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First I wanted to say that I hope everyone here has a great day today with it being New Years Eve and all. Second, I wanted to go over some goals that I have for 2022.

First goal, draw more and practice more. So as a lot of you know, 2021 while wasn't atrocious for uploads, I did end up slowing down a little compared to 2020 and ended up releasing around 3 drawings per month instead of the usual 4+. This has been largely due to burn out. I would get to a drawing and just feel like not wanting to do it yet and so I would put it off.

This leads me into one of the first changes I will be making. Instead of only taking a break around this time of the year, I will also be taking a break at a midway point within the year. I don't know exactly when, but maybe sometime around when E3 occur, so either June or July. It will also be a 2 week long break. I hope this will allow me to have a wind down point so I don't get burnt out as quickly throughout the year.

Another goal I will be making is to draw more personal artwork. So my plans after this break is over is to draw commissions, patreon rewards, and patreon exclusives on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Fridays. Whereas Wednesdays and Thursdays I will be drawing whatever I want. A lot of it might just be sketches for ideas, some of it might be me wanting to draw a specific character, and probably a lot of it will be me drawing my character. I might even go back to some of my old art and do redraws.

Third goal, I have been wanting to stream more often. Like way more. I barely did any streaming this year. I think I will create a schedule for streaming at some point, so it's always on the same days and at the same time. I may even do a Saturday stream just playing games, or chattin with peeps, maybe even drawing some SFW art on an occasion (Saturday streams will would be SFW, so no fetish talk and would be done on Twitch instead of Picardo).

And my last goal, make changes to Patreon. This one is going to be a long process and will likely not come right away, but there does need to be some changes made to my tiers as well as the rewards that I give out. But I do have plans that while will reduce my workload, will still result in patrons getting more rewards each month. Just to give an example, I have been thinking of doing a sticker/emote sort of system, where it's like a YCH chart with a ton of different ones to choose from. So say at the $10 tier, instead of the typical 3 free flat colored commissions, you would instead be able to choose a sticker/emote each month, of your own character or a character you like. So 12 stickers in total for the year.

Keep in mind, it's just an idea so far and nothing is definite. It might not be implemented exactly like this, we shall see. Also, keep in mind any rewards you get or will have gotten before the change will remain.

With that said, there is a change I am going to be making starting today and I will discuss that in another post. But for now, I think this is the end of my goals and changes for the upcoming year lol.


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