. My name is Adele. I am your godmother,” said the woman, “I have been with you ever since you were born. I know everything about you since I have been watching you and looking after you.”

“Looking after me? You say you know everything about me. This means you know what I’ve been through for almost seven years! How could you do this to me?!” Jay bawled out.

“It was for the greater good. You were destined to suffer because you did this to yourself,” the woman spoke softly. Jay asked, “What do you mean?”

“You know what I mean. You and I both know that you are a woman in a man’s body.” Jay gasped, hearing his well-kept secret said out loud. His chest heaved, and sweat trickled down his face. A silence fell over the atmosphere for a few seconds. “So, you know,” Jay whispered, “how is it my fault that I was born in the wrong body!” he broke into tears.

“You wished for it. You don’t remember it because you are in the physical realm now. You did it because your past life was full of suffering because of the patriarchal norms prevalent in human civilization. In a fit of anger and sorrow, you willed to be born as a man. I advised you not to, but it was already too late,” explained the godmother.

“That’s bullshit! I could have never wished to be something I wasn’t! Even if I did, it’s all God’s fault for putting me through hell so bad I chose this instead!” Jay shouted.

“God has given everyone the free will to do so as they wish. Evil exists because humanity has let it be. You had the free will to be born as you wished, which you did,” she replied in a calm tone, “But I knew the error in your judgment and knew this day would come. Therefore, I am here to give you a second chance.”

“What?! How?!” Jay’s eyes sparkled in tears.

“You just have to believe,” the godmother spoke with warmth in her voice, “you have been too harsh on yourself for far too long. You deserve all the happiness you wish, just like the rest of the world. You are God’s child, and you have been endowed with his power – the power of free will.”

“I still don’t understand. how does this work?” Jay asked eagerly.

“As I said, you have to believe. And I mean truly believe in your feminine self,” she said, “It is not as easy as it sounds. You must accept you are a girl from the core of your heart.”

“That sounds absurd, actually. But who am I kidding? I am standing over a cloud talking to an angel,” Jay said.

“It needs great patience and willpower to shape your subconscious mind. A sliver of doubt is enough to keep you from your true potential."

“I see. Well, I am really desperate. Let’s try this,” Jay closed his eyes and concentrated. His face turned red as he tried harder and harder to change himself. After some time, he gave up. “Oh, I can’t,” he moaned. He looked down, taking in long breaths, “And, I am still a man,” he sighed.

The godmother smiled. She clicked her fingers, and a large mirror appeared out of thin air. Jay looked at his reflection with his blue eyes and gasped. His beard was gone! Not just that, his hands were smooth. His fingers traced all around, trying to investigate the changes, but that was pretty much it. He had lost most of his body hair. He peeked inside his pants to realize that his penis was still intact. A slight disappointment spread over his face.

“Don’t lose hope. You did great as a beginner. It is a path that will take time, and you have stepped over the first stone leading to your salvation from your own personal hell,” she said, “Don’t worry, I will guide you with my sister Erin so that you become the girl you were supposed to be. You have my blessings,” she smirked, “and my magic.”

“Sir, Sir!” Jay woke up to a voice calling him out. “The customers are here, sir!” Dinesh murmured while the two men stood gazing at him. Jay immediately lost his drowsiness and prepared himself for the day. He looked at his watch, and it was already half-past eight in the morning. Jay attended to the customers while Dinesh cleaned the shop and the booths with a vacuum cleaner.

“Dinesh, I am gonna go get freshened up at my apartment. I’ll be back within a few hours. Until then, you and Gary look after the store,” Jay said, yawning in the middle.

“Ok, sir,” Dinesh nodded. While Jay was about to open the door and walk out of the shop, Dinesh complimented Jay, “Nice shave, sir.” Jay stopped. He turned around and looked at Dinesh and asked, “what did you say?” Dinesh smiled and replied, “Clean shave, sir. It looks good on you,” Dinesh gave a thumbs up. Jay’s hands immediately reached his face, and his fingers traced his jawline. No sign of the thick beard he had yesterday. Not even a stubble. “Yeah, Thanks,” Jay muttered and walked out of the door.

“The dream! It was all real!” he muttered in excitement as he walked down the street, shocked with anticipation. Gradually his face cheered up, “Holy shit! I can become a girl!” he whispered with a grin, while he ran for the next three minutes. He trotted over the stoop and dashed over the stairs. He was desperate to look at himself in the mirror. He gasped when he saw the unlocked door to his apartment.

Jay stood in front of the door, staring at the handle. “Fuck it.” He entered his apartment. He turned the handle and pushed the door open without making any sound. He walked through the hallway on the tip of his toes. He didn’t have anything to protect himself. The only thing out there worthy of being a weapon was the vase on the table ten feet away. As he was ready to pick it up, a familiar voice crept over, “Ah! You are here!” Startled by her, Jay picked up the vase to throw it at her but stopped. She was the godmother!

Unlike the last time he saw her, she was wearing a midnight blue frilled shirt and light-colored pants. “I have made some pie!” she raised her hand towards Jay, showing the warm pie sitting in a container on top of the tray. “How are you here?” Jay asked with his eyebrows raised.

“Well, didn’t I tell you already? I will help you in your transition to becoming the girl you were truly meant to be. I will guide you in coming to terms with your insecurities and doubts, as well as support you when you face rejection and criticism from people around you,” she said.

“What?! People will notice me transitioning?! I thought you would re-write reality or something like that with your magic!” Jay said with a panicky expression. She replied, “God doesn’t allow my direct interference with his subject’s will. It is better this way.”

Suddenly, a girl walked in from another room. She wore a top with a long skirt, falling down up to her knees. “Oh! I forgot to introduce her! She is one of my sisters in heaven. Her name is Erin, and she will help you too!"

“Hi, Jay,” the girl waved her hand with a smile on her face. Jay reciprocated, blushing over getting a delightful response from such a gorgeous lady.

“Erin and I will stay here with you until the completion of your transformation,” the godmother spoke. Jay’s smile vanished as soon as he heard that.


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