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Next poll! Remember this doesn't mean I will only focus on the story  chosen in the next month, as Ghost in the City is my current main story, but the winner will receive additional attention. The goal being an additional chapter of my other stories.

New addition. I've written a few short snippets that I don't usually share. Would you like to see me do some editing, or working on other stories to post them?

For the last option, If you select it, comment on what you would want to see.

 I have Wrath of the Righteous story that needs editing. 

A World of Darkness Vampire Vicky story that is about 20 pages. (It didn't go how I wanted so I'm unlikely to continue, but I could edit it and get it ready for posting.) 

And a The Mech Touch Story that I wrote before IBC. It would need a lot of work, but it has my character taking over Ves and working on designing mechs as a mech obsessed otaku.


SpaceingMouse 17

Hey, first time commenting here, but I wanted to offer you something. If you ever feel the need for inspiration for Ghost in the City, I would recommend listening to any of the cyberpunk songs by Miracle of Sound on youtube, and even if you don't need inspiration I'd recommend listening to them anyway! Theirs only three of them but their amazing! I especially think that their song Neon Red could be Motokos theme song! There is also one other song by a channel called JT Music, and it's good, but the Miracle of Sound ones are better. Edit: I was talking about cyberpunk music that you might like and I didn't until now connect those thoughts to Motokos Rockerboy skills, and I had a thought, if she got really good with rockerboy then she might be able to create and sing those songs as her own! They fit the current era and her lifestyle as well so there wouldn't be any awkward questions about what inspired them! It's bloody brilliant!


Thank you! I actually listen to Miracle of Sound already! Neon Red I think is the best of the Cyberpunk songs he has done,


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