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“I can’t believe this jackass was trying to hide under our nose.” Malcolm grumbled. I had been gone long enough for him to catch up, as we gathered  in the netrunner cave.

“Tell me about it.” I hissed. Yuto had been hiding in the same apartment complex that Jun and I had used to live in. Right in the middle of Japantown!

Yuto was lucky that he hadn’t actually bought our old apartment. If he had I would have taken that a bit personally…

It made me think back to our old home. I still kinda missed it, but… I did like all the extra room in the new apartment, and the nicer building.

Dangit. I could never let Jun know that I agreed with his decision about the new apartment now.

We were moving in to take him out. Yuto and Roger were both hiding out inside from what I could gather, so it made things complicated.

Would killing Roger cause issues with 6th St?

Would disabling him even be possible, the guy was mid way up in 6th St. he could be borged out, or just a guy with some army training. So we set up the plan. Ichi and Malcolm would stay at the bottom floor in full rig while I went up to the second floor to find these assholes. 

I had my quick hacks ready, but I wasn’t going to hesitate to fire as well. I’d rather they both be dead and have this issue solved with some Tyger-6th St. issues, then let it continue on.

I parked my Quadra while Ichi’s van parked behind me and all three of us jumped out with Hiromi staying in the Quadra as overwatch for the boys.

Then we charged in. Just as planned Ichi and Malcolm both took the entrance, one facing out, and one facing inward. While I rushed the stairs.

The security remembered its master, and opened without hesitation as I rushed up to the second floor on silent footsteps. Rushing to the room at the end of the hall, I posted up.

There was a security pad, but this apartment's entire security system had been under my thumb for a long time. I prepared and the door popped open as I charged in rifle raised.


I quickly checked the bedrooms, and even rolled into the kitchen to sweep the bathroom.


I rushed back to the main room and looked around. This apartment was empty. Not lived in…. Something was wrong. The address for the access had been here. 

I looked over at the entertainment system and scanned it. Nothing, but no. There was something.

The cable line that ran to the wall! I scanned it and followed it along and instantly noticed it was running into a black box before splitting off… Someone stole cable from this apartment in the past, rerouting everything through. This was old work. So likely Yuto wouldn’t have even… The next door apartment!

I heard a crash and instantly Hiromi spoke up.

I see him! He just jumped out of the second floor window!

I heard gun fire and cursed as I rushed to the other apartment down the hall, it opened just as quickly. I rushed to the open window and jumped out. A second floor drop was nothing, and as I fellI caught sight of him across the street.

Yuto leapt into a beat up car, parked down the street. One that I hadn’t registered as anything unusual and started driving away.

I hit the floor with an easy landing.


I called out, but she was already on it. The Quadra roared to life, and the passenger door opened as she spun the wheels to let me enter. I jumped in, and we were off. 

I glanced back at the boys and Ichi and Malcolm were rushing for his truck.

Try to catch up! I called to them and heard their acceptance as we were off.

I focused on Archer Quartz that Yuto had leapt in that was tearing up the road ahead of us.

My Quadra was faster, but I also wasn’t driving. I threw on the seatbelt and leaned out the still open door bracing my Copperhead on the edge of the car.

Unfortunately I couldn’t get a shot. Hiromi was playing catch up, and the heavy traffic meant I was being careful with my aim.

When Yuto hit the first red light, he just drove up onto the sidewalk to avoid the traffic, scaring off pedestrians, and I winced as one person got clipped.

“Careful!” I called out to Hiromi as she went to chase him.

Ahead Yuto floored into the street and cut off another car, the Galena spun out to avoid him, and Hiromi slowed to avoid it, giving Yuto another lead.

I lined up a few times and fired a few bursts into the back window, but it cracked across the armored rear glass, and caused Yuto to drive even crazier.

The Quartz he was in was definitely modded. Probably Rogers.

I growled as the asshole literally just turned off the road and drove straight through a strip mall.

“Don’t follow him!” I yelped as Hiromi made to follow, but eventually decided not to, instead staying mostly on the road as she gave chase. 

I kept my rifle pointed, but between the pedestrians stalls, and the chairs and tables sent flying as he rammed them I couldn’t get a clear shot.

“Try to stay on him!”

“I am!” Hiromi snapped back and I nodded, as I watched his Quartz hit a set of stairs a bit roughly, but managed to drive up and then skid back onto the road.

I glared at the red that stained the front of his car. He hadn’t cared about not hitting people.

Then he took off, and despite our efforts, he was getting a strong lead as we were stuck weaving through traffic.

Slowly though we started catching up. Yuto faced the same traffic and crowded streets that we did, meant that we were able to make use of the paths he created through the sidewalk or through muscling against cars pushing them out of the way.

I brought up the Copperhead and aimed. 

We had a straight away, and ahead Yuto had to slow to push a Galena out of the way.

I fired, then again, and the passenger windshield cracked but held.

It also startled Yuto into accelerating and just bulldozing his past a few cars.

It wasn’t exactly doing well for his car though. And I could see sparks underneath as something was hanging down and scraping now.

But I felt my eyes narrow as I realized where we were going.


“He’s making a break for 6th St. Territory.” I told Hiromi, who cursed.

“They might interfere if he gets there!”

“Then let’s not let him.” I took aim again and breathed in and out. I pulled the trigger and his back window gained another spider crack.

Just had to keep it up.

Every time I got a shot I took it. Even if it wasn’t a good one. I just needed enough to stop Yuto one way or another.

He started taking more and more risks, and his Quartz suffered from it. His front wheel started rocking badly after he slammed into a concrete barrier trying to push through a traffic block. 

The Quartz started losing a lot of oil or gas out the back when he hit a curb and he nearly lost control as the Quartz bounced around.

The Quadra handled it all better even if it was a bigger car, and so it took us time to get through the same spaces he had punched through.

