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The Blackthorn arena was really big. Ornate, and set up with a large pool of water in the middle.

As we all walked in, I noticed Clair twitch as the Old Master settled onto a bench on the side of the arena to watch.

But then she shook it off and focused on me.

“Challenger of Blackthorn! You stand upon the peak of battle! Prepare yourself!” She roared out, and I heard the speech in her tone. This was probably what she said to everyone that came through.

“This will be a six on six match! No returns.” The girl that appeared out of a side room spoke up. She was obviously the referee.

“Clair!” I called out then before we could throw out our pokemon. “I’m going to start with my Dragonite!” I informed her and held out the pokeball.

She glared and nodded. Perfectly understanding.

And then it was called, and we both tossed our pokeballs into the arena. 


“Draaaa!” They both called out. My Dragonite was the more aggressive of the two, but that was to be expected. She was here to prove a point after all.

“That’s right, Dragonite! We’ll make them choke on calling you weak!” I called out and that got Dragonite even more fired up.

Clair scoffed, but I could see her Dragonite shift.

Her Dragonite was shaped more like Lances. A bit tubby if I was honest. But wider, bulkier in frame.

It wasn’t nearly as large as her cousin's partner. This Dragonite was strong, but…


“GO!” I roared out, at the same time Clair said her own move.

But it was too late for that. The Dragon Pulse that her Dragonite began charging was cut off, A Dragon Rush slammed into the Dragonite and my girl made no motion to stop as she simply kept pushing. A moment later Clair yelped as her Dragonite was launched straight past her into the building and a torrent of dust and debris swept over her.

“Draaaaa!” Dragonite roared as she floated over the water. That had been a brutal opener.

“Dragonite!” Clair called out, but not in worry, but in anger. “Return it!”

“Draaa!” The roar came out of the dust as suddenly the buzz of noise I attributed to Extreme Speed was heard.

I just grinned.

Clair's Dragonite exploded out of the dust, Extreme Speed making it blur as it rushed my girl.

But my Dragonite fought with Arcanine, Clair’s Dragonite was crazy fast for a moment but when it ended. My Dragonite had managed to grab the claw that was aiming for her face, even if it sent both of them rocketing into the ground.

Unfortunately for Clair, While her Dragon was bigger than mine, mostly in width, I had no doubt what was going to happen next.

Dragonite pushed and suddenly Claire's Dragon yelped and then was slammed sideways as a Dragon Tail slammed into her side. The mass of energy scales covering Dragonites tail made it look like a club as it smashed into the other Dragon and then they were launched back once more smashing into the water of the pool.

Then everything got quiet for a second.

Clair looked from the pool to my Dragonite, and then to me.

And I knew that this match was already over. Because in her eyes I saw the failure of any Dragon. Fear. But then Clair’s eyes hardened, and that fear turned into anger.

Huh. Clair was like Iris’s Dragonite. Some Dragons when you pricked their pride would jump to anger, but for fear to bring up Anger as well? No wonder Iris’s Dragonite rampaged so much.

“Dragonite!” Clair called out. “This isn’t over!” She called, and I knew that she was telling Dragonite to start some trick.

“Dragon Dance!” I called out, and Clair took that in without giving any show of what she felt. Then the wind picked up.

Ah, I think I get it.

The water suddenly surged out of the pool as a Hurricane gathered it all up and turned a hurricane into a Waterspout. And in that surge of water Clair's Dragonite was in charge.

The difference between the way I trained my Dragonite, and the way Clair, and maybe the Blackthorn all did.

I focused on turning her into a monstrous bruiser. Using her defensive ability to just let her keep pushing.

They focused on defense, and special attacks.

The hurricane shifted and slammed into Dragonite, not that it would truly hurt her, but a moment later I caught Claire's plan.

Because the entire thing started freezing.

“Ice huh?” I muttered, as I caught it. Clair's Dragonite came launching itself through the Waterspout spinning around as a smaller tornado of Ice and freezing the wind and water together.

She reached Dragonite and slammed into her, and even I winced at the noise of just how much Ice the Dragonite had dragged up with her.

A moment later it was over, and the Waterspout finished freezing over, as Clair's Dragonite rushed out of the top.

Leaving my girl frozen inside.

But, while it was a really fancy move. It was complicated and intricate, it had one weakness.

“Too weak.” I called out, loud enough for Clair to hear, and her head locked towards me like I had just punched her. “That’s a nice combo move, but Dragonite already finished Dragon Dance.” I called out, and then we all heard it. The Ice cracked, then more and suddenly it burst apart with the sound of a chainsaw blasting through it. 

Clair's Dragonite had stopped moving to see. Slow. The pokemon was too used to stopping mid battle to look and see if her enemy was still fighting.

Clair’s Dragonite was bulky, but it only made her a wider target. 

Clair’s Dragonite had a moment where suddenly her vision was flooded by an angry Dragon, but without the time to react.

