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A Random Day 12 - It Just Wasn't Big Enough!

I was Experimenting with my body that day and just wanted to see how big I could make my hips and butt as I had been in a short slim body most of the day and never really tried out a pear-shaped body.

As I recorded a video to examine myself morph I danced around shaking my butt till I felt the weight on my hips and butt cheeks as they began to expand stretching out my pants.

I just looked in the mirror behind the phone that was recording this marvel, As I saw my hips and butt grow to an unrealistic size for this body.

As most of my weight, at least 70% of my weight were hips and butt and the other 30% was the rest of my body I really did pull off that pear-shaped body.

I spent the rest of the day in this form getting a lot of looks from passersby on the street it was a real turn on and the way my thighs were so tightly together when I walked left me in pure bliss I was loving every minute of it.

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