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Mercedes bit her tongue as her voice trailed off, admission hanging there unspoken as she saw that Mason had passed out in her lap.  She smiled down at the little Human and continued to stroke his dual-colored hair as he dozed.

"Why do you push yourself so hard...?" she whispered.  "And why can't I just...?"  Ruefully, she shook her head, ears flopping, and settled in to play a solo game by herself, keeping an eye on the time.  The last thing she wanted was to make Mason late for work.  It let her focus on what in her life she could control, not the tempest of emotions and latent feelings she held back that often spiraled so wildly out of control that she ended up losing sleep over it.

Glancing down, she saw him stir in her lap.  His lower jaw had relaxed and he had started to snore softly.  She smiled at how adorable that was, at how sad it was that he could be so thoroughly exhausted to drop off to sleep that quickly.  She adjusted her seat beneath him, just to make sure his neck was not overly stretched to accommodate the swell of her plushy furred but also muscular thigh as his pillow.  He grunted, snores abating, and she froze in place, worried she had disturbed him.

Then Mason was turning onto his side and she was forced to bite back a surprised yip as his face firmly wedged itself against her exposed belly.  The bane of her existence, the jiggling region of her midsection immediately warmed beneath his breath as he nestled deeper into it.  His freshly shaven cheeks grated just slightly on the sensitive section of her upper thigh where it connected to her hip and for a moment she had to fight hard not to giggle or squirm at how it tickled.

That was when his arms unfolded and one looped gently around her waist, locking him into the position where he lay.  Her ears folded back against her skull and she gazed down at the slow, sleepy smile stretching his handsome, tired features.  He looked so utterly content all of a sudden.  She tried to ignore the flutters that traveled through her body before, yet again, he surprised her enough to nearly rocket up off the couch cushions.  His lips brushed her fat belly once in the barest of kisses.

Mercy had to bite down hard on her bottom lip and one furry finger not to let out the sound that threatened to bubble up out of her, nearly erupting from her muzzle.  There had never been anyone who, with but a simple gesture, had ever made her entire, over 7 foot tall Anthro body sing with such heat and wonderful sensations.  She had been starved of real physical simulation, intimacy, and carnal satisfaction for going on...she wasn't even sure anymore.  With but a gentle hug, a nuzzle, and a kiss to her belly, her roommate had blown away every other experience she'd ever had.

Her feelings for him probably escalated the severity of her body's reactions, admittedly.  Blushing hard and trembling all over, the Canine woman tried her hardest not to allow the massive, pleased doggy grin to spread over her muzzle.  She adjusted her seat just a little bit, reclining back but otherwise not disturbing her slumbering crush as he curled more into her.  This was the best morning ever...

She could wait a little longer, she supposed.  No need to trouble him about this.  Even so, she knew he would never be into someone like her: lazy, airheaded, a total ditz, and disregarding her normal form of income that would cast a shade of controversy and judgment from even the most open-minded of sorts other than her closest friends and family who already knew.  Meanwhile Mason was hard-working, often to his own detriment, serious, reserved, patient, loving, a willing provider, almost parenting her half of the time when she pushed herself too far without sleep, eating, or proper care.  She wasn't like her sisters who all had respectable jobs, even relationships.

Despite all of that, she gleefully settled in for a morning of casual RPG and selfish human-snuggling of her soft, marshmallow belly while she reveled in the glow of such a simple interaction.  She had had a crush on Mason ever since he first allowed her to move in with him.  This, this was just for her.  She'd pay him back eventually.

Maybe Dana would know some ideas on how to do that...

***a while later***

A paw gently shook Mason awake and out of the realms of hazy, barely coherent dreams.  His eyes shot open, lids feeling as if they had been glued together.  His immediate view was a massive expanse of fluffy pale stomach fur underneath a hanging hem of black cloth.  He wanted nothing more than to bury his face completely in that pudgy belly and nuzzle to his heart's content.  His cheek was firmly pressed into something pillowy and soft, his nose likewise wedged into warm fuzzy bliss.

Looking up the broad, curvy frame before him, face partially obscured at this angle by the absolute cliff-shelf of her breasts underneath the black shirt, Mason's eyes met Mercy's twinkling ones.  He felt the disturbance of the couch as her tail wagged, and one paw still rested on his shoulder.  They stared at each other for a couple of seconds before she giggled, combing down several strands of his hair.

"Time to wake up!" she crooned.  "Don't want you to be late, Mr. Working man."  She seemed utterly pleased by his disheveled appearance and position.

