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This Is part 0 - The Dolified Lipstick (Alternate Ending) Prequel

This is Part 1 - AR Cursed Ring


As I entered the new store on the seafront I noticed the name it was called A New Change walking Inside the store, I notice how strange the shop was it seemed to have all sorts of items inside from makeup to costumes to even odd-looking props.

I went up to the counter asking the old woman "Hello is there something that could make my lips fuller but keep my youthful look like anti-aging to make men lust for me longer" she looked at me a bit puzzled and surprised at the question as I was quite a cute young woman around 20 "hmm let me see what I can do dearie" she told me as she went into the back taking around 5 mins.

While she did that I just browsed the store looking at all the odd things some super weird items and the descriptions were strange too I just wondered what kind of shop this was as I had never seen anything like it.

She returned to the counter and told me that this was a special lipstick called Dolified it will make your lips thick and full it will also give you a new reality in life.

I looked at her slightly puzzled my self and said "Alright how much?" she said "just $10" as she handed me the lipstick to have a look deciding I wanted it so then I took out my card and swiped the card reader and said thanks she just replied to me "Have A Doll Day" as I was leaving what she said was strange but didn't think much off it as I left the store heading back to my house. 

When I arrived back home I couldn't wait to test out the lipstick and I liked the fact it was not overly pink but had a slight glitter sparkle to it so applied it to my lips using my phone as a mirror as I began posing and pushing my lips to a pout only to see them expand becoming full and thick "Wow" I said as noticing my voice sounding different because of my lips becoming so tick it was a little more derpy than usual as my lips were now extremely juicy as well.

As soon as I made another pouty face to the camera on my phone there was suddenly a bright bright pink flash causing my world to warp causing me to feel extremely dizzy but that was the least of my problems.

As my head came to I tried to look around but seemed to be unable to move all I seemed to be able to do was look straight and notice that I was completely naked apart from some skimpy thong that I could feel between my bum cheeks.

I also didn't seem to be in my house anymore it looked like a mansion instead I could still feel my body but it seemed so stiff I was standing upright leaning against a table and could also feel the carpet under my toes which I standing on then I felt cool air run across my chest which seemed to feel a lot thicker than usual but the air felt really nice across my body it was rather distracting as the wind hit me my hair flew in to view it seemed to have changed to a reddish-brown then the last thing I seemed to notice was my height I was definitely a lot taller.

I didn't seem to feel all that scared though but I wondered why I felt this way I know I should be scared but the way I felt at the moment felt so good was this my life now!

Was I just a realistic doll for someone to enjoy?

Just as I thought that I heard the front door open and someone seemed to be heading this way which seemed to just get me excited flooding me with thoughts of someone touching me.

I also added the HD video that can be downloaded as well.

Thanks to all the VIPs that support me! <3



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