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Ch. 3
Wine, Dine and Dance

Head still reeling from the kiss, Felix stumbled a bit as the Husky woman let go of his chin and slid past him back into the bedroom.  His head already felt the tiniest bit fuzzy from the champagne, he had always been a bit of a lightweight when it came to alcohol, and his mouth was full of the lingering taste of her tongue.  She tasted like nothing he had ever experienced, combined with the acrid aftertaste of smoke, and the fizz of the drink.  

He swallowed a bit and blinked rapidly, only just coming to as he glanced at the room.  The Escort woman sat on the edge of the bed, one long leg cocked up atop the other daintily and causing the hem of her skirt to rise up further along her thigh, still sipping at her glass and eyeing him.  Her gaze almost looked thoughtful, as well as slightly amused.  It was a hungry look if there was ever a way to describe it, and even if it was part of the bit, it felt both invigorating as well as intimidating to have anyone look at him like that.

He slowly walked forwards, not knowing where to put his hands, what expression to make, how to smile or move.  It wasn't even like he was inexperienced with women, but this one made him feel like it was his first time all over again.  He wanted to sink his hands into that thick head of black hair, stroke her twitching ears, run his hands down her muzzle and throat to explore the vast canyon of her cleavage, or across her wide shoulders to test to see if the hardened curves of her arms truly were the muscle he suspected.  Instead, he just felt lost, like he was staring at a clearly marked roadmap but had no idea how to read the directions.

He sat down beside her, keeping a few inches between them, and fiddled with his hands.  There had never before been a time in his where he felt more pathetic.  He was probably wasting her time.  Was he supposed to just jump into things?  Then why had he gone to so much effort to make this like they were on a date, albeit a rather guided date with a clear ending for the evening planned.  He had always disliked dates like that, the expectation of the deed often ruined the ability to enjoy leading up to it, letting things develop naturally.  

She stayed quiet beside him, simply glancing around the room with that small smile on her face.  She gave a deep sigh then, a motion that did wonderful things to her chest.  The front of her dress stretched so much that he almost suspected it was about to burst at the seams.  It didn't, although she immediately arched her back and made a pleased, incredibly lewd sound as her back popped.

"So, how shall we start?" she asked, after relaxing her posture and looking over at him.  Her hair had fallen over one eye, making the other slightly shadowed.  It intensified that 'come-hither' demeanor she had going.  "You have a specific kind of girlfriend in mind you want me to play?"

Felix blinked.  "What?"

"Girlfriend," she repeated, placing down her glass and turning to face him more.  "Am I...your high school sweet heart?" she shook her hair back slightly and beamed, showing her teeth. "Finally moving our friendship onto the main event?  Have I been in love with you and only you for years?"  

He stared up into her eyes as she leaned more forwards, causing him to on instinct lean back.  She smelled...it wasn't a scent per say, but something sharp and yet subtle began to fill his nose, making his head swim a little bit.  And then, just like that, she had leaned back, flipped her hair forwards more, and transfixed him with a smoky, dangerous look.  

"Am I the gothic tsundere type?" she asked, making her voice go dispassionate and flat, her expression stoic and seeming bored.  "You have a thing for expressionless girls, seeing how far you can push them before that cool facade breaks and you can really make them squeal?"  As she spoke she had leaned closer, muzzle drifting against his cheek and delivering the softest of bites to his neckline.  His whole body went rigid and he even let out a small gasp.  "Or how far she can push you..." she whispered into his ear, following it up with a long, slow lick along the earlobe.

His nerves were on fire at the feathery touches of her fur against him.  His hands itched to move, to touch, but he felt frozen by both indecision as well as curiosity.  Having a woman so confident and take-charge was exhilarating.  And yet, even as he began to grow more comfortable with her playing, almost letting his mind settle into the role she had offered, she was leaning back, suddenly playing with her paws and shy.  He was confused, rattled, and more than a bit shaken up, before he realized she was just changing gears again, playing with him to see what he responded to.

