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Peytor drew in a panicked breath to scream as the dragon loomed above him, maw open as it had been before, the smell of its breath heavy upon his face.  Those glowing blue eyes narrowed down at him before going wide at his reaction.  The teeth snapped shut right in front of his nose and his lungs opened in preparation to loose what was to be his last, most terrified, powerless yell.  Right as the first wordless sound came ready to tear out of his throat, however, the dragon reared back.

"Do not!" it snarled down at him, cutting him off right before he could begin.  His breath caught at the sound of its infernal, rasping, heated voice.  "Scream," it finished saying, lowering its volume as it saw he was aware and listening.  Its wings had flared out wide behind it as if equally alarmed and startled, making the beast appear even bigger.  They rattled and clicked, alar thumb claws glistening in the dim light, as the webbed limbs waved back and forth behind its bulk.  Then one massive forepaw lifted in a strangely placating gesture.  "Please."

With his mouth hanging open, the fair-haired young man could only stare in disbelief before he wisely nodded.  The dragon was so big that it blotted out his view of anything else around.  That terrifying visage, teeth showing even with the lips uncurled, eyes glowing like lanterns, and claws that could tear an armored men in half, just hanging there above him like a guillotine.  But it did not fall.  In fact, the dragon just stood there above him.

Then it sighed.  Hot breath gusted out from its maw, disturbing the bed of soft moss and loam that he was laying upon.  "Good," it rumbled.  "It echoes terribly loud in here, and despite what you may think, my ears are far more sensitive than yours.  I'd rather we both just stay calm."  Its nose quivered and its scales produced a heavy rattling all across its intimidating bulk.

Taking another break, Peytor managed to get out, "S-so you...weren't just about to eat me?" he asked, wanting to verify.  It never hurt to make sure that your fate wasn't about to end.  The dragon was strangely very well-spoken, even if its every word sent shudders through his body.

"No," it grunted.  "I was just tasting you."

His eyes went wide again and the urge to scream was barely restrained in time.

His reaction however must have alarmed the dragon for its paw lifted again in that same gesture, an oddly human one.  "Not in that way!" it growled.  "It was merely to..." it paused then, seemingly torn in indecision.  The eyes narrowed.  "If I wanted to eat you I already would have," it blurted out.  Again he trembled and the dragon shockingly seemed to backtrack.  "That came out wrong."

Shakily, Peytor tried to crawl a bit away from the creature of legend.  His arms shook and he felt almost paralyzed beneath those glowing eyes, like a mouse or bird before a serpent.  His hands wouldn't support his weight and he ended up just wriggling on his shoulders a half pace or so back in an undignified spasm.

This only seemed to frustrate the dragon more.  "Do not move!" it hissed and he froze in fear once again.  "I already said I wasn't going to eat you, didn't I?"  He nodded quickly, in an attempt to try and keep it calm.  It shifted itself before him, claws grating on the stone floor and raking through the loam and moss, causing deep furrows.  Even one of them was longer than a sword blade.  They twitched toward him and he couldn't help flinching.  The paw retreated again.  "For caldera's sake..." it rasped.  It only looked to be growing more and more infuriated.

"I'm sorry!" he quickly squawked in a voice that he had to try very hard to keep level and cool.   "I didn't mean to disobey."  He had heard from his mother in stories of her homeland that dragons were proud and brooked no disobedience from those they deigned to allow to live around them but were not necessarily evil.  The church, meanwhile, painted them as demons, vengeful and destructive entities who ate humans by the score to slake an endless, murderous appetite.  He wasn't sure which this one fit into, lucky enough to still be alive as it was.

His words made the dragon blink.  "Disobey?" it asked.  He nodded quickly.  "I was..."  It eyed its paw.  "Oh.  Right.  I was more speaking out of..." again it paused.  Then it drew itself up haughtily before him.  "I do not want the effort spent to repair the damage done to you by your kind to be wasted by you wriggling around like a landed fish, that is all."  It looked away from him, clenching its jaw and producing a grinding sound of its teeth.  Again its scales rattled up and down its body like metal plates.

Damage?  He blinked in surprise.  Then he remembered the spear.  The battle.  He looked down at his injured side, the rent in his leather vest and undershirt, both of which were stained dark brown and red from blood.  But it didn't hurt.  Delicately he peeled the cloth away and stared, disbelieving, at the unblemished area of skin where the pike had torn through him.  He rubbed a dirty-nailed hand across the spot over and over, pressing in on it more than once.  There was no pain.

Looking up, he saw the dragon was once again looking down at him.  In all creation, he was not sure there could exist a bigger creature on the face of the earth.  It noted his reaction to the lack of his injury and it actually seemed to smile.  It was not a comforting gesture, as it just exposed more of those gleaming teeth, but at the same time, he felt a sense of ease wash over him, even if he could not explain it.

"D-did you heal me?" he asked incredulously.  In all the stories, he'd never heard of dragons being able to perform such miracles.

It snorted.  "Hardly," it scoffed, dispelling his illusions of wonderment.  "If it had been up to me..." it cut itself off then and snapped its jaws shut again.  "Never mind that."  It leaned down toward him once again, making him tremble but refuse to move as its face filled his entire field of vision.  It sniffed at his side several times, breaths rumbling through its flaring nostrils and making his skin break out in beads of sweat at the heat.  "At the very least, it seems to have healed nicely," it noted, lifting its head back up.  "You are lucky."

"Tremendously," he agreed, voice shaking.  "I am...blessed...to have your mercy in not dispatching me."

The eyes rolled above him.  "Well-spoken, aren't you?" it snapped.  "A skilled tongue like yours certainly is a surprising talent for as low-born as you appear to be.  Can you read also?"

He nodded, then warily shrugged.  "Only a few basic letters...my mother was a learned woman of...her people."

"Gaelic," it growled, surprising him.

"Yes," he agreed.  "How...did you know that?"

"Not many Romanians have such reddish hair," was its retort.  "But where I come from, it is a more common sight."

"May...I ask where that is?" he inquired.  It wasn't every day that one got to speak to a dragon, and certainly no instance before this to his knowledge of a dragon sparing one's life in battle prior.

