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A Random Day 52 - Thicker Body Thicker Breast (Weight Gain + Breast Expansion)

-Short Story-

Today I had got up early for my morning run and had morphed into a skinny athletic form so I could do some long-distance jogging today as I had the day off and no work to do.

After coming back home from the jog I didn't really feel like doing much at all as I was quite tired and wanted to relax as the week had been rather long so I decided to rest and watch some movies at home which I rarely ever do.

As I sat on the couch with my laptop and tv on I suddenly got the urge to enjoy some good food so I decided to look online for some local takeaways and ordered from two different places one was a pizza place and the other a desert place I knew what I ordered I couldn't eat all of it in my current form that's when I got an idea.

I decided to morph myself into a thicker form that could binge all food I wanted that was on its way so as I normally try to keep myself relatively fit for modeling I never get to enjoy good food and binging on things like this was definitely something you shouldn't do as a model but since I could just morph my body to any form at any time this seemed like the perfect day and time to enjoy some tasty food.

So I got up heading over to my long mirror feeling excited as I knew I was going to enjoy some tasty food as I pulled out my phone and started recording the morph as I enjoyed looking back at them after I change.

As I looked at myself seeing my current form it was quite short but athletic with relatively small breasts which I pointed at for the camera wondering what they would look like after putting some pounds of fat on as I decided to just keep the current body type curious to see what it would look like plumper and thicker in the right places.
I began to morph myself and with a pink flash, I had morphed myself into a thicker, curvy version of this body adding pounds to it as I then noticed the weight as I pointed at my new jiggly breasts as they had just gotten huge compared to before and it was just from morphing this body fatter.

I then looked down at my waist it felt a lot heavier than usual my belly rumbled from feeling hungry but as I admired my new body I noticed that my belly kind of popped out making me look like I was pregnant that couldn't be right could it thinking to myself, Then noticed my hips and ass were now also a lot wider and thicker too at least compared to my smaller hips and toned ass from before, It was as if my hip bones were wide than before like I had grown up this way they felt huge as if I was always quite a fatty when I was a kid from overeating they grew this big.

That's when I had a look around my place and I noticed reality must have adjusted as my place looked a lot messier too with laundry and kids toys all over the place which was quite unusual and shocking, I then noticed I was now wearing sweat pants instream of my athletic running shorts as I went to grab my phone to stop the recording I saw a wedding ring on my finger which kind of shocked me a lot but also made me curious too as I explored my house I saw some photos of me with a man and child was thismy new family my husband and daughter this was kind of odd but I knew things like this could happen when reality alters.

I didn't think much about it and got on with enjoying my day off not worrying about the reality change as I waited for my food I plopped myself back on the couch this new belly really made it hard to move and there was definitely some weight to it as I continued watching a random film rubbing my new stomach.

I then looked at my phone and there was a message from a number I had never seen before with the name on top that said my sexy stud I laughed slightly think wow this reality!

As I then looked at the message it said "Hi hun hope you're alright and enjoying your day off and the pregnancy cravings aren't driving you too crazy and that I am just glad your work gave you some time off for these last few months and that you still keep an eye on your work home, Oh and don't worry about picking up Scarlett from school I spoke to heathers dad and he's taking them both to tennis practice and I will pick them both up after there done miss and love you loads hun xxxx"

I was shocked as there were so many things going on in this reality as I rubbed my belly wow is there really a baby in here it seems unreal I never expected this from just a simple morph but it does work in strange ways as I heard the doorbell ring I tried to get up bet felt a bit stuck on the couch but I couldn't wait for the food as I was so hungy my belly was growling at me so I moved as fast as I could to answer the door as it had taken a bit to get up after resting on the couch for awhile it took quite a bit of effort.

As I finally got to the door opening it to see it was the delivery driver with my food so I took the food from the delivery guy giving him a small tip then I made my way back to the living room putting the food on the table it was only early afternoon and still had most of the day as I sat back down on the couch then digging into the food.

I managed to get through most of the food and one movie while still rubbing my stomach now and then as it just felt nice and soothing and by the time I got halfway through the second movie I had laid down on the couch and had passed out from all the food, As time flew by still kind of out of it as I had been in a food coma from eating so much.

I was still rather KO on the couch and It was about to hit 7pm that's when I work up to hear the door opening as I heard pattering footsteps come running in as a child no old than six comes running up to me saying "Mummy mummy daddy got us Ice cream cause I did so well at tennis" as she said that she came running over jumping on the couch next to me giving me a hug and rubbing my belly as I saw my new handsome husband just smile at me.

I just didn't know what to say or do at this point just embracing my new child as she was still hugging me I just showed her affection not wanting to act weird to my new daughter as my husband came over kissing me on the lips instantly flooding my mind with new memories of this new reality from when I was a kid being adopted by Nyx my mother to meeting my now husband Kole at university to my first proper job and having precious child Scarlett.

This all seemed unreal from these memories but I had not expected such rapid changes to my life from something as simple as morph I knew things like this could happen and there was always a trigger to set you in that reality as the kiss with my husband seemed to be that trigger but I wasn't complaining too much in my mind as I seemed rather content with how things are it was a nice life from the memories and a nice change from just living on my own I felt wanted and supported by this new family.

Would I want to go back to how things were thinking hard about it, This reality did seem really nice and could grow on me plus I still had my powers and more since mother Nyx had been training me since a kid I definitely seemed better off in this reality?.


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