"Am I..." she murmured, voice now faint and slightly hesitant. "The introvert shy girl you met at the library, wearing super concealing clothing but you took a chance and asked her out?"  Her eyes became a bit wild then.  "Only she's been waiting for some sweet, cute guy to do so so that she can live out every romance novel she's obsessed over her whole life?"  He saw her pupils flash a bit, those bright, purple orbs gleaming like a wild animal in view of a meal.  He shrank on the inside, drawn into those eyes like a mouse in front of a viper.  Half fear, half enchantment.

And yet again, just like before, she broke the spell with a simple shake of her hair.  She chuckled at him, lifting the glass again to her lips and taking another drink.  "Or is this all a bit much for you and you'd rather stick to something else more familiar?"  Her eyes drifted down him and he felt them wandering rather far south before he coughed.  They flicked back up to his and she smiled more, smirking with satisfaction.  "Reaction notwithstanding..." she finished.

Felix took a deep breath, almost as if to try and take in another scent or taste than the sharp tone that was filling his nostrils and throat.  "I...didn't really have...plans for how this..."  He gestured mutely at the room in general.

"Date," she supplied.

"Yes.  Date, thank you," he said, smiling thankfully over at her and she inclined her head, smirking.  "How this date is even supposed to go.  I know it's just...that I'm just a job to you, and I don't mean to make that sound like I don't respect you for what you do..."  He was beginning to ramble.

Her eyebrow lifted slightly.  "You do know that Escorts can happily separate the deed from why they do it, don't you?"  He nodded, then hesitated midway through.  "That I don't just do this to get paid?  I do it because I enjoy it.  We are Escorts, not prostitutes."

He felt the growl more than heard it and he quickly lifted his hands.  "No, no I'm fully aware!" he hurriedly replied.  "That wasn't what I meant at all."

She stared at him hard for a few seconds, then nodded, relaxing.  "All right then."  She put down her champagne glass.  "May I start by asking you some questions?  They may get a touch personal, but you only answer which ones you want, and they won't be to pry.  I want to get to know you enough so that I can guess at what will feel the best."

He nodded, relieved.

"Are you a virgin?"

Felix shook his head firmly.  "No."

She nodded.  "Ok, how old are you?"


At that, she blinked in surprise.  "Really?"

It was his turn to feel a little on-guard.  "Yes."

"You?  With the boyish good looks, and the innocent little eyes and the flustered expression?" She had started to chuckle, and for some reason that made him a little annoyed.  She picked up on it quickly and she bit her lip, as if trying to contain her good humor.  "Sorry.  I just didn't expect you to be only a year or so younger than me, and I was trying to make my peace with doing a younger guy, which isn't something I normally do.  You've just got this good boy vibe that makes me want to do horrible things to you and spoil you for every other woman you'll ever meet."

His eyes went wide and his face heated up again, annoyance dispelled.

"See, just like that!" she giggled smugly, eyes even more smoky and sultry.  She adjusted herself, sliding her leg down off her knee and then switching it to the other side, now rubbing her hardened calf against his.  "Ok, next question.  What do you want out of life?"

He hesitated, almost about to answer on reflex but the answer dying on his tongue.  "I...uhh...I just want..."

She snapped her paws in front of his face suddenly, startling him and fixing him with those purple eyes.  Her face was intense, very stern, and yet patient.  "No overthinking things.  No tailoring your answer to be more acceptable.  I told you you can be whatever you want to be tonight.  What do you want out of life, go, right now."

Again she snapped her paws, fur tickling just under his nose, just as he was about to hesitate.  Then her other paw found a grip on his thigh and squeezed, rough but also firm without hurting him.  "I want to enjoy my life for once!"  His voice came out very quickly.  She smiled then, losing some of that strict, demanding tone.  She rubbed at his thigh, soothing the previous touch.  "I want to live one day without my family breathing down my neck and setting expectations for me to live up to without ever asking if I wanted something different."

