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I felt my teeth clatter together. Pryces opening act had been to slam some sort of bastard child of Hail and Blizzard into each other and it had started snowing like crazy ever since. Literally blocking out sight with how dense it was, and I was pretty sure he could keep powering it up with another Hail. Or scarily it might be self perpetuating.

If not for my goggles I might not even be able to see through just how cold the world around me was.

But it didn’t matter.

Arcanines Fire had cut through Pokemon after Pokemon, and then when I finally pulled her back Lucario had come out, to get experience of what pokemon battles were like at the highest peak.

She hadn’t managed a KO, but she had weakened Pryces Dewgong enough that My Blue Heart had knocked it out. Then had managed a good deal of damage before we ended up where we were now.

Pryces Lapras against Milotic. His final pokemon.

My Lazy Fish was going all out. Water against Ice and Water.

But Pryce was a fucking asshole!

“Wake up Milotic!” I called out, as Pryce had taken brutal advantage of just how many status effects Lapras could inflict. Frozen, Sleep, and Confusion, all while dropping Blizzards constantly on the field.

“Miiii!” Milotic awoke as Lapras smashed another massive chunk of ice where he had been a moment before.

Lapras was using some variant of Sheer Cold I think to make Icebergs in the arena and then Surf to Smash them into Milotic whenever he was disabled.

Milotic was doing well against it, but they were still brutal attacks. The Iceberg might have been dodged, but it didn’t stop and hit the solid earth around the lake that we were fighting in, that had once been nothing but solid ice until Arcanine had melted it down, and Pryce had used it to launch a insanely powerful Avalanche.

It was lucky that Arcanine wasn’t a Charmander, or else she might have gone out if she had been dunked into the freezing water so hard.

But Milotic was in his element, and suddenly all of Pryces work to defeat my fire type was working against him.

Lapras, realizing its Iceberg had missed, dived into the water to prepare another one, but Milotic was in the water too.

And I could feel it. The way he had shifted and cried out when he woke back up. The water blasted out of his spouts when he realized he had been put to sleep again.

A moment later Lapras was launched out of the water, Milotic under the Lapras with his tail covered in Dragon Scales.

Dragon Tail wasn’t his strongest move, but it was a strong normally effective move in this case.

Lapras hit the water again with a massive splash, and through the snow that still coated everything I could see Pryce, his own face covered in goggles, and a bandana was not pleased.

“Milotic! Twister!” I shouted at him and I saw his eye shift to me for a second confirming he had heard me.

A moment later he dived into the water just as Lapras breached the surface, already shooting Ice Beams around to make room.

Then from the water a purple tornado shot out, but it wasn’t just the dragon type energy, along with it came water.

Lapras reacted with an Ice Beam blasting against the energy of the Twister and slowing it, but it was still sucking water into it, and finally when the attacks finished there was an Iceberg of my own.

Milotic surged forth and his tail was cocked back.

Pryce yelled something, but I couldn’t hear him. The sound of the blizzard and cracking ice made any orders given by one of us incredibly hard to hear from the other.

And then it was launched. The massive spike of Ice was Aqua Tailed right out of the water and smashed into Lapras with terrific force.

I smiled as water shot forward in a wave, and even Pryce had to jump back to avoid the wave of freezing water that nearly swamped him.

Try to freeze me out? Let’s see how you like being dunked in arctic water yourself Ice Boy!

Lapras shook off the attack, once more opening her mouth and singing and I watched as Milotic froze, his eyes blinking slowly as he fought it, but then he slumped once more asleep.

And once more the battle reset. 

I smirked as Lapras, used Life Dew, at least I’m pretty sure that’s what the move was, and some of the wounds it had taken faded away as it restored it’s health. Milotics Aqua Ring was already working.

What Pryce didn’t know is that Milotic had already used Safeguard once he woke up and had a chance.

The moment he heard Sing, he had just instantly used Recover and pretended to be asleep..

I wasn’t kidding when I said it was a reset. Between the two Milotic had definitely recovered more health, and Lapras and Pryce now both thought they had the advantage.

