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WARNING: Heavily NSFW content.  Herm-x-Male content.

It had been about an hour or so of driving after Gwen and Laris had left the rest station, and the glow from inside of the Ursid woman was at an all-time high.  Laris had truly opened up, divulging stories of his past, both good and bad, and even, carefully, talking about his time as a drifter.  It seemed like something insignificant, but she knew the amount of trust and openness he had to have to talk about such things, even if he skated around the details on the more depressing things, which she also understood.  Everytime he would get withdrawn or shiver from darker memories, she would reach over and stroke his hair or hand with a spare paw, adeptly steering with just the one.  It always seemed to help him.

Even so, with how comfortable he was around her, and that did indeed mean the world to her, there was a growing level of her own discomfort that she was trying hard to ignore.  She adjusted in her seat once again as Laris talked about his life in Colorado, animatedly talking as much with his hands as he did vocally.  She loved looking over and seeing that bright smile on his face as she had seen on his ID when they had met, but perhaps that also lent some precedence as to her shifting and wiggling.  Try as she might, her own comfort levels just weren't where they usually were, but she was still happy nonetheless.

"You okay?" Laris suddenly asked, pausing in his story.  She glanced at him and immediately beamed, nodding.  "Because that's the fifth time you've adjusted your seat in the past ten minutes."

She fluffed up.  So he had noticed.  "Err...yeah, I'm all right," she replied.  "Donchu worry your pretty little head about me, sugar."  She wiggled her nose over at him cheekily.

"It's just that you look...uncomfortable."  She glanced away from him at a truck that had just passed them going in the opposite direction; she probably knew that driver.  "Do you have to go to the bathroom?"

Gwen glanced over at the little Human once again and then, pondering hard, finally relented.  "No, I don't, but...there is yeah something."

"Tell me," he implored, eyes so big and bright that it was like looking at a puppy.

"I just..." she stammered, then tried to knuckle up her confidence.  She wasn't ever shy or nervous around others, just something about right then was off to her.  Probably because of the situation she found herself in.  "It's not something I can really do something about right now."  He looked nonplussed and she realized that she might as well just come out in the open about it.  "My underwear are riding up."

All at once, Laris went from concerned to a silly, boyish grin on his slightly more pink cheeks.  He glanced down at her jeans clad bottom once.  "Yeah?" he asked, chuckling.

She scowled mock-ferociously at him.  "It's not usually an issue," she explained, then rolled her eyes up and sighed deeply.  Then she grinned, chuckling at how silly this really was.  "I just really need to get somewhere I can do my laundry.   See...I only had one pair of fresh ones left and they're...not exactly the most comfortable for long term drives."

Laris' face continued to glow a bit brighter and he looked down at her waist once again.  Yearning to inquire might as well have radiated from him by that point.

"It's a thong," she explained, growling under her breath and chuckling.  "And it's...pinching in a...specific area."  Comprehension dawned fully on Laris and he both went even brighter red as well as adopted a stereotypical boyish grin, hiding his face somewhat in his thick bangs.  She grinned as well, shifting again.  "It's not so bad when I'm not wearing pants, which I never do anyway on long hauls if I can help it."

There was a pause as she signaled to get around a slowly rumbling RV, waving to the driver as she went passed them.  Once again firmly in her usual trucking lane, she heard Laris clear his throat.  "Well if...it would make you more comfortable, you could...if you wanted to."

The Ursid glanced over at him to see the Human shyly pretending to look unbothered and as if it didn't make a difference to him, but she could practically smell how interested he was in the idea of her being pantsless as they drove.  A lurid heat crept into her stomach and the issue from below became just a tad more irritating.  Immediately, she signaled again to pull over, not wasting the opportunity to both get more comfortable as well as cater to her little passenger's obvious hopeful glances.

"Now normally," she giggled as she threw the brake on, unhooked her seatbelt, and then quickly unzipped her jeans to begin shucking them off of herself, kicking her boots off as well to assist in the endeavor.  "I'd tease or comment about how this is probably the fastest I've ever let a guy talk his way into my pants coming off, but I think we both stand to benefit from it."  The release of her waistline no longer being compressed by the hem of jeans was a welcome relief and she sighed deeply as she bundled up the pants and tossed them back into the rear of the truck.  Then she reached down and adjusted the lacy black lines of her indented thong, prying them out of her thick, curvy folds of her love handles.

The relief was instantaneous and she let out a long sigh again as she relaxed back into her seat.  She shoved her boots back on, but only made it halfway through doing so before she glanced over to see Laris staring wide-eyed at her now practically naked bottom half.  She grinned hungrily over at him and continued relacing her boots and adjusting her seat fully back to stretch out.  Her powerful thighs and calves flexed and stretched beneath her thick fur and she wiggled in place joyously.

"Ahh, that feels so good to be free of those," she commented earnestly and then beamed.  "No more pinching or stretching!  Honey Maple is free-birding it, the way nature intended her to."  She turned the engine back onto drive and again they coasted onto the highway, continuing their trek northwards.

Then the silence descended.  Neither of them said a word, as if somehow the bravado and teasing of just seconds ago was abruptly gone and they both fidgeted in place.  Unable to stand it even after only a few minutes, Gwen, not looking at the Human, piped up nervously with, "H-how about some music?" and began reaching for the knob immediately as she spoke.

"Good idea," muttered Laris.

Then their fingers bumped, having touched the radio at the same exact time, and her eyes flashed over towards him to fix onto his face.  He was halfway out of his seat reaching for the tuner, long fingers brushing her furry knuckles, and his face as surprised as hers was for a second.  And then they both smiled, chuckled nervously, and he leaned back.

"S-sorry..." he mumbled.

Gwen just giggled and turned on a rock station, feeling a tad shy for some reason.  She wasn't even sure why; they'd literally gone the full distance just that morning, shared innuendos and a heated shower makeout session a short while ago, and yet here they both were, tongue-tied, at her driving without her bottom half of clothing.  She'd done this many, many times over the years as trucker, but admittedly never with a passenger.

As the music continued to play, she nodded along, humming the words and occassonally muttering the refrain whenever it came around.  "Oh-oh...we're halfway there..."

"Woah...living on a prayer," continued Laris suddenly, startling her.  Their eyes met again and a goofy grin once again was shared between them.

