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Hey guys hope you're all having a good night. I've been kind of stuck on this Calli reward as it's not coming out to my satisfactions. I'm not sure if I should proceed with it (ther would be 2 more scenes after) having her body expand and get more grotesque or should I just scrap it and try something else. It is still early ish stage for the line art so restarting on something else is an option. Extremely unfortunate as I've been really really into the stuck tentacle kink as of late but I feel like I can't produce it well and probably really lack practice. I want to make something that will look good and enjoyable, let me know what you guys think.




I think the sketches so far seem pretty solid, and the idea of her body growing more obscene and grotesque is very hot. But, if it's not really to your satisfaction, I wouldn't mind seeing you go in a different direction entirely.

Diego Brando

Personally really like the idea and where it’s going but if you’re not feeling it you obviously shouldn’t do it