I watched in the water, as Milotic slowly curled up. Pryce might have been able to catch it, but I doubted he could see very clearly, not with how much of a mess we had just made of the water and the snow still falling.

Coil increased Attack, Defense, and accuracy of moves. 

Once the move was complete, It was time.

“Extreme Dragon Tail!” I roared out as loud as I could to be heard over the noise.

A momentary flicker, as Milotic opened his eyes, and then a blur, a noise so familiar echoed out, and suddenly Milotic was gone.

Extreme Speed.

I could tell I caught Lapras and Pryce off guard as neither reacted before it was already over.

The only thing that remained was the half second of cavitation through the water that connected where Milotic had been, to where Lapras had been.

Because the poor Lapras was smashed hard enough to fly out of the water as Milotic showed just how much the lazy fish had been forced into muscle training.

Pryce had nearly been knocked off his feet as Lapras landed near him, the poor things eyes were all dizzy.

Knocked out.

Huh. I didn’t expect a knock out there. I thought it would have taken another hit.

Finally Pryce grabbed a pokeball and a moment later Lapras was gone.

“Miiiii!” Milotic whistled out through his spouts as he leapt out of the water showing off how pretty he was before splashing down.

Neither Pryce or I moved after. Even as Milotic splashed around in delight. Only once the blizzard finally ended letting us have some ability to see did we both move.

The arena was a mess, and I could hardly see the ground. Water had splashed up everywhere and it was literally freezing. Slowly we each stepped down from our battle locations. Old stone carved into platforms near the lake. Each taking our own path, as we picked our way back towards the building that had a heated room.

Bugsy was sitting outside of it, still rubbing his hands together as he had stayed out to watch.

Pryce reached it first, the old man had a lot of experience walking over the stone ice, and freezing water.

He stepped right past Bugsy and into the almost blistering hot room.

But I wasn’t heading there right away. At the edge of the lake I turned and Milotic was there. He was aware enough not to start rubbing against me, but while I was definitely cold, he seemed unbothered by the cold.

“You did amazing.” I told him.

“Miiii!” He shouted out a whistle cry before wiggling in delight. 

“I’m so impressed right now. But I’m also super duper freezing. You want to return?” I asked and he nodded. 

“We’ll talk later.” I told him as I placed his pokeball on my belt with frozen fingers and hurried to the building.

Bugsy looked relieved when I arrived and opened the door as I rushed in.

“Close the door!” The old man scolded, but he did once we were both inside, and Pryce glared. As he had already collapsed into a big comfy chair, around a fire pit, only it didn’t have a fire, but a Slugma sleeping in it.

Bugsy and I both hurried over and stuck out our hands shivering despite the heat as I felt warmth spread back through my hands.

“Beaten by a child.” Pryce finally spoke and I looked up to meet his eyes.

Anger and disgust continued to mar his face, but there was something else there.

A hint of respect buried under everything.

“You’re strong.” I told him, honestly. 

“Tsk. You beat three of my pokemon with just that Arcanine. Strong. If you hadn’t just beaten me, I’d ask if you even know the meaning of the word.” He grumbled a bit. Then spoke again. “You defeated me… It’s yours.” He tossed something and I fumbled to grab it, before managing. 

The Glacier Badge, with a star.

“And you! If the old master of Azalea Town could see his successor now! Following around a Kanto girl!”

Bugsy jerked back as if struck but to my surprise he didn’t fold. 

“Vicky agreed to let me accompany her, and I’ve learned a lot. I’ve seen more high end battles in the last week than I have… Ever.” He answered truthfully. “It showed me a lot. My own weakness, especially. I don’t think I bring shame to anyone in realizing how much I still have to learn.” 

His retort sent Pryce back a bit but the old man scoffed.

“Good, grow strong. But keep in mind what it means for her to be from Kanto. You’ll face her someday, on a battlefield. Or as she comes to raid your home.”

“If she does, then I’ll fight her!” Bugsy said, shocking me as he sat up. “But maybe if we make friends! Maybe there won’t be any fighting anymore!”

