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She's the Boss
A commission for NoctisCalem
Part 2

Elizabeth Johnson checked the time on her phone as the limo crept annoyingly, frustratingly slow through the evening traffic.  5:57.  She was running late.  Elizabeth despised being late.  All her life, the Loxon woman had lived on a schedule.  Even when she had been a calf she had been this way.  Her parents had attempted to break her out of a self-imposed and heavily structured time frame but to no avail.  She simply liked things when they were orderly and neat.  They were more trustworthy that way, reliable.

It was also the reason why she had grown up without many friends.  Among her fellow Cubs, Elizabeth had formed a reputation for being standoffish, strict, and generally unapproachable.  Her parents, therapists, instructors, nearly all would attribute this to difficulty in dealing with the ever-changing stresses of social interaction, but all of them had been wrong in the end.  Only her Drill Sergeants during her compulsory term in the armed forces had recognized her sense of inherent command and ability to organize the chaos around her, thus leading to a 6-year term of rewarding success and many accomplishments.  She had brought her military training and strict mastery of organization with her when she was honorably discharged.  As such, Elizabeth was perfectly suited for any situation she had ever come across.  She just found the constant flux of handling other people's emotions to be inconsistent.  Thus, she avoided getting attached to others, save for a rare few truly trusted individuals.

As a result, however, the large Anthro woman could the number of 'dates' she had been on in the last decade on a single paw.  If just having friends could be emotionally taxing, maintaining a single long-term relationship had been above and beyond what she was once capable of handling.  Her last boyfriend, a fellow executive from another company, had at least lasted past a few dates.  It had helped that, like her, the Rhino had also had a busy schedule and they agreed on a casual, physical relationship rather than stressing over emotions and coordinating dates.  When they saw one another, they would enjoy one another's company.  They broke things off as easily as they had started when he had transferred to another country.

Checking her appearance in the glass of the limo's backseat, tinted so that others could not look inside as they drove down the city streets, she gave herself a long, hard look.  Her hair was freshly combed and treated, she had added several hoop earrings and studs to her huge ears, and she wore an, admittedly, incredibly sexy outfit: an off-shoulder and sleeveless blue dress that clung to her solid and curvy frame.  The cleavage dipped down incredibly low and the slit skirts allowed for her thick thighs to shift easily without creasing or raising the hem.  She accompanied it with dark stockings and high heels, intending on a 'fun' night out with her favorite employee.

A date.  With her favorite employee.  She sighed and rubbed at her wrinkly temples with a big hand.  What on Earth was she doing?  Why was she stressing about this so much?  It was just a dinner date for Grif's birthday.  Nothing had to be worried about or stressed.  They would talk, laugh probably on his part, maybe have some drinks...  And then what?

Elizabeth furrowed her brows in exasperation, looking down at her attire, peeking once into the hem of the blouse at the strapless, lacy, nearly industrial-strength bra that clipped together at the front.  When getting dressed, she had thought Grif would like it.  But wasn't that being incredibly presumptuous?  Humans were far more complex in their dating and mating rituals compared to Anthros.  Would he want to move so quickly?  Would he read too much into it?  Would he not read enough?

It was no internal struggle for her to consider it for her side.  She liked Grif, even if she wasn't entirely very good at showing it beyond her back-handed compliments about his ever-constant work ethic of rushing to do anything she asked of him, no matter how small or strenuous.  The tiny Human had energy and light about him whenever they were together and never failed to give her that little smile of his.  It was obvious he returned her attentions; she couldn't count the number of times she'd felt his eyes wandering across her body during meetings in her office.

Thanks to this, she had started to feel more confident: wearing short skirts, putting on shirts a size too small so they strained harder to contain her, etc.  He always seemed to appreciate what she had to give, but he had never once acted on his obvious desires.  Was this date just her excuse to finally confront that?  Was this even truly a date to him?  Maybe he just thought she was being nice as a treat for all his hard work, his boss taking him out for a fancy dinner.

His boss.  She scoffed.  So what if she was his boss?  Anthros focused on the here and now, not assigning values to roles and ranks so long as they could also still balance their required obligations.  She actively encouraged interdepartmental relationships, had an entire office dedicated to couples counseling.  She didn't work directly with anyone else, and neither did he.  They were practically an office couple already.  This was just her attempt at making it official.  She had asked herself several times why she was going to all this effort, and come to the same conclusion every time.

