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This room was one I definitely remembered from the game. This was the Scavs rec room, the place they hung out. It also had crates of weapons and other supplies so they were ready for us here.

The lights from Ping gave us numbers, and locations so I didn’t have to call it out.

Six guys.

*Going to frag again. Rebecca you too.* I called as I found a position to post up before. Running into the room. Rebecca and I both stood next to one of the metal security blinds, and once she was ready with Jun and Malcolm both holding the entrance. I hacked the blinds and forced them open.

We both tossed. I made sure to toss my grenade in a different direction from Rebecca towards a different group of people.

Our synergy wasn’t great. I hadn’t thought to have us call out which group to target.

Despite my skill this was a new experience for me, just like it was for most of Section 9. We would have to do some team training soon.

The side thoughts were blown away with the explosions of two grenades, and the screams of agony from dying gonks.

Jun and Malcolm both charged. Malcolm I noticed as I turned to follow was hugging directly behind Jun. Using him as cover and rapid firing into groups that Jun wasn’t focused on.

Good work!

Rebecca and I came around a second later, and her smile was already stretching across her face as she let loose.

The Ajax roared and she caught two in a spray of bullets that weren’t fast enough to hide behind some crates in the middle of the room they were using as cover.

It wouldn’t work against me either.

I leapt straight up, my head nearly touching the ceiling as I raised my copperhead and just fired into them from above. More Scavs were killed, and I think our assault finally started breaking any hope the scavs had of winning. They started running, not many of them got far.

Not with everyone shooting into their fleeing backs.

Rebecca had climbed up on top of a crate and was laughing hysterically as she went full auto down the tunnel the Scavs were trying to flee down.

I just chased after them while firing. The copperhead tight to my shoulder as I raced forward firing at the fleeing gonks.

One dropped, I took a second to lower the barrel and confirm the kill by blowing out the back of his head. Then moved on. I could hear Rebecca struggling down from the crate behind me as Jun continued to beat a poor Scav into a pulp.

Even without looking I knew he was already dead.

*Jun focus up!*

But that was all the attention I was willing to give.

I turned the corner down the hall, and some of the scavs had been smart enough to turn to try and shoot me.

I juked and my Copperhead jerked in my grip as the silent rounds started tearing out of the barrel.

I felt a round wing me, and then another got me in the chest, but I was wearing armor.

They weren’t.

A second later the hallway was clear. None of them had escaped.


*Jun. Comms you gonk!* I yelled at him over the call and he slowed to a stop and seemed to regain some of his humanity as he saw me perfectly fine and glaring at him… Oh wait I was wearing the tech gogs with my helmet. He couldn’t see me glaring.

*Right… Right. You okay?*

*I’m fine. Check! Any injuries?*

*Nope I’m fine.*

*Didn’t get touched.* Malcolm and Rebecca both confirmed and then I looked at my gonk brother.

*Do I need to pull you out?*

*It’s just some scratches.* He denied.

Yeah the bullet hole in his arm was not a scratch.

But I noticed the old Kang Tao armor had actually caught a few rounds for him. Even if he had done everything he could to show off his plastic abs.

I rolled my eyes and tossed him a roll of bandages.

*Cover those.*

*I’m fine.* He tried to argue and I just cut him off.

*Do it or leave.*

He grumbled and after a minute did as he was told.

*Everyone gather back up. Let’s finish clearing this place. We aren’t done.*

*Awesome!* Rebecca cheered out as she ran down the hall. I quirked an eyebrow.

She now had a Saratoga strapped to her back.


*Nothing.* I said, chuckling quietly as I focused up. We weren’t done.



The stairs had not been easy to maneuver down, but he had done it. The Minotaur was staring into the doors of the elevator just waiting for someone to be stupid enough to come up.

*Anything up there Hiromi?*

*Nope, still clear.* She said and he relaxed a little. Controlling the Minotaur was an interesting experience. Despite the fact he was still just sitting in the driver's seat of his van it felt like he was actually far away.

Hiromi watching over him at least made this doable. He didn’t want to imagine what it would be like to get killed because he was focused on the Minotaur, but then again what kind of idiot would lose complete track of his surroundings without someone watching over them in a dangerous area?

The elevator shifted. He could ‘hear’ it through the Minotaurs pickups.

