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This is part 11.7 - Happily Making My Ass Shack (Alt Ending)

This is part 11.5 - The Parallel Glitched Kiss (Alt Ending)



It was a little time after I had been sent to this new reality that I noticed that when I seemed to concentrate hard enough on one of my body parts I seemed to be able to alter them however I wanted it, the only drawback was the changes were not fast or drastic but would change slowly over time.

That led me to put on some hot pants and begin to shake my ass till the hot pants seemed to feel as if they shrunk leaving me with what ended up looking like a thong as my ass cheeks smothered the fabric becoming extremely tight around my crotch and leaving me with one epic bubble butt and thighs.

I wonder what else I can alter in this reality but I guess ill settle for this nice ass for now it made me extremely happy that I couldn't help but shake it and take some videos.

Thanks for all the support, favs and follows 



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