"Take my hand," she implored, singing a bit louder now and reaching dramatically out for him with her paw.

He took it at once, folding his slender fingers in-between her thicker, furry ones.  "We'll make it, I swear," he sang along, not even missing a beat.

All at once, the tension and nervousness fled as abruptly as it had come and they were back to their laughing, joking, and now duet-singing manner.  They held hands as they drove, singing along to all the classic rock-and-roll songs as they came and went.  Eventually she had to reclaim her paw to change highways, but, to her absolute shock, his hand didn't retract.  A soft touch to her now naked thigh made her start as she pulled them back onto the appropriate highway.  She glanced down at it and then at him again.

"Careful there, sugar," she giggled with a growl.  "That's dangerous territory."

She expected him to lean away or just laugh it off.  Instead, his fingers wormed into the thick fur and stroked the muscle and skin underneath, if anything sliding in just a bit more deeper along her leg.  "I...like danger, every now and then," his voice came in a sultry murmur.  Their eyes met and her growl bubbled up without meaning it to.  He did falter at that but her smile seemed to set him at ease.  "If...that's okay."

Gwen's nose and ears quivered as, rather than speak, she just slid her thigh a bit more against his hand, spreading her legs just a fraction more.  The bulge of the rounded front of her thong was more easily seen now, no longer hidden between her thunderous thighs and the curve of her ample, soft belly.  Laris' eyes gravitated down from her, tracing across her busty, burly form, to fixate on where his hand rested, and the seeming prize a bit farther out of his current reach.

"That answer your question, baby?" she huffed.

Laris nodded at once, then, seeming to muster up his confidence, undid his seatbelt and slid closer to her on the large seat so that now he sat right next to her.  She wormed her one large arm not holding the wheel around his shoulders, nestling him in against her and pressing him intentionally against the side curve of her buxom-stretched shirt.  He inhaled deeply as he did, fingers furrowing in her leg fur, almost enough to make her giggle.

"You are...the most beautiful woman I've ever met," he mumbled, face half-buried against the side of her breast.

She fluffed up at his soft little words and hot breath, felt even through her clothes, feeling his fingers beginning to slowly stroke her thigh and causing all sorts of wonderful thrills racing through her, but she tried to play it off.  "Now I bet you say that to all the pretty Ursid gals that give you a ride and drive around without their pants on."

"If they were all named Gwendolyn Honeycutt, I would," he replied, nuzzling in deeper against her.

Her heart melted a bit and she opened her mouth to tease him more even if her voice was already a bit shaky, but then his wandering, petting fingers grazed something not thigh, the tips brushing soft, black cloth.  Both of them jumped and his hand leapt back, if not entirely left her thigh.

"Sorry," he quickly uttered, but from the deep, shaky inhale he drew in and the smell of him intensified, she knew it wasn't...entirely truthful.

"I think... I can forgive you," she growled out shakily, voice huskier now and every instinct within her raging at the idea she had been furiously denying for two days now.  "I-if you...did it again."

It was Laris' turn not to want to waste the opportunity presented to him and his hand slid, trembling, across her thigh, to now directly touch, then palm, and then squeeze firmly, the robust, rounded shape inside of her thong.  It took every ounce of her restraint not to lose control of the wheel in her paw as she heaved in a heavy gasp and let it out in a growl.  This time, he didn't jerk back, hand cupping, stroking, and alternating squeezes of her through the fabric of her undies.  He trembled more against her, breath hotter and heavier to match hers, and her paw kept him firmly pressed in against her breast.

"Gwen..." he murmured, now sawing his palm against the firm swell beneath it, separated only by millimeters of cloth.  "It's...hot."

"You have...no idea, sweetie," she gasped in response.  A heavy, growling groan escaped her as he nuzzled more, sinking in against her fluff all the more intimately as he kept rubbing her.  Eventually the sweltering heat and tightness inside of her was too much and she leaned her head down to press her muzzle against the top of his head as much as she could.  "I need you to...do more."

He stiffened against her, looking up and his eyes the brightest and most eager she had ever seen.  It would have been heartwarmingly charming, if she wasn't so turned on.  Then his gaze became utterly lewd as well.  "Tell me what you want me to do, my trucker gal," he murmured.

Gwen couldn't help but let out an actual moan at his voice, now husky and primal up at her, and she squeezed him even harder in against her.  "Take...take them off," she commanded.

Fingers immediately latched onto the front of her thong and pulled, making the strings tug at her before she adjusted her seat and off the piece of cloth came, sliding down her thighs to rest at her knees, which she rapidly wiggled down her calves and kicked off her booted feet, one at a time.  Now completely naked below the waist, she groaned as the air hit her bare sex, still held in its sheath.

Laris' eyes had glazed over and his hand shakily touched the swollen orb atop the two, smaller but no less firmly rounded directly beneath.  She'd never felt this pent-up before.  At his eager strokes and imploring touches, the tension inside of her finally was allowed to loosen and out she came, emerging wetly from her inner folds and bobbing there, fully erect and glistening, in the cab of her truck.  All while her little human stared enraptured at it as its musk rapidly permeated the air around them with its heady aroma.

"W-woah..." he whispered.

She growled hotter and more heavily now, panting as the relief of being out and hard coupled with the concept of this adorable little passenger staring so avidly at it.  "She's very excited to meet you officially," she giggled hoarsely.  She clenched her abdominals and her hermshaft bobbed before his eyes.  "She wants to...get very acquainted."  Her paw squeezed his shoulder harder.  "Touch me."

"R-really?" he muttered, voice trembling from how excited he obviously was.  His hands shook and he seemed unable to stop staring as if transfixed by its bobbing, pulsing length.  "I can...?"

"Laris," she barked harshly, making him start as her fully dom side kicked in.  "Touch.  Me.  Now."

"Y-yes, Gwen," he responded, voice dropping to a demure little purr and then he was leaning in across her lap and took her into his hand.  His fingers wrapped around her, barely able to grip the full thing from its girth, visibly as wide as his wrist.  From his first direct touch, she let out a shaky growl again and forced her eyes back onto the highway.  He began to jack her off, using slow, long, sensual motions as she coated his hand in her excited scent.  "It's so...big," he breathed, hot breath ghosting across her tip.