The game of cat and mouse continued with the shots of my Copperhead weakening the armored glass more and more.

Finally Yuto made it out of Japantown and across the bridge to Arroyo, and we chased after him. The roar of the Quadra catching us up much faster than Yuto’s damaged Quartz Archer. 

Finally we got close enough and a straight enough path.

I flipped the selector and braced and opened up. The Copperhead roared as round after round smashed into the back of the Quartz.

More and more until finally the rear windshield broke, it simply couldn’t take any more and Yuto jerked as rounds started firing into the cabin and into the front windshield and hopefully into him.

I reloaded but he spun the wheel and took a turn much faster than he should have.

He slammed into a wall protecting an industrial park, and Hiromi slowed to keep from crashing and then we were there. 

It was time.

The Quadra slowed to a stop. I kept the Copperhead up as I started walking over to the seemingly disabled car.

But before I could get there. Cars rumbled down the road and I glared.

6th Street was here.

The trucks had men hanging off the side assault rifles ready and I glanced around realizing what the situation was.

Hiromi was here, and while I was kitted up. This was a major move from 6th Street.

I’d have to take this carefully.

The trucks rumbled to a stop before I could get to Yuto and suddenly I was surrounded. But no one had started firing yet.

“Howdy.” One of them called out as they walked over and I took in his cocky confident stride and Overture on his hip.

A cowboy.


I tilted my copperhead a bit making sure to show that it wasn’t pointed at the guys.

“Can I help you?” I asked loudly, even as the soldiers turned gangsters approached.

“Sure, head on out and lose yourself in someone else's turf.” The Cowboy offered as he settled into an arrogant stance, his thumbs dug into his belt.

“I’ll be happy to leave… Once this one is taken care of.” I offered, but from the ways the men continued to approach me, I knew that wasn’t the plan they had in mind.

“‘Fraid that ain’t happening. This is 6th Street turf, if we had random Tyger Claw fuckers showing up and just let them cause trouble it wouldn’t be our turf for long.”

“I’m not Tyger Claw. I’m a merc. Just doin’ a gig. I don’t think we have any business unless he’s one of yours.” I pointed and Yuto was struggling to climb out of the Archer Quartz he had absolutely mulched.

“Maybe we do.”

“You sure?” I asked pointedly. “Because that gonk’s been trying to assassinate a higher up in the Tygers over the last couple weeks. I was told 6th Street had nothing to do with it when I took the gig to hunt him down. It’d be really strange if that wasn’t the case.” I said coolly, even as I had started working, I needed to disable as many of the weapons pointed at me as I could. Just in case.

“Well you heard right. But I still stand by what I said. We don’t let other punks show up and murder gonks in our territory.” I noticed two of the soldiers grab Yuto and drag him out of the car. He was bleeding, I must have winged him at least once. “So I think it’s time for you to head off. Unless you want trouble.”

I kept my face blank as I heard Ichi and Malcolm arrive, but thankfully he had been smart enough to park as he turned the corner and not charge in. It added another element into the situation, hopefully a good one. I sent him a quick message to sit tight.

“No, but maybe an offer. How much to let me take that one?” I asked and that caused the Cowboy hat to shift a little. Surprise. He hadn’t expected a monetary offer.

“Yeah? I don’t think you got the eddies for it.”

“You’d be surprised. Rogue pays well.” I said throwing out her name to try and keep them off balance.

So far more than half the group's weapons would be disabled at a thought. But the question was if I should even let this come to combat.

Thinking it over I realized that the gig wasn’t to shoot up a bunch of 6th Street thugs.

At least not this time.

“Well I do. C’mon he’s nothing to you or 6th Street. The guy is former Tyger Claw.”

“Yeah maybe.” The Cowboy said before shrugging. “But no matter what he was, right now, the fact is this is Arroyo, and we don’t let shit like this slide. It’s part of our good neighbor program.”

I caught his eye, staring him down and knew that this guy was feeding me bullshit. They had been called in to save him, and were throwing their weight around to keep him alive.

For some reason. Why does 6th Street want Yuto?

“Alright then. I’m not paid enough to fight 6th Street over it.” I lied, with a smile on my face as I backed up. 

I could see a few of the gonks wanted to push. To get into a fight, or maybe take us along, but Cowboy just smiled and waved as I slowly walked backwards to the Quadra. And slipped inside the passenger seat.

“Get us out of here. Drive slow, casual.” I told Hiromi who nodded and started doing just that. The Quadra slowly backed off and then out onto the street and rumbled past Ichi who quickly followed us, all of us heading down the street until we once more crossed the bridge out of Arroyo.


“I don’t know.” I answered back. While I knew we would be able to find Yuto again, especially through his NCTV access. That didn’t mean this wasn’t a problem.

“We need to tell Fujimura.”

“I’ll call him.” Hiromi confirmed and I nodded while still glaring out the window.


We didn’t head back to the netrunner cave, instead we headed home.

Yuto was injured. He wouldn’t be active for a while, likely if 6th Street wanted him alive, they would want to take him to a ripper and put him back together first.

We had a bit of time.

That was why Jun suddenly had four annoyed teenagers armed in heavy equipment drag their feet into the apartment and flop around the couch.

“Hello Motoko. I’m glad you are having a nice day. Oh my day? It’s been fine.” Jun said after about thirty seconds of all of us flopping around on the couches.

“We almost had Yuto.” I answered back and Jun flinched, bad.


“Oh you ‘almost’ caught him?” Akari asked, almost mocking.

“He managed to get into a car and made it to Arroyo. 6th Street jumped in just as we had him, and protected him.” I said, a little annoyed at Akari. “Which means that this is even more complicated than we thought. 6th Street are protecting Yuto. What do you think that means?”

“Shit.” Jun curses and stands up pacing. “Did you tell-?”