Elizabeth Johnson was tired of being lonely and single.  And when she had ever been frustrated with something in her life before, she had made an active effort to change it.  She was going to put herself out there and attempt to see if Grif really was more than just his shy if amorous gazes when he thought she wasn't aware he was looking, posing herself deliberately so that he might look more.  Sure, she wasn't exactly good at it, and knew she came across as confrontational and often cold.  Sighing deeply with a honk of her trunk, she checked the time.  6:07.

Knocking on the partition wall of the car, she called through it to the driver.  "Nora, how much longer to the restaurant?" she demanded, trying to keep her voice from being overly gruff.

The intercom clicked on a second later.  "Sorry, Ms. Johnson!" came the woman driver's reply, bubbly voice ever containing a giggle.  "We're almost there now.  Traffic has been ridiculous tonight."

Leaning back, Elizabeth grunted again and plucked out her phone from her bag with the tip of her flexible trunk.  Tapping it on she checked her messages.  No alerts from Grif, but he wasn't the type to try and check up on her.  She tapped out a rapid message to him.  'Almost there.  Traffic caused delays.  I apologize.'

A chime came a minute or so later as she was inspecting her makeup.  'Not a problem at all ma'am.  I got held up as well but I'm just going to be a few more minutes.  I'm really sorry.'

Something surged inside her curvy, soft stomach and she curled her trunk up a bit more as she replied with, 'It is no trouble.  It seems the universe isn't going to make things easy on our rendezvous.  Take your time'   She somehow felt grateful that he had not been waiting for her.  Glancing out the window just then, she saw the glorious outline of Risseau's finally coming into view.  The limo parked in the front and she heard the driver's door open and close immediately after.

A second later, her passenger door opened seemingly of its own accord, revealing the driver.  Nora was a very large, fluffy Bunny, massively curvaceous frame dressed in a straining suit,  with the heavy floof of her neck sticking out of the collar.  Her cap was perched between her long studded ears and her beautiful smile as ever was teasing and cheerful.  "Here we are!" she chirped.

Nodding, Elizabeth got up from her seat and climbed out of the massive limousine.  Onlookers actively stared a bit as the massive Loxon woman adjusted her dress and purse before she nodded to her preferred driver in silent thanks.  "Thank you for the ride, Nora," she told the Lop.

Tipping her hat, Nora giggled up at her, although the difference in their heights was not as considerable as one might have assumed seeing a Bunny talking to a Loxon, maybe only a couple of feet.  Nora was a very big girl.  "Anytime, Ma'am, you know that!" she replied cheekily.  "You not going to need the ride back home?"

Shaking her head, ears flapping, Elizabeth actually gave her companion a bit of a small smile.  "I'll catch a cab, or walk.  I'm not worried about someone giving me trouble.  Do give my best to your fiance'."  She remembered to comment on him thanks to the framed picture on Nora's dashboard, featuring the huge girl posing with her much smaller, also Bunny beau.

"Not likely to survive if they did.  And will do," giggled the Bunny woman.  Her starlight eyes sparkled.  "Can't wait to see him, he just got back."  She tipped her hat again.  "Have a good evening!" she chirped then climbed back into the limo and drove off.  Elizabeth watched the taillights vanish off into the sea of traffic before she turned and entered the restaurant's massive double doors.

Risseau's was a very high-end establishment, and one she was quite familiar with.  The host at the front desk immediately seemed to recognize her as she ducked her head underneath the doorway and waved her forward with a gloved hand.  "Ah, Lady Johnson!" he crowed.  "I have your table all set up and ready.  Will you be joined by a companion this evening?"

Elizabeth nodded.  "He is running slightly behind.  Have the waiters start us off with a light refreshment of appetizers, Menu A, but nothing with shellfish.  My date is allergic to it, and anything with horseradish as well.  His name is Griffith Johnson."

The man nodded.  "Of course, madam!  As soon as he arrives, he will be directed straight here to join you."  He waved at a set of waiters who nervously waited in the wings.  Following them, she was led to a massive table set in the very back of the packed front end of the restaurant.  Sized for plus-size Breeds like her, she and Grif would be quite alone in this alcove as there didn't seem to be many other patrons this evening.  She settled into the chair provided to her gratefully, requesting a Human-sized chair be brought out.

The surprise on the attending waiters was evident but they refrained from commenting, as was proper.  Risseau's prided itself on professionalism and proper conduct towards any and all romantic pairings that frequented it, just one of the reasons why she actually loved it here.  They even brought her favorite selection of wine, chilled properly, and a light salad for her to munch on.

