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Ok, so ... I took a look at subscribe star and I don't think it will work for me as I do not have a bank account and am pretty much restricted to using paypal for now.

Guess my only real option here is to just try and be as careful as possible with which characters I draw, and hope patreon doesn't just go ham and act like every anime character is a minor. -.-

I will be discussing this a bit more over on my discord. Besides that, this will be my last post on the matter unless there is some sort of major update that needs to be said or whatnot.



This is nuts, I wonder why they're getting so crazy. You could always do what some other patreon artists do: just put a cropped version of an image preview in the post then link to a Google Drive/Mega/etc folder with the actual content in it. That way there's nothing in your patreon posts that can get caught by their content policies.


Its not as clean of a platform, but pixiv fanbox has paypal support. Im not sure about any international currency conversions/fees though.


It is something I have thought about doing. If I do this though it would likely be through my own site and discord. My main concern here is I have heard that they are even willing to try and enforce their rules on other platforms. Like one artist had shown emails and they wanted them to remove content from their pixiv gallery. I mean talk about extreme. I could understand this for going after actual problematic content. But they are going after content that they misconstrued as being problematic based on their own opinions rather than actual law. For example, what I posted can be found in publicly available anime/manga all across the world. Anime/manga that is legally available and purchasable. I think Made in Abyss is a great example of an anime/manga that depicts things far worse than anything I drew. And it won anime of the year the year it was released lmao. There are even reactions of it on patreon. (Don't get me wrong, I love Made in Abyss, it's a great series.) But my main point is, it's weird they are going after people who draw things that are clearly legal. As a company that supports artists and creatives, you would think they would be open to the idea of creative freedom, and only ban what is actually illegal.


Ya, I actually have a fanbox already setup, the issue with fanbox I find is it's somewhat limiting I think in terms of layout and design. The other alternative I have been looking at is buymeacoffee. Another alternative could just be using my own site and cut out the third party entirely.