“Fujimura was informed.” Hiromi spoke up from where she had been laying flat on her back. FInally she grumbled and sat up pulling some of the gear free. “He isn’t happy, and is going to send a few messages to his contacts in 6th Street, to try and find out what is going on.”

“It’s not a good look.” Ichi said then. “If that starts spreading, and the low totem Tygers start thinking 6th Street is behind the assassination attempts… It means they will retaliate, which will drag everyone into a new war.”

“That’s not going to happen, because we are going to catch Yuto and the whole thing will end with that.” I said instead. 

Jun though was throwing puppy dog eyes at me. He hadn’t had the will to tell me to stop chasing Yuto, but he still didn’t like it.

But while he had tried to get me to promise to leave Yuto alone, I hadn’t actually done it. So that means I wasn’t bound by it! That’s sibling rule number four!

But I had no doubt that if 6th Street wanted him alive, they’d be guarding him…


“What’s on TV?” Malcolm asked, and a few moments later Jun turned on the TV and everyone seemed to be satisfied to drown themselves in stupid for a while.

I closed my eyes and just let myself process what had happened.

Why had Yuto been in the wrong apartment? If he had just been in the right apartment when I came in that would be it. 

My frustration at the completely random freak chance of some old apartment dweller stealing cable meant that I hit the wrong place, and somehow Yuto had known. That was the part that pissed me off the most. How had he known? I hadn’t exactly been loud when I entered the apartment.

“I should go check out the apartment. Maybe find out what was going on, how he heard me. Did he have a camera or something? It-” I started to say, but Hiromi waved me down.

“Motoko.” Hiromi said and I stopped. “It was just a freak accident. Fujimura will send people to the apartments to look around. If you want we can ask them what they find, but… It’s not your fault. We’ll get him next time.”

I swallowed the words that wanted to bite out of my throat and nodded. Flopping back down.

“I hate losing.”


“Roger Almeda.” I growled glaring at the dossier that Fujimura had sent over.

Turns out the guy wasn’t just some off the street 6th Street gonk.

He was apparently ex-Militech Special forces. He was the crazy kind of Solo that followed Blackhands words religiously. The whole sleeping in a new location every time, and sometimes that meant sleeping in a cardboard box in an alley that’s even better because people can’t track you to it.

“He’s known to us. Dangerous and methodical.” Fujimura of all people said. He had arrived at the apartment and handed over the information they had gained himself.

“How did Yuto of all people meet this guy? I thought they met in prison!”

“They did.” Fujimura agreed and then there was a glare on his face. “This is conjecture, but Yuto meeting Roger Almeda in prison could have been targeted. He isn’t the first young man in prison that has been filled with poison for his arrest.”

“Yeah well. Great job.” I grumbled as I stared at the info in my Agent.

The second apartment had been heavily secured, and it turned out Yuto’s apartment had been watched by some small spy cameras not in the apartment, but secured to the outside of the building across the street.

Roger had an eye on the apartment, and when we arrived it had sent an alert to Yuto causing him to bolt. 

Great. I had flubbed it too. 

“Whatever.” I decided, shaking it off. “I’ll find him soon, and this time I’ll just put a bullet in him.” I said and Fujimura nodded. 

“While we would prefer him delivered to us… I’ll accept the contract if you can secure his death. We will still need proof.”

“Does a BD recording work?” I asked, and Fujimura after a moment, a slight twitch to his lips. 

“It does.” He finally said after a few moments and Hiromi snickered as she watched on.

“Alright. Then we are back to waiting a bit to see when Yuto pops up again. I’ll keep an eye out, but I’m pretty sure our current way of tracking him will still work.” I said and Fujimura curled an eyebrow at me, but I refused to say more. 

As it stood only my chooms knew how we had tracked Yuto, and I was going to keep it that way.

“You should have called in assistance once you realized where he was.” Fujimura suddenly said, causing the room to go quiet as everyone looked between us.

I sighed, raising my hand up I ran my fingers across my face, scratching idly against my forehead with my cool chrome. 

“You’re right.” I acknowledged. “This gig wasn’t just for reputation, it was personal. I should have brought you in the moment I realized where he was. More people would have kept him from escaping.”

“Hmm. Then I will leave it at that. In this instance. Kusanagi. I want this completed. No matter what resources are needed.”

“Understood.” With that Fujimura turned away from me and walked over to Jun. They spoke quietly for a bit, but I purposefully didn’t listen in.

Time to get back to work.



Good morning night City


Good morning 🌄


Thanks for the chapter!


Nice sucks to see her fail but its only natural she cant win ever time. I look forward to seeing her grow

Duke of Coffee

Damn a failure for Motoko, welp hopefully this will be a lesson to be learned. 😀


This seems really sloppy and doesn't fit her usual modus operandi at all


SHE'S BACK! Did Motoko forget she could use quickhacks on Yuto or what?


It returns and with it my happiness is back =D


Woo! Motoko's back! Hopefully this little hiccup leads to our girl putting together some new gadgets? After the work she's done on the tachikoma, it'd be neat to see her throw together some super basic aerial drones that she could control using her deck for scouting or grenade deliveries? With her programming at such a high level and her ghost touch (was that the name of her stealth breach? Been a while, might have to reread) she should have all the pieces needed to put together a control signal that can't be easily detected or intercepted (though it'd still probably be jammable, just based on how jamming works) and with all her remote hacking, it'd be a really good ace to have up her sleeve.

Cole Deucalion

Good to see her admit her mistakes and learn from them.


Huh, some surprising maturity from Motoko there at the end.


Welcome back with a great chapter.


Welcome back!

Michael Hughes

Yuto's persistence in clinging to life just makes me want him dead more. I didn't even dislike the guy much before but now it is approaching King Joffery Lanister levels. TFTC and see you next time. My condolences and best wishes for you and your family.


Hell yeah!


well damn he actually managed to run, thanks for the chapter, glad to have GitC back


Nice to see this updated and I hope you are doing better!