"W-well you've seen the rest of me," she panted, resting her paw atop his shoulders now.  She glanced down and practically moaned again to have her adorable little Human, Laris, half-draped across her naked lap, tending to her eager and ready sex.  "Ain't no part of Honey Maple that's small."

"That's...really true," he whispered, then she almost shot out of her seat as his lips brushed the tip in a soft kiss.  "I love...how big you are."

"Well, not to...oh Spirits," she groaned.  "I like how...how...I just like...everything.  What you're doing.  How you are."

She heard him chuckle, breath hot against her desperate length as he slid his tight, perfect grip to her base.  "I bet you say that to all the little hitchhikers about to suck you off."

"About to..." she started, then again started, gripping the wheel so hard in her paw that she worried it might crack as Laris' open mouth descended against her head, supple, soft lips wrapping around it and suckling on it.  Their truck wavered dangerously over one of the rumble strips and the vibrations plus Laris' tender motions upon her almost made her go off then and there.  Her paw clutched the back of his sweater as he began to lightly bob his mouth upon her, feeling his jaw stretch to take her in across his tongue, wherein he would flick it across her oozing tip.

"Keep us on the road, Momma Bear," he muttered as he took a second to slide back off of her after several deep sucks and clearing of his throat, combing his hair back out of his face before he dove back down onto her.

Gwen all but howled in joy as he kept tending to her, alternating sucks, licks, and strokes of her hermhood while also fondling with and lightly squeezing her balls.  She was in utter bliss, and that was before he dipped a hand even further south when he went as deep onto her as he could without gagging, to delve and find her feminine folds underneath and play with them too.  Her hips surged up on instinct to breed and claim and she felt him stiffen and try to back off.

Part of her wanted to hold him there, pin him in her lap and make him continue sucking her off, but then she remembered she never wanted to hurt or scare him.  She helped him pull up off her her with his mouth, but his hand never left her.  He coughed and winced, rolling his jaw, to which she groaned, half-concerned and also half-desperate for him to continue.

"Sorry..." she panted, gazing down at him and then jerking as his hand began to rub her off more rapidly.

"N-no it's okay," he told her quickly, now leaning in against her fluff more.  "You're just a bit too big for me to take all the way like that."  He crooned against her bare belly, then, seemingly on a whim, worked his other fingers of his hand into the hem of her shirt.  "If you want me to I could..."

Gwen wasted no time, retrieved her arm from around him, and hauled up her shirt up over her mountainous breasts.  They rippled and swayed before him, clad in their tight sports bra, to which she delved greedily from underneath and popped one huge, golden-brown, diamond-tipped orb out right in front of his eager eyes.  "You read my mind," she snarled, and then grabbed his shoulders and all but shoved his face into her now exposed tit.

His mouth found the prize he and she both desired and began to suckle upon it just as he had on her shaft before, now nibbling more firmly and adding more tongue to lather the hardened nipple all over with his saliva.  Meanwhile his hand never ceased in rubbing her from glans to base as rapidly and firmly as he could, his pace unsteady but his passion undeniable.  Gwen held him to her as he kept going, sucking and rubbing on her more passionately than anyone had ever been with her in years.

"Laris..." she groaned, eyes fluttering and again she almost drifted out of her lane.  The rumble strips had barely touched her wheels by the time she corrected but she knew this was neither safe, nor what all she wanted right then and there.  She gave out a short, sharp snarl and her eyes began scanning the highway.  Laris started against her, most likely assuming he'd done something wrong, but she just shoved him back into her chest and frotted her shaft against his palm firmly.  "Don't stop.  I'm finding us a place to pull over.  I need you."

His eyes, hooded from the pleasure he was feeling from getting to touch her like this, flew open wide and he looked up at her.  Equal parts trepidation and all-consuming desire exuded from him and he nodded frantically, redoubling his passionate touches on her as they kept going.  Mercifully, she spotted another rest station's sign down the way only a torturous minute or so later and she hauled her way as safely and steadily as she could manage up and onto it.  The brakes hissed as she pulled her way, none too evenly, into an empty space away from any other vehicle, and parked.

Then she shakily let out a hot breath and reached down to pause Laris by hand, even if she knew she wanted nothing more than to continue.  They would though.  "Get in the back," she commanded.  "Take your clothes off, and wait on the bed."  His eyes shone with nervous hunger and he nodded, unwillingly letting go of both breast and shaft.

His entire body quivered and the Human was quick to nod and shuffle back from her as she wiggled her way, unwillingly, back into her pants but leaving the thong on the floor of the cab.  She groaned angrily as she had to squeeze her protesting beast back into confinement for a bit, and she reached toward the door once finished, just as he had started climbing into the back.  She couldn't resist clicking her teeth at his butt as he passed her, then reaching out and slapping it lightly with her paw.  Laris jumped and looked back at her, face flushed.

"Please...don't take too long," he pleaded with her.  Earnest joy and shyness radiated from him.  "S-should I...do...anything?"

"Nothing but be naked for me," she growled, breath hot and heavy.   "You can play, if you want," she told him as she tugged her shirt back on over her chest unevenly. "But if you finish without me, somehow, in the few seconds it'll take me to get the truck fully locked down...I'll have to punish you."

It was his turn for his eyes to sparkle and he grinned.  "Oooh, that almost sounds fun," he teased.  "Is that an offer or a challenge?"

She snarled softly and leaned over to kiss him savagely, making him stiffen first in shock, then more intensely as one of her huge paws reached out and easily cupped his own crotch, squeezing it hard but not too hard.  "It's a warning," the Ursid growled.

Laris gasped as she leaned back from him and nodded.  "Y-yes, Gwen..." he panted out.  Then he shuffled quickly into the back just as she opened the cab door and climbed back out to make sure everything was set and right for the truck as usual.

The cold winter wind felt like a steel brush on her fur and every instinct inside of her screamed to hurry up, making her checklist feel rushed.  In barely a few seconds flat per step of checking the locks, making sure the back was secured, and all the containers for the shipment undisturbed, she was climbing back up into the truck, making it sway beneath her speed, and slammed the door shut after her.  On went the truck shades for the windows and by the time she'd reached the back, she was already half out of her clothing once more.