"The tongues of Man call it Wales," it replied.  "When I was young, however, it went by the name Cymru.  There were more druids back then and the old tongue was still spoken prevalently.  There were more dragons back then too, and other magical beasts beside."  The eyes flickered with something deep and surprisingly painful looking.  "Many things were different back then."

An intense sense of longing seemed to emanate from the dragon and he felt an almost uncontrollable urge to comfort it.  He restrained that urge, wisely, for fear of the obvious.  He kept his mouth shut as well, thinking it improper to comment.  Whatever the dragon had on its mind, a human was the least of its worries right then, spared or otherwise.

A heavy rattle disturbed the air and the beast looked back down at him fully once more.  Its eyes peered intensely at him, seeming to scan him up and down.  "Your hand," it noted then.  "What happened?"

Glancing down, he noted the wrapped stumps of his missing fingers.  "Oh," he grunted.  "He had them... he cut them off."

"Who did?"

"The...man you killed."  He gestured with his eyes past the dragon's bulk to the outline of the opening of the area where he lay.  Presumably out there was the rest of the cave complex the dragon had staked as its lair.  "The man with the goatee and fancy sword."

"Oh."  It rolled a lip in distaste.  "You must have committed some kind of crime for such punishment.  Not theft, I understand that usually warrants the entire hand being removed.  I rarely see such cruelty outside of your kind's limited perception of justice and law, other than your also seeming wanton need for despoiling nature for your own selfish gain."  He flinched a bit at that, easily able to understand it labeling him as just another human.  He certainly wasn't about to dare correct it.  Then, to his shock, it clenched its teeth again.  "I speak of humans collectively," it stated suddenly.  "I know  that is not how you are.  Whatever wrong you did, I have a suspicion it was not for a reason I could easily judge you for, given the kind of man you have thus presented yourself to be."

That alone made his jaw drop open.

His expression almost seemed to amuse the dragon.  "Surprised?" it asked.  He nodded.  "I am not nearly so closed-minded toward all your kind as one might expect, even given my history with the atrocities your people can and have committed.  It does not lessen my distaste on a general level, but some outliers can...surprise even me."  Then it inclined its head down at him.  Its scales rattled once more and it huffed.  "Enough of that," it stated firmly, cutting off his impending question.

A rustle and hoof-like sound came from behind the dragon, making it shift back and turn slightly to look over its shoulder.  "Is our guest awake?" asked a new voice, angelic and soft.

Before his eyes, the dragon actually seemed to soften.  It was the harsh angles of its sunken eye sockets, the way its teeth barely now showed beneath its lips, and the way all of its body relaxed slightly.  It looked like an entirely different creature now, almost.  "Yes, he is," it stated.  It moved out of the way of the opening.

Clawed feet lightly clicking against the stone floor, that same furred deer-creature stalked slowly inside and approached him, still laying on the ground.  He stared up at it wonderment, admiring the sheen of light off its fur and horns, the way its massive tail plume dragged the ground behind it like the train of a courtly lady's dress but without seemingly disturbing even a single pebble or tuft of moss.  Its intense yellow eyes fixed him in place with the same paralyzing stillness but not out of fear.  Immediate calm rushed through him as it slowly pranced around him and then laid down at his side.

"You appear to have recovered," it said in that undeniably celestial voice, a harsh and beautiful contrast from the rasping rumble of the dragon's.  "It brings my heart joy to see that my magic was successful.  Your injury was quite grave."  It leaned its rounded muzzle down toward his side, rubbing the svelte tip against his exposed skin and making him twitch.

As it lifted its face back up, he marveled at its overwhelming aura of majesty and beauty.  "You...were the one who healed me?" he asked in a soft voice.  It nodded, smiling.  He sighed.  "Thank you...I most definitely owe you my life."

At the mouth of the opening, the dragon huffed loudly.  He couldn't look away from this new creature however.  It made a sound then like actual chuckling.  Or maybe it really was just doing so.  "I feel that the feeling is mutual," it responded.  Then it noticed his hand.  "Oh dear...did that happen somehow during the battle?"   The golden head lowered again to nuzzle at his wrapped fingers.

"N-no..." he replied, unable to believe how soft that fur was.

"His own kind cut it off for some crime he committed," supplied the dragon, voice rumbling.

The deer thing shook its horned head.  "Such a shame.  They seem like such strong, lovely hands.  Sadly, I do not think I can heal that kind of damage."

He actually smiled.  "That is hardly necessary, your...uhh..." he paused, unsure how to address it.

At his hesitation, it laughed again, more openly.  It sounded like birdsong.  "I would be delighted if you were to call me by my name, human.  Healing you was hardly enough reward for what you did to try and protect me from your own kind, as you did.  I am Korina."

Her name resounded in his ears like the tolling of soft bells.  "Korina..." he breathed.  "That is a beautiful name.  I can safely say I've never seen a creature such as you before in my life.  I am Payter, if you care for it."

"I do indeed!" Korina replied.  "Payter is a good name as well.  I am well pleased to hear it from your own lips.  I am what people of my home country call a Kirin."  Those eyes sparkled then as it adjusted its coiled body around him, body rippling like a serpent somehow.  Its tail lay gently around him like a shroud of blanket, making him desire to nestle back into it.  He had the feeling it would be just as soft as it looked.

There came an uneasy rustling of scales and claws and he finally tore his gaze away from Korina and up toward the dragon.  "May...I ask your name as well, oh dragon?" he implored.

"Your tongue could hardly pronounce it," it snapped, making him flinch.  Korina tittered and the dragon sighed.  "But you may call me Burn, if you must."

"Burn..." he breathed out reverently.  Somehow his tone seemed to make the dragon fidget and grind its teeth a bit more so he bit his tongue.  The scales rustled again loudly.  It and Korina then traded a look that he didn't quite understand.  The Kirin inclined its head ever so slightly toward him, eyes twinkling and the dragon huffed again.

"I'm going out to scout," it rumbled then, sounding annoyed.  "I wish to make sure his kind are not returning in greater numbers.  Tend to our guest if you wish, my mate."  It flashed the both of them, especially him, a look that he didn't understand, and then Burn stomped out of view and soon earshot.