Mason sat upright with a soft sigh and a partial groan.  He didn't meet her eyes, his face hot and disgruntled, for her having seen him so open and vulnerable.  He rubbed at his neck and then reached up to fix his long dual-tone hair again.  He glanced at the clock, then balked.  "Is that seriously the time?!" he grunted.  He looked back at her again, still smiling that same goofy smile.

It's not fair how cute she is... he pondered.

For her part, Mercy just continued to grin.  "Well you were ever so cute sleeping as you were," she teased.  "I felt bad waking you up, although I did try a couple of times.  Someone looks like they like sleeping on this doggo's lap!"  She winked once.

Grumbling, Mason stood from the couch and grabbed up his various missing things.  He wasn't late, yet, but if he didn't hurry he would definitely be.  He looked around for his briefcase and jacket, only to see his roommate holding them out for him.  How could she look so domestic, fuzzy-furred and equally sleepy as he was.  His face softened somewhat, imagining another world where she was who he came home to every single day.

"Hi Mercy, I'm home!" his alternate persona called as he walked into the house.

"Macey!" Mercy's doppelganger cried, sprinting across the house in nothing but a skimpy apron and shorts.  She threw her big arms around him, rocketing him up off his feet before the door to their home had actually closed.  His mental image of vision was buried in soft, furry folds of wonderfully pliant flesh, lips inching towards one another for a welcome-home kiss that would, as it always did, devolve into passionate...

He shook himself hard, grimacing, and returned back to the real world.  He grabbed the items from Mercy's big paws and slung the jacket over one arm even as he fumbled back with the other for the door-handle.  "Thanks..." he grunted, sounding hollow and irritable.  He looked away from her face before he could see her ears wilt and her smile vanish at his grumpiness and rapidly soured mood.  He would never deserve a woman like her...so why bother imagining it?

As he stepped through the doorway, turning to shut it behind him, he caught one last glance at Mercy, still sitting on the couch.  Her ears had fallen back against her skull again, sparkling eyes wide and looking at him in concern.  He hated to not see her smile...  He gave her a weary grin but didn't truly feel it.  She didn't seem overly comforted by it, even crestfallen, but her tail wagged a bit.

"See you after work," he told her and left their flat, closing the door slowly with a click as the lock automatically engaged.  He set his moody mind onto the day ahead, already wishing it were over.  He thought of her lap the entire time as he rode the train to work, the softness of her belly, the scent of her fur.  Had she stroked his hair the entire time he slept?  Wishful thinking, however much it hurt, was more powerful that day than his pessimistic mind.

***Back at home***

Mercy sighed heavily as Mason wilted before her eyes and left, bidding her goodbye as he did every time she was out of her room to hear him do so.  She heard his shoes clicking down the hall and she flopped back into the couch with a huff, assets bouncing and swaying back to a standstill.  She felt dumb for being so hopeful for a moment, even allowing herself to be flirty for a second there.

She stood then and flounced her way to the bathroom.  The shower felt good on her sore muscles although she kept her time in there brief.  Shaking herself mostly dry, she wrapped her chest and waist in a towel apiece and went back out to the living room.  She cleaned up their breakfast leavings entirely, setting the kitchen once again to rights.  Checking the time, she saw she had a little bit before the latest stream was due to start.  If nothing else, she was punctual in maintaining her audience's expectations of when she would be online.

For not the first time, she wished that she had never become what she had.  Teasing and posing in sexualized clothing, or lack thereof, for money over a webcam while streaming live gameplay had shocked her as an idea the first time someone suggested it to her during her past days of just being an average streamer.   When bills had begun to mount, however, and her ordinary revenue didn't seem to be enough, she had knuckled down and given it a try.  She had strict rules: no below the belt, no dirty talk, no giving into the easily placated but ever hungry online masses of e-boys and girls and essentially whoring herself out for their pleasure while she tried to make a living.

Her standards had slowly but surely dropped over the months and months of doing what she did, or at least most of them.  The identity she used while on camera "Mercy-Kill" was just that, a false shell she pasted over her real face to tease, rile up, and beguile the horny masses.  They could pay in-stream currency only for her to game while in specific outfits, have her posed in such and such way facing the camera, or even one on one matches in some games where she did everything she could to ensure a win.  Those patrons paid the best but were often amongst the worst of her followers for the things they alluded to or asked her to perform.  She'd only had to truly block a couple so far.

