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The full video for "Cell's 'Perfect' Day" is now available!

This video is a commission from SpiceGirlGang. Thank you very much for the commission~! <3

The attached file has a password. Check your inbox for the ZIP Password or PM me here if you didn't receive any message within 24 hours after this was posted.

(Note: If you are a new Patron, please wait for at least 24 hour before PM-ing me because I will message new patrons within 24 hours. If I didn't message you after 24 hours, then you can send me a message.)

I hope you all enjoy watching it and thank you for the continued support as always!




Password for this one?


how i make commission ?


damm i need code haha


I'm pretty busy so I can't accept commissions for now. Sorry.


I don't really know what the plan was from her but now we have a bigger Cell. Great Work.


I don't know if you're planning a video about Mt. Lady, but in my hero there is a drug that increases the quirk. So a bigger Mt. Lady for better villain fighting.

Darren van der Valk

This was such a treat to experience. I’m reminded as to why I so enjoy a comedic edge to works such as these. It’s just all round a good time! There’s something to be said about a work that not only entices the fetish aspects of the genre but equally leaves you in a feel-good mood with a smile and a chuckle. I’m always left in awe of the coaster ride this emotional track takes you on. On ‘track’ the music does an excellent job composing the tone when transitioning between scenes as each act becomes a self-contained story arc, comprising the many climbs and falls of our amusement ride. With one such ‘rise’ coming after the battle’s conclusion increasing the height of the climax. Give me sweet karma any day, the blast only (literally) feeding her growth along the panicked line “so I kept blasting” is a fine scene with which to snack upon. Yes, those “noms” were to die for! Very cute. I did enjoy all the expressions shown throughout and especially those which are specifically exaggerated. Looks to Mt Lady’s horny approach. Now that’s using your head! Though even strength and wits can only get you so far as even this mountain has its’ peak as it’s cast in the shadow of an even heftier summit. Oh… and height played a factor as well xD On a completely unrelated note, *ahem*. Got to appreciate the boobah sfx! Ever the excellent job of creating a feeling of softness and elasticity in both sound and movement. For me, my most enjoyed aspect is the moment of size change. I liked the way you illustrated the growth through various perspectives, such as the multi view standing camera shots where her body fills the screen. This is probably one of my favourites as the frame failing to capture the entirety of her form gives an excellent sense of scale. Additional points of view like 3rd party perspective and pseudo 1st person were great at illustrating the growing disparity with the latter, having the downfacing camera rise, strengthening the fact. I feel the final growth sequence could’ve benefited from slower pacing as it felt a bit fast and some additional perspective(s) to help it ease into the next stage. The initial growth phase was great and if the final could be likened to it then it would be perfect. Ultimately, I was very happy that there were multiple instances of size change, this to say nothing of the fact of my love for these scenes, while I hope to see the continued inclusion of a number of growth/shrink events in future works. Overall, this work had me absorbed from the beginning to end! A huge congrats again to another wonderful concept from the mind of Christopher Cross (aka SpiceGirlGang) and the excellent rendition by you RemKT.


I have a question here, can it be possible to continue this by having another commission on making her bigger?


Question here is it even remotely possible to do a continuation if a commissioned again? Just curious :).


code ???


Since this is for a commission, I don't know if I'll be using Mt. Lady again but we'll see. Maybe once I have an idea specifically for her but I can't promise. (Also, I have only watched the first 2 seasons of My Hero so I'm not up to date with what's happening in the anime lol).

Christoper Cross

The funny thing about that is that this video is an alternate take or spiritual sequel to this other video I commission: https://youtu.be/KOGP2_T0v9M


What is the password I never got one