"I...apologize if I've somehow upset...them," he grimaced, uncertain and worried.

Korina's rippling fur drew his attention again as one of its paws came to delicately drape over one of his legs, scales surprisingly cool to the touch.  "Do not worry about Burn," it told him.  "She is simply wary around humans, and with good reason.  She has quite a history with them and has come a long way since her darker days before we met."

He nodded at first, easily able to understand, then he blinked.  "Wait...she?" he asked, confused.  Korine nodded.  "Burn is a woman?!"

"Was it not obvious?" it cocked its head to the side.  "Is she not a beauty of power and form to behold?  Her scales remind me of flames or the rising sun."

"I...didn't have any idea," he admitted sheepishly.  "Then again I've never met a dragon before so I wasn't sure what to look for to determine..." he blushed then, cutting himself off.  He looked again to Korine.  "Your name also...sounds..." he started to say, still uneasy to voice that kind of question.

"I am a woman as well," she laughed immediately.  "I know such a pairing may seem uncommon to your people's eyes, but we have been together nigh on four-hundred years.  She is the most lovely creature I've ever come across, a deep, wellspring of emotions and gentle kindness when her hardened exterior can be peeled away."

Payter's mind spun for a second or two as he pondered that information.  "I'm...sure," he eventually said.  Then he started as Korine abruptly leaned her soft head against him more.

"You should lie back," she instructed.  "You lost a lot of blood earlier, and while my magic healed the damage, you must still be tired."

Under her command, he settled back.  Just as he had suspected, as it tightened around him more, he was able to confirm that her tail was incredibly soft and plush to the touch, cradling him in an easy embrace.  Only then did he realize how big Korine was compared to him as she wrapped herself, snake-like, around him all the more tightly.  She smelled of odd, wonderful, exotic things and her fur was amazingly thick and warm.

"Close your eyes," she instructed.  He did so.  "I would like to give you a pleasant dream to drift off with.  Kindness and valor as you have exhibited deserves a great reward."

His eyebrows furrowed even as he rested there in her fur.  "I...did only what felt right," he objected.  "You already healed me.  What more could I possibly hope for from you, Korine?"

"Many things and more," came her soothing voice in his ear from very close.  Her coils tightened around him more snugly, enveloping him in warmth and already causing him to drift.  "Dream of what makes you happy, and I shall give you the most wonderful visions.  Do you have a woman back home in your village?"

Yawning, Payter shook his head.  "No," he admitted.  "I'm a loner..."  She hummed as he spoke.

"Surely there is a fair maiden perhaps you have eyes for?" she implored.  "Maybe even a woman above your given station?"

Again, he shook his head in gentle denial.  "Sadly, no.  My days have been full of only hunting, scouting, and protecting my fellow villagers...until today...where we were...conscripted to fight off a beast said to be...lairing here as of late."

"And upon arriving you instead chose to defend that beast, beasts in fact, even despite the danger from your own kind, for no other reason than what you have said..."  She nuzzled his cheek with something soft.  "Truly, you are an odd and wonderful human.  But lonely, for so long."  He felt a deep weight settle in upon his chest at her words.  "Did no women ever approach you?  Your features would be considered striking among them, at the very least."

"No..." he said softly.  The more she spoke, the more he realized that his isolation truly had been a heavy weight to bear.  He had seen the villagers going about their lives, many weddings and joinings, but always Payter the outcast was alone.  Even for all his work, he received few thanks.  His closed eyes tightened at the rush of emotions inside of him.

But just as tears threatened to spring from him, a soft wave of warmth and joy washed over him instead, brushing them away as gently as a finger.  "You have lost much," Korine whispered to him in his mind more than out loud now.  "Let me give something back.  Something you have long deserved."

"But...what is that..." he murmured, about to stir.  Then something slick and hot slid across his cheek, kissing away the single tear that had leaked from his closed eyelid, and he wriggled softly with a sound he wasn't aware he could make.  Relief washed through him.

"Hush...my little champion..." she breathed.  "Drift here...and dream."


Payter felt the world fall away.  He opened his eyes only to find himself floating in a black void.  Everything around him was warm.  He looked all around, rotating slowly in place as if immersed in water, unable to see anything.  Then a golden glow permeated the darkness.  Out of it stepped a woman that was too unearthly beautiful to be real.  Her feet caused small ripples as she strode across the nothingness toward him, almost as if she walked on the surface of a lake.  He could tell little about her glowing face other than that she was lovely, her flowing hair a deep tawny gold.  Her eyes were amber pools that he wanted nothing more than to sink into.

The woman wore nothing but her own radiance, full, feminine figure curved and lovely like the statue of a goddess.  She beckoned to him and he floated toward her without even thinking about how to move.  Warm, gentle, delicate hands folded in around him.  As their bodies melded against one another, full breasts pushing flush with his chest, he abruptly realized that he was naked, as she was.  Everything about her was soft as her lips dipped down to his, breathing honey-sweet air across his mouth.

"W-what...who...are you...?" he whispered as she pressed closer to him, one leg arching over his scarred hip.

"I am anything...anyone...you wish me to be," she breathed in an echoing voice, Korine's voice.  Their lips met, as did something else.  Her legs and arms wrapped around him tightly, like the coils of a snake, but comforting, making him feel safe.  With but a whisper of limbs and warm flesh, he felt himself pushing inside of her.  He moaned into her mouth and she tightened her embrace about him even more.  Her nails, sharp and tickling his skin like claws, trailed across his scarred shoulders, marked by so many lashings and beatings and the teeth of animals.  He loved the way it felt even as his body began to move.

She responded to his thrusts wonderfully, this glowing woman that completed every single touch of intimacy he had ever secretly desired or wished to experience.  She left no inch of his body untouched, stroking, caressing, gripping, teasing, even as he took her in that floating, darkened void.  The softness of her hair brushed against his chest, neck, and face, making everything he felt all the more intense and causing him to speed up.