The fact that she claimed to have a boyfriend and only he got to truly see the goods actually had started off as a last resort defensive method to deter the most insistent of viewers.  In actuality, it had only added to the number of 'lucky' onlookers who got to see her provocatively tease and torment them while withholding the very last details as a way to keep them hooked.  She'd had a few near slips but always recovered.  And it felt nice to imagine the reality of who she desperately wished she really was saving the real deal for...

The only ones that never seemed to respect that final boundary where the ones that had pushed her too far.  Several of them had truly scared her for the things they wanted or threatened to do, disregarding her coy attempts to distract or deter them.  The ban hammer was a weapon she wasn't afraid to use anymore however, especially when they started comparing themselves to her ever-mysterious but never seen boyfriend, claiming he wasn't enough of a man or other such vile things.  They could try and say whatever they wanted, but no one was going to insult him on her watch.  For all the other, less-aggressive but no less insistent types, she had insurance in the form of her older sister Dana to scare off the worst of the lot.

She only ever called in the big guns though as a last resort.  Not that she was ashamed of her sister watching what she did to make a living; Anthros were remarkably more accepting since nudity wasn't as big a deal to them as it was to Humans.  It was more akin to knowing she was pulling the pin on a grenade in letting loose her diehard, tough, and take-no-prisoners sister who acted as her moderator and bodyguard on the channel.

Truthfully, any of her family would have done the same, baring her father, who might have died to imagine his darling little Mercy doing such things.  Even her Mom had tuned in before and even donated, after which she and her daughter had done a one-on-one stream game, cam to cam, to entertain the masses further.  Her mother had even worn a matching outfit of her own, both Anthro women dressed in sexy bunny suits.  Her mother remained just as young and flirty at heart as she had ever been.  That had been one of the most lucrative streams of Mercy's life.


She and her sisters came from a very large, female-dominated family of Canines.  Her mother and father were utterly loving and supportive of whatever avenues their daughters wanted to pursue, openly backing and putting up with the four girls' antics over the years.  They had eventually decided to tour the world once the girls had all left home.

She missed them a lot, even if they called once a week and constantly sent colorful emails of their exploits.  Mercy was the youngest, and was often times treated as the adorable, clueless baby by the other members of her family.

Oldest of the Keller clan was Melody, a massively built Corgi woman who worked as an RN in Tallax Regional Care Center in the next state over.  A matronly figure but rarely serious, she had a habit of being bigger-than-life and handled her chaotic career as an on-call nurse and caregiver with the energy of multiple women at once, while also balancing a healthy social life both in and out of the retirement home.  Everyone who worked with her loved her and she was a wonderful shoulder to cry on whenever Mercy needed her.


Next after Melody was Dana, the physical therapist and just recently becoming a life coach.  Rough and tumble as they came, the Husky was aggressively endearing to any who came across her, eager to muscle her way through life without actually causing harm.  She worked a lot with veterans returning from active duty and attempting to reintegrate themselves into society.  Ex-military herself, Dana treated everyone with respect so long as they showed the same to her.  She sometimes joined Mercy in her stream as a fellow player, as gaming ran strong in the Keller household.


Then there was Madison.  While Melody was a passionate yet otherwise just casually flirty sort, and Dana the aggressive trouble-maker with a heart of gold, Madison, or Maddy, was the only one of her siblings that more resembled a Fox rather than the otherwise Canine breeds like their Saint Bernard mother.  This was especially interesting given what their father was.  Maddy was the life of the party wherever she went, a fact that was helped by that she worked as a DJ for various nightclubs and other performance venues.  She loved music and partying, rarely serious, but was never mean or teasing.  She made friends easily and just loved life.


Mercedes eyed the wallpaper of her phone as she allowed herself to airdry on the couch.  The high-definition picture showed herself and the others all on vacation somewhere tropical.  She and Melody were the tallest and curviest of the four sisters, each dressed in matching and obviously straining one-piece suits.  Madison nearly rivaled them save for height, and wore the most showing bathing suit Mercy had ever seen.  Dana posed nearby, a hulking brute of a Canine rather than her bodacious, soft, and voluptuous sisters, although she completely filled out the t-shirt and swimming trunks she wore while also still appearing quite beautiful.

Their mother, Charity Keller, posed behind them, a giant of a woman in a yellow, frilly two-piece that showed off her furry bulk of equal parts voluptuous softness and curves combined with swells of hard muscle.  She put all of them to shame for the proportions of her assets.