Clair… Was far too used to fighting gentle battles, where you never accidentally hit a trainer with an attack. Did she never have a Lt. Surge tell her the dangers? Or a Blaine to almost throw terrain hazards at her?

You don’t stop just because you wanted to see if your move would work. You slip into another move. 

If you hit an enemy with a rock. Start using a buff move while they get out.

If you smashed an enemy away. Charge up another attack for when they come back. I nodded to myself. 

I was still learning. Still had much to gain from every battle, and this was one of them. I’d remind my team about it, on the next training session. And have them all train to instantly switch to something else and not just stand around to see if the battle is over.

The ground shifted under me for a second at the force of Dragonite plowing Clair’s dragon into the ground with a Dragon Rush as big as I had ever seen from her.

Dragonite was fully engaged in this battle, and Clair for all her anger, wasn’t synergizing with her partner.

“Dragonite! Dragon Dance!” I called out instantly once Dragonite burst away from the crater she had created, and she jumped to listen. Then I turned to Clair. 

“You’re too angry!” I called out, “You’re Dragonite isn’t, so you aren’t synced up! Either get your Dragon angry, or calm down!” I yelled at her, and she looked for a second like she was going to blow her top.

Then she stopped and breathed.

And as she did, her Dragonite rose itself out of the dirt wincing a bit as it weakly rose.

“Dragonite!” Clair called, but this time it wasn’t anger, and the two finally synced up.

A moment later her Dragonite was in the air rushing forward once more, but not quite at Extreme Speed levels.

Did she not train her Pokemon to use Extreme Speed to move around? It wasn’t like you had to have a pokemon use Fly to fly in the air. You could have them move at their top speed using a tiny bit of the Extreme Speed Energy before switching it to another. 

I mean I had discovered that with Arcanine years ago!

Then again, Extreme Speed was a Blackthorn Dragonite special, and not something that is normal for the species. So maybe they just never integrated it?

I shook it off. 

Clair’s Dragonite made its move. As it approached I caught it!

“Protect!” I roared out as I caught the trace sign of power building up. Dragonite didn’t hesitate, crossing her arms, and building a Protect shield as the energy suddenly unleashed.

The wave of power was pretty intense. One of the strongest Hyper Beams I had ever seen ripped out of the Dragonite’s mouth.

It rolled over my girl, the energy shooting off sharply as it deflected off the Protect shield.

And then it was over.

Clair's Dragonite gasped heavily, too tired to do much as the smoke cleared and Dragonite roared, Claws of Dragon energy shooting from her claws and she charged into a Dragon Rush.

“Dragonite… Return.” Clair called out and her partner vanished from the crater it had been smashed into. She looked at her pokeball with a long conflicted look on her face, before finally putting it back on her hip.

Then her eyes met mine. “You… Very well. Grandfather is right.” She said and then drew another pokeball. “You have the heart of a Dragon, I’ll acknowledge that… But that? That has nothing to do with this! And I won’t let you win so easily! Go! Dragonite!”

I gasped in delight, another Dragonite!? Did she trick me and not use her strongest right at the start? I couldn’t tell. This one wasn’t as big, but it looked… Hmm. A different build? Clair’s second Dragonite roared out in challenge long and loud.

“Yes.” I said, without restraint as I felt Dragonites returning roar. She was a little beat up, but that was that, and this was this. Dragonite had some recovery moves. And she had a Dragon Dance already buffing her but I couldn’t let Clair think I only knew how to Dragon Rush.  “We won’t be stopped! Clair! Fight me! Show me everything you have, but don’t think for a second, that I won’t show you what I can do too! DRAGONITE! DRACO METEOR!” I howled at the top of my lungs and Dragontie joined me.

A screaming wind ripped apart as Dragonite swallowed the orb of Draconic energy that formed in front of her.

The look Clair gave me was one of horror. Of disbelief. She couldn’t accept that I knew this move.

The Old Master though? Him I noticed was smiling brightly, like Christmas had just come early.

And I laughed letting my delight echo across the battlefield as the Energy of Draco meteor descended, coming to wipe out everything that dared to exist.


“I can’t believe you would do that!” Clair shrieked at me, but I was far too happy to care.

Dragonite hadn’t managed a full sweep. Too many Dragon and Ice attacks had finally taken her out, but pulling out Milotic to take revenge against the Kingdra had surprised Clair enough especially when Milotic had pulled out Dragon Move after Dragon Move.

Then of course Clair had finished off with a Gyarados…

I just laughed harder as Blue Heart nuzzled up to me. That had been a very quick match, in fact it had shocked me just how fast my Blue Heart had battered Claire's Gyarados into unconsciousness.

Maybe she just didn’t train it right?

But now Clair was complaining about the damage to the arena.

What had once been a nice fancy little arena with buildings around it, and a pool in the center was now just craters and ruins.