The woman moaned his name, using an angelic voice that rang in his ears almost like the echoes in a cave.  She clung to him more as he slowly became bolder.  His arm drifted down her toned, soft, luscious form to cup one surprisingly strong leg and arch it up higher so that he could thrust deeper into her.  She responded with equal ardor, nails trailing over his form all the more intense and passionately.

He realized his eyes were still somehow closed despite that he could see everything about what was happening, almost as if he drifted both within her arms and outside of them, watching himself couple with this radiant spirit.  He wanted more.  He inhaled deeply, foreign scents filling his mouth and nostrils.  The hair brushed his stubbled cheeks and he burrowed deeper into its rich smell and texture.  He wanted more...


Korine gasped as the human atop of her pressed in harder against her furry body, laying completely atop of her as he mated with her.  Her long, elegant limbs draped around his comparatively slender frame, tickling his flesh with her claws which only seemed to encourage him all the more as he reveled in the thralls of the vision she had given him as a waking dream.  More and more he thrust into her with his impressive human blade, spearing into her depths in ways that showed a near desperation to continue this sensation.

Getting him undressed had not been hard to do after she had succeeded in lulling him into the torpor of the enchantment, piling the dirty cloth and leather at her side.  She had of course been careful to not scratch him with her talons as she laid on her back and maneuvered him easily atop of her.  He went willingly, starved of affection and overwhelmed at the images she was showing him.  She watched what he saw inside the dream with erotic passion, panting as she had easily arranged their bodies and allowed him to mount and penetrate her Kirin depths over and over.

She wrapped her tail around him more tightly as he sped up again, settling into yet another distinct and wonderful rhythm that spoke more of passion and feral intuition rather than skill or experience.  Her long neck arched back and she let out a rolling keen of a moan that echoed all around.  He stirred in her grasp and she quickly leaned back down.  A quick angling of his head up with her paw on the back of his soft, red hair and she pressed her muzzle against his lips.

He responded with equal passion, kissing her back easily.  She even indulged a bit by sliding her serpentine tongue into his mouth and grappling his with ease.  It had been a long time since she had felt so complete.  His energy and aura was that of a gentle, quiet soul that had known little kindness and fewer pleasures.  The mental image of the woman he saw was in fact how his unconscious mind had actually constructed Korine herself, which just made her wriggle happily.  Her lower lips clenched harder around him as he paused, panting.

"Keep going..." she breathed into his ear.  "You won't break me, my strong, valiant, gentle protector..."  She knew that he had as little chance of actually hurting her as possible but those words seemed to spark yet another well of passion within him.  She actually gasped as he growled and leaned up from her.  Her lower legs lifted easily at his behest and draped over and around his upper body as he leaned in again, now supporting himself on their misleadingly strong joints just below the scales of her paws, and powered down into her deeper.  Her forepaws lay delicately over her furry underbelly as he moved more intensely than before.

"K-Korine..." he breathed out suddenly even as the waves of pleasure washed between them both, seemingly unending as she did not yet let him reach his peak by keeping a tight rein on his mounting climax.  It wasn't hard to do when you had experience in manipulating mortal minds, but her concentration had threatened to slip several times during their mating as a result of how good Payter actually was.

"Yes, my little love?" she asked dreamily, muzzle parting as she panted up at him.  She realized that her hold on the mental image was slipping.  Payter wasn't seeing the waking dream as clearly, slowly beginning to awaken.  Oh well.  She tightened her lower hold on his shaft and doubled down on rippling the flesh around him as he plumbed her depths.  "Tell me what you desire..."

"I...don't..." he gasped and then his eyes slowly flickered open.  He gazed down at her, laying on the bed of loam in all her Kirin glory.  Those grey orbs, glazed over in pleasure and drowsiness blinked rapidly.  "Korine?!" he asked in abrupt shock.  He almost stopped moving for a second in shock.

She growled out desperately.  "Keep going!" she commanded, eyes flashing gold and her teeth slightly bared.  "Please, Payter!  You feel wonderful."

"B-but..." he stammered then grunted as she clenched around him more.  "Th-this was all...actually you?" he gasped out.

She coyly stretched her long frame before him, arching her flexible spine around and planting both her forepaws to one side.  Her neck arched up to again hover over him even as she kept a firm hold on his shuddering hips.  "Indeed..." she whispered at his stunned expression.  "You are a natural talent at breeding, my little Payter."

His face flushed and he shivered before her.  His eyes began to glaze over slightly as the pleasure mounted within him again, something that she reveled in being able to experience both physically and inside of his own mind.  "W-what...?" he asked.  Then he groaned and flopped into her fur once again, wrapping his long, athletic arms around her as much as he could reach.  His animal side was taking over again and rational thought seemed again to be escaping him.  "I'm s-sorry...!"

"Whatever for?" she implored with a laugh that was half-giggle, half-moan as he returned to moving.  "I wanted to reward you for all you had done.  I apologize only for not concentrating more on maintaining the illusion.  I'm...sure this is quite shocking to find yourself in a Kirin's coils."  She began to undulate her lower half, rippling around him and moving with him now given her incredibly natural flexibility.

"B-but it really was y-you?" he asked, grunting and trying his hardest to keep up with her.  Not much longer now...  "Oh Gods, you feel..."

She snarled softly in her whispering hiss of a primal voice as he began to swell.  "As do you!" she growled.  "Yes, it was me."  He looked up at her so intensely that she actually flushed.  Her horns folded down a bit as did her ears.  "Hopefully...this is not too...off-putting to be mounting what your kind might call a mon-"  Her voice cut off as he spasmed inside her, eliciting another moan of passion from both of them.  "He certainly seems not to mind!" she laughed in delight.

"N-no..." he admitted through gritted teeth.  "It feels...wonderful..."  She hummed.  "I...I feel close to..."  She growled, seeking to encourage him.

"What do you desire?" she asked in her most sultry voice.  "How best can this Kirin slake your lust for defending her?  My little Human protector?"

"C-could you...turn...around?" he asked.

Grinning, she flipped herself below him, moving one half of her body and then the other, and never releasing her inner hold on his organ as she positioned her body onto all fours facing away from him.  "A proper mounting!" she delightfully gasped as he clung to her posterior and tail for grip.  She angled her lower half lower so that he would not have to stand to remain lodged inside of her.  "You are indeed a natural at this!" she said back to him, finally feeling her own rush of pleasure beginning to crest into a familiar wave.