“Friends, what a pointless concept. You’ll understand someday, when those friends of yours betray you.” Pryce responded back, then he turned to me. “Once you are warm, get out. I have to allow you to battle the Gym, doesn’t mean I have to like a damn Kanton brat stay any longer than that.”

“Sure.” I offered and instead of staying any longer I stood up. Time to have a brisk walk to the Pokemon Center.


“I’m sorry.” Bugsy offered as we flopped onto the not quite as warm Pokemon Center, but with my pokemon handed off Arcanine would likely be out and about soon acting as a good space heater.

“What?” I asked then as I looked up from my paper cup of hot chocolate that Nurse Joy had given Bugsy and I when we came in. I guess facing Pryce meant a lot of kids came in freezing their butts off.

“About Gym Leader Pryce… He shouldn’t have spoken like that.” Bugsy said then and I just started laughing. Which was probably a bit mean. “It’s not funny!”

“It kinda is. Listen, Pyrce has his reasons, and I don’t like them either. But I also just don’t care.”

Bugsy looked at me in surprise. “What? You should!”

“Eh. It takes too much energy to care what other people think. I’m just going to live my life, and the people that are angry or bitter? That’s not my problem. So I’m just not going to worry about it. If I have to, I’ll just fight Pryce again!” I laughed at that, and Bugsy nodded slowly.

Bugsy in the end looked away. “He still shouldn’t have treated you like that. We’re Johtans, we are supposed to be better than that.”

“You know Bugsy, if you think so? Then just show people that you are better and other people will follow.” I said and then I smiled. “I think, if you are the normal Johtan, then they are pretty nice actually.”

I laughed as he flushed a bit, and nodded. 

Now? Now just wait for Nurse Joy to finish healing my team.

It was time to face my final challenge.


The sun wasn’t quite setting, but considering Blackthorn City was up in the mountains, it felt later as we flew through the mountain passes.

I didn’t even need to guide Dragonite so much. Not here. No, we just looked around and could practically follow the signs.

If the markings of Dragons scraping the mountains wasn’t enough. If the slight smell that I associated with Dragonite wasn’t there. If the faint sound of Dragonite noises echoed off the mountains wasn’t enough.

It was the fact that as soon as we entered the mountain space we had followers.

Dragonite flew by, some coming down close to take a look before flying away. All of them were trained Pokemon. Not a single wild one among the bunch. Just Dragonite living their lives in the mountains when not with their trainer coming to check out the new arrival.

Then we cleared around the side of a mountain, following a road that hugged the mountain, and it opened up into a basin. Probably a volcanic one if I had to guess.. 

And there it was. A full city.

And a whole lot of Dragons.

Dragonite looked back at me, as we flew in and I nodded. We both knew what we were here for.

Dragonite slowed, to a hover and I could feel her muscles clenching under us.

“Wha-What’s going on?” Bugsy asked, over the wind, but I ignored him for a moment. Because Dragonite let it all out.

A roar, a release of all the power she had gained a statement and a challenge.

Instantly many Dragonite bolted away. Some that I could see around the area looked up, but Dragonite were pretty chill. So none of them seemed to rush to react.

Except one. It only took a minute before we got a response.

An echo of a roar returned to us, and out from a large compound sectioned off in one part of the city came a rather large Dragonite.

I could tell, because despite being far away, it was still very visible. And as it approached, I expected Clair. Lance should still be in Kitakami after all, but I was doubly surprised.

Riding casually on this rather large Dragonites back was actually an old man.

What little hair on his head long gone white, bushy white beard, and eyebrows that covered his eyes practically. He rode the Dragonite like he was just sitting at a table to eat lunch.

This was a Dragon Master.

I felt my smile widen into a feral grin.

The Dragonite was ancient. His scales gone slightly pale around the edges, and more than a few scars covered the Dragons face, giving him a fierce miene, if not for his big cute eyes that spoke to me of curiosity more than anger.

“Oh no!” Bugsy whispered into my ear as his arms gripped me tight, but I realized there wasn’t going to be a fight right away.

The Dragon Master waved down and I nodded, Dragonite, following back to the large compound that he had come from.