“If you aren’t ready for a Draco Meteor, don’t pick a fight with a Dragon Master!” I proclaimed fist raised and laughed harder at the way her face went red.

“How do you even know about Draco Meteor!? Grandfather?” Clair demanded looking to the old man that had hobbled over, but he was more interested in Blue Heart, as my sweetheart was perfectly content with cheek rubs as we rubbed our face together.

“Victoria.” He said then turning away from Gyarados to look at me. “If you would, I would like to know how your Dragonite learned Draco Meteor. It is a unique move. Passed down among the Dragon Clans.”

“I taught it to her.” I said simply looking him in the eye to show that I wasn’t joking.

“Impossible! Only the elders can know the secret to-”

“First you raise your draconic energy to its maximum, then bring it all to your chest, condense it, and then release it!” I informed her, giving the same instructions I gave to Dragonite so long ago.

Clair stalled out, her mouth hanging open, and then I heard some chuckles from the Old Master.

“She’s got you there Granddaughter.” He offered and then stroked at his beard a bit. “And you got me too. You taught your pokemon the move yourself… To think. Can I ask, where did you learn this move? It’s supposed to be a closely guarded secret. Not even my Granddaughter knew the instructions.” He explained and I looked at Clair..

Yeah she looked embarrassed that she didn’t know.

“Speaking of Clair. Please remember the value of this knowledge.”

“O-of course! I won’t tell anyone!” She stuttered out, but then both of them looked to me.

Now how do I explain… I could lie and make up a story about meeting the old lady that Ash learned from…

“I’ve been training my pokemon in enhancing their moves. Compressing their energy is a good way to give their power a bit of a kick. It was mostly an accident, until we figured it out.” I explained, and the old man nodded slowly, while Clair continued to look on in disbelief.

“Draco Meteor has been discovered by many across the years. This isn’t unheard of… But to think, a child not even of a Dragon Clan discovering it? Will you not reconsider becoming my apprentice? I assure you, there is much to learn still, even for you.”

I blinked in surprise at the question. The first time had been almost joking, but not, but now he asked again, and he sounded way more serious.

“Grandfather! She is still from Kanto! You can’t just… Invite her in! You know the laws.”

“Ah? Yes, that’s right. There is a law for such a thing.” He mumbled then surprised me with his beard stroking and then he smirked under his beard. “Well there is an easy way to ignore that. After all, a Dragon Master is welcome in Blackthorn from before Johto ever made such silly laws. Victoria Ferrous. I recognize you, someone who recreated Draco Meteor, who has a dragon's heart as a Dragon Master.”

I pointed at myself and he nodded. Making me realize I could actually be knocking off that (Self Proclaimed) Section of my title a lot sooner than I expected!

“G-g K-y N-nnnn!” Clair made a choking noise as if her throat was completely sealing shut.

But I ignored her breakdown and looked at the old Man. No at Ald Blackthorn.

“Thank you.” I responded honestly. I wasn’t sure just what it really meant, and I had been joking about it before, but this was definitely something more serious than just being called a good trainer.

“Hmm! It is no issue. It is the duty of the Dragon Masters to grant the title to those that deserve it.” He said happily and then reached out to Clair who jerked at his touch. “Mhmm.” He offered.

“Wha-? Oh.” She took a deep breath and let it out.

“Dragon Master Ferrous.” She spoke to me, and I jerked a bit at just how official she spoke. Then she reached into her a pouch attached to the back of her belt and held out.

The Rising Badge. With a Star.

“You have defeated me at my best. Proving yourself to have earned this badge… I’ve never handed this badge out to someone that wasn’t from Johto. I want you to know that… I will not let this lie. You’ve defeated me now, but I’ll learn from this defeat, and come to challenge you next time.”

“I’ll be ready.” I said back firmly, because the idea of battling her again wasn’t a bad one. Dragon Trainers were fun. Once she had managed to regain some semblance of pacing after I knocked out her first two Dragonites, she had set up some brutal combos. 

Unfortunately they would have worked better with her Dragonite and not desperately trying to play catchup with her Charizard.

I took the badge and looked it over. The Dragon shaped head was cool. I had always liked this badge.

I pulled out my badge case and had to struggle a bit to make room for it. 

The cases weren’t meant to carry so many badges.

Putting it away I looked up and into the eyes of Clair and the Ald.

“I’ll think about your offer. It’s tempting, like a lot! I love learning new things about my friends, and I’m sure  you all know so many things about Dragon Types, and Dragonite in particular. It sounds amazing.” I said and Ald’s beard shifted into a grin at my words. “But… I’ve been running all around Johto over the last couple days. All I really want to do is get home and sleep in my own bed.”

“Hah! Of course!” Ald said. “The doors to the clan will always be open. Dragon Masters no matter their origin are welcome here no matter the situation.” He reminded me, and that was that.