She turned, shirt up over her tits as well as her bra, and pants wiggling down her thick hips and thighs, to see the screen drawn over her cubby bed up above.  She grinned as a shadow stirred behind it, licking her lips as she stripped to her fur and then, moving purposefully slow like a stalking beast, she mounted the ladder and climbed it to the top.  Bent over double, her paw wormed into the folds of the curtain and drew it ever so slowly to the side, revealing her prize.

The sight nearly took her breath away.  Laris lay flat on his back on the big bed of pillows and blankets, panting, and his hand slowly pumping at his own engorged shaft, eyes already locked onto her.  One look from her sex-fury filled eyes made him tremble before her visibly.  Even as she watched, a droplet of excitement exuded from him and trailed across his knuckles.

She paused in the entrance to the bed, posing sexily and growling deep in her chest.  "My, my, someone's excited..." she purred.  She wasted no further time, climbed up fully into the bed and jerked the curtain closed once more before she turned and loomed over her prey.  The confines of the bedding area meant that she was already practically on top of him.  She could smell him all over her bed by this point, thick with need.  "Didn't somehow break our deal already have we?" she implored.

He shook his head frantically, then groaned as he pulsed right before her eyes.  "N-no, Gwen," he panted.

She rumbled.  "Good boy..." she told her little Human, then slid in along and atop of him, careful of using her full weight, to press her fur against his naked, furless body and grind, effectively pinning his shaft to her belly and ceasing his frantic motions.  She proceeded to kiss him, harder, deeper, and more passionately than ever before, and she loved her taste being so thick upon his tongue.  "Such... a good boy..."

"Gwen..." he groaned, hands now worming up into her fur desperately.

"Mmm, I love when you moan my name like that," the Ursid sighed, nudging his head out of her way to clamp her jaws onto his throat ever-so gently and bathe his tender skin with her tongue now framed by her teeth.  "What am I going to do to you to hear it more, hmm?  What should I do...?"  She leaned back, kissing the spot of her love-bite, then towered over him once again, casting him in her shadow.  A surge of desire within her loins made her clench all over and she met his eyes.  She couldn't wait anymore, and the game was turning painful for her to continue.  "You're gonna do exactly as I say for this, all right my Laris?" she breathed.  "Honey Maple's gonna be so nice to you.  But you have to do something for me too, my little Human."

"A-anything!" he pled, as turned on and needy as she was.  Then he met her shining eyes and his expression softened.  "Anything..." Laris breathed, softer and gentler this time.

"I'm gonna need you to trust me," she explained.  "Trust me that I'd never do anything to hurt you, and all I want is for you to feel as good as I want to as well.  You're already the sweetest, kindest, most adorable, handsome, and sexiest guy I've ever been with, and there's no one I've ever wanted more."

His eyes watered and a sniff came from him, but any surge of tears, happy or otherwise, was cut off by her savagely kissing him once again.  His arms wound around her thick throat, burrowing his fingers into her hair, and she lifted him easily, to roll them gently over.  Onto her side, then flat on her back, she flipped them until Laris lay atop of her big, Ursid body.  They broke apart as she palmed his body all over, sparing no inch from her touch and avidly worshipping him as if he were made of glass and crystal.

She got his attention then as her mouth dove down and licked at his pert little nipples like their first time, making him groan and disturbing him from the rapture she had put him in with her nuzzling touch.  "I'm gonna also need you to tell me yes or no, babe," the Anthro growled.  "Consent is important you know."

"Y-yes!" he pleaded, arching into her touch more.  "Yes, please.  I trust you, I do."  Then his face fell for a fraction of a second as a realization dawned on him and he met her eyes solemnly.  "Like I've trusted no one in years," he intoned.

Gwendolyn hummed contently and their next kiss was much more gentle, if also shorter.  Then she gripped him and abruptly flipped him to lay across her now facing the other direction.  His legs hung down across her shoulders and she sniffed and snuffled lovingly at his groin, pushing her cold nose against his balls and growling heavily.  He jumped in her grasp and tried to twist in her paws but she held him there.

Then her other paw dipped down and rubbed at her own groin, reextending her hermhood from its swollen sheath once again.  There in front of him, just out of his reach, she began to slowly rub herself off.  His breath just barely reached her and she kept him firmly in place as she licked at his own shaft.

"Here's what we are gonna do," she growled up at him past the view of his soft, rounded bubble-cheeks of his rear above her.  He trembled against her as she kept working herself slow and surely before his eyes.  "I'm gonna return the favor you gave me while I was driving...and I'm gonna play while I do.  If you go off before me, I get to decide how I want to.  If I do, however, you can do whatever you want to me instead to get there too."

Laris groaned loudly.  "H-how do I know you won't...cheat...?" he asked, voice shaking.

"Laris, I don't do cheating.  You and I both win, either way.  Now just lay there and let me enjoy my little hitchhiker."  With that, she wasted no more time, without waiting to hear him object or say anything else.  Her maw opened and engulfed his swollen, hard shaft into it to the base all at once, lifting her head by a bare inch or so off the bedding to do so as her cold nose pressed firmly into his orbs where she nuzzled and rumbled her jaws around him as her tongue worked him over on the inside of the bear mouth he was now locked inside of.  She heard her Human give out a loud, gasping moan as she 69'd him atop of her, his words dying away as her pace upon her own shaft doubled in speed and intensity.

This was easily one of the sexiest things she'd ever done, and she was enjoying it immensely.  Deep, carnal joy burned within her as she worked them both over, bobbing her head and swallowing mightily to increase the suction and intensity upon his shaft while also frantically hammering way at her own, making a mess of her furry fingers from how pent-up and eager she was.  Even so, it was not a race she had any intention of losing, and, even despite what she'd said, she mentally doubled down on her self control.  There was no way she was wasting a load without it being where she truly desired it to be.  So it was playing dirty.  The Spirits could forgive her after.

It was all for naught anyway on his end regardless, for Laris abruptly stiffened in her grasp and a delightful new flavor and scent came to her, making her pause for a second.  His shaking, trembling words made her ears stand up straight.  "G-Gwen..." he whimpered in need.  "Gwen~!"

Taking the queue, she took him from head to base over and over, pausing in her play and wrapping both paws around him before, just to stimulate him more, she eased one out from his waist, reaching blindly for a small cubby she knew was nearby, and extracted the same bottle of lube from before.  Laris stiffened as he felt and heard it pop open, a second before she poured a generous dollop onto his exposed rear end above her.