Following him, I glanced down and laughed at all the people on the streets below looking up to see what was going on.

We landed in a sand garden, but the old Dragonite didn’t seem to care that his footsteps ruined the careful waves.

We landed opposite, and followed the Dragon Masters move to slide off onto solid ground. Dragonite then rose up and stared down the old Dragon.

Well stared up, but surprisingly the big old Dragon seemed a bit hesitant at her fiery glare.

Maybe it was the fact she was flexing showing off muscles under her scales that rippled with tension.

Yeah. It was definitely the muscles.

The old man walked over, slowly using a wooden cane to step forward.

There standing before Dragonite he rose up straighter, which didn’t seem entirely comfortable, but he looked up at Dragonite, looking her over quietly.

“And what’s this? Not one from our stock. Looks more like… Ah, yes, I recognize that coloration. How is the island?” He asked me and I twitched, before smiling.


“Yes it was. She was wild when you met her?”

“She was a Dragonair then.” 

“Ah, how wonderful. I am Ald Blackthorn.”

“Ah! Victoria Ferrous! Of Viridian City! Nice to meet you” I greeted with a bow that he returned with a small dip, mostly as it seemed difficult to get lower.

“You have a strong bond between each other… How about becoming my apprentice, hmm?” His rough, almost tired voice asked suddenly and I just blinked at the sudden question.

I could hear Bugsy gasp behind me. I wasn’t so completely stupid as to realize that what the old man, who was definitely the Master of the Blackthorn had just said was a big deal….


“I don’t need a Master.” I said denying him with an apologetic smile. “Love, good food, and working together… And hugs.” I ticked off my fingers. “That’s all that a Dragon Master needs to know.” I said firmly reaching over and patting Dragonite who shifted from mean mugging the older Dragon to looking happily at me even reaching over and patting my head.

“Pree!” She agreed and we smiled together. 

The old man actually went stock still for a moment like I had just hit him with a Thunderbolt. Then with a wheezy noise he started laughing nearly hysterically, bending over onto his cane he laughed and laughed.

I wasn’t offended. Instead I felt my smile growing, and burst into my own laughter. The two of us laughed in delight, two people understanding each other.

Finally he caught his breath, coughing a bit which sounded a bit weak, but finally he spoke again. “For a young girl from Kanto, to understand Dragons so well? Ah, perhaps the world truly has changed, no perhaps we simply were too stubborn to change with it! You speak the truth. You have the heart of a Dragon.” He said and I actually flushed a little in pleasure at being acknowledged!

Now I just needed everyone to accept my official title of Dragon Master. I was ready to get rid of the (Self Proclaimed) part of it!

“Nonsense!” A voice yelled out disturbing the atmosphere. And there was Clair coming flying in on a Dragonair before leaping off it to land in the sand with a three point landing. She rose, flaring her cape and instantly turned to the Master. “Don’t say such things Grandfather! This is a girl from Kanto! Our enemy!” She argued and the old man said nothing, under the blue haired woman's onslaught, and then she turned to me.

“You! Just because you managed to find yourself a Dragonite, doesn-” She cut herself off when she looked away from me, and took in my girl in all her glory. “D-doesn’t mean you are worthy?” She finally said and I realized that Clair hadn’t expected Dragonite.

No one expected the Muscle Mommy Dragonite.

Dragonite meanwhile looked at the Dragonair that Clair had rode in on, and with a snort of air, the Dragonair flinched.

“You speak from hatred, and not your heart.” The Dragon Master said then, and reached up to pat Clair on the shoulder. “Ease your heart, and listen.”

“Grandfather! This… Now isn’t the time for that. This girl…” Clair looked at me, and her glare was fully set. “You may have beaten the young Gym Leaders of Johto, but this is where your little invasion ends. You will find the Blackthorn Gym to not be as unprepared for battle as the others!” 

“I fought Pryce though?” I interrupted. Clair had set her hands on her hips and let her cape flap in the breeze that I realized that Dragonair was causing… Okay that was a good idea. Taking a note!

But my interruption caused her to twitch and her haughty look shifted once more to hot headed anger.