She checked her phone as she waited. 6:19.  She began to worry that something had come up or that maybe he had come across a spot of trouble when her keen hearing picked up the sounds of approaching shoes on the polished flooring.  Looking up, her eyes actually crinkled at the corners.  Accompanied by the host himself, she saw a poshly dressed, if slightly flustered and shellshocked, Grif.  His eyes were wide behind his glasses as he looked all around the lavish decorations and dim lighting.  Then those bright orbs fell upon her and she could not help a rush of satisfaction at his reaction.

Grif's jaw might very well have come unhinged as he stared at her even as he was guided towards the table and had his chair pushed in for him once he had sat down.  He wordlessly just continued to gape up at the Loxon woman as the host tucked a napkin across his lap and into his shirt collar, poured him a glass of wine, and finally the man retreated, leaving the couple alone.  Exactly as she had requested, he wore his finest dinner attire, including a black-tie, dark-blue coat over a pale-blue and grey striped button-up shirt, black slacks, and polished black shoes.

As several long minutes followed without her date saying a single word, seemingly struck dumb by her attire, Elizabeth actually felt a slow smirk to stretch her lips below her trunk.  The corners of her mouth turned up and she leaned her chin onto the knuckles of her crisscrossed paws as she leaned slightly over the table and down toward him.  "How nice of you to join me," she rumbled softly.  "I trust the accommodations are to your liking?"  He nodded, still seemingly unable to speak.  "You look quite acceptable; above and beyond my expectations, Grif.  I should update my office uniform requirements."

Flushing, Grif finally seemed to reattach the hinges of his jaw, and his mouth closed for the first time since he had seen her.  His eyes flashed across the generous swell of her vast chest as it pushed against the table edge, up her bare, burly yet smooth arms, even across the shape of her curled trunk.  She truly felt, for the first time in years, that here was a man who adored every single inch of her.  It made her feel better than words could explain.  Yet another reason she was secretly as eager for this date as he no doubt had been.  His meticulously paired and tailored outfit spoke of such without need for elaboration.

"I'm...really sorry I'm so late," he finally choked out.  He took a shaky sip of his glass and blinked in shock.  He eyed the dark liquid in his glass.  "Woah...what kind of wine is that?  It doesn't even taste like alcohol."

"It is a doctored sangria," she replied.  "Spiked with fruit juice and a sour mixture.  I noticed in your company psych profile that you enjoy sour foods and drinks.  You listed your favorite drink as an outdated brand of Mountain Dew, so I had the restaurant do its best to incorporate the flavor profile into the most suitable beverage.  Is it acceptable?"

Sipping at it again, Grif finally managed a genuine grin.  "More than, Ms. Johnson," he replied.  "Although if I'm not careful I'll drink way too much."  He pushed the glass just slightly away from him, looking displeased to do so.

"Not much of a drinker?" she inquired, sipping at her own much larger glass of the same.  She found she liked it quite a lot.

"No, I like a drink every now and then," he admitted then blushed a wonderful shade of red.  "I...just want to be fully aware of the evening's potential possibilities and not dull them with a buzz.  This is already the best birthday ever just to be out on a date with a woman as incredible as you, Ms. Johnson."  Then he laughed.  "Plus, I'd never forgive myself if I got blitzed in front of my boss."

It was her turn to flush slightly, looking away from him and curling her trunk up into a tighter ball before she shook herself in an attempt to relax her strangely tight nerves.  Her frame shuddered and rippled in response, a reaction that caused Grif to stare once again before he jerked his eyes away noticeably.  That made her feel more at ease.  Open and flirtatious, she could handle.  Sweet and romantic?  She wasn't as used to that.

"Well, your company is also quite pleasant, Grif," she replied.  She took another sip of her drink and then gestured to the menus.  The lacquered folders were connected to an on-table computer, like an Olive Garden, where they could submit choices directly rather than wait for service.  Yet another reason she liked this place; more time just with the two of them and not so much forced interactions.  Another reason why she tipped so well here.  "But you hardly need to be so stiff and formal tonight."

He blinked in surprise at that, staring up at her from their vast difference in height.

"You may call me Elizabeth for this evening," she told him, smirking to herself.  "After all, being called Ms. and Ma'am while on a date is hardly romantic.  Titles such as that should be kept at work."

She was sure that he would object, claim that they couldn't possibly breach such social conduct.  Instead, he surprised her.  While he did flush, he instead just smiled and then hid his face behind his menu.  "All right...Elizabeth," she heard him murmur.