"T-thank you," he moaned and sped up his hips now that he had proper stability and grip to do so.  One arm wove around the base of her tail while the other gripped her haunches in a tight grasp.

"That's it...~!" she roared and spasmed around him.  "Mate me!"

A clatter of scales and claws alerted her and she cast a glazed eye toward the entrance to the alcove.  Burn lurked there, blue eyes wide and teeth trembling behind her lips.  The dragon had been watching for a while, she could tell, although she had no idea when she had returned from her 'scouting'.  Korine gave her beloved mate an amorous grin which made her shift before her eyes.  The Kirin then leaned back against Payter more as he seemed to be cresting their impending, combined climax, making it seem all the more wonderful for an outsider to view.  Burn absolutely had to understand how amazing this Human felt.

"Payter," she commanded, getting his attention as his swelling and pulses now matched her rapid clenching.  "When you are about to spend yourself, look up on my command.  Do you understand?  I want you to look in my eyes as you reach your peak.  You are not permitted to look anywhere else."  She carefully weaved her head and neck around to make sure that he would not be able to look past her.

"Yes...Korine..." he groaned, face flat in the fur of her angled spine.  A few thrusts later and he gripped her harder, warning her with a groan as his limbs shuddered to a halt as he passed the peak of no return.

"Now..." she breathed.  She did not look away from his face as his eyes opened, hazy and lost in the pleasure.  He looked directly at her, smiling lazily even as he swelled to his widest girth.  Just as his first burst of seed exited him however, pushing into the deepest that he could, she clenched as tightly as possible, sealing him in place as she crested that wave as well.  She tightened her grip on him, using her inner muscles and tail to lock him in place.

They climaxed at the same time, Payter shuddering even as he attempted to remain locked inside of her as long as possible.  Korine wriggled in delight as she felt him filling her, inner folds rippling more and more to make sure to she received every last drop he had to offer of that passionate exchange.  Even when the cresting waves finally ceased and returned to the inner ocean of calm, both of them panting for breath, she did not release him.

"W-wow..." he panted when his lungs seemed to have finally recovered, half draped over her posterior.  "Korine...that was..."

She hummed, slowly easing her grip upon him and now stroking and tickling his back with her snake-like tail.  "Yes...yes indeed it was."  Then she raised her voice.  "Believe me now, that mating between species is a wonderful sensation?" she called back at the lurking shadow of her mate.

Below her, Payter smiled.  "Y-yes I have to say..." he started to say then blinked.  "Who are you talking to?" he asked.  He looked back up at her, having wedged his face in her fur again.  At that exact moment, there was a grinding of scales and claws and Korine leaned her head out of the way, allowing him to see beyond her.  Payter's hazy, overwhelmed and confused eyes went suddenly wide with abrupt terror.

Korine couldn't help herself and she wriggled in delight and laughter. "Oh, dear how sweet and adorable you look right now," she crowed.  She leaned her head back and rubbed her muzzle against his quivering cheek, although his eyes never left Burn's scaly face as the dragon once again filled the entrance of the alcove.  "Wouldn't you agree, Burn?"

For her part, Burn stared down at the entwined forms on the loam and moss bed.  Her teeth ground together and she felt a rumbling quiver building in her.  Her scales rattled and her claws scraped the floor as they had before.  The rush of heat within her was unlike anything she had ever felt, her tail lashing behind her as the aftershocks of the shared mental sensations Korine had reached out to her with began to fade from her senses.  She opened her jaws slightly, letting out a small hissing breath of withheld breath.

Behind Korine, Payter tried in vain to pull back and away from the Kirin.  "I-it wasn't...my idea!" he whimpered as Burn loomed above them both ever closer and closer.  Then Korine stopped him with her tail and he froze, looking back to the Kirin's sparkling eyes.  "D-did...did you plan this?" he asked in a soft voice.

Korine let out a heavy breath.  "Admittedly...yes," she uttered.  His face melted, almost looking hurt somehow.  She licked his cheek.  "It was not meant maliciously, dear Payter," she assured him quickly.  "Do not be upset."

He calmed slightly against her.  That was, until he looked back up at Burn's still silent, looming presence again.  He shivered and finally Korine allowed him to slide back and out of her.  He landed on the moss of the cave floor, shivering again.  He watched the Kirin stretch and growl softly, her paws actually a bit unsteady, and then wind herself against Burn's flank like a cat.

The dragon finally stirred, looking down at her coy and pleased mate before she looked again at the quivering human.  Her eyes flashed and she took a step forward.  He quailed immediately and she backed off once again.  She realized that her expression must not have been that comforting.

"I'm sorry..." he breathed.

Taking a deep breath, Burn sighed.  The air of her exhale disturbed the moss as if by a strong wind.  "You may relax, human," she told him.  He didn't, but she couldn't blame him.  She cast a heated look down at Korine.  "My mate has...a unique sense of humor.  One she rarely clues anyone into before she pulls one of her little pranks.  You can rest assured that she meant no harm to you by it."

He still didn't calm much at that news.  "I would...never have myself attempted to come between you two," he said hurriedly.  Korine chuckled and Burn fixed her with a glare that quieted even the Kirin into bashful silence.  "It just...felt so...good."  He flinched a bit as if expecting her to be angry at him.

Burn sighed again.  Then she bumped Korine with her paw.  "I apologize on behalf of my mate," she growled.  "I take no offense, as I'm sure she didn't exactly go about this the normal way.  Her kind are lovers of tricks and illusions, so I've been told.  She did much the same to me centuries ago.  I can attest that the sensations of it were..."  She rolled a shoulder.  "Pleasant."  The Kirin crooned against her scaly leg.

"More than pleasant on my end," Korine growled.  "Did you enjoy the show?"  Burn looked away, scales rustling like grass stalks in the wind.  "How long were you even watching us, dare I ask my mate?"  Even Peytor's head shot up a bit at that, gazing up at the dragon intensely.