*Someone is using the elevator.* He called out both in the channel between Hiromi and him, and to Motoko’s squad.

God thinking about it in terms like that still caught him off guard. This whole thing. This wasn’t some group of gonk kids fucking around. This was a corp level op.

They were badasses.

*Not one of us. If anyone is in there, take them out.* Motoko answered back cooly, not a hint of the strain of being in combat in her voice.

Once again Ichi just had to shake his head. Motoko Kusanagi was an enigma, she had come back so different from the coma, and that had only grown with the time since. It was almost hard to remember what she used to be like.

But it was her almost clinical detachment when dealing with violence that still made him nervous.

Motoko the gonk that didn’t like alcohol, and would happily get into arguments about the best character in a movie with Malcolm. Would in a second transform into a killer. He had never understood the idea of a ‘cold blooded killer’ before. Every murder he had ever seen had been passionate acting out, or just gang stuff which was usually full of shouting and yelling.

Although he knew Jotaro had been the same, but seeing that look on Motoko’s face as she talked about murdering her enemies always made Ichi… Not nervous. He wasn’t afraid of her, but he was… Wary of her.

He watched the elevator doors open, and five scavs stepped out. These were the leaders. The netrunner among them told Ichi that. The fact they were escaping was rather telling as well.

He felt his HMG’s activate. The targeting software easily pinging all five.

“FUCK!” The Netrunner managed to scream as the group realized what it was that was standing in the shadows in front of them.

Then Ichi fired.

Yeah. This was the fun part.

They tried. One scav must have some training, he raised a Metel the clunky Techtronika revolver fired twice before he had so many holes in him that the pistol fell from his grip.

*Five Scavs took the elevator. They’re dead.* He called out and he could hear Hiromi cheer. He could imagine her pumping her fist at that.

*Confirmed.* Motoko offered back, once more calm and controlled despite the fact he could vaguely hear gunfire still coming from down below.

He settled in again. Motoko had this under control.


I felt like I had no control over what was happening.

Jun was once more racing off. Malcolm was doing his best to stay with him using him as cover. Rebecca had gone completely gun crazy and was just firing full auto at everything that moved.

I was forced to run multiple positions and tasks.

That scav aiming at Jun’s back? Quickdraw the Burya fire twice.

Rebecca running out of ammo and struggling to reload with how many weapons she now had strapped to her?

Jump up and tackle her off the table she had found to give her some height. Cover her with my body so the return fire from the scavs hit me and not her. Land, and fire through the cover at the fucker that just shot me.

Reload Burya, ensure Rebecca was okay visually. Rise.

Fire into fucking dirty scavs until they die.

“Sorry.” I heard quietly as I looked back and saw Rebecca.

The fury was quenched and I was cool once more.

“It’s fine. We work as a team to watch out for each other. We all have things to learn.” Then because I was just holding my Burya I reached out a hand for her. She had landed on her ass after everything. “We aren’t done yet.”

She looked up at me, and smiled evilly. “Right!” And then I was hauling her back to her feet, and we went to town.

This last section of the Scav base was a fucking maze. Broken walls. Scaffolding. Large machines to hide around.

There weren’t that many Scavs down here, but they were all hiding in nooks and crannies to ambush us.

Thankfully Ping still worked, and between Jun and I we hunted them all down, pulling them out and murdering them mercilessly.

Especially after we checked the side rooms and found all the killing rooms.

Or rather the Scavs BD rooms. The horrific locals were something I expected, but it made Jun go real quiet and I could see him tighten his hands over and over. The view had Rebecca lose it too. Malcolm though was probably inured to seeing Scav holes. He just kept trying to kill them.

But finally we cleared the entire underground. Each corner was checked, and we went through the whole complex, including in rooms that I remember from the game had been ‘dead’ doors. Many of the side paths were full of gear or equipment, or just corpse storage.

But it was done.

*Looks like we are clear down here. Hiromi, Malcolm, let’s move onto the most important part. Looting.*

I got a laugh from Malcolm at my words, but Rebecca mostly gave me a funny look when I said the most important part.

Obviously Maine didn’t know how to make the real eddies. There was a lot of gear down here.


Ichi and I switched places, although I didn’t have the Minotaur, I was just on overwatch upstairs, keeping an eye on things in case any random scavs returned.