A pang shot through her at hearing him say her name directly.  It was a thrill like she hadn't felt in the longest time and she immediately decided she wanted to hear him say it many, many more times from now on.  She was tired of always being so distant, cold, and unapproachable.  She could keep the rest of the world away, so long as she had one she could keep close by her own choice.  Her hopes were already high and he was exceeding them.

They exchanged light, awkward mostly on his end, banter as they decided on their main courses and supped on the provided appetizers.  As she had requested, no shellfish or horse-radish themed choices were anywhere near, nor anything with peanuts.  It was quite possibly her only source of personal embarrassment that as a Loxon she couldn't stand the taste of them.  Stereotypes were what they were, but she'd never met another of her Breed that didn't like peanuts.  Even so, Grif either wasn't aware of it or didn't care.  His eyes never strayed far from her and as the evening wore on, his smile became wider and more eager.

She'd never felt so comfortable with another person in her life and she knew that he could sense that.  She even used her trunk to wipe with a napkin at a small stain on his cheek from a pasta dish as they settled into their dinner.  He froze stiff at her touch but let her tend to him with obvious enjoyment at the small, endearing touch.  After, he offered her a bite of his lasagna, which she declined but gratefully.

They even managed some casual flirting.  Noticing that Grif's eyes wandered quite a lot over her expansive cleavage, she leaned a bit more forward across the table, intentionally making those huge shapes press and conform together, perhaps propped up by a subtle arm tucked underneath them.  His eyes went nearly white-rimmed behind his glasses and he frantically hid his face behind his long hair when he noticed that she was actively staring at his face to observe his reaction.

Eventually, the casualness had to end and she settled back with a smug smile.  The time had come.  "Grif," she stated firmly as the waiters cleared their plates and brought forth a series of light, refreshing desserts.  They both had been provided shaved-mint and chocolate glazed confections of something close to cookie dough.  The chilled flavors danced on her tongue and Grif similarly seemed to enjoy it immensely.  "This night has been delightful, but I wanted to speak to you of something...more serious."  He looked directly at her, hanging on her every word as he had been doing all evening, even as they continued eating

"Anything, Elizabeth," he replied immediately.  Again, his subservience and use of her name made her grin secretly.  She loved that her trunk could help conceal her more obvious reactions to such things.

"What are your thoughts on this evening?"

His smile went bright and wide.  "The best of my life," he shot back immediately.  "I've never had so much fun on a date before."  He took a sip from his glass, which admittedly had been refilled since the beginning of the dinner.  His cheeks were just a touch rosy.  "You're an amazing woman, Elizabeth.  I'm luckier beyond words to have been able to spend my birthday with you."

She hummed softly in her trunk at his adorable words.  "Anything you would have changed?" she asked, noting the time.  8:30.

His face fell a bit for some reason.  "Oh...uhh..." he mumbled, seemingly crestfallen.  "I'd have...liked to have arrived sooner and not missed out on any time with you."

"Anything else?"

He looked down.  "I...guess I just wish it wasn't already over."

She arched her legendary eyebrow.  "Who said it was over?" she inquired.

His eyes shot back up to hers in surprise.  "O-oh!" he stammered then gave a weak, hopeful grin.  "I...I just assumed that from...your tone and such...and..."

She shook her head gently, ears waving beside her head.  She noticed he watched them as if entranced.  "Hardly," she retorted.  "I cleared my entire evening of other plans other than enjoying time with my hardest-working employee and...friend."  It was her turn to blush slightly, aided in the lowering of her haughty air by the several glasses of wine she had consumed.

"You consider me a friend?" he asked, voice hushed and almost sounding in awe.  She looked back up at his face to see he was dumb-struck once again.  She nodded.  "B-but...at the office..."

"You assume that I am this way with everyone," she observed, to which he nodded, looking guilty.  "This is incorrect.  While I have been aware at times that I can be...unapproachable and that many avoid me due to my size and attitude, you have always treated me with courtesy, dignity, respect, appreciation, and dedication.  These are qualities above and beyond just your station as my assistant.  I've come to depend heavily upon you, Grif."

He swelled at her words, slender shoulders stretching the jacket he wore wider.  "I'm honored to work with and under you, Elizabeth," he replied in a firm voice.  "Yes the workload can be a lot, but you do important work and take a lot onto yourself that you don't let others see.  I'm...truly humbled and adore the time and trust you've given me at your side.  It's more than I could ever have hoped for."  He actually dabbed at the corner of one of his eyes with a napkin, making her heart twinge to see him so emotional.  "I treasure our friendship."