Lastly of all was their father, posing in front of them all with a towel spread wide in his hands.  The cloth bore the title: The Kellers!  T.J Keller, a Human man with slight stubble on his chin and a messy head of blonde hair, beamed in utter delight.  Despite being over 40 years old, neither he nor Charity looked a day over 30.  In the picture he had the biggest, goofiest, most stereotypically manly smile on his rugged cheeks.


With her fur mostly having dried, Mercy at last sighed and thumbed the call icon on her screen up, summoning her favorite contacts.  With a swipe of her thumb pad, she settled back into the couch as the phone rang in her ear.  Once.  Twice.  Click.

"What up!" bellowed a thick, rough, guffawing voice.  "Little sis, little sis, how goes it?!"

"Hey, Dana," she breathed, unable to resist smiling at the boundless energy her second-oldest sister always seemed to possess.  "How are you?"

"Just finished my morning workout!" Dana crowed.  "Gave Wes a scare and a half when I dropped a dumbbell.  Didn't dent the floor, thank the Spirits, but he bolted out of his room like a bat out of hell.  Fricking hilarious, girl!"

Smiling at the image, Mercy scratched at her floppy ears with a paw.  "How is Wes doing lately?"

"Stressing himself out like usual over stuff he can't control," grunted Dana.  "La~me!"  Then she chuckled.  "Still, he wouldn't be as cute if his hair wasn't constantly frizzing out."

"Any...progress?" she asked hopefully.

"None," Dana growled.  "So far he just seems the same jumpy, nervous, shy guy he's always been.  Don't you worry though, little sis.  I'll get my man eventually.  We Kellers have a type and we don't stray from the ones we set our sights and hearts onto."  Mercy gave a sharp bark of the family motto alongside Dana before they both laughed.  "How about you?" Dana asked then.  "You and yours?"

Sinking into the cushions, Mercy sighed deeply and heavily in response.

"Shit, really?" her sister asked, sounding incredulous.  "Hell, little sis, have you even tried?"

"I have!" she protested, then wilted immediately.  "Mostly...kind of..."

"So no."


Dana's snort could be heard over the phone.  "You must not like him all that much then."

She sat up, growling.  "I do like him!" she protested.  "I like him a lot!  He's so hard working and kind, thoughtful, he takes care of me, cooks for me..."

"You know that you're describing a parent, not a partner," Dana chided.

"Eww..." Mercy groaned then rubbed at her face with a big paw.  "I'm...not good at flirting is all..."  She looked at where she and Mason had previously been laying.  "I...did try a bit earlier..."

"Oh yeah?" came the Husky's excited voice.  "What did you do?"

"Well...he always wakes up early and he...made me breakfast...although he was really mad at me for staying up all night streaming."

"I didn't catch last night's one," Dana admitted.  "Although I guess since you didn't contact me for the Dana-Hammer to thrash some pervert that it went fine."  She hummed in response.  "So what happened?"

"We sat down after we ate on the couch to eat but he was so tired looking...I...let him..."  She hid her face in her ears.  "Sleep on my lap."

Dana's cackle rang through over the phone.  A second later, heavy breathing came across.  "Oh...Mason-san..." moaned Dana in a faux-anime, higher pitched and girly voice.  "Please sleep on my thicc thighs..."

"Dana!" she barked in shock.

Again, Dana chortled gruffly.  "Nah girl, I'm proud of you!  That's serious progress!"  Mercy could feel the actual smile coming across in her sister's voice.  "You skipped right over everything and went straight to actual care-giver and comforter!  Momma would be so proud."

Mercy blushed hard.  "He...he kissed my belly..." she admitted, unable to contain how giddy that made her feel.

Another whooping call came, punctuated by laughter.  "GET IT!" Dana called.  "And then what?!"

"I let him sleep."

"You what?!"  there was a sudden scuffling and the phone vibrated in Mercy's paw.  An incoming video call.  Guess who from.  Sighing, Mercy didn't even bother adjusting her drooping towel coverings as she answered it and held the phone in front of her face as it loaded the feed.  A second later, Dana's irate and intense expression appeared on screen.  "You mean to tell me you had the guy you've been mooning after for MONTHS in the saddest example of puppy love I've ever seen, on your lap, kissing your fluff, and you didn't do anything?!"

"Well what was I supposed to do?" Mercy asked in exasperation, utterly flustered.  She threw her other paw up dramatically.  "He was tired!  I just wanted him to get some actual sleep!"