“That’s not the point!” She yelled at me, as she tried to loom over me.

“H-hey! That’s not fair!” Bugsy suddenly interrupted, but then he quailed under Clair’s glare. “Vicky isn’t doing anything wrong.” He mumbled out.

“She’s trying some political stunt to make Kanto seem more powerful than Johto! Of course she is doing something wrong!”

“Actually I’m doing this to shut up the Pokemon Association and make sure that none of them get the idea they can take my friends away.” I told her honestly. “And maaaaybe to mess with Lance a little bit. But Lance is cool, so it’s more about being able to tease him later.” 

My words had Clair go silent as her mouth dropped open a bit at the statement I just dropped on her.

“That? No, this is the Blackthorn Gym, and I am Clair! Heir to the Blackthorn Clan. You won’t take another Badge. This is where this all ends!” Clair called out, once more trying to look regal with her cape…

But she does realize what she just said right? I considered not poking her, but… She was reminding me of something, and I just had to!

“I mean… You are the last Gym so obviously this is where it ends?” I prompted. Smirking a bit as her mouth once more dropped open a tiny bit and an exhale of air left her as she seemed to only grow more enraged.

Now what was my brain trying to connect here. There was something about this… Angry… Dragon… Angry… Dragonair…

“Oh! I get it now! You’re one of those Dragons! The one that is still super defensive and quick to anger, because your pride was stung! Aww man, you remind me of that one Dragonite… And Dragonair.” I muttered. Iris and her Dragon! And Dragonites former paramour from the Island. 

I wonder what happened to that Dragonair, last I had seen of him, he had tucked his tail and ran away after Milotic knocked him out.

Ah well.

I focused back on Clair who was making a noise similar to a kettle, and the gentle chuckle of the Dragon Master wasn’t helping things.

“The heart of a Dragon indeed.” The old man offered, and I noticed a faint wink under his massive eyebrows.

“Stop playing!” Clair came back with a roar and pointed a finger at me, almost like an outstretched claw. “You’ve come to challenge my Gym? Then a challenge you will get!” She said hissing out, and I nodded.

I caught her eyes, no longer letting her glare matter at all, as I felt my face curve into a sinister smile.

“Our eyes met.” I informed her, and that was all that needed to be said.



Thanks for the chapter!


Vicky is gonna irritate Claire into being her friend. I'm calling it. 🤣


Such good militok fluff! <3


Tftc! About what I expected from Clair and the clan Elder. I almost hope it's a 1v1 instead of a 6v6, just pure Dragon vs Dragon.


Thanks for the chapter!


Give me more i have the pokemon fever and the only cure is more pokemon fics and their are so few good one with female mcs.

Albert Ng

That 8 bit battle start music at the end just popped out of nowhere...


Thanks for the chapter, I like that Clan Elder goes to show there's reasonable people even in places you wouldn't expect

Duke of Coffee

Pryce "The Howling Glacier" sigh (my nickname for him since he battled hard with Ice), this is what happens when the war takes away more than what it gives back... Guess Ash will be saving Pryce Piloswine. Clair Blackthorne, yep a angry Dragon that wants to stop Vicky, heh what are the chances she'll not give the badge just like in the games... And for the Dragon Master Elder to recognize Dragonite from that island means he went there once and kept it a secret too, I hope the island doesn't get visited by poachers...


TFTC. I'll be honest, wasn't expecting that.


Thanks for the chapter. I would have thought that Vicky would help find Pryce’s missing Pokemon. Maybe some other time then.


Given that it’s Clair, I fully expect her to battle, lose, then claim it wasn’t her strongest team to Welch on giving out a star badge.

Nathan R Chase

She flattens Clair does a 180 to challenge the old Dragon master for an actual challenge, Clair aura blows in dragon rage.... makes me think she's actually a kobold than a dragon


Put then how can Dragonite brag about her pretty and strong fish husband?


