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The sun was rising. I stood out on the porch of the little bunk house they had given me staring out over the quiet morning.

Ivy and Kiba were still inside sleeping, but the sun had woken me right up.

Today was the day. 

Today was the first day of the Indigo Conference. My first public battle. I’d be fighting in front of thousands of people, and basically everyone in Kanto would watch it on the TV if they couldn’t come.

“Bliss?” Blissey called out from inside and I turned around to see her coming out. I had released most of my team to get some sleep outside the pokeball, and it looks like Blissey was the first one to wake up. I glanced inside through the window and saw Arcanine still completely unconscious on her back as she snored away.

“I’m okay… Just thinking about what’s coming next. I guess… Change is always scary, even if I’m not really scared of what’s coming?” I offered to her and she nodded, reaching over and patted me on the head.

“Bliss. Blissey.” She offered and I couldn’t help but smile at her comforting words. She patted her arm telling me that we were strong. 

“I know. I don’t have any fear about the conference itself… It’s what comes after.” I took a breath and let it out, this was the Pokemon world. Not Earth. Being famous here wasn’t quite as bad. Although Diantha had issues if I remember right. But she was also an actress and stuff. 

“Blissey?” She called to get my attention, and I looked over and she made a cute face as she stretched out her cheeks.

“Pfft! What?” I gasped out in delight at the silly face as Blissey giggled along with me, and I nudged her with my shoulder as she still giggled at my reaction. “Thanks Blissey. We’ll figure it out… Together.” I added and she nodded happily at me. Then she reached down and touched her stomach.

“Hungry? Yeah me too. Let’s go see what food restaurants are open for trainers!”



After a nice early breakfast, I went back and got dressed and then kicked Kiba out of bed so he’d actually get up, as Ivy had already started her day. 

Then the three of us gathered together to head towards the arena administration area.

There were actually five different arena’s to battle in, and the early matches would all take place in the four smaller arena’s.

Rock, Water, Grass, and Ice. Four arenas that you had to battle in and win a match in each one, before you would have access to the main Indigo Stadium.

“I’m so nervous.” Ivy whispered as we walked along the pretty paths down the streets towards the admin area.

“You’ll be fine! We did some matches, and you know how to battle.” I assured her, but she just gave me a look. 

“Don’t give me that! I’ve never managed to beat you in a real fight!”

“That’s because Vicky is a freak, and you shouldn’t compare yourself to her.” Kiba cut in and I instantly turned to glare at him, but it just slid off his shoulders. 


“Kiba, that's mean!” Ivy added.

“What? I’m right. She’s the Legendary Trainer. I’m just hoping I don’t end up facing her in any of the matches, I want to actually show off you know?”

“Like you have anything to show off for!”

“Hey! I earned all the same badges as you! Just because Vicky didn’t bring me to some distant region for rare pokemon, doesn’t mean I wasn’t adding friends to my stable!” He offered and while the two of my friends bickered, I only felt my heart lighten.

Kiba hadn’t called them his pokemon, or his team, or something like that. He had called them his friends.

Kiba might be a little brat, but he was a good person.

“Kiba.” I interrupted as Ivy was about to start grabbing Kiba’s ear.


“I’m looking forward to seeing how much you’ve grown. I hope we get to face each other during the Conference.”

“That’s sweet and everything Vicky, but I really hope we don’t.” He offered back and I couldn’t help but laugh at his tone, Ivy calming down and giggling as well.

“Huh? Oh hey! Ivy! It’s Ivy! Over here!” A voice started shouting and we all looked up.

“Oh! Ash! Hi!” Ivy cheered back instantly, her face shifting to a happy smile, which made me snicker a bit.

Ivy’s little crush on Ash was still hilarious.

“Oh hey.” Misty greeted as well, and gave me a nod which I nodded back in turn with a wave.

“Huh? Who is this kid?” Kiba asked, and I instantly had a sixth sense.

“I’m Ash Ketchum!” He retorted back and then did something that made me want to crack up, he opened up his vest showing off the eight badges pinned inside.

Kiba took one look at it, and then at the arrogant face Ash was making before making a noise of disgust.

“Everyone here has eight badges you dumbass.” Kiba said bluntly and then he looked over at Brock and blinked. “Gym Leader Brock?”

“Who's the dumbass, dumbass!” Ash snapped back, but Kiba was more interested in Brock.

“Ah, it was… Kiba? Right?”

“Yeah! That’s right.” Kiba said proudly, and I just watched along as Ash’s temper got higher and higher.

“Anyways, we should get out of here Ivy. We need to get our first matches.” Kiba offered and made to move, but then only took a few steps when he noticed that Ivy wasn’t following.

