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So this is more just me being curious as I have not really asked or gotten any feedback thus far on the patreon hub. So it's been a bit of time and would like to know if everyone feels it's a good solution?

How has the site worked for you? Any issues? Or are their any suggestions to improve it?



I don't have any real issues with the site. It's nice looking and easier to browse art on than patreon was. Only annoyance is having to semi-frequently reconfirm my patreon account, but that might be a necessity for that plugin.


Thanks for the feedback, and I am glad to hear it's been working well. As for the reconfirm, I will look into it and see if there is anyway to fix it, but can't make any promises. BTW, for about how long is it fine before you need to reconfirm it?


I like it. As it's hosted on your own website you don't have to worry about Patreon's sudden changes to content policies and it makes sure that you're the one in control of your own content. It also makes it very easy for you to switch to a different service in the future without worrying about migrating all the existing content.


The only gripe I have with the site is that I have to constantly reconfirm my account on it. It never leaves me logged in and access the site. The Site itself is great


Well, hopefully I fixed it now. I changed how long the session lasts. Though it will only take effect after you reconfirmed again. If it doesn't work, let me know.