"I..." Burn stammered, gritting her teeth.  Korine batted her eyes coyly up at her and she snarled, making the cavern ring.  It also made the Human flinch and she cut it off quickly, feeling regretful and flustered beyond belief.  "You were both very loud!" she stated as if annoyed at the pair of them.  "I could hear you both from the mouth of the cave.  I thought you might have been mauling him from the noise."

Paytor blushed but Korine just chuckled.  "Apologies," she teased.  "I never was a quiet one."  She slithered her form against Burn, winding herself in-between the bulky, scaled legs and playing her tail against more sensitive plates of her underbelly.  "As you well know..."  Burn wriggled.  "Might you be feeling...curious, though?" she asked in a sultry voice then.

Burn snapped her teeth down at Korine to which the Kirin simply licked her cheek, dispelling her irritation.  "You are a vexing little trickster," she growled, voice growing husky.  It was true, the images of watching the pair of them, even as strange a couple they made, had made Burn's natural prejudices and preferences fade in lieu of a curiosity she had never felt before.  Her eyes flickered toward Peytor who watched them, unmoving, still naked.  "Have you no shame about this?" she asked her mate.

"None..." she responded.  "It is something I cannot put into words for the wonderful sensations he caused me to feel.  A wholly different and utterly satisfying experience.  I'd love...for you to feel it too."

That made both Burn and Peytor jerk in surprise.  The Human's face flushed red and he refused to look at the dragon as she cast a wary gaze down at him, huddled on the moss with his back to the farthest wall.  "I...hardly think..." Burn objected softly.  Then she wriggled more as a roaming, fluted tail tip teased an especially sensitive place on the underside of her scaly underbelly.

"It isn't about thinking, my Scarlet Dawn..." the Kirin whispered, both physically and mentally up to the repressed dragon's spined ear.  "This Little Protector is a wonderful caring and intimate sort.  So gentle, but firm.  He's nothing like you in terms of ferocity or strength, but he is by far...one of the best presents ever.  I'd love...for us to share him.  He would keep us warm for many moons."

Burn shuddered at the reactions that voice caused her to go through.  Korine knew all of her soft spots that she never showed to anyone else.  "I...thought you said he was only staying for the one night..." she growled.

Korine laughed again, trailing her body away and off of Burn's as she stalked slowly, coquettishly, over toward Peytor.  She wound around his trembling form, arching against him and looking back at the Dragon over him.  He looked from Kirin to dragon in awe and trepidation, seeming utterly lost on what to do or think.

"Don't you want to thank him yourself?" she asked Burn.  "For everything he's done for us?"

"I would imagine you've thanked him enough with your pranks," growled the dragon.  She looked down at Peytor.  Her eyes scanned what of his pale form she could see.  So strange, so alien, so...different from what she was used to.  His gender besides, it would be the epitome of unnatural...wouldn't it?

"What do you say...?" Korine asked him then, drawing his attention away from the dragon he was obviously still terrified but enthralled by.  "Peytor, my little Protector?  Do you feel...adequately thanked for putting your life at risk for two creatures like us?  Monsters?"

"Y-you're not...monsters," he breathed out, looking up into her soft, alluring eyes.  He glanced back at Burn, looking her scarred, scaly bulk over once.  "Neither of you...even if I am...admittedly scared and clueless of what's going on.  I'm...not sure if I..."  He jerked in surprise as Korine used her tail to turn him to face her before locking him into a kiss like before.

Burn growled, gritting her teeth.  He sank back into her mate's embrace almost as if entranced before they disconnected lips again and he panted softly.  She looked back up at Burn again, licking her lips and teeth flashing in a smile.  "It's up to you Burn, my love," she hissed softly.  "Just one night...that's all I asked.  You've already given me a wonderful gift.  Let me...share him with you."

Without realizing she had, the dragon crossed the loam bed and loomed above them both.  She leaned down then, lowering herself flat onto her belly and faced the human.  He leaned toward her as well, just as sheepish, unsure, and hesitant as she was.  She saw the uncertainty warring in his eyes, even as his hand shakily lifted to stroke across her nostrils.  His scent was...rather nice, even outside of the lingering one left by his mating with Korine.

Her lips quivered and he flinched back slightly.  Realizing he probably wouldn't be able to make the first move, uncertain as to what she was even doing, Burn shyly opened her mouth and extended her tongue as before.  She licked his proffered hand once and then leaned past it to tentatively repeat the gesture on his cheek.  He wriggled, eyes closing and letting out a soft sound.  Burn found she liked it.  She was careful to keep the abrasive hooks of the latter half of her tongue away from his sensitive skin as she used the forwards section of her forked limb to explore and taste him further.

Peytor wriggled and groaned softly under his breath as the huge dragon seemingly tasted him all over his upper body and face.  Korine's humming tickled in the back of his mind as his body began to respond to the tentative but hot touches without him meaning it to.  As her tongue retracted, he found himself actually leaning toward her.  His hands stroked across her muzzle again, admiring the shape and feel of her rough scales beneath his palms.  Her mouth was seemingly too big to kiss as he had Korine, so instead he hesitantly pressed his mouth just against her nose.

Wriggling softly, Burn lifted her muzzle up and away from him.  Her eyes gleamed slightly and one big paw lifted.  Her clawed digits carefully wrapped around him from behind and she lifted herself up, bringing him with her.  Their sizes were very drastically different, her able to grip him easily between her claws and almost reach the entire way around his lower body.  He hung there in her grasp as she settled slowly back onto her haunches and then lowered herself, slow as could be, to lay on her back, wings splaying out wide.

He quivered in her grasp, obviously sheepish and nervous about being moved so easily by such an intimidating creature as she was.  She met his eyes once, actually feeling herself softening to his tender looks.  "Don't be afraid," she hissed up at him.  "At least, not that I will hurt you.  I'll do my best to cause you no harm at all."  As she finished settling onto her back, she lowered him again, laying his naked form across her upper belly, making sure her armored plates were folded down and as seamless as possible.

He lay there, shy and still, seemingly soaking in her natural body heat.  One talon rubbed up and down his back, careful not to scratch him.  He leaned against her more as she made it clear she didn't want to cause him any pain or injury.  Even he seemed slowly starting to open up to the hesitant exchange of intimacy.

