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To clarify for some who have asked, concerning the canon lore names for the differing Anthro Species, Definitions, Lore, and other information, I decided I would make a list of them for everyone to enjoy!

Please leave comments for questions, concerns, or requests for clarification.

For Example: All Anthros are an Omnivorous Species, but differing Breeds prefer different diets.

Origins: Anthros hail from a different homeworld than Earth, having traveled to it via what some believe is a magical gateway from a parallel dimension of the same planet but drastically different.  This world was known as Ahn, a tri-sunned planet that was eventually consumed by a worldwide epidemic, the details of which are shrouded in mystery and all Anthros refrain from speaking of what claimed their original world.  The name Anthro in their tongue, Anthra, means "Child of Ahn".

Spirits: Anthros as a basis do not believe in the foundation of religion, instead espousing the universal belief and faith in venerating the generations of their kind that came long before them.  These 'Spirits' are supposedly benevolent, for the most part, and watch over Anthros in their day-to-day lives, guiding and teaching them old values and history like literal Guardian Angels.  There is incredible mysticism behind the Anthro belief in these Spirits, and more than once there have been extraordinary sightings of miraculous happenings and unexplainable events pertaining to possible manifestation.  Anthros believe that if they honor the Spirits, their lives will be good, and approach the concept of Mortality as the transition between the Living world and the one inhabited by the Spirits.  As such, Anthros do not have a general fear of Death, so long as they are confident that they have lived their lives in service and veneration of their ancestors.

On Interbreeding: All Anthro Breeds once were separated by these titles and Species, but learned that interbreeding caused no adverse side effects, although the children begat of these unions tended to only inherit traits from one parent while definitively belonging to the other's Species (ex. A Canine and Tiger breed, resulting in a Canine with a faded-striped pelt)  Curiously, interbreeding among one's own Breed but of differing Subspecies can result in exotic Hybrids (ex. A lynx and leopard, a tiger and lion, etc)  A further curiosity upon traveling to Earth resulted in Anthros later interbreeding with Humans, which also produced no adverse side effects, but most often again having either entirely Human or Anthro children.

Mating: Unlike how stereotypical or racist social media likes to portray them, Anthros are a naturally private and monogamous species when it comes to selecting Life-Mates, which is a term closest in synonym to Human Marriage.  They do not have much credence to the roles of Gender when determining who they desire to be with.  Even so, Anthros are not always life-long partners and sometimes have, most often, mutual breakups after a period of several years.  That is not to say Anthros always leave their Mates, nor is that the more predominant occurrence, only that there is no social stigma in doing so, so long as the breakup was without hostility and any children birthed by the couple are cared for and protected regardless of united parents.  They also similarly are not against Polyamorous relationships but they are also not the norm, especially not long-term.  Anthros also do not have social phobias and avoidances of circumstances or conversations pertaining to sex, viewing it as something entirely natural and nothing to be offended by, although there still exists a level of social awareness and boundaries.

Aggression: Considered a biological affliction to some, a genetic disease to others, and even more just a part of their natural defenses and empathic link to one another, all Anthros experience Aggression as soon as they exit the formative years defined as 'Cub'.  Aggression has many forms but most often manifests in, as the name suggests in overtly aggressive, confrontational, and borderline violent behavior.  Often disputed as a defense mechanism, the most common symptoms of Aggression flood the Anthro's body with proteins and adrenaline, prepping them for imminent danger, similar to a Human's fight-or-flight.  These chemicals produce hormonal changes in the Anthro, and unmitigated or being unable to vent or cool down can result in wildly more hostile attitudes and behavior.  

When an Anthro has been exposed to too much Aggression, usually only seen in life or death situations, as the Anthro pathos cannot differentiate between levels of danger and thus all fights are considered such, they can enter a state known as Frenzy, which blinds the Anthro's cognitive functions and often devolves their mind into a 'blood-rage', which is incredibly dangerous for both themselves and those around them.  It is suspected that Aggression is directly linked to the epidemic that caused Anthros to come to Earth in a mass exodus, abandoning their doomed planet.  While a serious condition, there are also lesser known and much less-dangerous 'subtypes' of Aggression that emerge in other social circumstances: fear, lust, and hunger being most prevalent.  It is unknown, and violently debated, to this date whether or not Anthros should seek genetic modification for this part of themselves that most definitively separates them from the Homo-Sapien species, although it is now a commonplace occurrence for all Anthros most susceptible to take recommended doses of a new drug known as EPD which dulls and suppresses the production of Aggression and prevents Frenzy from manifesting.  Alpha Anthros are supposedly immune to these side effects, but even those have outliers that require even stronger medication, and certain conditions that cannot be handled through them at all (including Hyper-Active Aggression Disorder, or the more mysterious and sinister Devil Gene).