She leaned more into him, furry bulk strangely comforting and her other paw sliding around his shoulders even as she kept rubbing his thigh.  She mirrored the massage on his shoulder as well.  "Living up to everyone else's expectations are tough, and if they don't at least explain things, it makes trying to make them happy more of an ordeal.  You can't read minds, but they seem to expect you to."  She leaned her head down against his, still rubbing.  "I don't."

He leaned back against her, the sensation different but comforting and pleasant.  "Thank you.  It's nice to have someone who understands I guess.  I suppose you deal with the same thing in your work too."

"You have no idea," she chuckled and then leaned up from him.  "So!" she winked once and settled back, but kept one hand on his thigh rather firmly.  "You have an admittedly gorgeous Anthro woman who wants nothing more than to spend an entire evening in your company in whatever capacity you desire.  How does this date go?"

He smiled back a bit then and hesitantly put a hand on one of her thighs.  She felt warm, and soft, but immediately as his finger sunk into the fur, he felt the swell of strength underneath.  He practically felt like he was melting at that touch and, suspecting what he was thinking, she abruptly flexed the leg slightly.  His hand spasmed at the sensation and he tried not to let out a sound of complete and utter...something.  He had never once imagined he would enjoy that kind of feeling, but after feeling it just once he never wanted to stop feeling it.

"I'd...want to give a gorgeous woman a meal," he replied after taking a second to compose himself.  "I feel a bit guilty though.  If I knew you'd show up looking like Ms. Sable from the comic-books, I'd have tried to dress to match."

Her eyes gleamed and she suddenly leaned back, pointing at him with a clawed finger.  "I knew it!  I totally pegged you for a geek!"  She began to giggle, lips rolling back a bit in a smile that was pure amusement.  He shrank a bit, feeling as if she was making fun of him, before suddenly her voice got serious and growly.  "My blade hungers only for injustice...its favorite meal..."

Felix stared at the Anthro a bit dumbfounded.  "That's..."

"Issue number 24 of the original print," she finished for him with a wink.  "Bitch please, you think girls can't like comic books too?  When you grow up literally looking like the character, you tend to form an identity with them.  I even cosplayed a bit in my youth.  A friend even made me one of the outfits the last time I went to a convention.  Spirits, that was ages ago, I hope it still fits..."  She looked up at the ceiling, wistfully, tail wagging behind them.

"Which...outfit?" he asked, unable to dampen his curiosity.

She looked back down at him, expression interested in his question, and eyes glittering.  "The black one..."

Felix took a deep breath in through his nose and out, adjusting his seat on the bed as his abdomen and lower regions stirred.  A half-felt reaction that had lingered since her first touch to his leg made itself a bit more insistent and he felt it swell modestly against his inner thigh at the mental image she had just given him.  He felt her grip on him tighten a bit more and her chuckle turned dark again.

"Shame I didn't bring that..." she said.  "That what you want?  You want to imagine you're on a date with Ms. Sable's alter-ego?"

"Honestly?" he asked, and she nodded.  "I'd...really like to imagine I'm just on a date with you."

Her smile dropped and her paw stopped its petting little massage.  "Uhhh..." she stammered, losing a bit of that self-confident alpha air for the first time that evening.  "You mean like someone LIKE me or...?"

Felix blushed and shrugged.  "I guess?  If that's ok?"

The Anthro woman seemed to think about it for a second, ears flicking, before she shrugged as well.  "What the hell, I'll give it a whirl."  She gestured for him to stand, and she did so as well.  "So, what's on the menu?" she asked, a half-smile on her muzzle.