You know, after she beats both sets of Indigo main gyms permanently and running the gauntlet of the Elite 4, it would be funny if Vicky ended up with title like Champion of Indigo Undivided, Warmaster of Indigo, and the Everchampion. After all, she would effectively be declaring her sovereignty over and against an intensely violent and unstable region locked in a forever war. "There is only battles, and the laughter of Vicky"


Huh, Vicky decided to leave the frozen Piloswine. I guess she's under time pressure, and it's not exactly obvious where you'd find it.

Duke of Coffee

Yep Vicky and Ash fought two battles against each other in previous chapters wayyy back. Ash lost in both occasions, third time is the charm if he fights Vicky in the Indigo Conference.


Thanks for the chapter! Also was it Lapras who used coil or was it supposed to be Milotic?


I love and hate this whole arc. The love part is...well everything, but knowing what comes next just makes it cliff hanger after cliff hanger...... make it stop! ....I will also be sad when its over .... there just no winning here!


Yeah finding it is the problem. Someone pointed out Lucario though so I just had a facepalm over it. I'll have to think on it. But Ash will find it eventually regardless.


Milotic! He had Safeguard on keeping him from falling asleep, and then faked sleeping to use recover and Coil to power up.

Jens Mortensen

Can you imagine if Claire try to pull the stunt she did in game with vicky? Picture this, her star level battles all end up on a dvd, it's basically a reality tv show, 16 episodes, each one featuring a gym, cut to the last episode and after her dragonite bodies Claire's dragonite, Clair throws a tantrum and refuse giving the badge, completely forgetting that the match is being recorded and star badges gets extra views

White Neko Knight

I'm so used to reading about the unreasonable Blackthorn clan that the old man shockd me.


Heart of Dragon, Spirit of a Fairy, and 14 other elemental pieces make up that girl

Joseph (T3mmie)

I wonder where this series goes after the champion fight with Lance. She's at the point where if she loses it's going to be very close so what happens from there? Is there always going to be someone stronger? Is Kanto-Jhoto actually a weaker region and there is a stronger one out there that is closer to her level? Does Vickie have another goal out there she wants to accomplish that I am not remembering? I imagine anything more she does is going to involve opening the region up to other places. Oh! Maybe she goes to other regions to act as an ambassador or something. To show her countries might she runs through the leagues lol. Or she becomes champion and, well, I mean she's a bit young for that so maybe lance sticks around until she's old enough allowing her to do simpler diplomatic things in other regions thus allowing her to run through other regions league circuits or something. OH OH! Her meeting Iris would be fun! Two young female prodigies around the same battling power! Well actually she's probably slightly stronger than Iris at this point.


...IS Iris' Dragonite the jerk Dragonair that got beat up by Milotic?

Joseph (T3mmie)

You wrote "Lapras coiled up" instead of "Milotic coiled up" during the Pryce battle.

Duke of Coffee

Damn forget about Lucario ability to seek, although yes I do think Vicky is under a time constraint and probably watched by others hidden from her. As much we would want her to save Pryce friend, maybe it is best to not change Ash/Arceus chosen timeline. 🤔


Push ups, sit ups, and plenty of hugs

White Neko Knight

Lapress! Vicky 100% needs a Lapress friend!


"I watched in the water, as Lapras slowly curled up." Think that should probably be Milotic that curls up :P

Master of Bunnies

In a way it doesn't matter. Vicky's main goal wasn't even to be the strongest but instead just to go on an adventure. Let's for arguments sake agree that Vicky is at this point the strongest trainer in the world. But so what? It's not so much about being the strongest but about the absolute gremlin energy. There are other regions, people and Pokemon to traumatize out there.


XD Yes! I actually came up with that back when I first introduced him but you wouldn't know unless you caught me chatting about it on SB so I wanted to hint at it a bit in story.


Loved this turn out, looking foreword to how well this young lady fights as honestly I think she's about to get trounced.


After Battling Clair will Vicky swap in all her dragon types to show off to the old man


I love this old Blackthorn dude. Would love to see him hang out with Gibble and all of the little dragons Vicky has adopted!