To my amusement Jun had been roped in by Hiromi, and she was ordering him around as he lifted heavy stuff. While Malcolm and Ichi started going through rooms gathering up interesting pieces. Rebecca had also wanted to help, but her stature had gotten in the way and so she had finally given up and was heading up to the surface.

I was on the second floor of the broken down building looking over the power plants lot when she finally came up and then headed up to where I was hiding out.

“You’re up here right?” She asked as she came up and I reached up over my head, revealing my hiding place between some boxes cutting me entirely off from sight.

“Umm what are you doing?” She asked as she walked over and climbed up onto the boxes to look down on me.


“Yeah I get that, but why are you hiding?”

“Because if I see anyone coming in and they don’t see me, that gives me a tactical advantage.”

“Right… Right.” She answered and then to my surprise she shimmied over the box and landed in my little hidey hole and rested against the box. “That was… Pretty crazy.”

“One of the biggest raids we’ve done for sure. Not the biggest, but one of them. Definitely the first one with our new equipment.” I offered, looking her over, happy to see she hadn’t taken any wounds. I had already checked over my armor poking fingers into little holes in the chest rig, and some random shrapnel I had picked up from ricochets somewhere.

“I wanted to say thanks.” She finally admitted after a minute of quiet. “You didn’t treat me like some random extra you were just bringing along, or give me some random gonk work. You just gave me a gun and expected me to use it.”

“Well yeah? You work with Maine and Sasha right?”

“Sometimes.” She said weakly, and that sometimes sounded more like. Never. Or not in the way she wanted.

“Well Section 9 is always looking to hire good shooters. Malcolm is shaping up well to be my backup but we could use another solid gun…. Not saying you have to stop working with Maine or anything! I just mean if you-”

“Yeah.. Listen. Motoko, you got something going here, that’s kinda wild. Not the sort of shit I expected from a teenager, even one that can walk into the Afterlife, but I get why Rogue has her eye on you now. You don’t… You keep bringing up Maine, and Maine is great. He has army training, and is an absolute beast, but he doesn’t… The planning you did? That’s way beyond his normal prep. You passed out equipment that blows away anything Maine and crew use. My brother is Maine's Techie. The gonk that makes sure they have whatever random tool they need, but he certainly doesn’t have a Minotaur.”

“That’s pretty recent, and sort of a surprise to us too.”

“Yeah but… Maine wouldn’t have kept it, if he got one. It would have just been sold off.” Rebecca added and then seemed to struggle with herself. “I’m not good at this kind of shit. I’m not saying it right… Maine cares for his crew, he’s protective yeah, but he doesn’t force them into high end armor. Doesn’t get Minotaurs for the non-shooters to be able to do something. That’s not normal. Like at all. It’s crazy… I like that kind of crazy.”

I looked at Rebecca’s red eyes and I understood. “It’ll take a bit for us to get a fresh set of armor. I’ll talk to Hiromi, we might be able to buy a set fresh. A bit of time on top of that, the ECM emitters will take some time to source again, but that’s not a huge issue. So give me some time, and the armor will be done.”


“Your armor. Can’t continue to work with us without armor.” I added and Rebecca seemed sort of shocked at how casually I had just accepted her into the crew.

“That sounds expensive.”

“Nah, Section 9 will handle the expenses.” I assured her she wouldn’t have to pay for it, and that did something, because a second later she started laughing.

“You’re really fucking weird!”



Despite expecting some massive Scav response. Nothing happened. Instead Rebecca and I switched off on overwatch to make sure nothing continued to happen, while Section 9 went to work.

Well besides Jun, One of the times he had come up I noticed he was still bleeding. I had ordered him to go to a ripper and get checked up, ignoring any and all of his arguments about it.

Then to my surprise as I helped haul some heavy crates up the stairs, Ichi wasn’t there and his van was gone, including the Minotaur.

“Where’s Ichi?”

“He went to get us more transport space.” Hiromi said. She was going through all the crates seemingly making lists of all the crap we were taking out.

I shrugged, figuring he would just come back with his normal truck empty, but instead an hour later he came pulling into the lot with the massive Behemoth.

“Huh. You didn’t sell it?” I asked Hiromi absolutely surprised to see that thing again.