Felix led her over to the large rolling cart nearby, covered in various trays all with heaters plugged in to keep the food warm.  He uncovered several of them, showing various expensive meals from steak, a fillet of fish, and a lasagna.  He grinned nervously up at her.  "I went all out...sorry.  I didn't know what you'd want so I just ordered one of each of the main courses they had on order tonight.  We also have side dishes too."

The woman's eyes had gone wide and immediately her ears were fully perked up.  Her tail had begun to wag even more so than usual and she glanced back at him in surprise.  "You...really know how to spoil a girl," she said, smile mixed with something else he couldn't explain.  "You order an Escort to have a romantic, candle-lit dinner date, in a fancy hotel, and just ask me to be myself for it?"

He nodded, feeling like he had messed up.  "Is...that ok?  I'm sorry if this makes you uncomfortable.  I kind of felt like inflicting myself on another person, even in this situation, at least warranted me giving them a really good meal to make up for it."

The Husky's eyes narrowed a bit as she studied him, tail slowing in its wagging motion, and then she smiled.  It almost looked a bit sad.  "Mr. Cross, may I be completely honest?"  

He nodded, prepared for the worst.  

"You've been nothing..." 

He winced.  

"But an absolute delight since I arrived."  

He blinked.  He had not expected that.  

She continued.  "You treat an absolute stranger like she's really someone special, when all you really had to do was tell me what you wanted to do.  You think you're such a bad catch that you have to hire someone to date you, when something tells me that you're actually one of the sweetest guys I've ever met.  You're so afraid to ask for help from anyone that you feel guilty hiring someone to spend the night in your bed, just to have any amount of satisfaction.  And on your birthday!"  She crossed her paws beneath her breasts.  "Honestly?  I can tell you've got a bit of damage to be this way.  So do I; we all do in one way or another.  So may I tell you what I'd like to do right now?"

"Of course...miss...?" he asked hesitantly, then paused.  "Is...it okay to ask your name?"  She didn't have to tell him, and he knew she knew that as well.

"Ellis," she said after a long pause.  "Cassandra Ellis.  You can call me Cass if you want, but if you call me Cassie, you won't like yourself after.  I think someone who dotes on a woman this much earns at least a little bit of a rare pleasure."  She placed a paw delicately against her breast.  "I know, I'm so giving.  So what I would like to do, right now..." she smiled, planted a paw on her hip and walked over next to him.  She grinned, teeth flashing, and then turned very slowly around, making sure she knew was watching every moment she made.  She began to bend slowly at the hips, moving her skirts slightly forwards, and realizing what she wanted, he pulled out a chair from the small dining table and held it out for her.  She settled down into it, nodded gratefully at him, and then let him push her closer to the table spread.  "Is sit and enjoy a delicious meal with my absolute gentleman of a date."

Felix felt his smile growing wider than it had been in a long time, and he leaned over to pour her a new glass of champagne, handed it to her, and then passed her the steak, since she hadn't really taken her eyes off of it since he had uncovered it.  "As you wish then, miss Ellis."  He gave a slight bow, like he had often seen Benedict perform, even adopted a bit of the old man's speech.  "I am at your service."

"I believe that it's the other way around," she said, purple eyes sparkling and she raised her glass to toast him as he poured his own.  They clinked them together and sipped, and then they began to eat.  He could tell she immediately was enjoying herself, her tail wagged rapidly from side to side and she was obviously trying very hard not to go full canine on the succulent, well-cooked meat.  He had selected the lasagna, and while he had had fancier fair, this meal was probably his favorite in a long time.

After they had cleared their plates and finished a glass each of the sparkling champagne, Cassandra leaned back, wiped at her muzzle, and then grinned over the table at him, slouching down a bit in her chair.  One powerful leg touched his and began rubbing up and down, making him jump a bit.  The feel of her furry, muscled leg trailing along his bare one was rather pleasant, but the look in her eyes made it seem much more meaningful.

"I don't remember the last time I had such a fine cut of meat in front of me," she breathed, raising an eyebrow and her ears swiveling back a bit.

