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Well y'all, while I'm not back to 100%, I'm safely at a good enough point in my recovery and therapy that I can safely and confidently commit to going back to writing at a consistent, if not super fast-paced, rate.  Going forwards, this Patreon will see a new posting schedule for both old (refined) content, artworks done by my amazing illustrator, and new projects spaced out for both my mental health and an incentive to keep me motivated and consistent.

Posting will be as follows:

Monday: Existing or pre-existing projects from my Wattpad account, refined and editted so that they are up to my personal standards and fixing any flaws that I've observed since their first iteration) I may even return to these projects, with a poll at the end of each month to see what people want me to work on most of my old stuff.

Wednesday: Posting of artwork done for me by JackRip, including characters of planned or existing stories that have not yet been released to the public.)  Q/A's will be allowed in each one.

Friday, Alternating: Every other Friday will see one piece of brand new, never before seen story content of new projects I've had in mind.

1/Month Writing Poll: for an existing or new project Patrons want to see next.

1/Month Art Poll, Higher Tiers: votes by the higher tiers to see what everyone wants to see drawn next of existing or new characters. 

Personal Notes:  Any thoughts or Concerns should be fielded to me with a open mind as I will also express as well.  Feedback is always appreciated, even if it is sometimes negative, as it is harder for a creator to see the flaws only visible to the viewer.  Growing from where I am now is crucial and I want to firmly believe I still have a lot more in myself to grow and improve upon as a writer.  I'm good, but being good isn't enough.  I want to be better than I am now, improving everyday in my given gift.  Writing is at its core a hobby, and perhaps I lost sight of that, or allowed the idea that it really only ever was a hobby to make me think that it didn't matter or wasn't important unless I devoted 100% of my mental health into it.  

I want to go back to writing just for me, because that is how all of this started; sharing my ideas and dreams with you all and finally finding a place where I belong.  It truly is thanks to all of you, new or old readers, that I've come so far.  I am confident I won't let you down, and this is not where MY story ends.  I am just getting started.