“I set up a rental plan as part of an agreement with a SCSM stocking service. Apparently having something armored like the Behemoth heavily decreases injuries. I called it back in before we left. I had a feeling we would need all the space we could fit.” Hiromi said looking pleased with herself as Ichi came out of the cab with a proud look as well.

“You’ve been practicing.” I called out to Ichi and he smiled.

“I have! Hiromi has had me working with a SCSM company. They use the truck and in exchange don’t have to worry about getting shot at as much.”

I instantly looked at Hiromi who smiled even more slyly. “I might have also rented out Ichi.”

“You!” I called out before bursting into laughter. “You sneaky corpo!” I yelled out and chased at her.

“Hehehe!” She giggled back flashing a bright smile as she escaped my grabbing hands.

“Well you certainly drive it like you’ve got some experience now.” I called out as I gave up on the chase.

“Yeah it took a while.” Ichi agreed, then he looked over all the crates already stacking up. “I’ll lower the ramp, let’s start getting stocked up.”

I nodded in agreement, and soon we were working together hauling up the heavy crates into the truck.

“I’m still surprised you didn’t sell it. Aren’t these things difficult to get a hold of.”

“Yeah. Militech only sells it to big corps, or governments.” Hiromi agreed, nodding a moment later had her smile going sly. “Which is why I decided that Section 9 should keep it for ourselves. Something like this isn’t a vehicle we could just buy again later. Armored transports aren’t easy to get.”

“Well I can’t complain.” I shrugged. I mean, I hadn’t even noticed that Hiromi hadn’t sold it…

Was that another sign I was bad with money, or a hint that I had way too much money and should spend it?

Both. Probably both.

I traded out loading the truck with Rebecca every once in a while giving me a break to rest and watch over the lot, while she helped out.

And slowly we cleared out the entire place.

At least anything we actually wanted to take. Then long into the night. Ichi piled into the cab of the Behemoth, and we all slipped away into the night. Rebecca once more joined me in the Quadra as we followed along behind the truck.


Duke of Coffee

Rebecca is definitely going to stick with Section 9 for a long while if Motoko giving gigs like that. 😉 Causing Maine to have migraines.


Becca get!

Danny R.

Thanks for the chapter! Can't wait to see Rebecca's reaction to the pay out XD (and possibly the encounter with Maine later on with our super sneaky ninja girl about "poaching" one of his team.)


Rebecca GET!!! Man would I love to have seen the thoughts going through the Scav leaders heads throughout this whole thing. Maybe someone would write an omake of it like they did for the nomad fixer. Imagine just working, business as usual when the cameras cut off and a kill team just starts slaughtering their way inside. And after you've abandoned everyone else and are fleeing to safety you come face to face to a literal Mech waiting for you. I almost wished one of the leaders would survive, if only for the look on his face (before getting it blown off) when he finds out that all of this is because one of their members robbed a couple of BD sellers a few days ago.

Helen of Boy

I'm glad Section 9 is expanding. Would've been easy to keep it as the OG crew plus guests, but it makes sense for people to want in. Especially someone like Rebecca, who doesn't have the work she might prefer elsewhere, though she'll have to get used to not being an Edgerunner it sounds like. No edge in Section 9!


It's funny that Motoko's amateur group is in a way a lot more professional than Maine's experienced group simply because of the standards they're aiming at. Maine's is a classic Edgerunners team that is mainly about being good with fighting while Motoko wants to have the GitS Section 9 level of professionalism in everything.


Man, I swear Motoko needs to get Jun rigged up with a chrome collar or something to put ice in his veins whenever he starts going psycho on a job. He can't seem to help putting himself at risk, and he's gonna make our girl sad if he keeps it up. Also, need more Hiromi-time hangouts. When was their last sleepover? She's being neglected!


You know what occurs to me. How strange it is that there are few other groups that act like section 9 save perhaps max tac or the bargest. By which I mean a focus on high end equipment, sufficient training(eventually), and teamwork. The corpos have elite agents But there's not much focus on teamwork from what I remember, notable exception to Adam smasher who has his own dedicated team. Many gangs have former veterans that should know the value of teamwork and training even if they can't afford the equipment. I guess it's just hard to instill discipline with people whose focus is making a quick Eddie.