Elizabeth carefully removed the napkin from her lap and folded it atop the table in front of her.  "I too appreciate the companionship and trust you've allowed me to enjoy for the first time in several years," she told him.  "Friendship is a truly wonderful thing, but I am afraid that I must be honest about something, an issue that has been bothering me for a while."  He caught her eyes, his so bright, wide, and open.  "I am no longer content with the relationship we have as friends.  Things must, in my mind, change immediately and allow us to resolve this issue."

He blinked.  His face went through a transformation.  Shock, desperation, anguish, confusion, uncertainty.  A thousand expressions raged through him in the space of a few seconds, she could tell.  His hands started to tremble and he never once looked away from her.  He licked his lips and she watched them begin to form words at long last.  "W-what does that...mean?" he asked hesitantly.

She leaned back in her chair, crossing her arms below her breasts.  "What do you think it means?" she inquired.

At last, he gave out a chuckle, closer to a croak, and shifted uncomfortably in his seat.  "My...assumptions have thus far been wholly incorrect so I would...not be sure of anything right now, Elizabeth."

She grinned.  A perfect answer.  "Then perhaps I will elaborate further and clear up any uncertainties or questions you might have from my statement."  He nodded immediately and her eyes gleamed.  Her trunk curled up tightly and revealed the wide smirk on her lips more openly.  "I am no longer content with the relationship we currently share," she repeated.  He nodded warily.  "Because it is no longer enough for me."  A long stare, a blink.  Heat rushed to his face slowly as he finally seemed to be comprehending what she was saying.  "I would like to take you home with me this evening, Grif."

If she had thought his jaw had fallen open wide before when he had first seen her that evening, it was nothing compared to the absolute shock that stretched his face now.  His eyes were so wide that his bright blue irises were nearly lost in all that white, his mouth openly gaped, and he had frozen in place.  It was all too perfect.

She smiled wider.  "Have you eaten enough?" she inquired, voice playfully curt.  He nodded, still struck dumb and completely silent.  "Not too much I hope."  He shook his head swiftly, hair waving in either side of his face much like her ears.  "Good, then relax and close your jaw," she instructed.  Her eyes gleamed again and she leaned across the table more, using her trunk to click his mouth shut.  "You'll need it for later."

His face went a shade of red she hadn't been aware it could go.  He trembled at her touch as her trunk trailed up his jawline to his ear, tucking a strand of hair back behind it and then adjusting his glasses for him.  Were they foggier now than they had been?  She grinned and leaned back, swiping her card at the console to pay for their meal.  She was still hungry, but no longer for food.  A hunger she had staved off for too long rose in her stomach like a roaring beast as she stood from her seat and helped her tiny date up from his own.  She stepped in close to him as he seemed a bit unsteady on his feet.  Drink or flustered emotions, she wasn't sure, but she made sure to guide him as they exited the restaurant.  She bid the staff a fond goodbye and in no time they were standing outside on the curb.

"Would you prefer a cab or to walk?" she inquired.  "My heels aren't exactly made for long-distance but I can remove them if you need some night air to clear your head."

He shakily shook it.  His hand reached up shakily and she took it immediately in hers, enveloping his warm fingers in her rough palm.  It felt good, so good as nothing had had as much in far too long.  "I...wouldn't mind a ride," he admitted.  "I'm still...processing."

She nodded and signaled with her phone on an app to summon a cab.  It showed up in no time, thankfully sized for her, if barely, with a dark dividing wall.  She gave the driver directions before she climbed in with Grif.  Due to her bulk, she was forced to sit directly on the seats, taking up the entire backseat, with Grif then posed on her lap.  She draped a protective arm over him as the car rumbled off.

Noticing him trembling softly against her, her arm tightened and her trunk brushed his cheek again, making him look up at her again.  "Are you all right, Grif?" she asked softly, finally and completely dropping her curt, professional air.  This was a voice meant only for moments, for someone, like him.  He shook more at it and she stroked his back with a big paw.  "Nervous?"

"Beyond," he replied honestly, making her chuckle.  "I...I still can't..."

She silenced him with a touch to his chin.  Even as he stared, disbelieving up at her, she used her trunk to remove his glasses from his nose and deposit them carefully nearby.  She wanted no obstructions between herself and her tiny, adorable Human.  "Let me help you relax..." she murmured.  Her paws crushed him against her chest, lifting him up toward her.  He shuddered once more and sighed out in a rush of relief, hope, and earnest hunger to match her own as their different mouths met for the first time.

He tasted of mint, sangria, and need.  Her aggression began to leak out as they explored one another's mouths as the car wove on through the packed traffic towards their destination.  The dinner might have ended, but their evening was only getting started...


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