"G-Gwen what are you...?" he implored, then let out the rest of his air in a sudden gasp as her furry finger, careful of the claw, wormed its way suddenly inside of him once again.  His inner walls clamped down around the invader as it probed and wiggled inside, searching for something seemingly.  He tightened his legs on either side of her, trembling hard and almost pushing as if trying to free himself but she was having none of it.  Especially because of how pulsed ever harder inside of her jaws and across her tongue as she did.

Her heavy growl sent vibrations up his length and into his core as she kept fingering him at the same time, completely having abandoned her shaft to focus squarely on tending to him.  He didn't seem to mind anymore, face buried in the fluff of her belly and frantic, panting moans now muffled by the jiggling expanse of her fur.  Then she backed out her finger to the tip, added more lube, and pushed in a second one.  He jerked and writhed in her grasp but resulted in only pushing his cock deeper into her maw as she plumed his depths ardently.

Then, at last, her probing, rough padded paw tips found what she had been looking for.  A soft nodule, almost like a ridge or a button inside of him, and there she pressed, hard.  Laris let out a wild, muffled cry against her belly and just like that, he erupted inside of her mouth.  Hot, thick Human essence poured down her throat and coated her tongue in heavy, sticky bursts that nearly took her breath away.  She paused in her suckling motions but kept up her wiggling, thrusting digits inside of him, despite his pleading protests, as she milked him of everything he had to offer.

At long last, he finally petered off and she slid her muzzle back off of him to press a heated kiss to his much now seemingly drained balls.  He whined against her as she extricated her fingers out and as gently as possible.  Once freed, she pressed a hot, loving kiss to both cheeks as they quivered above her, then couldn't help herself in the tiniest and completely most painless of nips to one of them, making him jerk.

Laris writhed atop of her, squeaking in alarm and finally she allowed him to slide slightly off of her enough to speak.  "H-hey...!" he complained.  "N-no biting my ass!"

"Fine, I won't bite it," she promised, then the Ursid rumbled in desire as she swallowed the remaining flavor of him, as thick on her tongue as the icing had been on the cinnamon roll from the rest station.  She looked up to see his furiously blushing face looking back down at her, his hair all messed up and his arms trembling to hold himself up.  "Did you like it?" she asked teasingly.

He mock-glared at her then collapsed once again into her fur.  "Mmmhmm.." she heard him whimper.

"Good," she rumbled and then sat up.  Off of her front he slid until she caught him right before he would have fallen onto the bed.  Her paws held him against her as she spooned him from behind, curling her bulk in around his smaller, slender frame.  There they rested, both wracked by small tremors, until she kissed his hair and shoulder once apiece.  "Do you need a rest?"

He twitched against her and looked up over his shoulder.  His eyes were wide and uncertain, making her cock her head down at him.  "B-but..." he stammered.  She smiled, nodding for him to continue when he felt brave enough.  "But what about...?"

She sighed deeply and glanced down their bodies, side by side, to where she was deliberately holding her groin back from touching his exposed and now lubed rear end.  "I..." she started to say then trailed off nervously.  She wanted him, wanted him more than she'd ever wanted anyone in her entire life.  Excitement, lust, and something deeper raged inside of her and she clung to him hard, burying him in her fluff.  "I didn't want to push you too far," she whispered.

"Gwen..." he breathed and there he nuzzled into her.  Both sniffled slightly and she shivered all over as her inner beast roared sadly at the idea of denying itself its own pleasure for the sake of the little Human her heart cared for more than pleasure.  Then, suddenly, she felt him wriggling her grasp and seeming as he were pulling away.  She let him, reluctantly, closing her eyes and trying to muster her flagging self-control.  A tap at her waist made her look at him again, and her breath caught.  "I...I want you," Laris Borean whispered, angling his body on one side and reaching back with a hand to grab his own rear, which he then spread before her eyes and exposed his lubed entrance.  "Just...be gentle?"

Gwen's heart did not so much melt as it did burst into flames.  Gently, ever so carefully, she manuevered her big body in around him again.  One paw wrapped around him, keeping him anchored and steady in against her, resting against her pillowy breasts which were bigger around than his head apiece, while the other shakily lifted his upraised thigh higher, which he then held in place for her.  Reaching down, she gripped her engorged, trembling shaft and brushed it against his warm, smooth flesh.

The reaction was instantaneous and she pressed in immediately at how good he felt.  Soft walls pushed against her as she caught against a slick and prepared entrance, feebly resisting the oozing, tapered head of her hermhood.  Their breaths caught at once and he wriggled against her, almost seeming like he was trying to escape until he reached intentionally down and pried apart his ass cheeks a bit more.  Another push, a small and almost forgettable probing shove, and she was in.

Gwen and Laris both let out simultaneous gasps and then heavy groans as her head vanished inside of his tunnel.  His hand released its hold on his cheek as if in shock and it clamped down all the harder around her, vice-like and tighter than anything she'd ever felt before.  The Ursid and Human alike trembled hard and she clutched him to her like a lifeline.  Slowly, carefully, she immersed her swollen flesh into the ocean of his depths, every inch an experience unto itself.  More and more she fed into her Human, him taking in a deep inhale as she did from seeming experience on easing the initial penetration, until abruptly they were halfway in and he had to let it out in a gasp.

There she remained, unmoving for now, pulsing inside of his tight hole.  She tried to adjust herself and resulted in only sliding a bit back out, making Laris whine and tremble more.  "N-no..." he let out then, in a voice that froze her stiff.  "No, don't...don't take it out..."

"Isn't it...?" she asked, desperate to know if she was hurting him.  "Is it too much?"

Then Laris arched his back and looked up at her.  His expression took her breath away.  "It's...everything..." he whispered, then gasped hard again as she pulsed in emotional response to his words.  "Please Gwen...more..."

"Y-yeah?" the Ursid panted, a soft, red light permeating her vision as her fury again built up.  Her paws took firmer holds on him and she wedged her body in around and almost atop of him now.  "My little Human wants more of his Ursid?"

"All..." he pleaded.  "Please!"

