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The bikini version of the "Hibari's Growth Play" video is now available. Enjoy~!

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Darren van der Valk

Oh! I’m quite familiar with Iori Komatsu-san's works. I never would’ve guessed you were involved! Makes sense why I enjoyed them as much as I did (* ^ ω ^) They say to work smarter not harder and it’s good to see you put this into practice (o^ ^o) I wanted to be sure to draw specific attention to the additional outfit included. As I’ve mentioned in the past, switching up the clothing brings an entirely new perspective to a work. Ones’ attire highlighting different aspects of the wearer, highlighting areas of charm, and accentuating the figure. Making the piece feel new as it modifies the perception of the scenario. I enjoyed the body tight suit. The lines along its’ surface guiding the eye and giving shape to further display the topography of her form. While the arrow and magical emblem giving the impression of a succubus (⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄) The hearts in her eyes, risqué and sensual in tone give credence to a more sexual play. I’m ever so thankful for the cause “why not” (˘∀˘) A bikini is just that. More revealing but just as attentive in the manner it ignites the imagination. The feeling is more playful, as one envisions the type of play associated with a beach styled aesthetic, but the exposed view of skin provides the naughtier subtleties ♡(。- ω -) In both cases, the outfits provided greater mileage to the work, and I can say that it felt that three pieces were received as opposed to one. Thank you for the work and effort of providing these m(_ _)m I understand the extra effort that additional wears would take to implement but, if possible, I’d love to see an additional outfit, such as the alternate outfit version, appear in the future along with the usual bikini/underwear version. While I’d happily go up a tier to compensate for the extra work as to support the expansion of their wardrobe (o^ ^o) I must add that my favorite shots were of her looking down on the world below; her gazing curiosity while she decides on her next play, with the sense of being inspected by a being far larger than you ♡ The smug expression and smile were simply the best. Additionally, her confused expression in the end was also great, the feeling of ‘uncontrolled’ growth is satisfying in its unpredictability (´ ω `♡) The explicit force shown at 2:51 was one of my best-loved expressions of her overwhelming weight and power. The quick pace of her movement, the unsteady camera and booming sound worked seamlessly to sell the dramatic impact. While I enjoyed the detail on the impact of her size and distance as she rocketed the vehicles below her. Sure, NASA could learn a thing or two about launching ‘space’ craft (。•̀ᴗ-)✧ While the jiggle this time around was exceptional. The soft elastic nature of their masses memorizing in flow were transcribed beautifully. With my only real complaint being in the lack of sound used in their movement and bounce. Regarding the music, I believe the impact felt diminished in comparison to previous works as its’ continuous use seemed to drown out the effect of certain scenes. Saying that it’s understandable as to the why seeing as the ‘threat’ and action were continuous throughout. Another wonderful piece. While a quick apology for the lateness of my comment, was unable to find time but finally found a gap (ᵔ◡ᵔ)


Thank you very much for the comment as always~! I always look forward to these. Well, here are some things that I want to say in response for a few things that you pointed out. While I do like to make an additional outfit version every time I finish an animation, the problem lies with the availability of the models used for the animation which can be edited and also if there is an existing outfit/bikini version of them. If there is not then it is more likely that I can't do a bikini/additional outfit version for them (unless I heavily edited the model). The same goes with the R-18 version. If the model used in the animation doesn't have a full body/R-18 variance (also if the model is a TDA model which can't be used for R-18 stuff) then I can't do the R-18 version of the animation. As for the bounce SFX, I removed it so as to not affect the overall feel of the animation but I might use it again in the future. And as for the BGM, it's just really hard to find the appropriate different music/BGM for GTS scenes so I just use the ones I already have.

Darren van der Valk

And thank you~ I greatly appreciate the explanation, being in equal parts reasonable and sound. You always take the time to let us know whether there are complications with a model and its’ accompanying limitations. While I just as much enjoy the additional outfit versions, I do understand that this might not always be possible. In that, I’ll continue to enjoy the works you put out in whatever variation they come in. I thought as much. I have a lot of respect for your sound design and experience. Thinking back on this, your call was the correct one. It wouldn’t have felt ‘right’ and would’ve disrupted the rhythm. While for the BGM I might have left some room for misinterpretation. I didn’t mean to imply that the soundtrack itself was overused but was more referring to the specific work in isolation as to how the music was implemented in this case. To clarify, I’m a huge fan of the BGM used and I love the fact that you continue to use it in all your works. You’ve really made it your own and I’d be hard pressed to listen to it without having your animations come to mind. The music fits impeccably with the scenes being depicted. I’d not have you change this out for anything while happily having you continue to use the current tracks with which you’re familiar. Your interpretation of the timing and pacing of her actions to the tempo was phenomenal, maintaining a degree of interest and vary to the sound in conjunction with the movement that was occurring. The way you’ve kept shaking up the music to not only feel distinct but apply to so many situations is nothing short of masterful. After reviewing this again I can say that this was the best choice for how the score needed to be carried out ♪♪♪ ヽ(ˇ∀ˇ )ゞ Keep doing what you’re doing as it’s working brilliantly (o_ _)ノ彡☆