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Hey Gang!

Who's ready for the new year right? I'll be honest, I had wished 2021 had gone smoother, but due to all the issues with Covid, its been a roller coaster of a year. I did think about ranting on about all the issues I dealt with in closing with the year but the more I thought about It. I was like Nah, ya'll here for those delicious Tifa Titties. So i'll restrain from ranting and stay on point. 

TIFA! Yes - she has been a character I've been wanting to do for a long time. I actually set up the first test scene 10 months ago. I wanted to capture the feel of the slums of Midgar. Also, I was unhappy with the Tifa model for a long time.   I kept fighting with myself. Do I go with the original look? Do I borrow some features from the Remake version? I fought with this back n forth. Till I reached a point I was finally happy with the model and animating with it. 

Currently, the project is going well. I'm happy with the sense of direction and how it's playing out. One thing I'm happy about this movie is that there's a little bit for everyone. Whatever your fetish may be. You'll find something in this upcoming Tifa film that will scratch your itch. 

Stay tuned Friends. 2022 will be lit. 

Happy New Years!!!



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