I turned, catching Bugsy’s rather shocked eyes at everything that had happened… And noticed he was really standing far away? I tilted my head and looked over at Gyarados that was still basically looming over me…

I smiled and hugged him. So cute!

Ah, that’s right. The sun is basically down, and I still need to get Bugsy home.

“C’mon Bugsy! To Azalea Town! I called and he jerked in surprise at my words before nodding.


Dragonite was a little sore from the battle, but after Nurse Joy looked her over, she was willing and able to fly again.

I think she was just as excited to get home as well.

Considering she had been there already, it didn’t take long at all for us to fly down into sleepy Azalea Town, to drop Bugsy off.

The only thing was, he had been real quiet on the flight over.

As we landed, we stepped off and I looked at him, as he looked at me.

“Raincheck on that battle?” I asked, because honestly I was tired and wanted to go home.

“Yeah… I want to do some training first.” He said and I nodded, but neither of us moved.

Finally he spoke. “You weren’t what I was expecting… And you beat Clair.”

“I’ve beaten all the Kanto Gyms. Clair was strong, but I had more trouble with Koga,”

“That’s not what I mean, I mean… I’ve learned a lot from you. Moves, strategies. But more importantly… I think I understand now.” He said and he stood up straight, his floofy hair usually covering his eyes a bit was pushed aside. 

“I’ll become a Bug Master. I’ll learn everything I can about my friends too… And soon I’ll challenge you again. Just like Clair said! Next time it’ll be us coming to challenge you! So, so Dragon Master Vicky! Be ready!” He ended his speech pointing a finger at me, and I felt myself practically vibrating at the idea of more fun battles.

“Yeah! I can’t wait!” I exclaimed, hands shooting into the sky. “Come and challenge me whenever! Learn new things and test them against me! And together let’s grow stronger and show the bonds we have with our friends!”

Bugsy smiled happily at my words, and then before anything else I stepped in and pulled him into a tight hug.

“This was really fun. I’m glad you decided to come with!” I stepped back and then nodded. “Okay! It’s late and I want to get home before my parents are in bed! Good bye for now Bugsy! Smell ya later!” I called out laughing as I jumped onto Dragonite, and we buzzed off into the sky.

I could just faintly hear “Smell ya later?” Echoing back from behind me, making me laugh as Dragonite soared into the sky.


I burst through the front door ignoring the barking of the Growlithe guards as I rushed inside. I found Mama first in the kitchen, looking like she was just finishing washing some dishes. I jumped into the hug that she only barely caught me in time and I was laughing and hugging and just loving the fact I was home.

“Vicky! Wha- Welcome home!” She cheered for me, squeezing me back and holding me tight. 

“Victor! Vicky is home!” Mama called out and Papa was already surging into the kitchen mostly at the Growlithe packs barking and then he laughed in delight and swept both Mama and I up into a hug that had me squeeze between him and Mama as he spun us around.

It was the best feeling ever, and I never wanted it to end.

Of course it did, when Mama laughingly finally poked me to stop hugging her, and sit around the couch.

Instead I flopped on top of Arcany who whoofed a bit at me, but didn’t get up from where he was happily flopped across the living room, and I got to enjoy some moments of the Growlithe pack running up and licking my fingers as I lay limply on top of Arcany.

But then it was story time.

“So then Bugsy and I traveled out of Azalea Town.”

“Wait, you traveled with a Johto Gym Leader, a boy?” Papa asked, and I nodded. 

“Yep. Bugsy is a total Bug Type nerd, so we got along great. He… I think he discovered his reasons to train to get strong along the trip. Plus he helped me out a lot in Goldenrod! But let me tell you the story in order.” I started and Papa nodded with just a grumble.

Heh, Papa was being protective because Bugsy was a boy. That’s cute. I wonder if Bugsy would get an Arcanine talk instead of a Shotgun talk if he ever came over. The idea had me giggling as I continued.

I went through the entire journey. The battles. The evolution of Blissey, and finally.

“Wait… He called you a Dragon Master?” Mama asked, sounding a little faint.

“Mhmm! It sounded pretty official and everything.”

“That’s because it is Vicky.” Mama said and Papa nodded along.

“It takes a lot to become a Master of a type of Pokemon, and it’s not just a title, it’s a responsibility. Rangers might reach out to Masters of a type if they are facing a difficult pokemon… You’re the only Dragon Master in Kanto.”

“Cool.” I said and snuggled deeper into Arcanys fur. Ahh! It smelled like home.

“It’s… Nevermind. I’m sure the association will send someone to discuss what it means soon enough. I’m honestly not even sure about it all.”

“Me either.” Papa added. “Being registered as a Master of a Type is… Big.”

“I think the sixteen star badges will probably mean more.” I offered and reached into my pocket and pulled out my Badge Case.

Mama and Papa both inhaled. Sure I had told them I had done it, but hearing and seeing were two different things I guess.