Michael Olson

I would love to see Jackie join up but I honestly can't see him staying as anything more than a contractor due to his thirst for glory (also preserving the storyline lol)


It's a fanwork of a story, basically. They generally range from silly to fanwritten alternate PoVs to decent stories in their own right. You can find them on this story's Spacebattles thread. Just Goggle Ghost in the City Spacebattles and open the Sidestory tab.


Yes! Operation Recruit Rebecca is complete! See, Motoko, that Afterlife invite actually did something useful for you. It's also apparent that Motoko forgot to tell the rest of Section 9 about said invite. Bad Motoko. Seras, it's good to see that Hiromi and the others taking initiative off screen. It's a nice bit of both character and world building, that they can act in the good of Section 9 of their own volition, rather than be one-dimensional Motoko satellites.


SMOLL CAPTURE ACQUIRED! I imagine later on a full evolved Rebecca with her Guts shotgun and Spiderman cyberspider backlegs to hang into walls as she uses the recoil to move around


With Becca added to the group and Jun or Jackie as possible support if necessary, the Section 9 is only lacking a dedicated Netrunner to be considered a complete team. Time to meet Lucy I suppose?


Rebecca was so tiny she couldn't help move things from the basement....lol that's so cute.


I think you're forgetting the three rules of cyberpunk according to Pondsmith. 1. Style over Substance: It doesn't matter how well you do something, as long as you look good doing it. If you're going to blow it, make sure you look like planned it that way. Normally, clothes and looks don't matter in adventure in this world, having a leather armor jacket and mirrorshades is a serious consideration. 2. Attitude is Everything: It's truth. Think dangerous; be dangerous. Think weak; be weak. Remember, everyone in the 2000's is carrying lots of lethal hardware and high-tech enhancements. They wont be impressed by you new H&K smartgun unless you swagger into the club looking like you know how to use it and are just itching for an excuse. 3. Live on the Edge: The Edge is that nebulous Zone where risk takes and highriders go. On the Edge, you'll risk your cash, your rep, even your life on something as vague as a principle or a big score. As a cyberpunk, you want to be the action, start the rebellion, light the fire. Join great causes and fight for big issues. Never drive slow when you can drive fast. Throw yourself up against danger and take it head on. Never play too safe. Stay committed to the Edge.


This was amazing, it's truly incredible to look at this gig and then look back to the group of kids who almost got Hiromi shot by a random Valentino gangoon and realise that it's technically only been a few weeks between those two events. And Rebecca join the squad! Can't wait to see how different she will turn out compared to her canon's Edgerunner self. Thank you for the chapter Seras


Just placing mys support to the "More Hiromi time" thing. More of Best Girl is always a good thing.

A Bellator

Good Rebecca sees a chance to improve. get better gear and eddies and took it. Rebecca's confidence in herself will definitely increase a good bonus. Maine has dropped the ball too many times in regards to his crew he has stopped looking at improving other than with risky cyberware and rippers as seen by his relationship with fixers. he doesnt focus on upgrading gear or armor. when his crew and Motoko come to ahead it may cause him to either step up or go cyberpsycho early...


im just imaging the poor BD seller who was kidnapped sitting tied up in a closet while the gang loots,


Thanks for the chapter! Nice to see them all working together so easily, they really are the complete opposite of edgerunners like Maine. Just. need to work on their coordination a bit. Good to hear we'll see more of Rebecca in the future :D

A Bellator

Yep and with Motoko at the helm she looks at getting her crew home at the end of the day. where Edgerunners look for glory "When you look for a captain, then look for the man Who thinks first of his man and their beasts, And who listens to scouts, and has more than one plan, And heeds not overmuch to the priests And if you become captain, when choosing your men Do not look at the “Heroes” at all For a hero dies young – rather choose yourself ten Or a dozen whose pride’s not so tall" https://youtu.be/NA83TUYnIo8?si=Jglmr2w9SsHO1-Ji


Rebecca’s gonna have the same reaction as David when she gets paid for this job. Like “what do you mean 150k eddies, all I did was shoot a few gonks!”

A Bellator

nah she'll have a supped up shotgun on tachimoka mobile suit courtesy of motoko


The difference between Section 9 and other groups is pretty stark here. Of course, we have yet to see them go up against anything more coordinated than scavs. Time for some more chrome! Is Motoko still planning on intercepting David's sandy?


