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Hello everyone. I would like to say that I'll be taking a break from animation for a while. This is because I have not been feeling well (both physically and mentally) these past few weeks and I'm struggling to focus on doing animations due to these IRL/health issues. I'll be pausing the Patreon billing for next month and hopefully I can return on a month or two after that but for now, I won't be able to make new videos for a long while. I'm sorry and I hope that you all can understand my predicament.

Thank you very much again for the support! Your support is what keeps me going through these hard times of my life and I cannot thank you all enough for it.



It’s completely fine just take the time you need to get better and come back when your ready!😄


Be sure to get some good sleep 😴 I hope you feel better soon. I'd love to make another commission with you.


Understandable. Have a good rest. You've been super consistent over the years and you deserve it.


All good my friend, take your much needed rest. We’ll be here when you get back and are better, both physically and mentally.

Toma Cafe

Get better RemKT-Sama 🥰


If there was ever a time to do it . It’s holiday time you relax/heal and enjoy yourself and decompress. We’ll be here when you get back


Taking care of yourself always takes priority. Rest well, and feel better soon.

Christoper Cross

Take all the time you need, friend

Darren van der Valk

The fact you've been putting out videos as consistently as you have for all this time, without break, is an incredible achievement; one that very few come close to and it isn't quantity either, but quality to! Your videos have, for the longest time, been a source of joy; something to look forward to at the beginning of each month. The anticipation of seeing the preview for the next animation and speculating its' contents, all the while knowing the date of delivery to mark off on one's calendar, has become somewhat of an event in its' own right. And that is all to speak to the workflow you've built. A pressure release valve on life, and a feeling of mutuality to hard times. That is to say your work is equally as supportive! Breaks are just as important for content creation as doing the job itself. We often don't give ourselves the time, and a wondering mind is one that is at its most creative. Time off should be touted, it's unquestionably in the best interest of everyone and I'm glad you've come to the decision to take some. You've more than earned it! Take care of yourself and see you when we see you („• ֊ •„)੭


Relax and wish you a merry Christmas.🥰


Enjoy the holidays! you did great with all the animations, always. Hope you get better soon and take care ^^

I dunno