"You really are...beautiful," he told her, looking up into her scarred muzzle.  "For a dragon."  He blushed.  "Not that...dragons are naturally ugly...or anything."

She arched an eyebrow down at him.  Then she rumbled in a small chuckle.  "Wherever did that eloquent tongue of yours go?" she teased, shocking even herself.  "I quite enjoy the loquacious partner.  A side effect of being mated with Korine for centuries," she admitted.  Then she met his eyes again.  "You are quite fetching yourself," she told Peytor.  "For a Human.  If one such as myself would admit a thing like that about one like you."  She grinned.

He quivered but finally seemed to relax a little.  "Is...there anything I can do to..." he trailed off, sounding unsure.  She growled, which had the unintended but rather enjoyable side effect of now making him tremble for an entirely different seeming reason.  His anatomy made a noticeable jerk and she grinned.  "Sorry...I don't mean to be so...afraid."

Burn actually felt a small grin forming, stretching her jaws wider.  "It seems perfectly natural," she mused.  Then her eyes twinkled.  Her tongue flickered down out of her maw and she tasted him a bit more intensely than before, making him wriggle atop her.  "I...will admit, little Protector," she teased, allowing some of her smug, draconic superiority to leak into her voice.  "I rather like you being just a touch afraid of me.  Korine doesn't have the same reactions to my brusque nature as you do.  They are quite delightful coming from you."

He blinked in surprise and then actually grinned up her.  "To be fair...lady Burn, it is remarkably easy to maintain my level of apprehension and terror of you, given how we met."

"Sweet talker," she teased back down at him, actually starting to enjoy herself.  Then she leaned down toward him and licked all across his cheek, 'tasting' him once again.  "Just know this, little Human," she rasped directly into his ear, making him again tremble against her scales.  "I won't actually hurt you, intentionally, if at all so long as I can guarantee.  That is my promise."  Her eyes gleamed at him while Korine continued to hum sleepily in the background.  "Are we agreed?"

Peytor nodded almost before he had actually stopped to think about it.  He flushed and grinned sheepishly as she rumbled with a soft laugh beneath him and then he felt her tail sliding slowly around his waist.  It tightened and he went willingly as she began to pull him lower down her belly toward her lower body.  She went slow, letting him tentatively touch and kiss all over that scaly form before he was being laid gently between her spread lower limbs.  He watched as, before his eyes, a hidden slit of flesh quivered there, horizontal rather than vertical.  The scent of her arousal made his head swim slightly.

Looking up her tremendous bulk at her now distant face, he nodded slowly.  She returned the gesture.  Her scales rattled and her teeth ground against one another again.  He was starting to recognize her expressions; that one almost seemed like she was just as nervous as he was.  His hands shyly drifted across that slit and stroked at it.  Burn immediately let out a hiss but he kept touching, sensing that it was a happy sound.  Gently, he pried the lips apart, exposing her hidden feminine core.  His face flushed hard and he carefully aligned his standing mast against the opening.  He had no idea how this was going to work.  The sizes seemed so drastically off.

He met Burn's eyes once more.  She propped herself up on her wings and forelimbs, already panting slightly, as the Human began to spear slowly into her draconic lips.  The immediate reaction for both of them was so intense that Peytor pushed in to the hilt all at once.  Both new lovers let out amorous sounds that echoed around the room.  She was hot inside, and tight as well, far tighter than he would ever had expected.  She conformed her inner folds in and around him as he rested inside, rippling like waves on a lake.  He panted and laid flat against her scaly belly, trying to situate himself as much as possible before he began to move.

The first thrust was just as intense as the penetrating one had been, the slow drawing back from her inner muscles almost as difficult as pulling a stump from the earth for how tightly she clung to him.  He had to fight to gain any ground but the sensations were beyond incredible.  Her huge thighs trembled around him and he chanced a look up at her features, only to see her snarling and gritting her teeth.  Their eyes met and she panted, actually beaming down at him.  Then he had reached the last inch and began to push back inside.  This time was easier but no less heated.

They began to mate like that, human laying atop of dragon as he thrust gently into her.  This was as new to him as it was to her, he could tell.  Korine had been obviously experienced in such practices with other species, but he could tell that Burn was experiencing something entirely different than her past couplings.  She stayed stationary beneath him, as even his most vigorous thrusts could not cause her massive body to stir.  She remained unmoving so that her scales did not rub his flesh raw, but she was far and beyond away from unstimulated.  Her tongue lolled slightly from her maw, teeth flashing, and her wings furled out wide behind her as she watched what he did to her.  He could hear her claws grating on the floor below and her tail curled against him, wary of her spines so that she didn't stick him accidently, but keeping a firm pressure against his back so he didn't try and leave for whatever reason.  Her clenching around him was nothing short of divine.

Behind them, Korine watched the pair with a loving, languid expression on her muzzle.  They were such naturals already at it, as she knew they would be.  Peytor's expression, torn between hesitancy and desire, was utterly heart warming as he laid atop her mate.  But Burn's face was by far the most endearing; the dragon was nearly beside herself with how much she was obviously enjoying this new, wonderful series of sensations.  She watched Peytor again speed up, as he had done for her, and Burn responded with an active rolling hiss and arching of her body up against the little Human.  The sounds of his hips clapping against her scales were causing small echoes around them when not muted by the combined moans of the two unorthodox lovers.

But they weren't going at it the way she knew would be best for both of them.  And Korine was a meddler above all else.  She slid up from her curled up position and mounted up right behind Peytor, laying her fluffy form across his back and also straddling her mate's lower half.  They both stirred from their trance-like state, blinking back and down at her respectively as she wrapped her tail around his waist tightly.

"You are both doing so well..." she purred.  "But if you really want to make Burn feel good, little Peytor, you have to be more...dominant!"  Her muzzle flashed and she licked her teeth once before she began to ripple her tail muscles.  This caused Peytor's pace to quicken exponentially, now hammering down against Burn with enough force that the dragon actually began to jerk slightly at each movement.  His face tensed up with how intense the sensations had become, easily surrendering to her instructions while Burn just thrashed on the floor below them both.