I’m sure she was waiting for a big gig to finish then invite to the them to Afterlife. Like I don’t know, next chapter!


She’s going to rip into him with the after action meeting.


The story line has long gone belly up. Why would Motoko let V die? There is no happy ending after getting the biochip.

Mark James Reyes

Thank you for the chapter! Next chapter is definitely something to look forward to! I wanna see Becca's post-op actions😁😁

Mohamud Mohamed

Wild, absolutely wild, although I am wondering why there werent any hostages or children or something that was implied they would have to rescue. Maybe clarifying that for those that havent played the game would be cool

Homeless One

WOO! Rebecca Get! Wonder if she'll still crush on David, or has that butterflies away with all Motoko's done and Rebecca meeting Jun?

Duke of Coffee

Doubtful that Lucy would team up with an Arasaka member in Section 9..... But you'll never know what Seras has cooking up. 😜


He's really gonna shit the bed when Sasha and Rebecca's brother join too 😆 🤣


I dont see why not. Motoko is probably hands down the best programmer in the city. She also hasn't cracked the deck she found in the dump yet to see what's on it. For all we know she's holding all the keys to both saving V and building her own harmless versions of a biochip.


Fucking outstanding. I love the fact that all the "loot" is behind all the doors you can't go into in the game 😆 🤣. Rebecca on the team is almost guaranteed to drag her brother in too, especially once he sees the payday she's about to get. I'd be surprised if Sasha doesn't end up on the team as well considering Motoko's hack literally saved her life. She'll want more of her programming skillz at the least and that's an opportunity to drag her on jobs. Now all Motoko needs to do is save David's mother and get him involved with her team as an operator. That should keep him from going Cyber Retard. I'm seriously looking forward to seeing how much loot they got and what the payday looks like 😆 🤣 . Nice job.


Looking forward to that. I'll be glad when she can tweak his cyberware so he's not running the edge of Cyber Retard mode.

White Neko Knight

I'm still so excited for the after action report! There's so much character progression coming. Also, way to go Hiromi!


Thats why I think Motoko needs to build her own power armored suits for the Section 9 operators. She can do some crazy shit with her skills and also make them look completely bad ass.

Michael Zalesny

Now we just need to maybe recruit Luci for the whole set. Kiwi is such a bundle of issues, dunno if she'd be worth it.


I was expecting a trap, but nice it was not. However last time she attacked a scav den these big she was attacked. Now for the after action report, theee good things. 1. They had surprise and were able to overtake the enemy quick. 2. They had superior equipment and weapons. Which made killing the enemy’s easy. 3. They looted in an expert way ensuring team morale. Now for the bad. 1 they were not trained well, they need to run drills so they do not do things like Malcolm falling. 2. They need better teamwork. Even thou they overcame the enemy they could do it faster with known rolls and covering for each other. 3. They need more support for when a team mate is injured and looting. Like if not for the very advance medicine Jun would look to at least have blood lost and infections. Also they left the enemy cars, wiring in the building and so forth. But if Mokoto is looking to spend her money there’d is a lot she can do. Like start a business so she can start to buy the really advance stuff they have in cyberpunk. They have these trash can like boxes that are full of nanites that can break down things into their base form. Put a car in it and you get ignots of the metals use. Or she can buy some medical equipment and support Vic expanding his clinic.


I guess the key difference is with makoto is that she plans to LIVE on the edge but putting the emphasis on LIVE. She's going to take big risks. Put herself in the line of a fire. However, her emphasis is on living So rather than being an edge runner. She could be called an edge walker (as cheesy as that sounds)


I think this upcoming paydays going to blow the two new members minds. Hell if rebs main crew learns how much she made I don't doubt they'll be mind blown.




So if I remember right they had Drugs, BDs and general scav chopshop filth. Well vicktor is getting a new Chem set for Christmas. I wonder if Makoto will start selling chrome to the Aldecaldo Ripper. With all this money flowing into the group I wonder if Hiromi is going to turn their group of kids into a legit faction? Maybe take over clouds.

