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A Random Day 7 - Ooops No Bra

When doing your job you should really be careful not to mess with anything you have no knowledge about especially in Mother Nyxs shop as I found out that day.

The day had not started out great I woke up late and was in such a rush to get to work I forgot to put on a bra and I was just wearing a tank top, skirt, panties, and heels you could seriously make out the shape of my nips though the material which explained the looks I got after parking my car and walking to the shop.

I had been working for a few hours now and it was nearly lunchtime and we had sold a lot of items today too so it was my job to restock the shelves and it didn't go too well.

As I was stacking some new items on the shelf Mother Nyx had warned me that I should be very careful with them as they are very temperamental and I was very careful with near enough all the items but this one item seems to just call out to me.

It was a ring with what looked like a picture of something on it but it was kind of dirty so I tried to clean it forgetting that these items were indeed magical and sometimes even cursed as I used my top to try to clean it quickly.

Little did I know that caused it to activate as things began to change I got hit with a dizzy spell causing me to stumble slightly and notice that I was losing my balance it felt like my mind was being crushed.

I was very confused as I saw flashing hypnotic lights flashing I then couldn't think straight at all as if my IQ was being drained then heat all over my body as I began to feel my body expand outwards as I fell down to the hard floor.

This definitely was unexpected as I noticed that my tank top looked like it had shrunk and now resembled more of a tube top as my breast had expanded outwards to at least GGcups which caused my nips to show even more you could even see them slight out the side of my top.

Then I noticed my hips were just as wide giving my one extreme hourglass look that showed off this body well even my butt had been affected so much at it felt like I wasn't sitting on the floor anymore but a rather comfortable cushion.

My mind was still super dizzy and I was still confused as to why I was on the floor but then I just let out a bubbly giggle and said "silly me I must have fallen over again" that's when I noticed the ring on my finger and said " oh this is so pretty" looking at the ring all clean revealing an hourglass shape image that had big breast at the top and some wide hips at the bottom.

As I got up and things seemed normal to me like nothing had changed at all my IQ had diminished so much that I didn't know what I was doing in this shop.

Meanwhile, Mother Nyx had been working at the counter and watched it all happen but because it pretty much happened in an instant there was little she could do to help.

That's when Mother Nyx and said " oh dear look what you have done you silly girl come here now daughter" as I just looked at her and then behind me wondering who she was talking to that's when she pointed and said, "yes you Kira don't you recognize your own mother now give me your hand".

As I got closer she took my hand and removed the ring which caused my mind to be less distorted as she then spoke again" You are stuck with this body and a ditzy mind un till you either go have some fun with a man or wait a week and your mind will slowly return little by little toward then end of it now your not wearing the ring" as she looked on at my expression.

I just looked at her and said "huh stuck like this for a week, like I'm normal" not able to make complete sentences, and then with a long pause I said, "fun with a man what's that mean" Mother Nyx just laughed then said, " that ring really did a number on you dear don't worry just wait a week and you will be back to normal now go hand out these to customers in front of the store and no wondering off your here to work ok" as she gave her a stern look as it began to scare me slightly in my dumb state and just timidly responded with a "Yes" then giggled as I took the flyers and stood outside.

Customers seemed to flock around me especially the men asking for my number and to go have drinks but that's when I just directed them inside the store.

In the back of my mind, I just wanted to go back to normal and knew that a week was a long time to be stuck as this ditzy bimbo!

Thanks for all the support!

Hope you enjoyed this Alternate Ending! :)



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