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Gather around Gang!

Okay, running this poll for Christmas pinups has been a lot of fun. I'll be honest, I had no real clue how the voting was going to go. I know there are some favorites but was unsure who the top 3 were going to be. But after several days, calculating all the votes and voting power. 3 favorites emerged.


Your top 3 Pinups for December are:

Third Place: Tifa

Second Place: Sailor Moon

and the first place winner is...

First Place: Luna

Thank you all to those who help participate in the poll. I knew Luna was popular but gaw DAMN I had no idea the thirst was this strong. So congrats to Luna for winning. Also, I see that thirst for Sailor Moon is strong too...I'll take note of that.

One thing that was very close battle was for 4th spot. Lots of love for Aya, Gwen, and the stripper who've I only teased once. So, who knows. If you've been naughty or nice this Christmas. You may get an extra gift. Maybe.

If all goes well, you can expect each Pinup to drop on each Monday. What better way to start off the week right? So look forward to that!

Alright, im gonna bounce. This was a lot of fun, and i'll try to think of more creative ways to have the community more involved. 

Take Care! 


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