She growled heavily into his ear, feeding him back to the original level of depth she had been before, and then sliding in ever deeper.  "You're doing so well," she praised him.  "You're taking me better than I originally hoped...and we only have a little bit more to go."  Her paw rubbed his leg comfortingly.  "Take a deep...breath...for me..." she instructed, miming the same motion for him to match.

Laris did as she said, inhaling deep and heavy.  As his inner walls loosened their vice grip upon her, she didn't waste the opportunity and the rest of her hammered inside all at once.  Human cheeks met Anthro hips and thighs with a noticeable plop sound and suddenly she was immersed in a world of tightness and heat like nothing she'd ever felt before.  The Ursid threw her head back and let out a ferocious snarl of delight as she came to rest fully buried inside of her little passenger.  He matched her, not in volume, but intensity, burying his face into her fuzzy arm and muffling his high-pitched groan at being so completely and utterly full.

Gwen would normally have rested, allowed him to adjust, but her mating beast was riled, her desire at its highest it had ever been, and her paws took firm grips upon him, anchoring him in place as she started to wiggle her way back out.  He protested for but a second before a quarter of her had suddenly hammered back in, again smacking her furry thighs against his ass with an audible sound of impact.  His breath gusted out of him in a grunt and she felt him grab onto her paws.

The Ursid herm Anthro began to move, spooning her little hitchhiker Human in her arms and holding him in place as she rutted into him in short but fast-paced thrusts.  The deck of the cab jostled around them slightly and her breath was hot and heavy as she growled behind and above him.  He was perfect, utterly perfect, gripping her from head to base in a snug embrace of carnal joy and lewd clenching.  The nodule from before was blazing against her inside of him, and she could feel his own, inflated shaft smacking occasionally against the paw wormed around his hip whenever she adjusted her grip there.

The sounds they made echoed around the cab, heavy grunts, growls, sighs, moans, and whimpers.  He whispered praises up at her, pleading for respite, for her to continue, requests for faster, softer, harder, to let him rest, and to not to dare to stop.  She ignored his words, the sounds of her sub frantic and uncoordinated.  She knew what he needed, and she gave it to him.  Again and again her thighs smacked against his cheeks, faster now and setting up a firm rhythm.  She could have came right like that, but she wasn't done yet.

She rolled up and Laris she brought with her.  Now she kneeled on the bed, shoving him forcefully onto his own knees as she bent in over him before she hauled him up and now suspended him in her grasp with one arm crossed over his body from hip to opposite shoulder.  He hung, half-up, half-down onto the bed in her crushing embrace, her other paw flat against the wall of the cubby as she pounded relentlessly into Laris.  He took it like a champ, like someone who was well used to the vigorous pounding of an Anthro in heat, and Gwen praised him for it as much as she could through her savage, needy growls.

"You're doing so well," she congratulated him.  "Such a good boy.  My good boy.  I wanna keep you forever."  Her eyes rolled closed and she sped up without going too much rougher than she was already.  He could take it, and they both knew it.  He was stronger than she thought he was.  "This...is...the best sex...I've ever had..." she panted out between breaths.

"Same!" Laris groaned, clutching to her paw around him and trying seemingly now to thrust back onto her.  She snarled and shoved into the hilt, making him gasp and whimper.  "Sorry...I'm sorry..." he whined as she ground there, refusing to thrust or move again until he relented and surrendered to her fully, which he was overjoyed to do.  "You're...the best...  Please...please Gwen..."

Suspecting what those pleading words might mean, she leaned in heavier and growled right into his ear.  "Say it, my Human.  Say it...or I'll pound it out of you anyway..."  She intensified her motions, intending to do just that.

"Please don't leave me!"

She slowed at his words and came to a slow, pulsing rest inside of him.  She panted for breath, arms holding him to her now as if he were made of glass.  He writhed against her, frantically grinding, begging her to not stop.  Remembering the significance, she resumed but nowhere near as rough as she had been.  "Laris..." she breathed, now holding him against her somehow harder than before but also gentler.  "I'm not gonna leave you..."

"P-promise me..." he begged.

She smiled and pressed her soft lips to his ear.  "I promise...my Laris..." she whispered right against him, grinding hard.

Laris came, with a twitch and a cry and abruptly she was holding him against her stiffer, tighter, and trying as hard as she could not to budge an inch of muscle so to not overdo his pleasure as she heard, and smelled, the first pulse of his freely hanging malehood shoot itself against the wall of the bed cubby.  She groaned and gasped in a sharp breath at how much tighter he got around her, clenching, gripping, pulsing with each throb he himself was experiencing.  It was near torture, for she herself was near that precipice too, needing release more now than she ever had.  Not just to feel it, but to seal them together.

"Please..." he begged raggedly.  "Please cum...I need you..."

She groaned at his little soft voice, hoarse and barely audible.  "I-I'd need to...get...on top of you..." the Ursid warned him.  "To go...all out.  I don't wanna...squash you."

"I can take it!" he pleaded then repeated it lower and softer.  "I can take it...You can go as hard as you need.  I want you to."

"O-okay Laris," she panted.  Manuerving them as quickly as possible back into the center of the bed, she shoved him flat onto the heavily messed up covers and sheets.  Centering herself, she flopped down on top of him, burying him in Ursid fur and bulk utterly.  His head barely poked out from between her breasts as she held herself up off of him only by a tiny margins, now hammering and smashing her hips down into him directly, exactly as Ursid and Earth's bears did in the wild.  Like this, she got deepest, was able to fully pour out her emotions into her lover, and reach the place where they both needed to be.  To go, together.

Gwen didn't last much longer, assisted by all the foreplay from earlier, otherwise she might have lasted hours, as some Ursid mating sessions tended to do.  It began with a rumbling growl, building to a full on snarl, and she clenched every muscle of her body atop of him in preparation.  She had only the mind to warn him with a cry of, "Laris!" before the waves building with her built to an unstoppable typhoon of mating lust, and something much, much more.  She had never came like that before.

Wave after wave of clenching internal muscles swept through her and washed into him with similar, copious amounts of Honey-Maple herm seed.  He trembled and gasped beneath her, so much as she felt rather than heard, because the sun burning inside of her, keeping her pinning him to the sheets as she kept pouring more of her pent-up adoration and desire to mark him as wholly and utterly hers until at last she was spent.  Her climax did not so much peter off as it did wash away, like waves retreating back into the ocean.

