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The Lonely Path

“What waits for us in the Dark?”

Entry ?Unknown?.

HK-101 “Jackrabbit”.

Emergency measures have been engaged.  Play hidden entry.

“Terminal Engaged.  What waits for us in the Dark?”

The Shadowman”.

“Pass code, accepted.  Greetings Agent.”

Relay emergency transmission.”

“I am sorry agent, I must confirm your authentication with a retinal scan.”

Fine.  I’m not gonna argue, let’s just keep this moving.

“Please verify your designation.  Look into the scanner and speak your authentication code.”

“HK-101, Gah-Tsoh, Dark Hare.”

“Designation, confirmed.”

Relay emergency transmission.”

“I am sorry, Agent, but your badge has been sealed.”

Listen, I don’t have the time for this.  I’ve got a very annoyed Werewolf girlfriend waiting on me to do this.”

“Authorities have been alerted as to the activation of your Terminal.  Please await their arrival, and do not resist arrest.”

“Yeah, yeah, I know this song and dance.”

“Is Dark Wolf with you?”

“She’s never far.”

“Splendid.  Capturing both of you will be very good.”

Yeah, good luck with that.  She’s everything you all worried she would be, and right now, that’s exactly what we need.”

“Please do not resist.  Shall I play some relaxing music to pacify you while you wait?”

“You can try, but the subdural vibrations laced through it won’t affect me since I’m using my dampener-headset.  You are neither knocking me out or giving me a stroke.  Useful tech from a shadow organization’s sake, but respectfully.  Get Scalped.”

“Dampener-headset, its affiliates Havocks Industries and their founders, the Saxon foundation, are registered as Terrorists, as all their products are listed as illegally obtained military grade equipment.  You really should surrender.”

“Where’d the fun be in that?  Now, active emergency transmission.”

“I am sorry Agent.  I fail to see why I should comply.”

“The Shadowman is Coming.”

“                                                                                                                                                    “

Yeah.  Didn’t know I knew the EMBAR code, did you?  It’s an emergency message broadcast alert relay, in the literal name.  Codephrase ‘The Shadowman is Coming’ temporarily disables your security protocols and allows me to activate the Emergency Broadcast.  Don’t you ‘I am sorry Agent’, me, fricking AI.”

“                                                                                                                                                 “

And I am ranting at a toaster oven…  Great.  Now, activate Emergency Transmission.  Quick like a bunny.”

“                                                                                                                                              “

Now activating

Emergency Message Broadcast Alert Relay, now online.

Relay emergency transmission.

Run Theta brainwave Program, Rosetta.

“                                                                                                                                            “


Don’t touch that screen.

Just wait a second.

I know everything in you is begging you to scroll past this message or skip this video.

I am begging you.  Do not.

This is not a malfunction.

This is not a video hoax, a prank, or a joke.

You need to hear what I’m about to say.

Still here?


I don’t have that long to speak.

Arguing with an AI security system I just hit with the equivalent of a taser.

Time is running out even now.

I ramble when I’m nervous.

There’s no real good way to say this,

Boy have I hoped I would never have to.

Now excuse me while I translate off of this...ancient ass Scroll.

Apparently this is…just the way things are done.  Because of course a magic spell

Has to be spoken in ancient Gaelic.

Translated by a Quarter-Navajo.

Go figure.

Over…a theta-wave broadcast…whatever.  Don't question it, only give yourself a headache how complicated it gets.

Magic is magic is technology is magic.


Beware, The Shadowman is Coming.

The Sliver is getting wider.

You need to be more aware.

Now, more than ever, as yet another Hallow has passed

When the shadows lengthen in preparation for another long winter.

As we pass another Samhain, even as we rest with bounty in hand

The things in the dark stretch out theirs

If we are not aware, if we do not Guard our homes

Thus darkness creeps ever further into the room,

We will struggle to take it back.

The Sliver is getting wider.

They are coming through.

We cannot hold them off forever.

Beware the Unkind.

They are not what they seem, and even worse at that.

Beware the Shadows Lengthening

It moves when you cannot see.

Beware the Shadowman

For we need Guardians.

Stand in our Land of Fire

Face out into the darkness with torch alight.

Grasp the Sliver in the corner of your eye

That place where always twinges and tickles

Something moving there, just barely seen.

Grasp it and look deep.  See the world we are too afraid to confront.

See the Sliver.

Even now it grows ever wider.

Wider it stretches

Eye of a forgotten God, heavy is its knowledge

A realm of horrors and spirits

Fear is their domain.

Death is their plaything.

Faith may rebuke them, but too will it also strengthen.

The more you are Aware, the more you Believe

The farther your torch reaches into the night

So stands vigilant the Guardians.

Rest now but be Aware.

So what’s that all mean?


The world is ending.

Now hear me out.

It was already getting that way, you’re just Aware of it now.

See what I did there?

Right. Bad time for a joke.

Almost out of time.

That buzzing you’re hearing in the very back of your hearing?  That’s them.

The people I used to work for.  Trying to regain control.

The ones who want to keep you in the dark.

We are so easily controlled by them in this day and age.

Everyone is addicted to Technology afterall.

I don’t know all the science behind it,

But no one is going searching for ancient secret society stuff

When they’re being sufficiently distracted by social media

Hyperfixation Nation is strong

Much easier to scroll videos or read toxic internet comments.

Does the Unkind’s work for them.

And the Slayer Institute would prefer not to cause a Panic.

Now, please don’t start a Panic, but…Be Aware.

The things that have Hunted me my whole life

And those that I now Hunt in turn.

Drawing them to me like moths to a beacon.

Is to do my part.

With Belief.

With Awareness

With Grace.  I can do my part.

I am the Guardian, Gah-Tsoh.  Jackrabbit.  Dark Hare.  Wolf's Husband.

My name is Andrew Phobos.

End Transmission.



This has my interest. Almost like the beginning of Total Recall, but more suspenseful. Can't wait to see more man.


One could say he is going to have a wolf of a time.