Felix grinned.  "I'm so glad you enjoyed it!"

"Still am."  A strand of her hair fell down across her face, making her look even more heavy-lidded and seductive.  His confused smile made her chuckle, a rolling sound that made the hairs on the back of his neck stand up, and little goose pimples form along his arms and legs.  "Oh you thought I was talking about the steak!" she growled, ending with a delighted little laugh.  "Yeah, that was good too."

He tried to figure out what she meant, but was abruptly interrupted in his train of thought, barely boarding the station, by her leg sliding much farther north along the inner curve of his thigh, and he quickly put two and two together.  His ears warmed and he chuckled nervously.  "O-oh...right..." he managed with a small cough.  He stood then, after making sure his robe was still tied shut, and he walked over to the built in mantle place below the wall-mounted plasma tv.  The stereo clicked on and he turned to face her.  Her eyes widened and her tail wagged again, ears fully centered on him.  "Care to dance, Cassandra?" he asked, extending a hand.

Cassandra's eyes fluttered a bit in seeming surprise and she bit back a small giggle.  "Oh...oh of course!" replied the Canine, standing quickly and smoothing out her skirts a bit more than he thought was necessary, and then crossed over to him.  "Although, if this is coming from some thought that a woman needs more wooing than you've already done, you needn't try so hard.  I can't remember the last time I had such fun."

"Well you know what they say," Felix began, slowly stepping forwards until he was right in front of her.  His hand lifted delicately and just brushed her hip.  His other hand lifted at her other side, which she took in her paw and then wrapped her other arm around his shoulders, pulling him tighter to her.  His face was all but shoved into the yawning chasm of her bosom and her scent hit him in the face like a hammer.  A warm, soothing hammer.  "Go big or go home."

"I'll take both please..." she whispered once again, sliding forwards even further with her hips.  Her powerful thigh pressed against his groin.  The stereo began to play a sultry sounding Latin song.  "Take the lead, Mr. Cross.  Unless you want to follow..."

Her tone made his body shudder with a sudden chill as he looked up to meet her eyes.  "Yes ma'am..."

She rolled her eyes up and sighed softly, grinning.  "I've never enjoyed someone saying that so much."

Felix's face blazed with heat but he took the queue and began to sway with her.  At their first step, they felt perfectly synchronized with one another.  Maybe it was the tiny buzz, maybe it was her overpowering scent, almost musky but sweet, or maybe it was the rush of feelings he had felt growing for a while now.  He didn't know, but he had no idea why it mattered.  Their hips swayed and turned at the beat of the song, paws and feet tapping out a rapid rhythm.  

What he lacked in confidence he made up for in training and practice, while she replaced experience with passionate heat.  It felt so wonderful to spin and slide with her in his arms, somehow able to hold her up as she hung slightly back, arm fully extended, and lip curling up at the edge in a low smile.  He pivoted in place, heels dragging only a little upon the carpet, and tapped closer to her.

She caught him as he came within reach again, sweeping him up slightly onto his toes, abruptly taking the lead for a moment as she turned and dipped him.  Her hair hung down all over his face and surrounding it, barely a few inches between nose and muzzle.  She grinned, eyes hazed, and picked him back up.  They spun again and again, and they both began to laugh.

And then they were falling.  The backs of his knees hit the edge of the bed and they both tipped over backwards.  Cassandra caught herself before she landed all of her weight on top of him.  The bed jostled underneath them, and he was suddenly staring up at her once again.  Only this time, they weren't dancing.  She loomed above him, breathless laughing face looking back over her shoulder at the room, and then back down at the human.

"Whoops!" she panted, gasping for breath a little.  "Sorry.  This doggo was not made for the tango."  Her breathing slowed as she settled, and then she seemed to realize what he had.  Immediately, her bright smile went heavy and satisfied.  She even showed a tooth.  "Well, hello down there sir..." she said, voice dropping huskily.  "I seem to have you quite pinned here, don't I?"