No, Ivy was trying to calm down Ash.

“Don’t mind Kiba Ash, it’s okay. I’m happy to see you got all your badges!” She chirped happily and the sudden look on Kiba’s face shifted as he realized what it meant.

I wonder if Ivy remembered that Kiba had a crush on her? Probably not since she had gotten mad at me for telling her.

I looked at the trainwreck coming to a head and wished I had popcorn.

“That’s a new outfit.” Misty offered me and I turned my face to her without looking away as Kiba marched back.

“Yeah! It’s my Dragon Master outfit.” I explained and while Misty and Brock both turned to me when I said that, I was still too focused on the drama unfolding.

“Hey! How do you know Ivy?” Kiba demanded pushing forward and up to Ash. Kiba I noticed was taller than Ash by a bit and tried to loom over the other boy.

“What’s your deal?” Ash snapped back right away. “Ivy’s a friend! What’s it to you?”

“Why don’t you back-”

“Hey!” Ivy argued, jumping in and pushing Kiba back. “Stop it!”

“Why don’t we have a battle right now then, huh new boy?” Kiba demanded and held up a pokeball, and Ash reached for his own. 

I took a long step back and Misty was quick to follow along with Brock trying to call out, but deciding to just follow my lead.

Before either boy could get into it the sound of a siren was beeped and Officer Jenny pulled up, using her bikes loudspeaker to be heard.

“Hey! No battles! Do I have to pull you in, and make you miss your first day?” She demanded and both boys separated with a hurried backpedaling.

“Besides!” I called out, getting their attention. “Maybe you’ll face each other in the tournament!” I called out and laughed as they both looked to the other and nodded. I could practically see the lightning bolts shoot between the two boys' eyes.

“Well… I’m gonna go sign in cause I want to find out who I’m battling.” I called out as I walked past the boys and laughed as they both spun to chase after me.

Turning around I caught Misty, and Ivy’s eyes and all three of us were smiling at the boys, as Kiba and Ash took off.

“Ah man.” Brock whispered and then broke into a jog to catch up.


“Just press this button and your first battle arena and challenger will be chosen.” The Receptionist offered me, as the button in front of her lit up red.

I nodded and just pressed it without hesitation, looking up as the little monitor did a cute little cycle until it landed on the Water Arena.


My hand reached down for the pokeballs on my belt, and I rubbed my fingers across a certain ball.

It was time.

“Aww. I wanted to face you.” Ash said from behind me, and I blinked as I looked back up at the face of the trainer that was just assigned to me.

It wasn’t someone I recognized, but the girl was older than me, and glaring at the picture.

“Miranda Uchimaki will be your first competitor!”

“Thank you.” I said to the receptionist before turning to Ash. “Keep winning and eventually we’ll face each other.” I offered to Ash, but I had my doubts we would run into each other. I mean, we could, I suppose.

“You bet!” He responded. “Pikachu and I won’t lose this time!”

I just smiled at him, as I knew exactly how strong he was, but I also knew he wasn’t at my level, yet.

But I looked at the clock. 

“3pm, huh.” I muttered. I had a long day of waiting before it would be my turn. Guess I was going to be checking out the competition.


“Mama!” I greeted, happily as I found my family in the arena and rushed over.

“Hey there she is.” Papa greeted back, but Mama just held out her arms and I rushed in for a hug before sitting in the seat they had saved for me.

“Anyone good so far?” I asked Gram Gram, who just scoffed. 

“Not a single one has used a Meowth, or Persian yet. Disappointing.” She offered back, and I noticed her side eyeing me.

“Sorry!” I said cheerfully, which only made her scoff at me more.

I looked over and noticed Ivy’s family was pretty close by, but Ivy hadn’t come up yet.

Heh. She was still hanging out with Ash. I on the other hand reached out and got a smack on my hand as Mama loomed over me holding her popcorn that I had just tried to swipe a few from away from.

“Pleeease?” I asked and Mama went from angry goddess to a gentle smile and tucked the popcorn in my lap.


I looked on and smiled as the next battle began, A Blastoise going up against a Magneton. Ouch, but this could be super interesting!

Pokemon battles! Big official battles, that I was actually spectating! This was so exciting!


“Victory for Ash Ketchum!” The announcer called out and I called out some cheers, but it was pointless, Ivy was on her feet and cheering loud enough for everyone in our section.

Heh. I doubt he even heard her though, because the arena was excited. Ash had an evolution mid battle. That was always exciting. 

His Kingler was so cute too!

But I rose up and looked at Mama and Papa.

“I’m going to get ready.” 

“Good luck Trouble.”