Will Iam

Thanks for the chapter

Sgt. Tibs

Did Yuto see who was after him? I want to see his reaction to that lol.


Nice to see a complicated op that may bring her into conflict with another pro. Thanks for the chapter!


good chappie

Nicolas DOHAN

Welcome back. Thanks for the chapter. I hope you are better.


🙏thank you seras for blessing us. Cool chase scene! It's an interesting development that 6th Street is this deeply involved, plus this Sam Fisher type dude being part of the madness as well. How exciting!! Thank you for the chapter!

Empty Shelf

This feels like such a stretch. Makoto being so unbelievably sloppy, Yuto having a super-secret ultra-spy best friend and high-level gang connections, this whole convoluted situation. And after such a public, high-profile screw-up, and the specter of a full-on gang war if this isn't done right, they're still letting Makoto handle this? Glad the story is back, but this was a struggle.


thank you for the chapter


Thanks ! Welcome back I Hope everything is Ok on your side :)


I don't buy this. This is way too contrived. First, Motoko has literally peak human spy skills AND experience. She should know better than to simply charge into a room her target is in, especially without leaving a single person outside to cut off any escape. Second, she has a Sandy, so she should have reached the window and gunned down Yuto before he could reach the car. She also could have *shot the fucking wheels* to stop his car. Finally, how is this guy both so valuable that he has his own Mr Anderson wasting his time just watching over him like a guardian angel AND the connections to have truckloads of gangsters save his ass from Afterlife mercs, but also such a lack of competence that he fucks up two assassination attempts of a single relatively untrained person via drive-by? This seems to me like a very forced attempt to give Motoko a lesson in humility and "calling in support", when the fact is, she absolutely shouldn't have needed any of it. She just suddenly lost her brain for a time, and only regained it after it was too late.

A Bellator

Oh Yuto guess your going yo find out. Death doesn't chase, she lies and waits...


Why didn’t she thorw a quick hack of blind


Interesting. On the one hand it's irritating that he got away. On the other hand I like that Motoko didn't just instawin. she's having to work for this one and learning valuable lessons. Her team is too. I'm really looking forward to seeing where this goes. Also, welcome back.


She wasn't sloppy. She just didn't have all the information. It happens. I mean, Roger is ex spec-ops. He's not an idiot. Motoko did everything right for the knowledge she had at the time. Now she knows how Roger operates and she'll be looking for it.


We are going to need a training montage chapter, with some nice new songs soon. Her minions, I mean chooms need training, driving and shooting at least going forward.


Don't get me wrong, I love the story, but couldn't she just hack Yuto's car?

White Neko Knight

This really shows how one trick/single minded Motoko can be. She didn't take the time to scout, secure in her knowledge of the buildings security. She didn't have a plan outside of "rush in and kill everyone in the room". She didn't even try to hack the car, nor did she try to turn off Yuto's eyes. I'm not sure if you intentionally wrote her this way Sera's, but Motoko looses all perspective when things turn personal. If I wanted to kill her I'd nab one of her chooms, store them in a "safe" house, and then wait for her to show up so I can detonate the hardwired explosives I rigged the place with.


Thanks for the chapter


Damn this is unlucky. Some silent tripwire alarm from the paranoid dude? Well this is a great teacher for the future, next time do a brief surveillance and check the nearby buildings to see if there are new additions that could be a ‘creative’ defense, outside the building net so that netrunners might miss things just because it’s so unlikely


Too eager in the hunt, too sure in herself that nothing would go wrong, but out of all the gangs, 6th Street aren't to be played around with. All the others have experience from the required violence necessary of a gang to stand in NC, the 6th St are military veterans, they know the horrors of real combat and the organized violence of it makes the tactics of the other gangs look childish. The only things keeping them from dominating is that everyone else has access to the same weapons and chrome as them, and the sheer numbers to face should an all-out gang war happens. She should've anticipated the same levels of paranoia as herself when it came to security from the more veteran members. The level of willing hobo gremlin to hide to achieve an objective. And Yuto shouldn't be the only case, TC is gonna need to comb through their records of every boy and girl sent to prison around the same time Roger was around, possible sleeper agents, the lot of them


Learning opportunities! Shit, what do the Marines say when you learn a hard lesson again, you have been educated?


Agree with this, this is also isn’t the first instance that things feel forced for character development imo (like when the plot pushed her to want more chrome), guess it’s a downside of making someone too good at their job early on in a story. I get it was personal so she kinda lost it, but all she has to do is activate cool like usual and that all goes out the window, she had so many options and used none of them because it’s plot convenient…

Just A Dude

She's taking this one personally and getting emotional. Getting emotional makes you sloppy. Also, she was planning for the responses of a couple gonna laying low, not a spec-ops badass Sam Fisher type.

Mech Bagienny

Mokoto didn't use even 20% of her abilities in this chapter. The plot simply assumed that he was supposed to escape, so he ran away, and mokoto forgot that he had Sandy and that cars can be hacked, and that the car has tires to shoot them off, and that it has rocket launchers in the trunk.

Just A Dude

You're reminding me of something from Shadowrun. The Dragonfly drone. Essentially a fast, maneuverable minidrone based meant to do overwatch and/or attach to vehicles (or people) in swarms and start cutting apart vital components. There's also the Dragonfly C12, which replaces all the cutting tools with plastic explosive. Just zips up to the target, grabs on, and BOOM!

Ya Boi

Yay! Welcome back and thank you for the chapter.

Kevin Joseph Tarka

Sometimes, acknowledging your failures is better then being 100% successful.

Mech Bagienny

Very weak chapter, terribly forced. It looks like a script that has to happen no matter what you do, but Motoko doesn't even try to do anything. She had so many opportunities to kill him, but suddenly she forgot about all of them. And the icing on the cake, groveling at Fujimura. I have no idea why you keep humiliating Motoko in front of him, but it's getting annoying.


