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A Random Day  148 - You Don't Think I Can Get Any Bigger (Breast Expansion + Bimbo)

Rework of a classic


While at a club I was getting rather tipsy after taking quite a few shots I had gone out drinking with some other models as earlier that day we had all been at a modeling gig where we all wore skimpy bikinis for a new brand and to celebrate its completion a few of my model friends invited me to join them on a night out and It being me I could not refuse.

We arrived at the club and less than a minute inside a guy had ordered a round of double shots for us all it felt like every man in the room started paying attention to us as we all downed the shots and moved to the dance floor. The music was pumping and my dress slipped up over my thighs exposing more of my legs as my friends danced around me I could feel everyone's eyes on me as they checked out our bodies.

I saw one really drunk guy trying to walk over to me when another tall well-built guy walked up next to him, grabbed the guy's hand, and pulled him away from me towards the exit he turned back with a smile as I smiled in return before turning back to my friends and dancing again.

The night went on and I had one too many shots which resulted in me having to go outside for some fresh air that's when I met a woman outside having a smoke she was wearing a short sexy black dress and heels, I knew her instantly I wanted her but I didn't want to be so obvious about it so I asked if she needed a light, she said no and I replied "Well you look amazing tonight" she blushed and said thank you I then leaned in closer to say something else and she kissed me hard. We ended up back in the club getting more drinks and dancing seductively together as we couldn't keep our hands off each other it caused people around us to stare in Jealousy.

At this point, I had drunk a lot and needed to use the bathroom so I ask if she wanted to come to the bathroom with me when she said "I got a text message and got to go make a call", she excused herself and left me alone in the bathroom, I was sitting there thinking what should I do, I am super turned on as I got up going over to the sink and looking at myself as I noticed that my body seemed to have changed through the night probably because of how much I had drunk as I looked at how thick my body had become then only to notice my breasts still expanding even more as I watched myself in the mirror I could feel areolas grew bigger too making my boobs feel extra sensitive in my tight bra.

After feeling the new extra weight on my chest and giving them a quick squeeze to feel the softness and bringing me pure pleasure, I took one more look at myself only to notice how big my lips were too and thought about how much I looked like a typical bimbo as I let out a cute giggle and that's when I decided to check outside for the woman hoping she had not left yet when I saw that she was done with her phone call so I walked over to her as she was standing across the street smoking a cigarette, She didn't see me until I was right beside her, I think she was surprised when I spoke first, I said hello and introduced myself, she replied with a warm "Hi" and we made small talk till she finished her smoke, she told me she was getting ready to go home and If I wanted to join her as I said, "sure sounds fun".

We got a taxi back to her house and talked for a while as we seemed to enjoy each other's company, I told her I was also recently single and she said she was too and we both laughed a bit as I also stated that I don't normally get this drunk or let girls kiss me like that, she agreed with me on that and said she would never have done something like that if she had not been drinking and now that she has, she couldn't stop thinking about me, I found her comments a little weird but I wasn't going to say anything as I was enjoying my night too much.

I asked if she lived alone and she said yes and that she often feels lonely so she invited me to stay which I accepted and told her I am usually very shy around beautiful women and she said she understands as she is the same, she told me I had nice hair which I thanked her for and she continued to compliment me. in the spur of the moment, she grabbed my hand led me to another room and into her bedroom, and over to the bed as we sat down on the bed and as she started removing her shoes while I undid my own, I asked her if I could remove her dress and she said sure and I did working my hands over her body as I did.

Once I removed her dress she had nothing on except her lingerie, I could see that she wasn't wearing any panties and I could clearly see through her lacy black bra. She noticed I was looking at her and she smiled, she then asked if I had ever had sex with a woman before. I told her, yes and that I loved it, she leaned in close and whispered to me, "I have never done that it before" I smiled and took off my skimpy dress revealing my large breasts exposed just in time for her to bury her face in them as we had some fun together both reaching pure pleasure multiple times in no time at all as we enjoyed each others embrace.

After a while, we got tired as she laid on top of me and kissed me passionately before passing out as did I.


Thanks for all the Support, Favs, and Follows 💖



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