“Beat them up Vicky.” Mama added firmly, and I smiled at how bloodthirsty she sounded.

“That’s right. Go show them what a Ferrous can do.” Gram Gram added and I nodded.

Took a deep breath and headed out. Cape fluttering behind me.

I went down into the waiting room where plenty of nervous trainers were hanging out, and walked over to the screen that had the times for battles. I still had some time. So I pulled up the Pokeball that was going to start and finish this battle.

“This is it. We’re going all out from the start okay? Together.” I whispered and I could feel the ball shake in my grip. As always they were hungry to make that agreement reality.


“And now the start of the Fifth Battle on the Water field!” The announcer called out. And I was ready. This was it.

“On the red side, a returning challenger, Miranda Uchimaki of Celadon City! This is Miranda’s Fourth appearance in the Conference, and we are all looking forward to seeing how far she goes this time!” The announcer called out, and I watched as my opponent headed out of the dark entrance on the other side of the arena and up the small platform. She waved at the crowd that cheered her appearance.

“And on the Green Side! A first year trainer. Victoria Ferrous of Viridian City! And… Dragon Master?” The announcer actually sounded confused as he read it off, and the crowd went from cheering to a wave of confusion running throughout. 

I couldn’t make out any single murmur from the crowd, too many voices all speaking at once, but I knew what they were saying.

Kanto had a Dragon Master? Since when?

I stepped out of the darkened corridor and onto the field, and didn’t hesitate to use my skills I had practiced over the last few days. The wind, and a shifting hand caused my cape to flap in the wind behind me as I walked, and I stood proud.

The confusion of the crowd ended quickly as people cheered regardless, but it wasn’t quite as loud as it had been just before.

That was okay. 

I stepped up onto my platform and locked eyes with my opponent, she looked confused, but there was a sneer across her face regardless.

“Now! Let the fifth battle of the Water Field… Begin!” The announcer called and from that point on, I zoned him out, grabbing a pokeball in my hand and feeling the eager rumble within.

“This is your time to shine! Go! My Blue Heart!”


Miranda Uchimaki

A first year trainer? An easy win. That was her decision as she stood on the podium and heard the announcer call out Victoria Ferrous.

Then everything went sideways. Dragon Master? The hell? Was she one of those weirdo trainers that made up titles for themselves? Kanto didn’t have any Dragon Masters.

She shook it off. It didn’t matter. Head games, or truth, Miranda had experience on her side. This wasn’t her first conference, and she wouldn’t lose!

Miranda’s fist clenched as she considered this conference. It was time. She couldn’t lose this time, she had trained hard, the entire year despite school, and everything else pulling her away, this was the year she was going to win it all!

The girl stepped out and walked casually across the arena without a single hint of worry.

This tiny slip of a girl, a first year was her opponent? She almost felt bad. She remembered being in that position. Her first year. She had faced someone else new at first, gotten lucky and won moving on, but had lost right after against that asshole that had won the entire conference.

It happened sometimes, but this time it would be this girl in her shoes. She wouldn’t go easy on her though. This was too important for any feelings to interfere. 

The girl arrived and their eyes locked. This caused the girl to break out into a smile that was all teeth.

Huh. She had some fight in her. Maybe a bit too much confidence though. 

Miranda was going to pop that right now.

“Now! Let the fifth battle of the Water Field… Begin!” 

And Miranda threw out her Pokemon. The best pokemon to start this battle off with. Unlike this newbie, she knew exactly how this Water Arena would go!

“Dewgong!” Her Beauty called out and she smirked as she got plenty of happy gasps of delight from the arena. Dewgong were pretty after all!

“This is your time to shine! Go! My Blue Heart!”

And Miranda wondered what cutesy pokemon would be called tha-Holy shit that’s a Gyarados! 

She stumbled back as the Gyarados rose out of the water and roared and the arena quivered, Dewgong instantly jumped into the water to hide and Miranda shivered.

Gyarados. This wasn’t the first time she’d seen some new trainer show up with such a powerful pokemon, and every time they were uncontrollable beasts! Sure sometimes they won their matches, but eventually the pokemon would lose control!

Miranda looked up at the announcer, but there was no call from the announcer, about stopping the match, and the Gyarados shifted from roaring to looking down at the water where Beauty was hiding.

“Beauty! ICE!” She called out and winced as the arctic wind suddenly picked up as a Blizzard roared in and suddenly the water started icing up.

Okay. Focus Miranda. You can beat an uncontrollable Gyarados, your next choice was perfect for it if Beauty couldn’t handle it! 

“Blue Heart! Prepare!” She called out and to Miranda’s shock, and the gasps of the audience the Gyarados didn’t start rampaging, but instead began twisting, and shifting. 