Korine began to undulate her body through the movements as well, helping Peytor find the exact angle he needed to actually push a bit deeper into the dragon beneath him.  Her paws kept Burn's lower legs spread wide while her head draped down over his shoulder, giving him a lecherous, gleaming grin.  He met her eyes, his glazed over and his skin soaked with sweat, hair a bird's nest atop of his head.

"That's it," she cooed at him.  "Just surrender to the feelings, our little Protector.  These two magical beasts have long been searching for an exotic taste to share between them.  Can you be that taste for us?" she asked, coyly blinking.

"I..." Peytor stammered, groaning out as Korine forced him to bottom out inside of Burn.

Above them, Burn growled.  "Korine..." she growled warningly.

She ignored the dragon, pushing more and causing him to grind harder inside of the dragon, making both lovers hiss out at the increased intensity.  "You'd never need to worry about being forgotten or abused ever again," she promised Peytor.  "We would care for you, for the rest of your life.  Not as a pet...but as one of us."  She leaned down past him then, jerking back on his hips with her tail, forcing him to pull out of her mate, and expertly wrapping her tongue around his glistening rod.  He gasped and groaned back against her, unable to think she knew.  Then she leaned down farther, licking across those lips of her mate and pleasuring her as well, able to use the long tongue to stimulate both at once.

Burn snarled, letting out a rattling hiss.  "What do you think you're doing?" she asked then, voice rumbling around the cave.  Korine continued licking while Peytor wriggled.  The dragon leaned up more, fixing the Kirin with a heated gaze.

She took her tongue back eventually a few seconds later, savoring the dual tastes on her flexible limb.  "Do you object to such an idea, my mate?" she asked coyly, already knowing the answer burning in the dragon's eyes.

Burn snapped her teeth loudly.  Then her tail brushed Korine off of her haunches.  She rolled, leaning down with one paw and cupping Peytor in it before he could fall off too.  She got to her other three feet and held him against her loins then, easily able to support him as she fixed her Kirin mate with an angry glower.  "That's not what I meant," she snapped.  "But you've had your fun with our Human, and now it's my turn."

Peytor, trapped in the confines of her paw and pelvis, blinked open his eyes, still panting at the surging emotions and feelings racing through him.  "Our...?" he asked up at Burn, unable to see anything but her scaly belly in front of him even as he hung there in her grasp.

Burn softened slightly then, arching her head down between her forelimbs and looking at him hanging there.  "Yes...little Peytor..." she growled in her softest voice.  "I...struggle to acknowledge my feelings at times...but yes.  I would want to keep you.  Korine...is right.  You are a good third for us."  She glared again at the beaming Kirin.  "So long as she can share personal time..."

"Of course I can!" Korine grinned.  She settled back down, watching them as Burn readjusted her stance, still cradling him in her paw easily.  "I'm overjoyed to hear you agree with me, my Scarlet Dawn..."

"Save the sweet talk," Burn grumbled.  "I'll punish you later for this."  Korine crooned and the dragon rolled her eyes before looking back at the Human in her paw.  She situated herself and him and shoved him back inside to the hilt, groaning along with him.  His legs and arms clung to her belly as she held him there.  "For now...Peytor..." she rasped.  "Our...little Human.  Don't worry about falling, I have you."  She noticed then that he was trembling like a leaf against her and it caused her to grin a bit more.  "You're not afraid are you?"

Peytor gasped out as she easily began to ripple her folds around him again as well as performing rapidly building bobs of her hips down against his much smaller ones, riding him even as he hung there powerlessly in her paw, shaft disappearing into her draconic core again and again.  "N-no...!" he stammered.

Burn hissed in pleasure, keeping up her pace, using her other three paws and her tail to balance herself.  "Don't lie to me, little human," she snarled, utterly enraptured by this sense of dominance over such a smaller partner.  It was heavenly to be able to feel so strong and large in proportion to another living, loving creature as he was.  She could feel her own orgasm rapidly building as this position had his organ crushing against her most sensitive spot.  "I love...the taste...of your fear!"

The two mated like that for only a few minutes before their combined climaxes overtook them.  It was a ride unlike anything Peytor had ever experienced before.  Burn found herself already deeply in love with the feelings it caused, holding him against her without crushing him even as she clenched ever more strongly around him as they rode out a combined wave of sensations.  His seed shot into her deeply as she held him there, her paw actually quivering at the exotic, wonderful feeling of being filled, even by such a pitifully smaller partner.

When at last the tremors ceased, Burn allowed him to slide out of her.  She gently laid his panting, sweat-soaked form down upon the grass and then she took ever greater pleasure in cleaning him up with her tongue.  Korine joined in, both creatures happily lapping at his chest, limbs, neck, face, and groin.  He lay there, nestled in a bed of soft fur and moss as the pair of lesbian monsters curled around his tiny frame between them.  He watched them kiss one another, licking each other fondly across the cheeks and mouths several times before Korine laid her head down beside him, likewise flanked by Burn's more massive one.

The world became much darker as the dragon unfurled one bat-like wing over the pair curled up against her, casting a shroud over the sleepy trio of uncommon lovers.  It was warm but not stifling and Peytor felt his eyes wanting to slide closed again.  Korine kissed his cheek.  His hand stroked the nearby muzzle of Burn, which made her rumble happily.

"Rest now..." they rumbled in unison at his battered, exhausted form.  "Sleep, our little Protector.  You may dwell here with us as long as you like..."  His eyes rolled closed and he did just that.  No erotic dreams disturbed him this time as the three of them slept through the long hours of the night, comforted by one another.  A loving couple had added a third to their roster, and their passionate loving relationship had just begun.  But for now, they just slept.

***End of Part 2.  If ya'll miscreants and deviants want a short 3rd part as a bonus, let me know.  Otherwise, here draws the close of our bizarre little misadventure.  I hope you all enjoyed it.  This was definitely an interesting story to write.  Thank you all for letting me be just a little weird ^^ this was fun. If you want to support me writing more stories like this or my many others, please consider joining my Patreon!***

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KEvin Red


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