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A Random Day 37  - When You Just Want That Promotion! (BreastExpansion+ Bimbo)

This is another BE gif I tweaked but never posted.

-Short Story-

I had been invited to my modeling agency for a new opportunity as they were deciding on the models that they wanted to be the front runner for their new promotional video today at their agency so I just knew that I would have to look perfect for the role and in my current form I was just not going to make the cut so I hatched a plan to get the top job.

Once I had arrived I had to wait with all the models in a room there were around fifteen girls that showed up and there were all sorts of shapes and sizes but the thing I did notice was that they all were stacked in their chest area most with fake breast but there were quite a few natural-looking breasts and that's when I just knew that if I wanted this promotion in the agency to be the front runner I had to have the best looking body there with biggest breasts there as I expanded them bigger I could feel the strain in my top as one by one the tops buttons popped revealing more and more of my breasts till I thought it was enough leaving a lot of my cleavage to be seen and last was my body shape as I changed it to give me long legs, perfect hips, and a great ass, I now truly had the perfect bimbo body.

As I sat there with my new body and breast twirling a pigtail waiting and adjusting my glasses looking all cute when the interviewer came into the room and had a good look around at all the girls and then came over to me telling me I could go first.

I knew this would be a quick interview as he asked me to read a short script aloud which I did perfectly but that's when he just jumped straight to the availability date and I just replied with "That depends when you need me as I should be available from today" he just grinned and told me "Well your definitely the front runner at the moment and most likely get the lead role for the promotion video".

That just left me with a massive grin on my face as I said "Really thanks I can't wait" as I thanked him he gave me a smile as he liked my enthusiasm then he gave me a document to read over and sign and to be delivered within the next couple of days as he said that they start shooting the video next week and would need it signed as soon as possible as he leads me out of the room.

I had managed to get a dream promotion where I would be their top model at their agency and would go on most of their promotional products and videos it just left me super excited to see what would happen in the coming months.


Thanks for all the Support, Favs and Follows 



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