Mama reached out and I handed them over, and both of them looked over the shining badges with a look of awe.

Yeah it’s pretty awesome. I felt myself yawn a bit and my eyes closed. Arcany was so warm.




She lied to Ald! She said she was going to sleep in her bed, but she slept on Arcanine! Just as expected of a Kantonian! Tsk Tsk.

Andrew Bazhaw

Next up is the conference where Vicky flexes on everyone

fausto escobar

Goes to a gym, shows a move only known by masters, elaborates, leaves.


Thank you for the chapter!


I love this story so much just reading each new chapter makes me giggley-happy (I’m declaring that as a specific subset of happy, and reject all other pre-existing terms for it)

Nikolina Roganovic

IM TOO HYPE FOR 8 AM IN THE MORNINGGGGG, Ugh what an amazing chapter it was so thrilling!!! The battle with Claire was amazing now I'm so pumped for the battles coming in the league bejshxhdjejd I don't have brain power the articulate how excited I am I love this story so much 😍


Just remember, Lady of D. is still a terrible abbreviation.

Luker number 5

Absolutely fantastic chapter


That shit cute XD

Omni Slime

LETS GOOOOO! Glad Vicky managed to speedrun and get all the badges before the conference. Looking forward to who she ends up picking as her 6th (I'm hoping Mimikyu). Lucario is nice and all, but she seems more like a temporary partner for Vicky. And creeping out spectators with Mimikyu will always end up being funny.

Jonathan Shaw

She beat johto super quick. How many days was she their again.


Lance, after finding out that Vicky is recognized as a Dragon Master: ...Wot? What do you mean she blew up the gym?!


TFTC I love how you smashed Claire she was always really annoying in the game


She didn’t even show Ald all her other dragon types even after being recognised as a dragon master, big sad


Woo, Johto arc finished! The tight pacing was super impressive. Also established Lucario as a solid 6th member in a way that felt really natural.


Amazing chapter awesome battle.


A glorious end to a very fun little arc here with the Johto Gyms. A nice little teaser with the true meaning of being a Dragon Master. I can't wait to see more of where that will go. Been loving PTV lately. Always happy to see more chapters come out from it!


I second the vote for Mimikyu, though they will definitely need to have a bit of a training arc together before the conference.

White Neko Knight

It wasn't until this chapter that I realized just how much adventure there is for Vicky. People have been wondering what Vicky will do after she defeats Lance and wows all of Indigo, and this chapter sets the stage. She's now a recognized as a Dragon Master, there's 17 more typs to master before she can gain the title of Pokémon Master. Along the way she can open up trade routs with other regions, and set the foundation for an international Pokémon league.


I really want that scene, just a procession of Dragon types. Edit/Note: Obviously not trying to push any specific scenes to happen, but if its something planned i think It will work great :)


Time to commission a custom case, or rather the parents will do it while vicky sleeps


I kinda wanted the old man to be invited back to see the 'new' dragons but i guess the two regions may have made a scene about him crossing boarders.


Honestly I do worry a bit about the power scaling. Vicky has destroyed _every_ gym leader whilst making it look easy. Unless the Elite 4 are like an order of magnitude harder - unlikely IMO - she's going to roflstomp them too. We need more challenge frpm _somewhere_. ...Basically I'm hoping the Conference gets interrupted by an angry Legendary.


Unless she considers the floof of Arcanine as her bed. Which I would do if I had one!


thought: is there any subsidy or something for conference seats for family/close friends of conference contestants? how are vicky's family and the rest of her pokemon going to be watching the conference?


And to think they didn’t even get to see Blue Heart fly. Not sure Clair would be able to speak at all if the lonely noodle asserted air superiority.


ZZZ...nurse joy, of course you can take our picture...ZZZ


Her don’t give af attitude about certain things is just one of my favorite part of this story. Fantastic chapter.


Behold the power of gremlin energy! the gym leaders know. The Kanto and Johto governments know. Soon the poke-public will know. All shall despair before Legendary Pokemon Team!


I think everyone missed the really important part of Vicky being recognized as a Dragon Master. She can finally wear a cape!


One Mastery down. All the rest to go!!

Homeless One

WOOO! Finally done with all the star badges... For now... Crazy excited to see what's next!

Just A Dude

Pretty sure Vicky is the Pokeworld equivalent of a young Michael Jordan, and she's just about to hit the playoffs of her freshman season at UNC. For those that don't know your sports history: he won the NCAA championship his freshman year.


I love how herself Vicky is.


Oh, no! She forgot to ask for a cape! Oh, well. Gotta ask Mimikyu to make one!


I love the conclusion of this arc. Very cute. I am hopeful that we'll see an interlude from another point of view. I can just imagine this 10 year old girl laughing maniacally as she calls down a Draco Meteor.


Most people just drive there, or take a cab, or a pokemon. Otherwise it'll be on TV. It's like the yearly olympics. It's HUGE.


