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Hello everyone!
I hope you are well, as usual I want to thank you for your support.

Let's take a look at the content that was made during this month of April.

_The DA page has exceeded 1000 subscribers and that's incredible and I plan to cross 2000 for September (we'll see if my prediction is right).
_The sketch of Midna that you liked a lot and that I loved to do, a first for me with a Zelda character.
_10 days later came the commission of Korra and that had good feedback.
_Aqua's commission which I admit I was a little disappointed but these things happen and the customer likes it a lot so that's the main thing. It has also made an excellent score on reddit.
_And finally, the sketch of Yae Miko which will have the right to its final version in the middle of the week.

The predictions for this month of May.

_I have a lot of things in mind but I won't be able to do everything unfortunately.
_I have planned for Wednesday a color version of a sketch that many of you liked.
_The comic page about All Might and Mount Lady (it will probably be a sketch but it remains to be seen).
_Finalize the charadesign of my comic "Arch's horizons".
_I have a project for an inflation sequence or an illustration on the inflation classics.
_I'm optimistic but I'd like to do a series of drawings with all the female characters of My Hero Academia with a just badass pose (no chubby, no big boobs, no hentai, etc...).

That's all, I hope you like what I have planned. I'll see you on Wednesday.
If you have other original ideas, do not hesitate to propose them.
Follow my progress here https://large-climb-ac5.notion.site/a1fc58de72ac4dbf8dc2e533196eb23d?v=1e374e0005164cbdadbc0d3570694700


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