What was that?

Then to her surprise, the answer happened. A fat plop of a raindrop slapped into her nose. High above. The sky suddenly filled in, clouds growing, turning the blue sky gray.

Miranda shook it off. A water type buff wouldn’t help!

“Beauty!” Miranda called, and her pokemon knew what to do. Ice continued to grow, but then it suddenly surged forward Avalanche using the already created Ice.

Miranda smirked as the Gyarados was pushed back, and it roared in anger, but then the girl spoke.

“Blue Heart! Together!” She called and the Gyarados looked back for a moment, the girl's fist surged down, and Gyarados followed the movement. Blasting water high into the sky that started freezing as the Blizzard her Beauty was using to try and freeze the water for her next pokemon.

“Going into the water to hide? That won’t work!” Miranda called out, feeling confident as the Gyarados had taken a hit already!

The girl though just smiled, her lips spreading into a look of teeth and hunger. A look that promised something Miranda wasn’t sure she liked.

“Now! Blue Heart! Take your place! Show them all where you belong!” And the girl's fist that had been pointed down blasted into the air above her head, a finger pointing upwards, and Miranda screamed as everything suddenly exploded.

Freezing water smashed over her, and she had to grip onto the railing to keep from falling over, ice chunks smashed around, and she quivered as she realized that the Ice layer she had been building up had been completely smashed to nothing.

But then… Slowly as things calmed down she wiped water out of her eyes and looked at the arena.

Beauty was there… But where was the Gyarados?

“What?” She asked looking around, but it wasn’t until she noticed Beauty looking up that it registered. The Crowd was dead silent, all looking straight up as well, and slowly Miranda raised her head. 

That was impossible.

No way. That couldn’t be!

There were things in life that were the way they were!

Things that swam swam. Things that walked walked. And things that shouldn’t ever be in the sky, shouldn’t be in the sky!

“Conquer it all! Claim your place! What can stand against you who defied fate! BLUE HEART! What’s the sky, but an endless ocean! One that belongs to you!” The girl roared out, and her pokemon roared in time, and then she started laughing.

The girl laughed like a madwoman, feral endless laughter. 

Out from the Grey clouds above, the length of a Gyarados could be seen, flowing into and out of the bottom of the clouds. When had the sky become an ocean?

It was such a stupid thought, but Miranda couldn’t help but think it, especially as the twisting coils would sometimes shift and reveal a Gyarados looking down on them all.

“Flying… Gyarados?” She spoke, and it was about that time the announcer speakers suddenly crackled on.

“F-folks! I-I can’t believe it, but it looks like Trainer Victoria’s Gyarados is flying! Let’s all be calm, this is not a time to panic!”

No. Miranda thought right now was absolutely the time to start panicking.





Oh boy 4am


Nice, something to read on midnight! Thanks


Poor Miranda


Yes please


It's 10am for me so im good


I pretty sure now is the perfect time to panic. Was not expecting to give indigo nightmare in the first battle.

Omni Slime

Thanks for the chapter. Even if you deviously uploaded it at 1 in the morning XD Also this is the moment I've been looking forward to the most. Flying Gyarados never gets old.

Mr Crowley

Wow, not waiting even a second, revealing that on the first fight. Yep her dvd just sold out, and every betting group just had a breakdown.

Mr Crowley

@seras, `Dewgong instantly dumped` is this meant to be jumped?




10 am, Perfect breakfast ^^ Thanks for the chapter!


😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣 OH GOD SHE REVEALED IT 😭 VICKY YOU CAN'T DO THIS TO THE WORLD, THIS IS MORE TERRIFYING THAN TOBIAS FROM SINNOH 😂 As usual Seras, 10/10 so good! Thank you for the chapter!


Oh god, and the league has a collective heart attack


And of course she laughs maniacally, perfect XD Haruka: I blame YOU Victor Victor: That's not a dog, clearly not my fault Falkner: (Drinks to forget) Lance: ... I have so much Training to do now it's going to be amazing Oak: (Is Dead)


Yes !!! Thanks for the chapter!


And so it begins


I've been working on the chapter all day. So I posted it when I finished it. XD


Thank yiu so much for the update. Its the perfect way to start the day<3

Nikolina Roganovic

RIGHT OUT THE GATEEEE Omg I thought she would keep that in her pocket till lance I'm so excited about this chapter!! What I nice treat after a day of work 🥰


Well hey I didn't want to go to sleep anyway. Busting Blue Heart flying in the first match is a total power move, I don't know why I expected any different from Vicky.

Ima Mee

In b4 she's accused of cheating and has to prove Gyarados is actually flying unaided and not using some kind of device or being affected by another Pokemon.