Alphism: A preexisting genetic condition passed down through bloodlines of Anthros, tracing their history back through the ages to the now almost entirely vanished Dragon Anthros, aka the Royals.  Alphas are naturally stronger, larger, and both more primal and regal than their fellow breeds, serving as their cultural leaders and guardians.  Each Breed of Anthro has at least one reigning Alpha clan, most of which keep up the bloodline by intermarrying with one another frequently through political alliances.  Harshly traditional, Alphas more resemble their once savage ancestors before being uplifted, and often shave off their hair, keeping fur close to their skull, so as to exemplify this more animalistic appearance.  In recent days, Alphas have discovered another form of perpetuating the Alphism gene, however, that being in the interbreeding with Humans, whose spontaneous and ever-rapidly mutating genetic code assists in not allowing the Royals Genes to be diluted.  There is also a yet unknown attraction between the massive Alpha Anthros and much smaller Humans, as the vast majority of all Interspecies Marriages and relations seem to center upon such pairings.

The Breeds:

1. Anthro Canid: This Species applies to all Canines, including Wolves and Dogs.  Some argue of a separation between the two (Lupe and Domus respectively, the latter of which being much more subservient by nature to the former) but biologically there are almost no differences in their DNA.  In a word, Canid are loyal, the best kinds of friends to have and the worst kinds of enemies to cross.  There are at least three surviving Alpha Canid Clans: Dires, Mastion, and Hund.

2. Anthro Vulpid: This Species applies specifically to Foxes, who some contest are an offshoot of the Canid bloodline, but others state have always been their own Breed.  Stereotypes concerning their craftiness are based around their naturally inquisitive natures, preferring to deflect confrontation with humor or skirting around it at all costs.  Vulpid Alphas are rare but all belong to the prestigious Reynar clan.

3. Anthro Taurid: This applies to all Bovines as it pertains to the unity of their Herd mentality (Cows, Bulls, Oxen, etc)  Their closest living cousins are the Rhinox, although one would never make the mistake of calling the two Breeds by the same name.  One and all, Taurids are tough, dependable, but sometimes a bit slow on the uptake.  The Alpha Clan name of the Taurids is Utrot.

4. Anthro Loxon: The Breed name for Elephants.  These giants are amongst the largest of all Anthro and thus think carefully and move slowly in nearly all things.  They act as mediators, guides, and prefer to be diplomatic rather than hostile, mostly because all Breeds know of their seemingly superhuman levels of strength.  Their Alphas are however not any larger and instead more reputed for their increased wisdom and gentleness, bearing the Clan name: Murad.

5. Anthro Felid: This Species is named to account for all 'Small' Felines, such as all House-Cats, Lynx, and Bobcats.  Like Canids, these seem almost superficial differences when in terms of interbreeding.  They can be eclectic in nature, ranging in their emotions from calm to anxious to excitable seemingly at the drop of a hat.  Felid Alphas mostly belong to Clan Dolcey.

6. Anthro Panthra: The largest split of Breed names belong to Tigers (Tigran), and Lions (Leonid), while others (including Leopards, Jaguars, Cougars, etc) are lumped together under the general single name.  Many consider this because of the predominant history surrounding the division between the isolationist faction of Tigran and the Pride mentality of Leonid.  One and all, Panthra are a dominant, powerhouse breed, often take-charge and reliable, but also ferocious when pushed.  There are two reigning Alpha clans, the Tiger Clan, Vorgate, and the Lion Clan, Prydel.  Both mourn the passing of the third clan, Sabor, now bred into obscurity.

7. Anthro Avian: Like Bovines, Avian applies to all Bird Breeds, large or small.  Avians are perhaps the most reclusive of the Breeds and prefer to specifically mingle and Breed amongst themselves rather than interbreed with others, minus Humans.  They often come across as worldly and wise, but occasionally snippy or aloof.  Avians suffer the least from Aggression for unknown reasons.  Avians follow the Alpha clan, known for their poetic translation in the Anthra language: Skyr, or Great Wide Seeing.

8. Anthro Vermus: The largest branching division of Subspecies, including Mice, Rats, Ferrets, Meerkats etc.  Although some members of the Breed can wildly exceed others in size, as well as sometimes warranting their own Subspecies name, they all remain linked to the original Breed. (Ex. Melus = Badger)  They are a hard-working, family-oriented Breed, but can tend to range between skittish and wildly aggressive.  Vermus Alphas once had many clans but combined into the Amus clan centuries ago.

9. Anthro Equus: The title for all Anthros belonging to the Horse Breed.  Like their 'supposed' relatives the Cervine, Equus are gentle in nature but possess a more fiery disposition towards danger or confrontation than their antlered cousins.  Horse Alphas are reputed to be some of the most beautiful Anthros in existence, some even said to possess horns or even wings.  Palidae is the name of their Alpha clan.

10. Anthro Cervine: Breeds including such Subspecies as Deer, Elk, Moose, Caribou, Reindeer, etc.  As Bovines, they do not ask nor claim different titles, as they follow the unity of Herd mentality.  They tend to be anti-confrontational and insightful, but provoking one to Aggression can lead to serious injuries, as their otherwise gentle appearances can hide their still prevalent savage origins.  Alphas in their Breed follow the teachings of Clan Eurking, who are known for their, admittedly vain, competition of antler size and durability.