Can’t wait for the next IronVictory omake, especially with Vicky being officially declared ‘The Dragon Master’ for Kanto



Duke of Coffee

So it is finally official, Victoria Ferrous is now recognized as Dragon Master, can't wait for the Johto fanatics to go reeeeeeee. 😜 Glad Clair gave the badge although under a watchful eye of the Ald Blackthorn despite her misgivings and her gym being trashed in the process. Still for Ald to keep eyeing Vicky Gyarados/Blue Heart, must be that he is trying to comprehend how a newly minted Dragon Master manage to calm him down and focus only on his trainer instead of going into a rampage. Haha, if Ash and Vicky meet again in the Conference, he will be stumped after Vicky puts him down giving even Brock and Misty a surprise of their lives. Glad Bugsy got the "bugs" to finally step forward to be fully be a Bug Master, can't wait to see what he can do in a rematch with her if she comes around for a visit again in far future. And nothing is better than seeing Vicky going back to the family and relaxing now that she is back from her speed run accomplishment, I wonder if her record will forever be not beaten since she got all 16 star badges.


I'm so excited to see what comes next. Perhaps training with Agatha? Maybe training Zelos and Ivy? Teleport Arcanine and Blissey training? So excite.

White Neko Knight

Naw. Vicky is super strong, but she's not unbeatable. I'd say she's a bit stronger than Lance. I wouldn't be surprised if she only beats him 4/6. Cynthia would stomp her as she is now, same for Leon. Vicky is a champion level trainer, it's not surprising she's crushing everyone.


theres also the traditional journey with her dragon types

White Neko Knight

Also, my 4/6 prediction is based on Lance Not training for Vicky. With the right prep and strategy the match could go 5/6 or a tie.


I love your stories. Thanks seras.


It's Vicky's Hot Girl Summer ☀️ 😊

Serina Tsukaya

Vicky cackling as she rai ns down destruction sure is one of the highlights. This is so much fun and i can't wait for the time when she's called in to solve a dragon problem and people just look at this short stack, then whoever brings her and is like. That is an actual 10 year old, wtf don't you have anyone better? Now that she's been shown to be a WMD scale threat i betcha she'll be monitored a lot more closely.


Nah, Lance will laugh and Clair and go "See, this is what happens when you don't take a Dragon Trainer seriously!"

Nova Hearth

Yes! Dragon Master Vicky 🙌 😎 😍 👌 ♥️


Quick thought for 2 vs 2 Dragonite + Blissey = Draco Meteor + Gravity to make the hits even stronger and to stop anyone from being able to run away


That whole chapter was glorious. Thank you truly

A Bellator

Loved the chapter and got a kick of the Simpsons reference. Now which one will cause more political chaos? A Kanto Dragon Master or a clean sweep of Johto star badges within several days in near back to back order...

Duke of Coffee

Yeah a 16 star star badges case with Milotic and Dragonite scales for the outside looks while Arcanine fluffy fur is for the inside. 😉

Duke of Coffee

Blue Heart Fly move maybe is for the Conference or Elite Four matches, it will depend on if the trainers are strong enough in Conference... 🤔


If she seriously struggled with the gyms, she wouldn't be a champion contender. The E4 are stronger, and the champion is stronger still.


Ha, wait until Claire sees some dragon type Z-moves. I cannot wait for Vicky to get a Z-ring.

Dwayne Parker

Eh, she didn’t exactly sweep Kanto. The gym leaders on that side scale older and were giving her the business. Let’s not act like Koga never happened. And he’s apparently elite 4 level. And he’s intimately familiar with the way she battles. And getting stronger. I fully expect her opponents at that level have every chance to win.

Ya Boi

Yay! I wanna see her beat every gym in the world! Great chappy


This and the Pryce battle were so good. Amazing fight scenes (cool moves on either case, But Claire was just a little better than the gray Pryce because they were both more invested, and it meant more to Claire), and great pacing to keep things moving. The whole Johto arc was a lot of fun as a whole, and this was a great finale.