Alex Graham

I'm so hyped for all of the conference, lesgooooo


Haha, not even going to slightly pretend she isn’t a monster, awesome. But also, Uchi…maki? Weeb!


Anakin start panicking Vicky has a planacking


Poor Miranda. Nothing could've prepared her for the Dragon Master Ferrous. And in first round, too

Connor Oswald

Tiny girl Vicky: "go my blue heart" Everyone: awww Vicky: releases Gyarados Everyone: oh shit Vicky: begins monologue Everyone: OH SHIT Gyarados: starts flying Vicky: cackles madly Everyone: PANIK

Connor Oswald

@seras "Head games, or truth, had experience on her side." Is this meant to have a 'she' in it?

Sgt. Tibs

Omg this is so awesome.




wait, what? where's the rest of it?? xD Seras you goddamn tease! what a cliffhanger!! That's fucking right Kanto, shit your pants cause there are flying Gyarados about!


Unfortunate that I can't post the *Screams externally* gif here cause it's a perfect spot.

Lazy Ghost

And now the public and media have an excuse to watch her tape and investigate. By the end of the day she’ll be all over the news right beside her flying sea monster. I guess Vicky decided to rip the bandage off.

Meaning Yellow

suck it johto! we're better; our gyarados can fly!...oh mew, our gyarados fly...hey, uh, what're the real estate prices like in unova?


Thanks for the chapter! May Vicky's reign of terror on the general public begin! Will Vicky release the waterfall magicharp evolution method early? Because, from what I remember, the current magicharp evolution method is make them super stressed and or anger.

Lazy Ghost

Where gonna need a wellness check on Misty


Great Chapter can't wait for the next one



Just A Dude

Sorry Miranda, but at least you'll once again have the consolation of losing to the asshole that's going to win the whole thing. For some reason, though, I feel like Vicky should be quoting a variant of the Shining Finger speech: "This Blue Heart of mine glows with an awesome power! His burning will tells him to defeat you! Take this! His love, his anger, and all of his sorrow! HYPER BEAM!"


Where's the next chapter.... this is torture....


You tease! You can't just drop the chapter without finishing the battle! But thank you for the chapter.

obsidianrandom .

Yeahhh staying up is a success once again

Thomas Hendrix

Can not wait to see the forum post chapter for this


shenron wishes he has Blue heart's Rizz


Awww 🥺


Dropped this banger chapter outta nowhere. Literally, killing me waiting for the next one already.

Lark Sol

Everything I wanted.

Cyrus McEnnis

Now, now, I'm sure a battle hardened trainer like Miranda has an answer for a flying Gyarados. Just wait till next chapter when she'll fight back with the power of friendship!


"Rock, Water, Grass, or Ice, it doesn't really matter does it? With a strong enough Hyper Beam, every arena becomes a Sky arena!" -Vicky, probably.

Michael Zalesny

I wanna see Blissey next! Behold, The Goddess of Gains, She who will see you well! Whether you like it or not! BLISSEY!


I mean, it has a flying type for a reason. I hope someone read Professor Laventon's notes.


Ugh the wait for the next chapter is going to be unbearable


"The girl laughed like a madwoman, feral endless laughter." i can't breath lmao


And thus the great darkening of pants at the Indigo Conference began. May Dragon Master Vicky's reign of terror and friendship be unrivaled and all encompassing


Vicky truly has the exact right temperment to be the Dragon Master she is.


a food restaurants whats a regular restaurant serve, water?

Apollo Above

Absolutely everyone in the Pokemon world: why can Gyarados lean thunder and lightning? Vicky:


"Relax this is no time to panic" "This is the perfect time to panic!"


So good! I am surprised you had her reveal that one card so soon. Please keep the chapters coming. I’m desperate here


Operation "Oh fuck did that little girl just release a FLYING Gyarados!?" was a great success!


Incidentally, I now consider Gyarados' theme song to be Kickstart My Heart.

Duke of Coffee

(“F-folks! I-I can’t believe it, but it looks like Trainer Victoria’s Gyarados is flying! Let’s all be calm, this is not a time to panic!”) *Panic button pressed* 😜 I was kinda hoping for Vicky to surprise Lance but I remember her operation plan. Yep now everyone is going to freak out on Gyarados.

Jacob Gondringer

When is next PTV chapter? Please....

Kayden High

Vicky over here laughing like she’s in One Piece.😂😂😂

Cinnamon Sugar Courtney

Hahahaha! Perfect 🥰 Blue Heart is the best, and now everyone knows she most definitely IS a Dragon Master. (Lol 'Gyarados can fly!?' "They're Flying-Types, aren't they?")