"Y-yeah, that you do.  Quite firmly," Felix struggled to say, chuckling a little out of apprehension.

"Sorry that I'm so heavy.  And thick.  And that my fur is so fluffy.  I know most girls aren't the huge, muscular types, or that many girls you've been with are quite as intimidating or large."

Felix arched an eyebrow.  "Ok, on top of issue one with what you just said: never before have I heard someone be so wrong.  Now also two: you don't even sound like you mean that at all."

Chuckling, Cassandra grinned and flicked her hair up over one shoulder so that half his face wasn't obscured beneath it.  "Caught me," she relented shamelessly, feigning chastisement.  "I know I'm perfect..." she growled softly down at him.

He cleared his throat awkwardly and chuckled.  "Well, yeah I'd have to agree with you on that one."

"You know, you're really not that bad yourself, Mr. Cross."  He felt her playing the tip of a clawed finger across his chest, tracing with and through the light, barely visible chest hair he had.  "You're actually really cute.  And I don't say that often."

"About humans?" he asked, perfectly understanding it. It helped distract him from that this goddess of a woman thought he was apparently cute.

"No, like...about anyone."  She huffed, and blew a strand of her raven hair off of her muzzle.  "I guess I can see people as attractive or not, but usually I temper it with they've got some sort of flaw and that's why I don't go after them, or that I can't see myself going for them."  She sighed.  "I know, that makes me sort of a totally vapid bitch, and it's totally fair.  I'm not perfect by a longshot, got a list of flaws a mile long, but...I also have huge tits, and that makes people blind.  When it comes to you though, maybe it's the same factor.  I'm sure you've got insecurities and stuff to fill a closet with, but somehow I'm blinded to it by how sweet you are.  Also the cute thing."  She waved a claw at him knowingly.

"I also don't really get to think people are cute, what with my line of work," she continued.  "I can find them attractive, but...it's a job.  And the instant you start getting attached, boom, you find out they're married with kids and you don't want to be that bitch who ends a marriage.  Sure, it's fucked to begin with, since the guy is out with Escorts, but I don't need some feral lady coming after me in the grocery store because her husband wanted something on the side."  She looked him dead in the eye and her ears flicked, a small smile crinkling one side of her muzzle.  "Speaking of which, how's a guy like you stayed single?  Unless you're not.  But I don't get that feeling from you.  You wouldn't pull out all the stops and ask an Escort who you could ask to do anything at all to have a date night if you had someone waiting for you at home."

Felix listened to her, noticing that her voice was only slightly slurred, but she seemed fully in her own faculties.  Her voice was also like silk to listen to, above and beyond feminine but with a husky quality that captivated him, leaving him hanging on every word.  "Because no one wanted me for me.  The me that would plan big date nights, or surprise them at work, or send them probably pathetic love letters in the mail like it's 50 years ago or something.  Instead, they'd want me for what I could give them, or what they could take."

The woman's eyes narrowed and she glanced to the side, claw tip pausing in its tracing of his pectorals and collarbone.  "I'd know that feeling...felt it a fair few times.  Done it too, used people in school.  I wish I'd done a lot of things differently back when I was a kid.  But I grew up feeling lonely, and I lashed out.  I caused a lot of trouble, and I used people for what I wanted since no one was just going to give it to me."

"Did you almost feel...abandoned?" he asked.

"Yeah, almost.  And my parents, they had me on all these drugs that made me hate myself and left me feeling so sluggish and out of it.  And the worst part was that I always felt like they were doing it because there was something just horribly wrong with me.  Look at me, do I look like someone who hasn't been given a damn ace in the hole in every category?"  She flexed above him, waving her tail proudly.  He shook his head quickly.  "They couldn't fix what I didn't think was broken."  She nodded, feeling satisfied.  "I like who I am, maybe not where I am, or how I am, but who I am feels okay."