Cinnamon Sugar Courtney

Her Dragonite was shaped more like Lances. Her Dragonite was shaped more like Lance's. The Dragon Pulse that her Dragonite began charging was cut off, A Dragon Rush slammed into the Dragonite and The Dragon Pulse that her Dragonite began charging was cut off; Dragon Rush slammed into the Dragonite, and But my Dragonite fought with Arcanine, Clair’s Dragonite was crazy fast for a moment but when it ended. But my Dragonite fought with Arcanine; Clair’s Dragonite was crazy fast for a moment, but when it ended? Unfortunately for Clair, While her Unfortunately for Clair, while her The mass of energy scales covering Dragonites tail The mass of energy scales covering Dragonite's tail Dragon and then they were launched back once more smashing into the water of the pool. Dragon, and then they were launched back once more, smashing into the water of the pool. I caught Claire's plan. I caught Clair's plan. stopping mid battle stopping mid-battle I felt Dragonites returning I felt Dragonite's returning energy of Draco meteor energy of Draco Meteor battered Claire's Gyarados battered Clair's Gyarados What had once been a nice fancy little arena with buildings around it, and a pool in the center was now just craters and ruins. What had once been a nice fancy little arena, with buildings around it and a pool in the center, was now just craters and ruins. No at Ald Blackthorn. No, at Ald Blackthorn. Clair and the Ald. Clair and Ald. (unless Ald is a title? I thought it was a name but I could be mistaken, If it *is* a title, then 'the' would be appropriate) And now Vicky is officially Kanto's First Dragon Master~! And probably broke records with her 16 Star Badges in a single gym season. :3 I hope that you're doing fine and PTV will be a good story to work on while you're feeling a bit burnt out on GitC. Thanks for the Chapter!


So, Considering that Pryce used to be a Champion, I wonder if his star team was champion level, though it’s possible he let himself go in his old age, he should still at least be E4 level. Though that if he actually did use his personal team, but he seemed to upset for that not be the case.


I imagine Vicky's immediate family will be there tho. If nothing else, Gram Gram has strings she can pull.


Clearly this is set up for Ald visiting the Ferrous Goomy flock.

A disgruntled nondescript squirrel

They all live~, in a Pokémon world~. She wants to be~, the greatest Master of the all~, The Greatest MASTER!


I just found out about your patreon! I hope the funds from it make your life a little easier! So happy to join up for even a single advanced chapter!

Lark Sol

This was exactly what I wanted, thank you!


Sooo good! Also for future training... Do Goodra even have muscles? Or like???? Like a muscular Goodra that is significantly less friend shaped from a life of training under Blissey's Gravity sounds genuinely terrifying. Also I feel like we need commissioned Art of Vicky's Championship winning team


Thanks for the unexpected chapter, and an excellent conclusion to this story arc. It's really nice to see opponents simply acknowledging Vicky's skill and promising to do better in the future, instead of the pointless drama that often happens in situations like this.


They will never be less friend shaped. All pokemon are always friend shaped.

Michael Zalesny

Now i want a political reaction chapter to a Jotho sweep

Duke of Coffee

Was it a week or two? 🤔 Because it does feel like a week flew fast when reading it.


Thanks for the chapter!


.... I read that as "Dragon Ball Z type moves" and thought "yeah that makes sense, vicky's pokemon being able to go super saiyan through determination and love"


Vicky just running around living her best life meanwhile the Association is terrified of this wild child who seems to not give a single fucks about what they think and there is little they can do about it. I imagine this was what Red was like for the Association during his time, the dude was a true Pokemon Master who just decided to raise a bunch of monsters and then said fuck civilization despite being the Champion and banished into the wilds to live the hermit lifestyle and continue improving his partners strength and bonds.

Nef Mccrimmon

We neeed anothers pov of vickys greatness lol


Casual drop of large news and sleeps. This is why shes the best.


Damn, acknowledged! By both! A welcome suprise. This chapter got me thinking of what an evolution of Draco Meteor would look like. A true meteoric shower, an avalanche of meteors slamming into the ground and blowing up, or breaking apart into smaller chunks mid flight like the classic Draco Meteor. I'll call it Draconic Starfall. Maybe one day, Vicky could make a truly original move, make it her signature. Even if she fails, that sounds like a great way to train a dragon's special stat. But overall, it was just cool to imagine. Great chapter!


How will the Association handle a little girl basically declaring and winning a war with the strongest of Johto while also being acknowledged. Cant wait.

Kayden High

Any hints about what Vicky will do after the league and possibly the Elite Four?


My guess is making the world less Oakless, whilst exploring the other regions. She might decide to drop some knowledge, take a trip to Hoenn, come back and drop more knowledge. Rinse and repeat. Using her trips as her excuse for "learning it" or "figuring stuff out". She'll definitely be the most eccentric Champion, that's for sure...

Joseph (T3mmie)

AAAAAHMYGOD I love the energy this story has sooo much! I could really feel the happy fluffy energy coming from this. I don't think I've read another story that made me feel this way except ascendance of a bookworm sometimes?

Joseph (T3mmie)

Can't wait to see how the world reacts to this lol

Kevin Neely

Fantastic chappie


I have to wonder if there aren't rumors of a young girl crushing gyms circulating around both regions by now. This feels like the kind of thing that if Vicky's matches had an audience would be all over the news. Might be a fun side story.

Doggos R. Puppers

Damn Seras, this was some fucking Shonen Battle Maniac Anime moment for sure. The draco meteor bit with Vicky yelling. Chef's kiss.


Lets fucking goooo. Dragon master Vicky back at it again kicking ass and making friends every where she goes. Unstoppable force of nature that she is.


16 badges? Indigo-silver dual conference champion?