Duke of Coffee

Thus Maine went cyberpsycho on Motoko. 😜 Anyway Maine kinda deserve it for being a cheapskate on his team and being a Edgerunner going for the edge. 😉 No doubt getting a aneurysm if teammates start abandoning the group. 🤪

Duke of Coffee

Edgewalker Motoko that sees and passed every Edgerunner that trips up and fall while walking the fine edge line. 😜

Duke of Coffee

In a straight fight Maine would probably win against Motoko if he does go cyberpsycho since Motoko hasn't chip in a Sandy/Keren yet. Still hopefully Maine is mature enough to stop and think.

Wesley Miller

I'm waiting for the day Hiromi stealthily registers them as an official PMC

White Neko Knight

AH! Motoko forgot to claim the bounties again!


Motoko is so damn honestly, I wouldn't blame Rebecca for having a crush on her. Honesty and consistency is a rare trait in Night City

Just A Dude

Pretty sure it's gonna be something like "Hey, Hiromi, I think you put too many zeros on this transfer," followed by her jaw hitting the floor as the transfer amount is confirmed to be accurate.

Duke of Coffee

Lol I wonder if it was in-game habit since the game itself gives out the bounties automatically. 😜

Just A Dude

There is, in fact, a happy ending... but only one out of all the possibilities. The one where you get to ride off into the sunset with Panama.

Just A Dude

Or perhaps she plans to move fast while staying out of the searchlights and in the shadows. A Shadowrunner, if you will.


If she gets Lucy to join her Outfit, Jun will have another suitor.


Ok, so a thought: Lucy only joined up with Maine's crew after the catgirl died. Now since the catgirl is out of commission, what are the chances that he'll hire Lucy as a temp and kinda sideline Sasha? And it'll suck, but Rebecca works with Motoko now and can give her a GOOD recommendation, brag a little to Sasha (after a long recovery) who does some work Maine still and finds it wanting compared to the stories her smol friend has been telling her. I know some people want Lucy to work with Section 9, but Lucy is a fulla$$ character, whereas Sasha is kinda a blank slate for you to play with. Idk, thoughts that are going through my head, who knows where you'll take it. Thanks for the great chapter once again!!!


Got Chapter! Thank you very much. Now I look forward to the after-mission briefing and the resulting character development. And the moment in the distant future when we witness an operation planned to the second and executed with a choreography that could put any elite squad to shame.

Homeless One

Oh, Rebecca has a crush on Jun, not Mikoto. That's Hiromi's territory lol

Duke of Coffee

Technically she can make it up by chippin chrome that increase her 💪 once she has the eddies.

Duke of Coffee

I think we are still in 2075 at the moment...? And hopefully enough minor changes for Rebecca to join Section 9 instead of getting.... you know....


I mean... The way I read it Rebecca already joined S9 as of this chapter. (At least that's how I understood the whole bit about getting her her own armor) It's why I'm so excited to see what kind of person she'll now become; being a part of the group is bound to make her grow differently than if she had kept the same route forward to Edgerunner.

Boobby hill

Ahh our little regular psycho leader skill is growing truly friendship is magic. How interesting this little butterfly will be if things follow like cannon for Maine's crew than David gonna be fucked when he eventually takes overs without Rebecca Good stuff


Sick! I feel sad/disappointed that Maine's crew is comparatively lacking.. but that just means that Motoko and Hiromi are the real deal and will continue being a force to be reckoned with! Cool stuff!


HA! That's if you even realized you landed some! Still remember my surprise every time that little payment came through and I'm wondering what the hell that was from?

Alulim Eridug

Last segment feels a little repetitive, since Ichi seems to be talking to Hiromi and then immediately goes and has the exact same conversation with Toko. Could probably cut one out or merge the two and it would flow a bit easier. Otherwise, good chapter. More Motoko-brand fun (read: violence) is always welcome.

Adam Albright

Thank you! Still loving it!


That would be fairly cool 😎. Considering how much chrome they just got, minus the cheap stuff going to Vic, I'd bet the crew gets some upgrades. Especially Rebecca. The 5 in the elevator probably had some choice bits being the leaders.

White Neko Knight

I could see Maine's crew joining up with S9 a while after Sasha and Rebecca had been part of the group. Maine, after some cyber management, makes a great tank. David is a prodigy who might give Motoko a run for her money with the right cyberwear. Honestly, he'd make a fantastic chrome-sparing partner with a bit of training. Lucy would make a fantastic dedicate runner and could out skill Motoko in her niche. And Motoko can give Kiwi the "I'll end you if you betray us" talk. Of course this only happens months after Sasha and Becca join. And that way Motoko could wingman David when it comes to romancing Lucy. If some other characters join up S9 could even run multiple teams and start competing in the smaller corps.