She looked back down at him, eyes refocusing on his every feature it felt like.  Her eyes grew heavy again, her breathing changed, and that smell filled his nostrils yet again.  "But here I am, spouting off like I am the catch of the day; meanwhile you're quite the catch yourself.  Lucky girl that gets to have that all to herself someday...but that ain't tonight."

He tried to sit up a bit and she pinned him down suddenly with a firm paw.  "I've been charmed, I've been fed, and I've been danced.  I've been made to feel special, heard, hell even acknowledged.  Women like to return these sorts of things with gratitude, and I know something that I'm about to do to you that fits beautifully."

Her strength took him almost by surprise, but with her so completely and firmly atop him, he was acutely aware just how big she was compared to him, and how easily she could keep him here as long as she desired.  She was solid, completely so, without much of an inch of fluff wasted either.  Her dress was flush against his white bathrobe and her eyes followed that train of thought, sliding down his front to the cloth ties at his waist.  "I think it's time..." she growled low in her throat, sliding the paw on his chest now lower, adjusting her weight atop him.  "That I show you how any girl, who would be crazy lucky to have you, would happily repay a man like you after such a wonderful date.  If they knew how to show the right kind of appreciation.  Which apparently no one in your life does, so I'll just have to set the standard that you deserve."

He tried to say something but she was already undoing the belt, loosening and laying it to the side.  Her large paw slid inside of the robe, rubbing across bare skin along his abdomen and belly, and moving steadily lower.  It uncovered as it moved, and she spared him no shred of decency.  Her eyes followed the trail of that paw, fixing upon the prize at the end of her explorations.

"Sorry..." he nervously told her.  "I know it's probably not much compared to an Anthro's."  He chuckled.  "Like I know I'm not small or anything..."

Her low growl built in her throat and he met her eyes.  They were lidded and sparkling.  "Oh I don't know about that..." she sounded out, fur tickling his exposed nudity before suddenly taking a very firm hold.  He grimaced and jumped a bit as he felt her form a ring around his shape.  She then lifted her paw, nodding appreciatively at the size.  "I'd call that superb in my book, and I've got big paws, so you have to know I'm serious.  I've been with a few humans who weren't anything to laugh at, but you beat out some Anthros there."

"You don't have to be so nice..." he said, feeling even more flustered.

She rolled her eyes and redid her grip upon him, although this time, she slid the ring all the way to his freshly trimmed base, making a thrill run through him.  He gave out a small sound he wasn't aware he could make, and she lifted her fingers back up for him to see.  She flattened it, and then made him stick his hand flush with her paw.  The pads upon it squished beneath his fingers and he felt a very weird satisfaction and fascination for them, like poking a cat's toe beans.  Or a dog's, that would be more accurate.

"See?" she asked, each furry finger several knuckle lengths longer than his.  "Big paws.  And you."  She formed the ring again, locking her thumb claw behind the first digit of her middle finger.  "I'd hate to see the man who makes YOU look small.  I'm not much for those giant ones anyways.  Too much show, not enough performance."  She slowly lifted her weight up off of him and he felt a bit of relief as well as disappointment, his spirits already ridiculously lifted with her praising him for such a silly, self-indulgent reason, albeit what every guy wanted to hear.  Then he noticed she was slowly sliding down

"So tell me, Mr. Cross," she muttered very slowly, voice having gone beyond even the seductive slur and moved right into a darker, rougher tone.  "Do you want to lead?  Or would you rather follow?"

Felix stared into those amethyst eyes as her paws and body settled upon him.  She lay slightly curled over his lower body, paws kneading his hip and thigh.  He couldn't stop the chilly sensations racing through him, and his excitement stood as proud and monolithic as it had ever done in his life.  He saw all the things she might have planned for him, all of the things he wanted, maybe even some things he never knew he desired to find out or try.  One night, to be someone other than who he had to.



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