This story brings me a lot of joy ♥️🙏 such a satisfying end to the johto trip


I wish Vicky helped Bugsy and Pryce a bit more... Erika had a Tangrowth, does Bugsy have a Yanmega? Is it a family secret?

Ricco Goldsboro


Ricco Goldsboro

This is link I found your story on figured you should know

Ricco Goldsboro

For some reason. I can't message you directly this was best I could do sorry 😐

Ricco Goldsboro

Since I know you don't post on this particular site


Hmm. You know, if the Blackthornes get away with Gyrados, Charizard, and aerodactyl because of morphological similarities without needing the actual type, there is at least one interesting possibility.


V tuber Vicky explaining the secrets of the pokemon world to anyone that will listen.


The journey is done and the pieces have been collected, they're gonna be such a fine set piece for the family mantle after. I wonder if the Clan will ask for them to be displayed in the compound for prestige, but of course Vicky has the final say. Now dubbed a Dragon Master by the most senior authority between the two regions, and having defeated all 16 major gyms of the League, things are about to get spicy. While publicly things are fine, behind the scenes, all of the League Staff and any Clans watching her must freaking out. She is both the flagship for Kanto and the bane of Johto, and the envy of all the Clans. Sales for Vicky is gonna definitely be pushed, I wouldn't even be surprised if a jewelry lineup from the League selling pieces of Clan Ferrous' Milotic herd or the plushie and poster sales or replica giant straw hats. She is Kanto's Tanya Degurechaff, their own Argent and little Devil of Veridian


Why not a Mother Son duo of dual Draco Meteors?

Serina Tsukaya

I dunno, a ten year old wearing a cape? Might seem a bit... like she's trying to cosplay lance... plus her farmer girl outfit combined with a cape.... *shudder*

Serina Tsukaya

I imagined a steve Irwin style tv show where she casually just drops the most crazy truth bombs about the world and pokemon she encounters.


thanks for the chapter~!


I was thinking: Vicky basically has the equivalent of sixteen major dojo signs, a Master's, and a small personal army, all while looking like God's model hick. And then I realized: The Ballad of Victoria Ferrous (The Indigo Hillbilly)

NDF 07

Day 1: Falkner, Bugsy Day 2: Morty Day 3:Whitney,Chuck Day 4: Jasmine, Pryce, Clair


And the theme song: Come and listen to my story about Victoria, Never seemed to pay attention, always in euphoria, And then one day she was playing in the pond, And down through the stream come a val'ble bond. Milotic that is, rainbow gold, pure beauty. Well the first thing you know Vicky's a millionaire, The kinfolk said "Girl move away from there" Said "Fuschia City is the place you ought to be" So they loaded up the truck and they moved to security Clan, that is. Dragon pools, high walls.


Shes done everything she needs to stomp into the conference with the most 'come at me bro' attitude she can, now its time to unwind some more, keep training to keep all her pokemon sharp/leveling up and maybe occasionally side quests for fun/interesting stuff she wants to get done along the way. Can't wait for more 😀


Vicky needs a cape now that she's a dragon master.


Thanks for the new chapter!!


Oh my god your right!! It is only natural after all!


I was a bit confused about this chapter. Was clair using dragonair or dragonite as her first two? Cause the previous chapter and beginning of this seem to imply the former, but the rest of the chapter the latter.


I think the implication is that the Dragonair is her personal pokemon, while the team she used in the challenge were gym pokemon. Remember the biggest problem with Dragons is their attitude and that they take a while to grow. Claire hasn't had time to hand raise one yet, much less a full team of them. Notice how she had trouble synching with the Dragonite.


Sure, but the dragon she sends out first is mostly called dragonite, but used the preee sound that dragonair makes, and some of the early bits of the chapter seem to imply a more serpentine body plan, before the comparison to another dragonite is made. Could just used a bit of clarification.


I think Vicky needs a makeover before the tournament, cape with hood, dragon skin boots and vest, she's still a kid so, pink dratini shirt, maybe? Hmm, skirt or shorts? Hard to decide, jean shorts or pants until she's older I think


Why is a Gyarados adorable?


Clair sent out a Dragonite. She just rides around on a Dragonair.


The story description makes it clear they aren't actually impersonating you at least. They're just very stupid to think this kind of thing is okay to do. Also seem to be from Spacebattles from the note so it might be worth asking around there to find out who's doing it. The last bit at the bottom is Ukrainian for "hello from" according to Google translate.


Drako meteor with swift properties, Starfall indeed

Serina Tsukaya

I will always be partial to a cute girl who turns out to be capable of horrific levels of destruction. I mean, she's ten. I honestly find the farmer girl look though hilariousy cute.


I humbly request that brave gets their introduction on SB


I wonder if there's going to be lines of gym leaders eager to get a rematch with Vicky. She's going to need her own special gym field, a gym for gym leaders to challenge.