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A Random Day 75 - Packing Those Pounds (Weight Gain + Breast Expansion)


This morning I had a day off, and I had decided to just spend the day enjoying some movies with some good food as I still needed to buy the snacks I had gone to the bathroom before I left for the store to check myself out in the mirror before I head out.

Once I had got home, I sat down on the couch and thought about what I had bought, I managed to buy so many snacks that there was no way I could eat them all in my current form so as I lay there on the couch stuffing myself full of sweets, chocolate, and chips but I began to feel full even though I was only one movie in.

I knew that I had to do something drastic so took off my jeans and got into some sweat pants and sat back down and began to expand my stomach and body with each bite so I could enjoy all the tasty food that I had bought but before I knew it I was 3 movies down and I had finished all the snacks and felt so full and rather thick at that point but had enjoyed stuffing myself but as I had just watched 3 movies in a row I needed to go use the bathroom so as I left the living room and entered the bathroom to use it I looked in the mirror glancing at myself as I noticed my form.

I looked huge I was stunned at just how big my body was I was seriously round now and could see myself still expanding to compensate for the last of the food I had just eaten. I could see just how big I looked and just how massive my breasts, stomach were as I turned to notice even my hips and ass were massive I was so round in this short body.

I just said aloud. "Wow, I really enjoyed all that food maybe... But maybe I could order a few pizzas for dinner" as I laughed to myself.


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