Thanks for the chapter! Awesome writing, as always, really liked how things don't always work out perfectly, but well enough. Also always nice to see some character growth like at the end there :)


Love the chapter. The more you get used to winning the more frustrating is loosing. And with motoko slowly getting a rep, she won't keep meeting gonk after gonk. From now on the serious threats will be more numerous.


Yes, serious threats. Like a guy who couldn't drive-by a stationary target twice, but outran a Sandy Solo, outdrove a "peak human" shooting at him so well she couldn't aim at his wheels, moved so smoothly that he hypnotized her into forgetting she can quick-hack, and then called the entirety of Sixth Street to wage war on his behalf. I didn't realize Yuto was the secret CEO of Militech.


Thanks for the new chapter!!!!

Logan Williams

I think that’s my only gripe, I don’t get why we have to keep seeing her grovel infront of Fujimura like? It kinda sucks seeing it happen all the time.

Robert Apgar

Well in the game you coulda used quickhacks to decimate this dude or his car like 4 seconds into the chase. However we arnt in the game we are in Seras world and maybe that guy was in "autistic mode" and not connected to anything so he would be safe from quickhacks.

Robert Apgar

The speed of response forces in stories is always so dramatic, Motoko played it safe but this should give her a reason for upgrades. At minimum Armor Piercing rounds so she can punch through cyborgs and armor alike, time to get the HMG car turret, or maybe a slew of quickhacks that do things never seen before like setting a overheat in Yuto to go off 10mims later when she has already left, or a permanent ping for single targets? Maybe some sort of antimaterial option (a short barrel overwatch thats only accurate to 200yards ish) that she keeps on hand in the quadra next to her grenades, emp grenades she can just toss near a car to turn it off? Or a smart gun that she can just unload and they will arc over obstacles letting her not have to bother with aiming at all.

Robert Apgar

The answer to that is "maybe" since in this story if you just dont connect to any networks you are safe from quickhacks. However Yuto was probably able to make a call for help or 6th street would arrive way too late to help out so he must have been connected to something, and even if not lethal reboot optics would have ended this car chase. Also I cant remember her ever trying to remotely access a car before so that might just be a game only thing.

Robert Apgar

And upgrades for her current kit, really stretch those techie legs and mod the hell out of her weapons n cyberware. Tech has the same near infinite possibilities as Int scaling.

Robert Apgar

And Sandy took a backseat too, maybe Motoko was a bit too emotional since it involves Jun.

Cyrus McEnnis

That bit with Fujimura, where 'toko admits he's right and they should have contacted him once they located the target - that's only going to make him want to bring her under his aegis even more isn't it? Not only is she skilled, she's also capable of recognising when she's wrong and admitting it. That's rare in high functioning sociopaths.


I'm gonna be honest... Yuto isn't anywhere near slippery enough to have gotten away. Ramming civilians or not, this is the idiot who failed a driveby on an unprotected person, and failed assassinating them twice. As others have pointed out, it also feels really contrived that Motoko forgot every single one of her abilities except "point and shoot", especially since she wasn't even the one driving. Also, you know, shoot his wheels instead of the windows. The excuse that she couldn't hack him also doesn't work because there wasn't any narration remarking on her failed attempts. She really just didn't try. I hope we get an explanation. In all honesty, there's no in-universe explanation you could pull to explain this. Motoko just became dumb, and Yuto magically became 10 times better. I'm more interested in what is so important for Motoko's character arc that you felt the need to force the plot to go in this direction, even at the cost of heavy handedness. Especially since you're a skilled enough writer that you probably already knew how heavy-handed this would look even before you posted it. Could you share your thoughts?


You're acting like she has an encyclopedia brain full of options to pick and choose. They set up, busted in and were in full combat mode. Then shit went sideways and the dude literally dived out of a window and immediately hopped in a car. An armored car. Could she have activated her Sandevistan? Sure. But it's entirely possible she didn't consider it in the heat of the moment. After that it was basically a cross city car chase and there was no opportunity for it. As far as hacking goes, do we even know if she has a quick hack for shutting down vehicles? Blind might have worked, but Quickhacks are also distance related. Were they ever in range to use it on him? it didnt seem like it until they forced him to stop. Alot of people seem to think she's a robot or something that always chooses the immediately optimal choice of ability to use. Thats not how either combat or people work.


Motoko can't hack cars yet. That needs a very specific sort of hack unless you are just breaching into their system to break in. And cars often do have good security. Sandy is a speed boost, but it's not Davids Sandy. (Yet) Motoko used quite a few abilities here. Shooting. Stealth. Teach (Her Quadra was better than Yutos getaway car.) She's very skilled, but she isn't... You know I was going to say Adam Smasher, but Adam Smasher failed to stop V and Jackie from escaping after 'killing' Saburo. So if even one of the biggest legends can let someone escape them...


Not really. Cars aren't people and all of Motokos quick hacks are people hacks. In the game you need to get specific hacks to mess with cars. And it's actually behind perks. Motoko's aren't but she just never bothered to get a car hack before.


He jumped out a window and leapt into a car that was specifically placed there as his getaway vehicle. Cyberpunk wheels are pretty tough. I don't think I've ever done any sort of wheel shooting in GitC. She only saw him for a split second as he jumped into his car so couldn't hack him directly. You need line of sight to hack someone. Called 6th Street to save his ass, and they actually showed up. Showing there is something going on here that is fishy as fuck. Almost like a rival gang wants to keep the kid alive.


Yuto is desperate. And Motoko isn't. He was willing to run people over, and she and Hiromi weren't. If Motoko had time to switch into the drivers seat she'd have caught up to him much faster than Hiromi, but she needed to shoot.


