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Hey Gang!

Happy Friday! Cant believe its June already. The weather slowly getting hotter n hotter and struggling to adjust lol! Best I stay inside and make Hentai instead hah! But okay - enough about that, lets talk about the D.VA movie!

So - I almost didn't make this film staring D.VA simply because I dont have any other characters from Overwatch (Phara, Mercy, Widow, etc) made yet. I worried if I placed D.VA in my universe of characters it would feel off. But looking back, I think its passing. For this D.VA scene I wanted to create a contrast from my previous work. Instead of the dark glow of the club, a bright beachy scene. As an artist, working on different pieces like this help me from burning out and also presents new challenges. Forcing me to always grow and stay fresh.

Current state of the project, I'm working on the end scene and already started to do some of the polish work. Definitely less stress than the Sailor Moon scene. I havent gone underground yet, but I will be transitioning to that development phase here soon.

Now lets talk about Overwatch in general for a moment. Ever since I debut the first tease of D.VA many of you have asked if this a sign of more Overwatch content to come? That's a good question and I don't have an outright straight answer for that. On one hand, I know there's a lot of Overwatch fans, but on the other, there's already so much R34 Overwatch content. I doubt I could create anything original to add. Also, Overwatch has so many characters too, if I wanted to properly pursue a Overwatch universe, would place a huge log of development on me, and im trying to avoid that for now.

If it happens, it would be more organically. Who knows, might even throw a character or two in a poll...

But alright, trying to avoid a big wall of text so I'm going to bounce. Hope you've been enjoying the latest teases. Have a great weekend guys! 

Later ~ 

