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The full video for "Ilulu's New Candy" is now available!

This video is a commission from Clayton. Thank you very much again for the commission~! <3

The story is about Ilulu tending to the candy store and being bored as no customers were coming but then suddenly someone walk into the store with a seemingly mischievous intent.

The attached files have a password. Check your Welcome Notes or inbox for the ZIP Password or PM me here if you didn't receive any message within 24 hours after this was posted.

(Note: If you are a new Patron, please wait for at least 24 hour before PM-ing me because I will message new patrons within 24 hours. If I didn't message you after 24 hours, then you can send me a message.)

I hope you all enjoy watching it and thank you for the continued support as always!




I'll say it again. You did an amazing job on the video I commissioned.


I find it funny that the R18 version (if it will be made) won't be adding too much more given how much there already is.


He was a little rude and he did steal candy, so being shrunk and being her doll is a good punishment that fits his crime. Being shrunk and becoming a giantesses prisoner is a punishment because now he loses his freedom.


password plz


lol why we pay for services if we need a password regardless for every video watermark or not first i downloaded to my phone boom no file in zip now on my pc ok i see vid but oh no password like why sub if you gonna need a password regardless..i was better off waiting for the free release but nope i was like hay ill show my support and pay $5 i was gonna pay more or thinking of custom $50.00...then i see i pay need password...i am like wow just wow 😂 i am not bashing i love the work but...its just not fair and if no one else will speak i will i am sorry...


in the tier list it don't say you will need a password in order to view content...


I sent them and as for the passwords, it's for security reasons and it is fine if you can't or don't want to support since I'm not forcing anyone to support.


Password please

석빈 이

Password plz

Daniel 5090

Password please


Password please


pw thx


Password please

Paul Flores

Hi is better mega video


Password Please


Password Please


Password please


password please

Paul Flores

Password please


Password please