Rolling her bright eyes, Dana palmed her face in a scarred paw.  "Ok...fine...but you literally had an actual doujin set-up right there.  It would have been way too easy to just...go for it."  Then she smiled, baring one of her sharp teeth over her lips.  "But then you wouldn't be the Mercy we all love for being utterly and adorably hopeless when it comes to cute boys.  I remember you and that boy Lance from high school."

"We agreed to never mention Lance!" Mercy grumbled.  She looked down and fixed her towel which had started to droop.  "The idea didn't even cross my mind..." she then begrudgingly admitted.  "I kind of wish it had..."

"Well what happened after that?" Dana prodded, sitting currently on her own bed.  The Husky wore her usual work-out attire, boyish clothes that clung to her muscular frame wonderfully.  "So he slept in your lap.  Then he...woke up I'm gonna guess?"

Mercy sighed and nodded, flustered expression giving way to sad melancholy.  "I woke him up so he wouldn't be late for work and even tried to tease him a little.  He even seemed to be warming up before he suddenly got all sullen and sad again and stormed off.  He looked at me...like he was seeing me somehow differently and wasn't happy about it."

Dana sighed.  "This really would be the one guy you attach to..." she muttered.  "You, so useless in flirting, and him unable to admit he likes you too."

"He does not like me!" Mercy objected.  "He always seems so angry whenever we are together.  He barely smiles, always finds excuses to run off, and always is getting onto me for being a dumb-dumb."  She looked down again sadly.  "He would never be into a girl like me..."

"I call utter BS on that.  You're a camgirl for the love of all the Spirits, Mercy!  You have to be more confident!  You show your top off for tons of internet randos, why can't you just...try being a little more aggressive with him?  Pose or something, wear that little shirt you like to bounce in.  Make him mom's cookies!"

"It wouldn't help!  ...Ok the cookies might but..."

"But what?"

"He doesn't look at me that way!  Besides, I've seen his pictures of his ex.  He doesn't go for big, fluffy girls.  His old girlfriend was all cute and skinny... he probably thinks my tits are too big..."

Dana slapped the phone with her paw as if trying to reach out and do the same to Mercy herself, a method she usually employed whenever the two sisters were within paw's reach.  "Ok, first of all," she growled.  "No guy I've ever met on this green Earth has ever complained about that kind of thing.  You and Melody got mom's tits and I will forever be jealous of that.  Even Maddy has bigger ones than me."

Mercy tried to smile imploringly.  "Yours are just great!" she said.  "They've got great size and shape!  Mine are just big...like all of me."

"Mercy, I can promise you that Mason is looking!" Dana grumbled, rolling her eyes.  She set the phone down on some sort of stand so she could cross her burly arms over her still well-endowed chest.

"Maybe if I had your frame..." she mumbled.  "You can't know that for sure."

"Yes, I bloody can," Dana snapped.  "I guarantee that if I had your frame I could probably nab Wes in a heartbeat.  I'm not saying I don't have a great body, but you do too!  You just have to be more confident about it!  You can't keep playing the naïve little waif and expect things to work out in this serious of an adult situation."  Then her eyes softened.  "Look, Mercy, you have to ask yourself: do you see yourself having a future with him?"

"Yes, I do!" she shot back heatedly.  "I mean...I hope so...I wish and dream about it constantly."

"Then woman up and do something about it.  Have a serious talk with him.  Your fans will get over it if you take a personal day just to talk to him."  Then Dana's eyes twinkled mischievously.  "Besides...don't you already tell them all that you already have...?"

Mercy cut her off.  "Oh no, I think I'm losing you!" she growled, making staticky-noises with her mouth.  "Dana I'm...gonna...call...you....back!"

Dana rolled her eyes.  "Yeah, yeah, on a video call where I can see and hear everything you're doing, you sure seem like you're losing reception."

Mercy turned the phone away from herself.  "I'm sorry," she answered back in a monotone, cheerful voice.  "The person you're trying to call is unavailable."

"Mercy..." growled her sister.

"Mercy is not here.  This is a recording."

Another snort came.  "All right, well, recording of Dana, could you please ring my sister and ask her on a side note what kind of sporty but cute outfit I could try wooing Wes with whenever she has enough time to get her head out of her fuzzy butt?"

"This recording," answered Mercy, "would suggest tight yoga-pants and a sports bra.  You look wonderful in them."

"Thanks, sis," Dana chuckled.  "I'll let you go.  Oh and your left boob was showing before you turned the camera away."

Mercy quickly looked down but her breast was still covered by the towel draped over them.

