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As we approach the end of 2018, I figured it would be an interesting  idea to do a little bit of a review of the year. This year has been a  pretty big year for me in terms of improvements to my artwork.

The year started off a bit slow. I was still figuring out my schedule  and how to stick to it. So the first 2/3rds of year it was a bit shaky  with me only releasing works in January, March, and June (7 works in 8  months). I wasn’t very happy with how much procrastination I was doing  and felt like I needed a way to force a schedule. Eventually I came up  with a solution. Most of my time is spent on the computer, if it’s not  playing video games, then it’s watch anime, shows, or lots of youtube.  So I came across a program called Cold Turkey and started using it. I  have it set up so it blocks me from doing anything other than art  related stuff 6 – 8 hours during the weekday. I also have it set to lock  out my computer at night so I don’t get distracted and end up staying  up and ruining my schedule.

This has worked wonders as now I have been able to release works  every month since (6 works in 4 months). Now that still may not seem  like a lot, but I also redid my entire website, and even watched an  entire video art course. On top of this, my last work has 8 versions,  otherwise I probably could have even worked on more. And that isn’t all,  I am still working on animations on the side which also takes up quite a  bit of my time. So my production speed has increased and I am very  excited to take this into 2019.

Something else I did around the time I redid my website, is I  reworked my patreon around and now am posting to it regularly. Now my  patrons are able to get access to content early as well as exclusives  that can be seen no where else. I am hoping as time goes on, this will  provide enough incentive for my patreon to grow. While it’s not a lot, I  have gained 3 followers since, most within the past month or so for a  total of 4 patrons now. I am very grateful to those who support me. It  helps me out more than you could ever know and encourages me to  continue. Thank you.

So how about a new years resolution. In 2019 I hope to complete more  courses and improve my artwork. I hope to improve my workflow and speed  so I can release more content at a quicker pace. I hope to see my  audience grow and I hope to interact with more people within my  audience. I want to get better at communication and socialize with more  people including other artists. I would like to do more collaborations. I  would also like to take part in Inktober as it’s not something I have  ever tried. I would like to go back to some of my past artwork in 2012 –  2013 and try my hand at redrawing some of them. Last but certainly not  least, I would like to create some SFW accounts so I can begin building  up a SFW audience as well as an art portfolio I can show around as a  professional artist

I am sure I could have come up with more, but think that is good  enough for now XD. Anyway, thank you to all of my watchers. I wouldn’t  be here if it wasn’t for you all and I greatly appreciate every work you  like/favorite/bookmark and comment on. It makes me really happy to see  that my work is appreciated and that I have actual fans. I hope you all  stick around for 2019, it’s going to be an amazing year. Hugs all  around!



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