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So originally I wanted to offer artwork to each patron one at a time monthly. But apparently even if all patrons eventually get it, they still seem to have an issue with it and count it as a raffle or giveaway.

Since we cannot do that instead I will be opening up a suggestion box. Each month I will ask you all what you would like to see me draw. Then I will put up a poll that you can all vote on based on those suggestions. I made add a few of my own.

Then I will also be adding a new reward for the $20 tier. One fully colored single character, shaded drawing for every 3 months you are a $20 tiered patron.

Sorry about the inconvenience. Sadly it's not my rules, it's patreon's rules. Is what it is. Don't want to get banned so will just change it even if it doesn't make sense.


Ricardo de Cervantes

So Patreon is the reason you're changing the terms? Because that sounded like a fair system to me