So you didn't actually read the chapter then yet still feel confident in posting this BS? She literally left 2 gunmen and Hiromi in a car outside just in case something like this or reinforcements showing up, she just got unlucky. Maybe try paying attention to what you're reading next time before complaining about things you made up in your imagination.


Jesus Christ are you lost? Have you even read a single chapter of this story? "Pushed her to want more chrome"?? She literally fantasizes about having a full borg body in CHAPTER 1. Maybe pay attention to the story before making up BS to complain about?


And start a gang war? Oh I don't know, why ever would she not do that..


@Mech you have no idea what your talking about. Take your BS min/maxing nonsense elsewhere.

Empty Shelf

She tunnel-visioned, Hard. Compare her approach here to the previous time she went after Yuto, and it becomes pretty obvious that she wasn't thinking at all. The fact they didn't actually have anyone covering the window, when it was the only other way out of the apartment, just goes to show how little thought went into this. And then when you get to the chase itself, she spent several minutes firing uselessly at an armored car's reinforced window, never even considering breaking out her quick-hacks or even a heavier weapon. It was very silly.


No problem, if there’s no survivors and it will be only a accident if all of the cars have high explosives in there passenger side for other gun fights


She didn't hack Yuto because she never had a clear view of him until she was surrounded by 6th Street. She didn't hack the car because that's not how things work.


She didn't have a clear shot of Yuto to hack him and she doesn't know how to hack cars.


Maybe the real problem here is that neither of you two are remotely socialized and so can't tell someone having a normal conversation from someone "groveling". Consider therapy. And practicing basic reading comprehension since you completely misread the chapter as well.


You also forgot what Motoko can actually do and instead have been imagined an unch of nonsense so you feel "justified" in complaining. Do better.


@Robert thank you for making that distinction. Also from reading some of the ridiculous complaining comments on this thread it seems that Yuto is the only one in that "mode".

White Neko Knight

She didn't try is my issue. It'd take half a second to test the vehicles security. Given who gave Yuto the car I doubt it would have worked, but she didn't try. Fair point for not having eyes on Yuto for most of the chase, but she did have eyes on him as he ran for the car and could have thrown our a hack. I suppose it's the odd combination of Motoko being a bad ass without all that much experience. She's not even a year into the universe and I/we tend to forget that.


You don't need a further explanation. It was completely explained in this very chapter, in detail, you just didn't bother paying attention to what you were reading.


Look at this guy, responding to criticism with vitriol and condescension, without a single counterpoint, and lumping it all with "clearly didn't read the chapter and imagined it all". Grow up, Z H. Your parents won't coddle you forever. Ah, but wait. No. There was one argument you squeezed out. That there WERE two people placed just in case Yuto got out, to intercept him. And that he just "got lucky" and somehow avoided two people (presumably) shooting at him. Truly, the counter-argument of the ages; I am stumped. This explains everything, and definitely isn't contrived at all. You have enlightened me with such rhetorical brilliance. *somber nod*

Tom S

Good chapter. As someone said above, I'm glad she didn't instawin. She seemed to be a little under prepared. She didn't play to her strengths so much as a solo infiltrator. In many respects I see this as a section 9 failure more so than an Motorola failure, though she is the leader. I guess they had 3 combatants and Hiromi. It would be tough to assault the apartment and guard 2 or 3 street exits. Hard to write more on my phone, so I'll stop. TFTC!


Love the story, loved the chapter as moments like this usually lead to solid if not massive character growth, hopefully not just our main girl but also her chooms. Looking foreword to how this is going to turn out, as if that man's as good as he sounds like he'll know there's trouble coming with that opponent playing for the win! Also looking foreword to how much harder Fujimura will strive to acquire her, no one that quick in growth and development can be not targeted as an asset to acquire! Thanks for another great read Seras's.


Such a great chapter! We see how competent and professional she is when doing her job, but she also made a big mistake that ended up with the target escaping them. It’s great progress for her and adds to her growth if she doesn’t win all the time. Such a great chapter for your comeback, and I hope everything is well


Oh you wanna play it that way ZH? Alright, let's go over it. 1 - Yuto's driving skills, or his lack thereof. Every single mention we've had of him, the general narrative painted him as a hotheaded idiot. Sure, he was decently skilled, but nothing amazing. Him failing to assassinate an unaware and vulnerable target twice also doesn't do him any favours. So he's already set up as someone who is quite incompetent in many ways despite what skills he has (and he does, or he wouldn't have pulled Jun out of hot water before). 2 - Desperation. Seras remarks that Yuto was desperate, while Motoko wasn't. However, this would lead Yuto to become a sloppier driver, not more skilled. Desperation leads to impulsive actions. This can be useful in split second life or death decisions, not so much in prolonged car chases. Seras actually demonstrates this with the amount of close calls he has on the road. (Even if I believe he would have crashed sooner, I can accept it). He also was more ruthless, driving straight through pedestrians. Honestly, not suprised about this part, it makes sense to me that he wouldn't care as much when his life was on the line. 3 - Shooting his wheels instead of the armored window. Now, a reasonable counterpoint would be that he has flat tyres, the type that even when punctured, would only slow the car down, rather than disable it. But we don't know that. Motoko didn't try, so we don't know if it would've worked. Additionally, even if they were flat tyre, shooting them would still slow down the car, giving Hiromi the advantage she would need to close in, so it would have still been worth it. 4 - Quickhacks. Car or person. Perhaps it wasn't possible at that distance, but the fact of the matter was that there wasn't even an attempt, despite this being Motoko's main form of attack. If it wasn't possible, a remark in the text on it would have been appreciated, as otherwise it just seems like Motoko forgot. Motoko, to whom quickhacking is practically a twitch reaction (seriously, check it out, she pulls out quickhacks almost as an instinctual reaction whenever she is suddenly confronted). All of this combined is what gives off a feeling of heavy-handedness. And it's not as if I'm alone in such an opinion. Now, this doesn't mean I do not think Seras is an amazing writer. I'm simply remarking on the inconsistencies, accidental or not, that these points bring up. Some people also thought that the infiltration was contrived. I actually don't. Her getting sloppy with it is pretty believable. She felt safe in familiar territory and did dumb mistakes she normally wouldn't do. The car chase not so much. Overall, I think the biggest problem with the car chase and why so many people were dissatisfied is that there wasn't enough context. Motoko doesn't do certain actions and we don't know why. A lot of these problems could be fixed with a second comb through where Seras adds the small details that explain or infer as to why she did or did not do something, as the text right now just isn't something that I can give an in-universe explanation to justify. Even when she was in her murder kill Scav hunting phase she let Cool flow through her on those hunting expeditions, preventing her from making mistakes that her emotional state would interfere with. (Which also crosses off emotional instability as the reason for sloppy decisions). Once all those clarifications are added, suddenly it makes more sense. She tried what she could, but due to Hiromi's lacking skills, Yuto's ruthlessness and her own misplaced confidence she didn't prepare enough, and her current skillset wasn't enough to bulldoze through the problem regardless.