She panted for breath atop of him, resting her weight in against her powerhouse little Human...  Then she jerked up, rising from atop his prone form in a start.  "Oh my Spirits," she growled out frantically.  "I am so, so sorry, Laris!"  She looked down at him from what little she could see of his sweaty, beaten body as it lay there panting and shining from the contained heat trapped between them.  "I didn't hurt you did I?"

"D-don't..." she heard him whine.

She breathed a sigh of relief then leaned back in.  "Don't what baby?  Oh Spirits, please move or something, sugar pie.  I won't be able to live with myself if I hurt..."

"Don't...pull out..." he groaned.  "And lay...back down...on me."

Blinking in surprise, Gwen carefully did so, redistributing her weight as much as she could so she wasn't crushing him beneath her vast, several hundreds of pounds heavier of mass atop of his slender, weaker one, but keeping him effectivelly trapped beneath her once more.  "Like this?"

He groaned out a breath again.  "Compression...," she heard him moan, almost as sexually as he had while they had been mating.

Despite her hammering heart and still throbbing, half-turgid shaft inside of him, she giggled hard.  "Compression?" she asked.  "You like me squishing you?"

"It...feels...so good..." he let out weakly.  "Like...I'm always...worried I'm gonna...fly apart at the seams...but this...it's holding me down...making me feel...safe..."  He wiggled beneath her and both of them moaned as a trickle of hot Ursid cum trailed down out of his well-stuffed hole.  "Please...please can we stay...like this?"

Sighing deeply, Gwen adjusted again.  "Fine, sugar, but I do weigh...a lot.  Can I just...squeeze hug you for now so I'm not worried of breaking your spine or ribs?"

Laris nodded mutedly and, moving carefully, she extricated herself from atop of him enough to cuddle him back into her arms once more, tighter than she'd dared to hold him earlier, and allowed him to rest there, shaking, sweaty, and content, in her Ursid embrace.  Try as they might, however, the dam was eventually unsealed and both of them groaned as she slid fully out of him at last.  Quivering in the throes of their lovemaking bliss, Human and Anthro shared a deep, gentle kiss that left them both drifting in near-slumber.

Gwen had never been so happy, so content, and so loved in her life as she held Laris in her arms as they drifted off to a deep midday, post-coitus nap.  She had plenty of time left before the shipment was scheduled to be delivered, but something told her that both Laris, and she, had had this kind of moment long overdue, both needing it as much as the other.  Spirits always said, when you know, you know.

And Gwendolyn Honeycutt, Honey Maple, knew.


The frozen waters of Anchorage stretched out before the two of them as they stood on the solid, oaken dock overlooking it.  In the distance, the fleets of trawlers and fishing boats had long ago chugged into port, bringing in their hauls of fresh, Alaskan salmon.  Somewhere, the distant roar of an engine came as a plane whirred off into the snow-streaked sky from the airport not too far off.

Laris trembled but not from the cold, and immediately felt Gwen pull him in tighter against her underneath her thick coat.  They watched the waters and the frozen night sky in silence, paw in hand, and letting the night say everything for them.  They'd since delivered Gwen's shipment a while ago, having arrived earlier than evening just as the sun was setting, and now they stood on the dock.

Overhead, ribbons of light and color, Laris' very namesake, blazed in the distance.  The Aurora Borealis was as beautiful as anyone might have ever had words to describe it, had once brought him endless amounts of pride to have such a signature and unique name, dedicated to one of the most gorgeous and rarely seen natural phenomenon in the world.  He had come over 2000 miles, most of it on foot, to see them again, to find solidity, purpose, and comfort again.

He had indeed found it, but not in the flashing of those distant, ethereal bands of chromatic splendor.  His hand squeezed the paw holding onto it, and he counted every star he could see in the skies above to thank them, and the Spirits, God, or whoever, for allowing him to accept he was worth such things.  Such a wonderful, pure thing.

"It's too soon..." he sighed.

Gwen perked up beside him.  "What's that, baby?" she rumbled softly against him.  They'd not let one another's side for more than a few minutes at a time since they had met, and Laris would be damned if he let even one second of her go uncherished and adored.

Shaking his head, he looked over at a payphone standing nearby in a heated booth.  "Something I have to do," he explained.  She saw it too, understood immediately, and together they walked over.  The change in his pocket clunked into place and he dialed the fateful number he had memorized as a kid.  Accepting the charges was easy for long distance, and he waited as the line rang, and rang, and rang.

It clicked.  "Hello?" asked a female voice, tired, unsure, and wary.

"Roro," he breathed.

"LARIS?! screamed his sister.  "Oh my god, oh my god you asshole!  Where are you?!  We thought you were dead!"  Immediately he winced, hearing and knowing the tears from his twin on the other end of the line.

"I'm sorry," was all he could muster up the energy to say.

"Sorry?" she demanded.  "You're sorry?  You left me a note, you run away across the country, and you're sorry?  What the fuck dude?  Mom's been beside herself, sick!  Dad's..."  There was a pause.  "Dad's worried too."

His stomach tightened and he sighed heavier than ever.  "I know.  I know, I know.  I know this was stupid."

"The stupidest, dumbest, most idiotic, selfish..." began his sister.

"I love you, Roro," he cut her off.  "I'm sorry I ran away.  I couldn't stand being there, in the middle of it all anymore.  It's dumb, yeah, but it's what I needed to do."

"Where are you?"

He paused and looked up at the sky outside the booth.  "I'm looking at our names in the sky," he answered.

"Our names..." she trailed off.  "Wait...you're...you're in Alaska?!  How?!"

"I walked."

"No shit, Sherlock," she snapped.  "How the hell did you walk to Alaska?"

He thought about being snarky, but he knew she didn't need that.  She might never forgive him for this, but this was his life now.  "It isn't important anymore, Roro.  I'm just calling to let you know I'm alive."

"Well thanks for that then," she muttered, sniffling hard.  They were so similar.  "I hate you, you know that?"

"And you have every right to."

He could all but hear her nodding smugly on the other line.  Then came the dreaded question.  "When are you coming home?"