What’s the update schedule for this story?


Every 4 days, I believe. Ghost updates first, and then PtV. Granted, there are days when that is wrong, but that is my rule of thumb for Seras.


I can't wait to see the POV from the opponents. Especially ones that have done their homework on Vicky and know how screwed they are, but fight on anyway.


more like once a week at the moment I think or when Seras has time and muse I guess, while GitC is all 4 days


Right now I'm writing in cycles. Each four day Cycle is one chapter of GitC. Within that Cycle, I write either PTV, or my Original Story Phantom Star every other cycle. So since I just wrote PTV, I'm going to do GitC, then Phantom Star, then GitC, then PTV again. At least that's kind of the goal, but it's also a LOT and I made the slow down on GitC specifically so I could try to ease it up a little, but I've just been super excited for PTV, and Phantom Star, that I just couldn't help myself.

Dodok Sabrefrenzies

Oh shit I just had a thought, does teaching a gyarados how to fly fit the criteria to be a flying master? xD


She's so fucking extra, it's hilarious.

Joseph (T3mmie)

Imagine being surprised when the flying type flys. Couldn't be me!


I need a blurb of her mom fainting in the audience. 😂

Joseph (T3mmie)

Lance is there, this will be a side note if it happens. No way in hell Lance of all people wouldn't be able to tell the Gyarados is flying unaided from close up.


"She has no need to approach you to suplex you, she can SUPLEX THE PLANET INTO YOU AT ANY RANGE!" League: please stop omg


Clair: Why are you smiling?!? Lance: (Absurd rampant joy) I don't know and I can't stop.


Operation turn you into a twenty foot sea serpent part two and now with flying completed XD


Whenever Jirachi comes by and (very sleepily) grants our wish.

Einar Strandberg

Right in her first match, what an awesome time to stake her claim as a competitor to be wary of.


Blue Heart be looping around like he Shenron! Lol!


You know, given a serpentine body shape, he might just be doing the Toothless dance meme in the sky.

Devin Ranaldi

Nice! Wait, is Vicky going to try and sweep with Gyarados? That little genius. Her youngest pokemon who needs battle experience, both to keep the rest of her team hidden and strengthen Gyarados.


Everyone's going to label her as a villain, I swear, calm down Vicky


Glorious. Tftc :)

Nova Hearth

The shock! Vicky's opponent is going down lol! Hope she won't forfeit.....that would be ver disappointing  hehe... I can imagine their expression, eyes popping out of their sockets...hehe.. ゚ ゚ ( Д  ) Thank you


She’s like a mad scientist villain with a death ray. I love it. Tftc!


I mean, yes, from a certain point of view. But the one that has trained and battled with her least is actually Lucario.


I smell a villain Vicky SI in the future. 👀


Mwahahaha! *Flashes Thunder as Blue Heart plays his roll.* "Vicky this is a park. Calm your tits."


Ald blackthorne getting solid confirmation that he was correct making her a dragon master


Should be around Tuesday next week if seras keeps this schedule


Oh god finally!!!!!! Ohhh I loved that and now I'm drooling for the next one!

Eldar Zecore

Vicky’s gone full Chuuni in the first round lol

Eldar Zecore

*Screams of Terror fill the stadium as Blue Heart appears to bite Vicky in half* “What did she mean by Victory Hug!?!?”


AC/DC Thunderstruck plays in the background.


And the best part will be Vicky giving Blue Heart the biggest, gushiest, sweetest cuddles in front of the entire crowd after the battle finishes

Zachary Brown

By the way, did you get ‘Uchimaki’ by just matching Uchiha and Uzumaki? Because that’s too much protagonist power for a girl who is getting smashed round 1.


Please tell me she taught Blue Heart Thunder. It would simply perfect this image...

Serina Tsukaya

I have a sneaking suspicion that Lance might ask if she's a flying master now... Thank you so much for the chapter though... thunder turret gyrados go!


Technically Vicky already went with the “It tells me to grasp victory” version of the speech when Gyardos hyperbeamed Jasmine’s Ace Steelix

Ya Boi

Yay! Id love to see the faces of all her competitors when they realize her whole team is like this


Vicky going full ham there at the end




Glad you didn’t as I’m a readaholic but “Miranda wondered what cutesy pokemon would be called tha-Holy shit that’s a Gyarados!” Is a great way to end a chapter 😂


Vicky doing her part to help unify Kanto and Johto by giving them common experience. This common experience is shared trauma but it’s shared!

Sup3r J4k3

I saw someone else commenting with thunderstruck, which would be another good one. 'Kneel Before Me' would be a decent one for the whole team.


