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Hello everyone, hope you're well.
Summer has begun and it's time to break out the swimsuits.

As you can see, I've started a new 31DAYS31SKETCHES challenge that will help me get faster.

Here's what I'm planning for July:

_Choose the sketch that will get its color version (Daki, Pito, Robin or Yor)

_I'd like to sketch at least chapter 1 of "Arch's Horizon".

_Why not sketch a small comic for the summer.

_Purah's sketch

_And if I've got any time left, think about a series of inflation on DA or Twitter (RT and likes) 

Follow my progress here

Here's everything, hoping to get it all done. Around the middle of the month I'll probably be less active as I'm moving into a new apartment and that's going to take up some of my time.

Have a good day, take care.


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