He looked back out of the booth at Gwen, who stood outside, holding two cups of something steaming.  Her gentle smile comforted him, even if she couldn't hear him right then.  "Someday soon," he promised.  "I've...gone through and seen a lot.  I lost a lot of love for everything, Aurora: life, people, everything.  But I've never stopped loving you guys.  But I had to learn how to love myself too."

"Wow...sounds gay," she muttered, but her voice was so broken up by barely held back tears that it lacked a lot of her usual heart.  "So did you?"

He looked Gwen in the eyes again, and his smile reflected off the glass back at him, reflected by her too, and the Northern Lights up above.  "I found something better.  Or rather...someone."

"Someone?" she balked.  "You found someone?  Who?"

He shook his head, grinning.  "I promise you'll get to meet her someday soon.  It's a long drive back to Colorado.  But I promise to come back and see you and Mom again.  Even Dad too."

"Well...damn."  Aurora still sounded upset.  "What should I tell them?"

"That I'm okay.  That I'm alive.  And that I want to make things up as much as we can.  I still want to find my own way in life, to find something of my own to love and hold onto, and I think I have."

"With...who?  This mystery girl?" his sister demanded.  "Sounds awful soon to say you love someone after knowing them for so long."

Gwen and he locked eyes once more, her now sitting on a metal bench nearby and sipping at her drink.  She mouthed something at him and he touched the glass with a hand.  "Yeah, it is," he chuckled.  "It's much, much too soon.  But I don't care.  I'll talk to you again soon, Roro."

"...Okay.  Love you, Laris."

The line clicked off and he hung it up, turning to exit the booth and rejoin his Ursid outside.  She handed him a cup of steaming hot mocha and they sipped at it silently, gazing at the lights up above.  Paw met hand again and they leaned against each other, undoing decades of old hurt by those simple touches, one at a time.

"It's much too soon," he repeated again in a whisper.

Gwen giggled beside him, enveloping him in her warmth once again.  "For what, my Laris?"

"To know what I want in life," he whispered.  There, under the stars and the Aurora Borealis, their journey came to its rightful and fitting end.  An ending to the beginning of a long road home, a long road, together.

***THE END***


The truck's breaks hissed as Gwen pulled it into the driveway of the Montana household.  The key clicked off in her paw and the huge Ursid woman sighed deeply as she packed up her stuff and opened the door.  It was cold then, a biting winter gale rushing from from the North, gusting past her and the farmhouse towards warmer climates.  She didn't feel it at all though, because inside she had a bonfire of joy and relief to be back at her actual house again.  It had been a while since she had left on her latest trip, many miles and hours from where she belonged most.

The door opened as she unlocked it with a key, and inside she hurried, shutting it after her and stomping off her heavy boots of snow on the matt.  She extricated herself from her thick, green, puffy and fur-lined coat, hanging it up on a hook next to the large washer and dryer and cabinets containing cleaning supplies, and then walked out of the mudroom/laundry room into the cabin proper.

Immediately, a warm, happy bundle rushed into her as soon as she turned around from closing that door behind her, and she laughed as Jaskier her huge dog bounced excitedly to see Momma again.  His barks filled the house with joyful welcome and she bundled him into her arms as easily as a Human might have a cat.

"And how's my fluffy boy?!" she demanded, getting licks all over her face from her baby.  "Who missed Momma?  Huh?  Who missed Momma?"

Jaskier barked joyously and wriggled down out of her burly arms to gamble about and play, then ran across the cabin's living room to slam himself against the door facing it.  It was locked and he wagged his tail excitedly, looking back and forth from her to it.  Rolling her eyes, she crossed to it and bumped him out of the way.

"No, no doggos in the bedroom," she commanded mock-sternly, and the dog rolled his eyes and trotted off to play with a toy.  She entered the room swiftly, before the canine cannoball tried to hurry in after her anyway, and shut the door behind her.  Soft, glowing light came from a woven canopy of fairy lights set all up and down the four-poster bed in the center of the room, fake vines and leaves forming a series of curtains about it all, but she was well used to the DIY project she was so confident and satisfied to know she did by herself.

A figure sat up in the bed, facing her, radiant, if sleepy smile shining over at her in the dim light.  "Welcome home!" Laris cried, sitting up right and combing his thick, beautiful hair out of his face.  He'd filled much better since having maintained a steady, healthy diet and exercise routine over the last few years, and had even grown out his hair into a full ponytail, sitting up completely shirtless with his bear-claw and honeybee tattoo shining on his pale shoulder.  She loved running her paws through it.

Gwen beamed at her beloved Human, crossing to the bed and leaning down to envelop him in a deep kiss.  His scent was rich, intermingled with hers and making her know who he belonged to, and who she in turn belonged to as well.  She leaned back, trailing her big paws all over his fair, no longer sunken cheeks.  "A more beautiful welcome I couldn't find," she drawled.

He grinned even wider and his eyes shone up at her.  "I missed you, so much," he breathed out softly.  "Next time, can I please come with you on your next trip?"

"Laris, baby," she chuckled.  "It was only a week..."

"You promised you'd never leave me, and even a week without you is too hard for me," he simpered.  "You know I can't sleep without being able to at least smell my Honey Maple or have you in my arms.  Even our nightly video calls just aren't enough sometimes."

"Well, I'm here now," she growled softly.  "And I'll always come back to you."

Laris rolled the sheets off of himself, revealing just how little he was in fact wearing, that being nothing at all.  "I watched you all the way home the last hour on my phone," he explained sheepishly as her eyes savaged and scorched his naked skin.  "So...I figured...?"

The Ursid trucker woman's eyes lit up with fire and she pratcially tore off her clothes to drop them in heaps on the floor.  "We can do laundry later," she growled possessively as he seemed about to complain.  "For now... It's time to restock the scents..."  She prowled over to the bed and climbed in atop of Laris, pinning him to the sheets gently.  Spirits, how she loved his skin against her fur, stroking it with her left paw that glittered with a brightly shining wedding ring and armband.

He clung to his Ursid joyously and wrapped her in his long, slender arms as they closed in for a kiss, and much more, as the fairy lights twinkled overhead.



I really enjoyed this story, read the whole lot in one sitting. I got all the way to the end and felt my spirits dip when I read ***THE END***. I practically cheered when I noticed more. Thank you for this delightful fuzzy maple scented journey 🙏🐻🚛🍯🍁


This was a good read for such a short story enjoyed it alot good job