White Neko Knight

Rebecca has always come off as Polly/flexible regarding relationship dynamics. So I wouldn't be surprised if she started crushing on Mokoto if only a little bit. She's also incredibly loyal and would stick with whomever she ends up with. Which looks like Jun's not a harem.


I really like that Motoko's crew is edgy but they aren't Edgerunners. Several people have mentioned going full PMC. It's not a bad idea. They could hire people like the street kids above her Netrunner lair for shit jobs like guard duty. Use that to filter out the good operators for advanced training and gear. They could even have Motoko build some kind of fabrication machine to build the cybernetic mod blueprints she comes up with so they can be an incentive. While that's going on her main Section 9 crew can do the fun jobs. Ofcourse for that to happen Section 9 would need a home base.


Rebecca running face first into someone that considers their people to be more valuable than their equipment. Gotta be weird for a Night City girl.


It might be fannon but wasn't Kiwi Lucy's in with Maine's crew? I think it would be really hard to get Lucy on the squad with Hiromi's Arasaka connections.


Motoko should take her whole crew for a workout or after work pt just imagine the looks they will give her just for her to make a BD about her badass intense work out bru 💪🏋️‍♀️

Alexander Jonsson

Maybe make some plastique explosives and collapse the scav den, they'll just find it again, or another gang will, better to demolish it and deny the enemy assets like, essentially, a fortified bunker, for a base.

David Hoyt

A PMC would be the worst. Having to deal with the customer, ring expected to work, dealing with competitors, what a drag.

David Hoyt

Maine’s an edgerunner. Long term planning isn’t is bag. I doubt he’d be interested in the concept.


Not necessarily. That's literally what Hiromi lives for. Corpo stuff. Besides, as founding members the OG crew would be calling the shots and could literally do whatever they want. A PMC would just give them an army to call on at need 😆 🤣


She isn't the best best programmer. But she does have a really broad selection, and the ability to come up with inspired solutions.


I wonder if it'd be worth claiming the abandoned PowerPlant and refurbishing it, I wonder how much power sells for in NC? Or just for makoto shenanigans


Right but because of her Debug perk her code is super clean. Even the best programmers can't say that. I'll take a clean optimized no bugs program over anything else ten times out of ten. That's what I meant by her being the best. I mean, didn't she just debug a program for fox girl in like a day? Something that would have taken anyone else days or weeks to do?

King Henry V

Hmm interesting - they’re in that dangerous stage where scaling makes sense, however quality matters and competence is key.


Thanks for the glorious end to another awesome action scene. Kind of looking forward to the aftermath ... - Afteraction Report / Discussion - Loot!!! - Rebecca telling her old crew about it - Sarcasm against Jun - (Maybe) getting in trouble with Fujimura over getting Jun injured


Rebeca fits right in! The little loot goblin


I think it's high time for Jun to step up his game. No need for all of them to become spec-ops, but Rebecca and Jun should definitely learn some discipline.


The scene with Rebecca was *really* solid. Really well done and... emotional in a very understated, honest way that I really appreciate. The gig as a whole was fantastic, loved the disparity between Motoko's "God, this team has no co-op training, I need to fix that, also JUN STOP GOING APESHIT" as apposed to 'Becca being like "Holy shit, I'm so out of my depth, Motoko and her crew are rad as fuck." Also... maybe it's the sheer amount of dark stories I'm reading making me paranoid, but I'm a little bit scared that the Scavs are gonna try and get some revenge against Motoko!


If they do its just gonna be more Eddies in the bank. They've had her twice now and both times fucked her up. I'd be highly surprised if she let it happen again. Plus she's alot more deadly now than she was before.

Different Nick

Yeah, i'm worried she picked a fight not with regular scavs but that "Bratva" she was warned about and their response will be brutal.

J Wils

An important character gets sold to these Scavs, part of their business is XBD's, which in general means anything from sex to fights, but these guys are extreme. They scroll BD's of torture/killing people. The chance of any living hostages is very low.