White Neko Knight

Ya know. I stand by my "single-minded" tunnel vision comment. She rushed this, plain and simple. But the way she rushed things is completely in character. People seem to have forgotten that Motoko has been at this for less than a year. I'm not even sure it's been 6 months yet. Motoko is an extremely skilled amateur, she's never run into a situation where a mark spoofed their internet/entertainment access. Nor has she ever run into a safehouse designed by someone trained and experienced in setting up a safehouse.


I think people are getting a little overworked about this chapter. I agree that Mikito's failure to catch Yuto felt a little heavy handed from Seras, but this entire situation seems to be building up to important plot developments for this arc. This chapter definitely could have been done better, but its not that big of a deal in the big picture. It seems like Mikoto's failure will lead to some positive growth in ability and decision-making, something that hopefully will be satisfying to the reader in the end.


“You should have called in assistance once you realized where he was.” Fujimura suddenly said, causing the room to go quiet as everyone looked between us. Mokoto's response is completely wrong here. If she calls in Tyger reinforcements, it's a Tyger-affiliated hit. She is an independent merc, hired to do a gig. Chapter 190 is pretty vague on what exact the gig entails, only stating: “Yoto needs to die, your capabilities in tracking would make this easier.” (name typo?). If the accepted gig is for reconnaissance only, then she should call Fujimura when found and he has a valid complaint. If the accepted gig is for assassination, then her calling in reinforcements is actually failing the gig -- admitting Section 9 can't complete it. She had bad intel about Roger, which again lays at Fujimura's feet. He had the intel and didn't provide it. To be honest, this whole thing feels like Fujimura playing power politics with Motoko, a la Faraday. It's left a sour taste in my mouth and I really didn't enjoy the chapter.


Also, what room? Where were they? Who was in the room other than Fujimura and Motoko? The transition between scenes there was jarring.


The transition after Motoko grumbles about losing, and then gets Rogers file. Fujimura is there it mentions it after she talks about Rogers history.


Thanks Seras. Reading over my comment again, it comes off as overly critical and not as constructive as I would have liked. I'm still loving your story and want to help you make it better. Welcome back. :)

Beffany Sanshos

She keeps losing to the serious professionals like Anderson and now 6th St, which is interesting and very legit. These are learning experiences! Also this drive by… it’ll be interesting if Edgerunners happen because of the shootout.


I personally feel like the more involved Mikoto gets with Fujimura, the less happy I am in general.


HMMM. Damn good odds that Moritaka hired 6th street to protect Yuto, to fuck over Fujimura. Explicitly against orders, too. Interesting.


Oh no worries! I love you guys, and I'm not always the best. I make mistakes. I definitely should have gone into Motoko's thoughts a bit more during this on why she didn't do certain things.

Sondre - Asumodeus

Love the story, but this chapter felt subpar. I will just chuck it up to needing to shake the rust off from the break.


Holy shit, wtf is wrong with you? Consider being more friendly.

Alexander Jonsson

"I flipped the selector and braced and opened up." Just add a comma before EITHER of the 'and's, and all is good, works either way grammatically. But changing the second 'and' to a 'then' would make the sentence flow better, more fluid, less jank.


Thinking back, this debacle deserves a post mission analysis for the team to point out where they all could've prevented things from spiralling out into what it became. Cause I hate to say it, but I think even Becca being there, could have somehow made a difference, probably higher with Jackie too. Really pointing out how small the central team size of Section 9 is, 4 teens and a munchkin.


hm, no. "I flipped the selector, braced, then opened up." needs both commas.


@Z H chill on the personal attacks. Makes me wish there a report option in the comments. Seras doesn't need you jumping on every negative comment like it's some kind of blasphemy.

IlI architrue IlI

I like the plot twist that Motoko is failing because of overconfidence and so she has to rely on others a little bit more.

Robert Apgar

Well I would think its closer to how nobody in our world turns their phone off or leaves it behind on purpose, at least if they dont have to. Seras cleared up that Motoko just didnt have line of sight in one of the comments but if you weren't told ahead of time that a apex-netrunner was going to turn your brain into soup I'd never be offline either.


