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Hello everyone. I know I've been absent without any uploads so far this month, as well as having a quiet and inconsistent November. I had some prior engagements that had been going on since July and gradually had me become more busy overtime, but it recently ended by the beginning of December. If that's the case then where has the uploads been you may ask? Well honestly it's been a mix of burn out as well as time for myself that I haven't had in awhile. I took quite some break and worked quite a bit on commissions but could not get anything completed yet. This recent development made me realize 2 things, I have not been consistent with my artwork uploads and I find it too easy to slip off from drawing recently. I really don't like that. Even though I'm still a small artist, I do want to provide a consistent upload for myself and everyone, so I'm looking to certainly make adjustments to that.

I believe that next time I take a very long absence without any notice, I won't be returning. This gives me a lot more incentive to draw nsfw cause I really do enjoying making them but I don't feel like I'm giving enough effort to do so as of late. Of course if I decide to go MIA, I'll completely refund everyone's subscriptions as well as any incomplete commissions that had already been paid. However if I'm really just busy with work or something else then I'll try to give some more frequent updates on the lack of completion with certain projects. 

-----Now if you don't care about my absence then just read here-------

I will be trying to provide some better Patreon rewards here for those that are supporting me. I believe Tomboy Tuesday is starting to run dry on materials/options so I'll probably tone that down to once a month or remain it bi-weekly. There might be something else like Milf Monday or something else altogether, that's something I'm trying to still figure out. I'm still thinking of some more poll ideas so look forward to that. There won't be as many this month since I have quite a load of commissions to complete (at least 3) but I'm definitely looking to creating a special Christmas lewd! My goal is both a more consistent upload as well as trying to create those minimal number of releases per month. Once the cogs start running, I'll also think of some bonus rewards for the higher tier Patreons and that's definitely something I'll be discussing this month. 

If you've read up to here then I want to express my utmost gratitude for all your support! I'll be going on a short vacation from Dec 7th-10th so I'll certainly return with a lot more artworks this month once I'm back!



I think it's important sometimes to schedule breaks for yourself sometimes to avoid burnout, I'm sure we'll all understand. Also personally I would love a Milf Monday, but if you think of something else you'd rather do then go with that instead