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The 2nd part of the video "A Growing Sickness" is now available! Last time, Yukari had a strange fever resulting in her body to grow. Rin suggested that they go to a hospital which is famous for curing any sickness. Here is the continuation of the story. Will Yukari be cured?


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Wait a minute, the army actually listened? Mind blown. 😁


They have to, otherwise they would stand no chance against her and they know it. (I also wanted to do a different approach about the GTS vs army thing and also because this is mostly a gentle GTS video)

Darren van der Valk

Salute to the camera man for holding his ground against those bodacious bouncing balls as they bounded towards them on a direct collision course! There was a hint of an expectation that they were going to impact with the camera, with a little jolt and bounce track for comedic effect. While ultimately this didn’t happen, I feel like the intention was there as the camera was pulled away, giving the impression that contact occurred. I like to think that she did send our viewer reeling back in the end, after all~ The cartoonish breath really helped sell her high temperature, it certainly stuck out to more to me this time around which added to the ever-escalating nature of her sickness. As always, I enjoyed those slow camera pans and extreme close-ups. Excellent use of camara positioning and movement to sell and give credence to her size. Nothing quite beats the absolutely dwarfing nature of being unable to conceive something in its’ entirety in your field of vision. *Strains to looks up, no boobs only eyes… The humor you add is well appreciated. I can’t quite say what it is, but I adore having that slice of silliness in works of this type. It nothing else, it heightens my enjoyment of it even if it’s just to take some of the edge off. One such scene being the tanks limited firing arch; that was the real bombshell, reality knocking! Followed by the commanders’ overreaction and her shock at the whole scene was one to remember. It was a fun take on Yukari’s inevitable showdown with the military. A quick nod to another scene, got to give my man credit where credit is due as that throw was top notch! While it’s certainly true that things may very well have gone a lot different if not for Rin's intervention as an intermediary. Going off not one but two instances of citizenry temperament, things may have well spun out of control! Where again we see the absolute trust that Yukari has in Rin. While our ‘shocked and in awe’ commander can certainly be credited for having a cooler head. This particular project truly tugged at me emotionally in a different way to others in this genre. I’d like to credit that to the interactions that were established between the characters involved. There was a real sense of fear, sadness, hope, joy, relief and good ol’ fashioned friendship. There’s a subtle transfer of responsibility of Rin’s safety as the commander must stop her as her friend is becoming quite literally out of reach at this point. It really shakes up the dynamics and builds on the empathy we have for these characters. Ironically you can tell a lot by a little and I think you did an excellent job of telling a great story in these seemingly micro story beats over the grand scheme of the video. Even with just the consistency of delivering dialogue between characters when relaying information. You said it before and you delivered, it’s not every day you get to see a definitive happy ending. What a great culmination! While Rin leaped into an unsuspecting Yukari, this was the perfect visual accompaniment to what we all would’ve been feeling. The music sealing the emotional highpoint, I found myself really enjoying it as it had the right temperament for what I felt was a feel-good feeling of accomplishment after a hard-won victory. Friendship is a beautiful thing, and I can say you’ve well captured it here. With all that said and done, this series left me with a full heart.

RemKT (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-16 18:51:24 Thank you very much for the comment~! <3
2022-02-06 23:54:19 Thank you very much for the comment~! <3

Thank you very much for the comment~! <3