She did, and used it against Koga during their second fight

Sup3r J4k3

Depends on the die needed. D10, she should be ok. D20, she's out cold.


Let’s hope he doesn’t give her his special hug by the end of it, don’t need everyone freaking out even more with a gyarados xD


I mean, that didn’t happen with Jasmine or Clair, I think Vicky has somewhat convinced him to stop.

Luis Umana

Finally! The wait is too much.... We need the next one soon.


This chapter made me laugh so much. I can't wait to see the next ones.

White Neko Knight

How hard do you think Vicky's mom facepalmed?


Flying Gyarados: “ Orbital strike inbound!”


I like Thunderstruck, but the intro takes so long that I feel like it would actually take you out of the flow for Gyarados. Kickstart My Heart can pretty much be put in at any point and go though. For other theme songs? Vicky: Champion by The Score Blissey: Undefeated by Def Leppard Arcanine: Black Betty by Spiderbait Milotic: Sexy Back by Justin Timberlake Lucario: Dogs of War by Blues Saccarano Dragonite: Tricky. Hail to the King?

Sgt. Tibs

Yea I'm hoping for the same. She's gotta show the world how sweet he can be. He just needs to avoid eating her- I mean hugging her.


MOAR!!! NOW! This is so good and I am hungering for more! :D


How do you show the world your OP team? Flying Gyarados First match and ended on a "HELL YEEEAAAAHHH!!" cliffhanger. I don't think anyone would dare to bear the shame of quitting league matches against her, but I don't think they'll bear the curbstomping that's gonna happen in the following matches. Lance and the officials following to watch must be reeling


Yeap and how did she put it? Something along the lines of "I bet he wished he hadn't told her to just go buy some moves!'.


Oh god the first encounter of the Goddess is going to be living nightmare/love/joy for that poor trainer!


That moment where everyone realises the Flyarados is _not_ the scariest 'Mon on Team Vicky.


I know I should let these tournament chapters build up so I can enjoy them all in one go. I also know that I will not be able to stop myself from reading these as soon as they are posted. Why is my will so lacking.


oh man! i thought that name looked funny, but could not figure out the reference until this comment - thank you!

Duke of Coffee

(Kiba took one look at it, and then at the arrogant face Ash was making before making a noise of disgust.) So Kiba is going to be his rival pseudo Gray? 😜


wow that end was great. Thanks for the chapter


VIcky just asserting her Dominance over the Oakless Trash around her.

Crimson Grave

I just realized that the Gym Leaders and Elite Four all have special seating together... and might be witnessing Agatha do her own laugh to match Victoria. I wonder which others would join her? Blaine almost certainly. Maybe Sabrina? They do have that Mentor-Student Bond and Sabrina might think it fits with the Gap Moe. XD Who else though?

Duke of Coffee

Especially Elizabeth, her tactics for a normal Gyarados is not going to be enough for Blue Heart Yeah!?

Duke of Coffee

She really needs to get the Megastone for Gyarados to get even more power. 😉

Sam Costa

This is an amazing time to buy the patreon


Thanks for the new chapter!! The reveal of Blue Heart flying was even better than I had anticipated!!!


To be fair to Miranda, she does have a reason to panic. Gyrados are known for going berserk. A flying Gyrados is worse though, as the most common way of restraining one would likely be strong and defensive Rock or Steel types. Which won't help if Gyrados can just...fly over them. Some poor schmuck in Security is probably rewriting the SOP for violent Gyrados already, at least in their head.

Cristyan Andrés Celemín Murcia

OMG!!! This cliffhanger is killing me. Thank you for the chapter. Also we need a POV from the audience seeing Blue Heart flying XD.

Suika Nine

Unova: Doing Great! Come on over! Vicky: Neat! I've always wanted a Hydregion! Unova: NOT YOU!

Suika Nine

Gary: (Is Unborn but still says "smell you later Ass Ketchup" from beyond the veil of life and death)


That would be soooo goood. Also, if Vicky DOES get a Legendary or Mythical on her team... who do we think it might be? Ogerpon seems possible. Latias as well. Or maybe some UBs? Poipole IS a starter in it's universe.


Dang it now we have to wait an eternity for the next chapter. I’m dying slowly waiting


No, it's an actual japanese name. I just pulled it out of the hat so to speak.


I'm looking forward to the ironvictory update now

Clay Smith

Same. I tell myself I will but I needed to do prior to the tournament starting, moment I read the first chapter of the arc, it was GG

Clay Smith

She did already know Blue Heart could Touch the Skies, pretty sure at least.

Duke of Coffee

Ald Blackthorne meanwhile *Sips Tea* while Clair is screaming in the background: "I knew that was the right decision to crown her a 'Dragon Master'."