Joseph (T3mmie)

I more just meant that it wouldn't be very fun if the rest of the series was her trouncing every league in this matter. This little arc is so entertaining because we read how she worked to get to this point. It's cathartic because we read about how she trained her team and worked hard. Now, after she beats or almost beats this league, I don't think it would be fun to read he go back to back a gym per chapter. It'd have to have some other plot going on to make it more interesting, although I honestly wouldn't mind her also trouncing a league challenge while doing whatever she is doing lol. Know this writer, they are probably already accounting for that.


Yeah, tsundere Claire is actually really cute


Considering how Unova anime is like 4 years from now, Iris is defo much weaker than Vicky is currently.


To be fair, if you didn't think about it chances are Vicky won't either.


"No one expected the Muscle Mommy Dragonite." I mean, does anyone expect to find super buff body builder pokemon outside of a fighting type gym? XD


Ngl, living in a city full of derp dragons is like the literal dream. Those blackthorne are living the life.


My guess would be she'll go exploring other regions. She has her B-Team to raise and collect the rest of the 'pseudo-legendaries'. Hmm... who's missing? - Larvitar, Bagon, Beldum, Deino, Dreepy, Frigibax More than I thought. She's got 4 so far. and all of them Dragons. - Dragonite, Gible, Goomy, Jangmo-o Perhaps she'll also try to snatch up more Dragons in general? She wants to be recognized as a genuine Dragon Master after all. In contrast to the Blackthorns who only have Dragonites, a few Kingdras and pseudo-dragons... Cose by (Indigo/Hoenn/Sinnoh) she'll probably only find Swablu, Trapinch, Horsea, and Bagon, though. She'd have to travel much further away to find more. Mayhaps she'll go visit the country her Clan originated from? As far as I understood, they were vikings from Galar? And since her B-Team is still very young, she could even participate in other gym circuits in different regions without her strongest Pokemon helping in battles. To give the babies a chance to grow.

Christian Biondo

A week after Vicky get's home she's playing with her babies, only to turn around and see the old man playing with the goomies.

Nova Hearth

You know what I want milotic to fight Wallace's mitotic and lose, be offered to go to Hoen and blow their freaking minds! Do they still broadcast Indigo Plateau to the world ? Love the chapter 😁

Devin Ranaldi

She should wear a half cape as well. Not just because two capes are cooler than one, but also so she can pin her Star Badges to it, to showcase to the world her accomplishments.

Kysean Edwards

In your opinion (and seras' too if they see this), which fics are some must reads. I have been following: Pokebun by Ravensdagger The Type Specialist by Incarnated Wisp Hard Enough by Viva01 I can't get enough!

Matt H

You might check out A Hero in a New Age by timemaster40. Technically it's a sequel to another story, but you can read it and understand what's going on without that, though (that's what I did). In many ways the MC is kind of what I imagine Vicky might be like years down the road. Edit: the story is on SpaceBattles


Thanks for the chapter~!

Matt H

Traveler, I believe, is the other fanfic I can think of that had some nice, friendly Blackthorn members.

Stefan Landshut

i loved the old blackthorn dude! he made me feel things. I loved how he noticed were our Muscle Mommy Dragonite was from just by looking at her.


Like No One Ever Was by Skyfyre on Royale Road I Sting. (Pokemon Poison Type Specialist) by Yuebe on Royale Road I Will Touch the Skies - A Pokemon Fanfiction on Royal road And "Pokemon: An Icy Path" just started i think its the authors first work but i think its promising it does have a bit of cultivation in it and i k ow that not for everyone.


Turn her into a Vicky fangirl with your Goomy brigade, her heart will surely submit before the cuteness of the Pure Dragon droplets =D


Aw I was so late to catch this! And for such a great chapter too!

Garreon LeFay

You know nothing John Snow also has friendly blackthorns......even if they are Lance trying to connect with his bastard son and Claire trying to be the Best Aunt Ever

Garreon LeFay

Honestly, while The Type Specialist is a nice read...the premise is kinda misleading. The only instance of people understimating the Fairy Type(the premise says they are seen as either weak or Normal pokemon with a gimmick by the rest of the world) is 1 jerk after he makes it to Sinnoh in his second run of a gym challenge, after he ended up high in Hoenn in the Evergrande Conference. If you want a fic with a similar premise that delivers, but with the Dark Type, read Ungilded.

