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And through their hubris, shall the Mortal races spell out their doom.

That which was meant to stay forgotten should remain

Lost to time and discarded, for the sake of all living things

Shall quiver in Mortal dread, when that which resides inside, unalive,

Once again breathes unliving air.

Despair you fools and capricious seekers of your own destruction,

For you wake that which should never stir,

Revive that which should never have been disturbed.

All flesh will fall, for End has come again.

He is Saul, Avatar of the End of days.  Saul, the Devourer.  Saul, the Manyminded!  He is SAUL! Lover of sea shanties, despiser of pork, master of date-planning, and general source of chaos and anarchy pointed towards the aim of good (most of the time.  And not on Mondays.  Or Wednesdays.  Or on days including more than a select number of predetermined assholes.)

Meet Saul of the Manyminded Slaughter, Undead Gnoll Paladin Oathbreaker / Zealot Barbarian.  A beast of a man, or perhaps a man's mind in a beast, Saul may seem like just another fanatical, flesh-eating, skull-face covered harbinger of the apocalypse, but he also has style, passion, and a massive list of rules that keep him from becoming more of a monster than he already is.  While they may seem to span the range from eccentric to psychopathic, (eg. Saul's Law #1, No living being may look upon the face of Saul, or else they must be devoured) Saul lives by these laws, adhering his entire, seemingly immortal being, to their preservation.  The only reason he would ever break one of his rules, is if someone among the very, very, very small number of living people would be in more trouble than his brand of carnage couldn't otherwise prevent or protect them from.

Saul is a beloved character of mine, created and played during one of the rare times I actually get to play DND rather than running games as a Dungeon Master.  His eccentricities and mannerisms are beyond hilarious, as I point his Joker-esque level of mayhem pointed towards the protection of the few beings he deems more important than ending the world.




Absolutely love it


Sounds like my kind of guy to hang out with 😆