Duke of Coffee

I would be worried about the warmongers in Kanto weaponizing Vicky Gyarados for their own ends...... 😞

White Neko Knight

I'm pretty sure this si the first time anyone has seen Blue Heart fly outside of that one village when she went adventuring.

Duke of Coffee

Dang it you broke the pun poke fic titles chain. 😜 Anyway it will be a New Beginnings for Haruka mentally for she has a Borne of Caution for Gyarados for a long time. But for everyone else it will be Helpless effort to run away since Gyarados had a Clouded Sky rain on them. 🤪

Duke of Coffee

(“What?” She asked looking around, but it wasn’t until she noticed Beauty looking up that it registered.) Poor Dewgong, it is going to be pummeled. *Insert William Dafoe looking up meme*


To be fair, I think we're all super excited for PTV and Phantom Star. They're 100% Good.

Sup3r J4k3

For dragonite, maybe 'rip and tear' by Mick Gordon? I dunno, it's kinda hard. Initially, I wanted to say 'pretender' by Infected Mushroom (or something referring to being a pretender to the throne), in reference to being called weak and becoming the strongest afterward. I know there's a song that's like "get ready, because I'm coming for your throne", but for the life of me I can't remember what it was...

Serina Tsukaya

Thunderstruck starts playing.


Thank you. Trying to balance three stories is rough. I might need to make a poll or something sometime soon to figure out what a better schedule would be. XD


I think White Neko just became the Most Evil Trainer. For breaking the joke. XD

White Neko Knight

Bully T.T If you're going to make me an Evil Trainer. I hope you make them evil Like No One Ever Was.


yes Giratina the Dragon Ghost type and also the scariest Pokemon on the planet, exactly Vickys style.


Waiting a full week for the next chapter is pain. I wish I could throw more money at you to read the next chapter now hahaha

marce 900

Magical girl Vicky confidence ✨️


I appreciate the thought. I wish it was just a matter of money, but it's just time. I don't have enough energy and time in a day to write everything.

Crimson Grave

If it was separated by Arena, do you think that they WOULDN'T all be focusing on the arena that had Vicky on it? XD They are all probably anticipating what utter bullshit she would pull off next.


I'm surprised no one suggested one of the Johto Beasts. Just... please don't give her any Legendary that's supposed to be god-like? So... no LAND, no SEA, no TIME, no SPACE... it just always feels weird if those 'primordials' are caught in Pokeballs and carried around. Especially if there is supposed to be only one of each. I'd prefer if she never got a genuine Legendary. Perhaps a mythical like Diancie or Marshadow. But aren't pseudo-legendaries enough?


Oh I know! Further reason I love every chapter you bless us with when you can while keeping an insane date range for your main stories update as well. TU!

Serina Tsukaya

Agatha and Lance... probably Koga and Blaine would deffo show up if they could to watch.

Serina Tsukaya

I wonder if the next one will start with a stampede? Will the lady who moved into the mountains to avoid Gyrados attacks need tp be hospitalized? I mean we'd be shitting our pants if a flying great white showed up that could shoot lazer beams.


I'd be worried about the warmongers trying to poke the gyrados and getting a confusing hug for their trouble


omg the mom in particular having like a ptsd flashback but then being like 'but it's vicky??' contrasting her mental state


How dare you! Spiderbait's cover is a sad pale version of the awesome original by Ram Jam!


Bets on how long it takes her to find an eye-patch to contain her a"wesome power"? Oh, maybe she'll get matching eye-patches for all of her Mons as well. Possibly even tiny capes for them. Goomy and Dratini in particular NEED matching capes and power-restraining eye-patches!


Agatha will laught evilly. Lance will laugh excitedly. Sabrina will giggle creepily.


This is the Pokemon world. There is probably a restaurant somewhere that serves the most exquisite granite.


I feel like this would be on TV in Vicky's world. And she would NOT be happy about the Magikarp segment 12 minutes in. https://youtu.be/LArRmDqt7VE?si=dPFjD5iymKCqZr_l

Suika Nine

We'll give them a crown and welcome them to sit on their Throne of Mud.


I hope Miranda isnt completely crushed by the Vicksperience and continues to train and challenge Pokémon instead of retiring


Seras, could you please make a community chat on the left for your patreon? 🙂 incase we need to talk off topic or something

Ray Ray

Nothing to see here. Just me re reading this for the twentieth time. On the edge of my seat flailing in excitement, and waiting on the next chapter. I’m so stoked to see everyone’s reactions to this. Gah!


“but then it suddenly surged forward Avalanche using the already created Ice” this sentence is missing a word. Maybe it should be “surged forward with Avalanche”