Andres A Quiroz

Maybe she'll pull an ash and start with a fresh team also I wanna see her fight Leon and Cynthia who are considered the strongest champions in canon

Duke of Coffee

I believe that regions are still locked to their respective spheres of influence thanks to Oak death, since he is the one that spearheaded the cooperation of all the regions to unite in research and development of Pokémon and the Pokedex..... 😥


... it bugs me that she didn't help Pryce out with the Piloswine.


yeah i agree, i completely forgot as well - not like Vicky remembers everything from a show she watched a decade ago so it's not unreasonable to miss something. Or hand-wave it as 'Ash's problem'


Hope she ask for a cape after she wins or maybe ask where they are made. If she gets gifted one she will fall a lot as the cape would be too large for her

Nova Hearth

Your right. But it is sad. That no wants to step up since then instead of trying to live up to his ideas. 🥲


It's noticeable, only the older folks or the ones of prominent families as gym leaders are the hardliners to see anything Vicky does, as "political". But leave it to an old man with the heart of a dragon, to be aloof to the troubles of man like one. Here we are at the final match, from Pryce to Clair, two Anti-Kantoan believers back to back. This'll be the mark to keep both sides of the League Association quiet, cause without Lance siding with them to suppress her, who are they going to call? She is now the scariest child on both sides of Mt. Silver

Kayden High

Do you plan on her finding out about what happened to Oak?

Apollo Above

NOOOOO! You've put to scribe the eldrich words! Quickly, take back the line before *THEY* see it! Let not the world know of your reference to the DMM. Quickly now, I fear it may be too late!


I want to see the Blackthorn's reaction when they see all of Vicky's cute dragons.


It'll be funny to see her having an existential crisis because 'capes don't go well with straw hats'... :D


Borne of Caution is great as well. Most of the others that I'd rec because I've really got into them have already been recced. But there are plenty of new ones on SB and other sites so there are more to find!


Not really. It's been years, and time tends to make mysteries hard to figure out,


Thanks for the unexpectedly quick chapter. :) (I thought I'd have to wait 2 days for more of your stories.)


Today just keeps on getting better! I wasn't expecting a new chapter today! Thanks for the new chapter!!!!!!!


There was a lot of dragon tail when iron tail would've been stronger against ice types.

Lark Sol



I'm really curious how the relationship with Clair pans out. Can Clair really pull a brat when her very best gets ruthlessly crushed? Can she keep hating Vicky after Vicky does her Vickyness? Will she fall for the Goomy? Will she be entranced by the Jangmo-o? Will she bow to her new Champion? I really want to see this develop :)

cjfeierfeil .

How is it that this fic consistently makes me want more?

Daniel Drake

would love to see some POVs from the association after they hear about Vicky's trip to Johoto =).

D. Quinn

I kinda hope someone who knew Oak recognizes how she has that same spark as him, that optimism and love for Pokemon, and gives her something that could help her kickstart the creation of the pokedex.

Robert Apgar

Luckily Vicky hasn't put skill points into the kusanagi infinite rizz aura. Hopefully they come of this as friends as old man Blacthorne is being extremely cool.

Robert Apgar

Vicky is just out here taming all the dragons like a true dragon master.

Robert Apgar

You could maybe watch tapes of Vicky but trailing a Dragonite out of sight for this entire trip of no breaks gym challenges? No way anybody is hidden watching her.

Robert Apgar

Good writing, plots that dont suck, and world building that deviates from the game to the point where you wouldn't just auto-win because you have 3000+hours across every edition. I semi self insert in the Ghost in the City story and I dont think I could have lived out Motoko's life better than Motoko has. Which is pretty entertaining and probably the same most people feel for Vicky. I only played Gen 1 so I would have gotten curb stomped in this story lmao.

Duke of Coffee

Question of the day, can Blissey German Suplex Clair and her Dragons?


Id Love to see some cranky old timers having a coniption fit.


This i want to see the string of messages as they realize that not only has she beaten jhoto gyms she beat them at their best within a week...