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They say art is dead and we are living in the zombie age. No where is that more felt in the eyes and hands of creators who feel, who fear, their work of sleepless nights and fevered imaginings will never be recognized. Worse still is that plight of a successful creator whose image has been tarnished and changed based on the control of others. Most would bow their heads and blindly accept, grateful to even be there in the first place; so afraid of their own success or even more of it being taken away if they do not comply.

Nowhere is that sort of Dread felt near Caleb Kinder. A song-writer, performer, and content creator, often hailed for his self assured defiant behavior towards moderation, change, or censorship, and not to mention his dark, gothic style he brings to his music, Caleb has fallen out of the Shining spotlight. He has instead become infamous, rather than famous, for his bad boy attitude, his disregard of publishers and interviews, and most especially: his own music.

Sick and tired of the machinations of his public publishing company, Caleb recieves at the best possible second seemingly a break from it all. An old friend has reached out, wanting to connect and catch up, back where Caleb's journey all began where he left long ago but always has felt his heart slowly, inexorably pulled back towards: Lubold Pines.

But there he runs into even more old faces, some, not so friendly, and is embroiled in a war even he never knew was going on. An ancient struggle, fought in the shadows of night, beneath the sky of pine trees and the reaching peaks of the mountain range he once and still fondly calls "the home of the song in my heart."

And as luck would have it...he might just get to hear that song again.



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