At first when I read the chapter, I came away super frustrated. Upon a second read I realized I might have been feeling the frustration of a failed mission, rather than just not liking the chapter. Then after going through the comments I got an even better picture. We are so used to the prepared Motoko, that seeing the head long rush of a teen is unsettling. However, other than planning her gigs/heists/pest control she is one to dive in. When she impulse killed scavs, to rushing into Wakkako for jobs in the beginning, to joining in on the Kamikaze. A lot of things she does is rush actions. She sets herself on a path in the heat of the moment and like an alligator in a Death Roll she won't let go until she wins or it is too late. In a weird way it's kinda of like when people debate how good Batman is. Give him prep time and you have an unstoppable hero that can take on the best. But rush him, emotionally compromise him and you lead to his mistakes even though he is an "Ace Detective" with all the money in the world. Basically, let's see where this goes! I look forward to the next chapters. Maybe this moment of missing certain things will make her evaluate her perks and see what things she could branch into to prevent such issues or maybe re-evaluate her skill set to see her strengths and weaknesses. Then shift those weaknesses on her team to fill the gaps. Like Malcom noticing the minor details that change a gig, maybe he goes second in command. Maybe he comes in to pace Motoko when she rushes, pull her back in. Hiromi already handles her financial and "kindness" weakness in social settings for gigs. Ichi is the down to earth driver, and what I would consider the closest to the reality check of the group. I feel like Rebecca still needs to come into her own growth fully before she takes a roll but maybe she is the flip side of the coin to Malcom, like an improvisor or chaos thriving type. If she wants a team she needs to think about the team building aspect. I feel like sure there was a lack of prep, but what really killed her was misplaced team positioning. (Opinion that could quiet easily be wrong here). Ichi and Motoko in one car, Malcom and Hiromi in the other. Ichi having the driving experience, could have been waiting in the car ready for a chase just in case. Malcom coming with Motoko as her fighting second was the right call. But then have Hiromi on turret duty. She can't handle firing her own pistol at people but maybe if she has an interface, a degree of separation for the kill, maybe she could fire the weapon like using the minotaur. I know the mech was not there, I'm just trying to find the right words for the example. Lastly Rebecca just not being there was the displacement there, but that wasn't in there control if I remember correctly. I feel like this experience will reinforce the team aspect and recalibrate the roles of the team. Overall good chapter even if it wasn't what we wanted to see our protagonist fail at. (Edit: Grammar, punctuation, spelling, and mobile formatting)

Zevi (edited)

Comment edits

2024-06-19 00:21:03 Another excellent chapter. It's good to see Motoko showing her inexperience when coming up against competent opponents.
2024-06-18 06:49:33 Another excellent chapter. I disagree with complaints, because I think that it's good to see Motoko's inexperience causing failure when coming up against competent opponents. This is what makes this story different from the usual Mary Sue SIs.

Another excellent chapter. I disagree with complaints, because I think that it's good to see Motoko's inexperience causing failure when coming up against competent opponents. This is what makes this story different from the usual Mary Sue SIs.


I don't have a gripe with this chapter. While it felt like a forced situation, with him escaping into the car and Motoko not using ANY quickhacks(not even fucking ping the apartment?), the chapter itself resolved as expected. "We will get him the next time" ™. What I have gripe with is more a contextual part of these latest chapters. It was supposed to be an arc where Motoko gains fame among TC and more. And so far the only thing she did was to kill dozen of teens with more guts than common sense. Then she was stopped during her epic duel, that would make her famous. She was stopped from having any presence in the meeting, that would make her stand out. Then she was stopped from killing the TC boss, which would make her famous. Now she's stopped from completing her gig, which would make her mildly famous. I understand that this arc haven't even ended yet. But where this fame should come from? For now it was a series of uninterrupted reality checks for Motoko, one after another foiling any attempts at having anything done. How am I suppose to fanboy for Motoko if she can't have her epic MC moments?


A solid point on the shortstopping of fame, but I think it is a building narrative or needs context when thought about. It builds up her fame indirectly. A large TC group tried to kidnap her alone, she didn't even get a scratch and slaughtered them. Then the famous swordsman comes into play and instead of being killer like everyone expected, she fought him to a draw (no clear winner due to outside influences). Then when she gets to the meeting she is the only Non-TC member there, has moments to speak, gets backed up by 3 or 4 high standing members (Depending on if you count our Yakuza Princess). While she doesn't get to follow up on her threat she is highly recognized. This is another layer of fame to build on her in the TC. Each of these was a push into fame in the TC on a more widespread scale rather than just Fujimura. Fame is slow at first then shoots off like a boulder rolling down a hill. Now she finds Yuto within 12 hours of getting the mission when it has been weeks for Fujimura trying to find him. Then while they already knew 6th St was involved she came back alive and showed that this is much larger than just an angry former TC wanting revenge. He is protected. The more Motoko pulls at this plot point the more fame she will get. Then once all aspects of herself are put into one place, she will spike in fame. Put together the BDs, the fast advancement, her netrunner ability/fame, afterlife access, then Onryo legend, with her Rocker fame all in one... just one proper interview where the interviewer does their research and she becomes a well known element not to be messed with. It is a long road but the foundation is their for the end point. Now we just have to see how the powder keg ignites. Because it isn't if anymore, but when.


None of this ties together into one spotlight. She killed dozen of arrogant kids. Her duel was stopped short and nobody except Korembi and his team actually saw what happened during it. She was at the meeting as Oni's little sister nothing more nothing less. And the gig to capture Yuto isn't a public TC knowledge. They would just know that Fujimura's people did it. The BDs are an old tune, it won't make HER famous. They would make Ghost in the Shell famous. You wouldn't even know how she looks like. If she needs to be in a spotlight, it needs to be a widespread TC knowledge of Motoko Kusanagi. So far every chance she had was snuffed short. Maybe except for the minor fame of killing dozen of kids at dojo. Now, I don't say that she wants or actually needs any fame. But I grown sure that that was a purpose of this arc by Seras' earlier comments.


Fair enough, and I'm just saying it's like a build up of dominoes. Eventually we will see them tumble and hopefully into a cool design of Motoko fame and badassery. It needs that push moment, the tying event. Or Hiromi putting out an OpEd on her work for Section 9 publicity/marketing


wow people went wild. I think the chase is a little weak . the scene could a used a half chapter to prep or like someone said a half chapter after action both things they are supposed to be about.


I am surprised she didn't just blind them, shoot him, and run away.