11. Anthro Gallus: The Species name to which belong the Subspecies of Boars, Pigs, etc.  These Anthros are stubborn to a fault, ironically 'boar-headed' but fiercely loyal to their fellows.  Gallus prefer to form close ties with small collectives of various Breeds, are naturally and endlessly self-sufficient, and have very little fear of danger.  Alpha Gallus are even more heavily respected by their fellows, the Clan name Ord being infamous among all Breeds for dependability and self-sacrifice.

12. Anthro Galleon:  Varying subspecies all identified as Sharks.  Strangely, these apex water-based predators never claimed differing Subspecies despite being wildly and colorfully different from one another.  While they can be off-putting and often intimidating, they are non-aggressive unless their bloodlust is raised.  The Alpha clan of their Breed, Clan Lodon, are extremely reclusive and rarely attend social gatherings.

13. Anthro Lacer: Scaly-skinned Anthros who belong to the Reptillia substrate (aka Lizards), although while distantly related to Crocs, they do not claim to be of the same Breed.  They are cold-blooded and while often considered harsh, off-putting, or unfeeling, they simply take time to 'warm up' to others.  Bizarrely, although neither of the three breeds ever seem to identify as relatives, Lacer, Crok, and Serpentes all follow a unified Alpha clan under the name: Thassur.

14. Anthro Crok: Large scaly Anthros such as Crocodiles, Alligators, Caiman, etc.  They are an often confrontational and off-putting Breed with good hearts but tough, weathered exteriors that take time to get through to find the warmth beneath.

15. Anthro Serpentes: Serpentine Anthros who range from small to massive specimens, including subspecies who have natural toxins/venom (Cobras, vipers, etc) versus other larger 'constrictor' types such as Pythons or Boas.  These Breeds are often stereotyped as sinister, conniving, or generally unpleasant, but they are just naturally more aloof and standoffish until they find a Mate they can wrap themselves around.

16. Anthro Ursid: The Bear Breeds of Anthro (Brown, Polar, etc) are universally considered some of the most formidable and respected of them all: often accurately portrayed or viewed as loners who while they can be sociable, are often most comfortable on their own or with only a few close friends.  They are slow to anger but terrible to witness when their Aggression breaks through their stone-like stoicism.  Moreso than almost any other, Ursid are unilaterally loyal and subservient to the hulking Alpha Clan known as Mishai, from which come some of the greatest legends of Anthrokind.

17. Anthro Simian: Whether Monkey or Ape, these Anthros are all universally called by the same name.  Highly social and utterly loyal to family, Simians cover some of the broadest ranges of vocations and mannerisms among their kind: ranging from playful and lighthearted to serious and gruff.  Clan Obersu is the reigning Alpha leaders of the Simians.

18. Anthro Otar: An odd-breed, Otar range from Otters to Seals, a mostly water-loving species of Anthro who are naturally both playful and potentially vicious depending on their mood.  They have great senses of humor and respond to most situations by employing some factor of it.  Their original Alpha clan name was lost when they left their homeworld, and now simply go by Clan Iceflow.

19: Anthro Hyenid: One of the most universally mistrusted Breeds, even by their own kind, Hyena Anthros are incredibly Aggression-sensitive and are exalted, even feared, for their legendary tempers.  Even so, the bonds they form in Mating and friendships are among the most tried and true, and Spirits help the poor soul that endangers their adopted 'families'.  Hyenid Anthros are the only Anthro breed to not have their own Alpha clan, a travesty since theirs is a Breed most sorely in need of it.

20. Anthro Sered-Draconai: The most mysterious, rare, and elusive of all Breeds, the Sered, otherwise known as Royals, live up to their title as the once unilateral rulers and guardians of all Anthro kind.  According to folklore from Ahn, the Royals were the first species of Anthro, and by using their magic, they uplifted the savage fellow races of Ahn to enlightenment and sentience.  There are two Subspecies of Royals, known as Lesser Royals (slightly smaller with no wings and only four claws) and Crown Royals (who have wings and five claws).  Although they are easily the largest, strongest, and most respected of all Breeds, there are only a handful of Royals, Lesser or Crown, around on Earth today, seemingly ageless and some having survived for more than thousands of years, by Earth telling.  They seem to have no natural mortal lifespan and still possess an air of magic to them.  What is known of their existing influence and genealogical inheritance gifted to the Anthro race come in the form of Alphas, Anthros who trace bloodline connections to the Royals themselves and serve as the existing rulers of Anthroism to this day.  Histories are vague but it is said that a vast majority of surviving Royals, after the ending of the Peacekeeper War, left Earth with a chosen cadre of both Anthro and allied Humans, to attempt to bring peace back to Ahn, sealing the gateway behind them.  One day, perhaps they will return.  For now the few remaining Dragon Anthros take up positions of intrigue and overwatch of their beloved Lesser Breeds, often as political figures, CEOs of multi-national companies, or quiet keepers of knowledge and lore that otherwise would be lost to Anthros forever.


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