"Made you look!" guffawed Dana.  The line clicked and Mercy turned the phone back around to glare at the call ended screen.

Placing it back down, Mercy grumbled to herself with several choice words.  Having suitably condemned her sister to thorough knots in her fur to last the whole day, the Anthro girl stood and removed her towels.  Throwing them into the laundry, she set about getting dressed in a purple short shirt and another pair of gaming shorts before she returned to her den.  Her nose wrinkled at the smell and she sprayed some air freshener around liberally, allowing it to soak into everything, and then turned on her stream and console.

Immediately, as soon as the screen had finished loading, she was greeted by a multitude of comments from the several hundred of loyal viewers who had been awaiting her arrival.  She wasn't even that late.  She would make sure she only recorded for an hour or so, so that she could get a power nap in and prepare for hopefully speaking to Mason that night.

"Hey everyone!" she sang.  "Mercy-Kill here!  How is every body?!"

Dozens of hearts, emoticons, memes, and lines of text responded on the right-hand side of the chat window.  She saw herself in the webcam slot, shirt tucked up underneath her massive chest, belly exposed, and her shorts riding up on her thighs.  She posed back in her reinforced chair, letting everyone enjoy the text scrawled on the underside of the shirt. 'If you can read this, my boobs are your hat.'

She traded greetings with names both old and new, smiling the entire time.  More hearts, amorous comments, and even a healthy number of automatic donations chimed across the chat.  She beamed and gave them all a heart-shape with her big paws.  "Aww, I love you all!  Sorry I was late today, me and my boyfriend were enjoying a morning breakfast.  He got up early to cook for me!"

Several comments of "Aww that's so cute," greeted her eyes.  She saw a very long-time patron of course post his usual "If you came over I'd do more than cook you breakfast..."  She ignored him, Fluffer-Lover, as he was always like that but at least restrained himself to just those kinds of replies to her flirtatious persona's antics.

"Ok everybody, let's get to the stream!" she announced.  Just as she was turning on the game, however, she noticed a bright red alert flash across the screen.  Her eyes went wide.  Fluffer had just donated the maximum package of stream currency.  On normal streaming days, that would get him a 1v1.  "Well, hello again Fluffer-Lover!" she beamed, despite that her stomach clenched a little.  "You just can't get enough of little ol' me can you?"

"Nah baby, you're mine after all," was his skeevy reply.

She winked at the screen.  "Well, for one match's worth anyway."  She gave the rest of her audience a placating gesture.  "Excuse me, everybody, Momma Mercy-Kill's gotta answer a challenge.  What game, Fluffer?"

A second or so later, the patron had sent a link to a martial-combat game, Fur Honor, which made her grin.  Her inner gamer roared to be challenged so brazenly to one of her best modes of combat.  She had only maxed out nearly every single character on there.

"Your funeral, sweetheart," she replied and plucked up her plus-sized, custom-made controller.  "One round everybody, then we can get on with the regularly scheduled programming."  Everyone sent her praise and best wishes, even a few for the doomed Fluffer-Lover.  She loaded up everyone's favorite for her to play, the Dracowulf.  The game was based on Ahn mythology, each Faction, named after the three Suns of their supposed homeworld, toting at least one fighter based on a supposed species that was directly descended, or gifted, by the ruling Royals during the Peacekeeper war.  The draconic wolf warrior bared its teeth, bedecked in maxed-prestige level gear, as it faced off against Fluffer-Lover's Ursid.

It wasn't a long match.  3 wins to 1 loss in a best of five.  She had only lost the one round because Fluffer had gotten off a combo-finisher.  She paid him back in full with one of her own, sealing her victory.  She was just about to log off when another red alert flashed across her screen.  Another challenger...  Mercy checked the time.  Still plenty of it.

"Who wants to make this more interesting?" she asked.  The entire chat immediately pinged in excited acknowledgement.  "Every loss I take, I have to do a random tease from the wheel," she turned while speaking and gestured at a big, elaborate wheel behind her, tacked with hand-written post-its containing outfits, poses, etc of stuff she usually teased her fans with or gave out spins as rewards.  The chat again exploded in eager responses.  More than one asked if her top might come off.  "Who knows?" she teased, shrugging innocently and leaning back while tucking one thumb underneath the shirt hem and pulling it just slightly up.  It exposed small visible curves of her vast underboob before she leaned back forwards again.

"Game on, scrubs, time for a mass Mercy-Killing!" she growled.

If nothing else...it paid the bills.

Patron Shout-Out





KEvin Red

Noctis Calem


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