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Hello, I hope you all had a wonderful holiday yesterday :3

To be honest, I wasn't sure if I was ever going to reach any of the goals here, but I am very happy I was wrong. We hit the first goal and that is awesome! This means next month on the 1st will be the first raffle I do. One of my $5+ patrons will get a single character flat colored drawing.

I will be adding this benefit on the list once I am certain I am still above the goal after next months payments come in. Never know if some patrons may dropout, always a possibility. But I will do the raffle regardless at least once even if that does happen.

With that said, if the person chosen doesn't respond within 3 days, I will do the raffle again and choose someone else. So be sure to check your messages otherwise you could lose your chance. In a world where time was infinite, I wouldn't do that, but I would like to deliver such patreon rewards at least by the end of the month for that month.

Last but not least, patrons who won the raffle will not be entered into the following raffles till everyone has had a chance to be picked. Then it will reset and everyone will be back in it again. This is to make sure all patrons get a chance and is fair.

In the future as I gain more patrons I will add more raffles into a single month so multiple patrons can win.


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