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A Random Day  253 - Cheering Up Your Girlfriend (Breast Expansion)

Classic Rework


As we hung out on my bed, I could sense that my girlfriend was feeling down. She hadn't been herself lately, and it was starting to worry me. But then she surprised me by asking if I would show her a body morph.

At first, I didn't know what to say. It wasn't something I did very often, but I knew how much it meant to her. So I nodded and said, "Sure, why not?"And with that, I felt my power building up inside of me.

The next thing she knew, there was a bright pink light engulfing my body. My girlfriend gasped in amazement as I started to transform before her eyes. My breasts grew four times their normal size, becoming massive mounds of flesh that sagged slightly from the sheer weight.

As I finished morphing, I looked at my girlfriend and saw the wonderment in her eyes. She couldn't believe what she was seeing, and it brought a smile to my face knowing that I had made her day just a little bit brighter. We spent the rest of the evening talking and laughing together, and for a moment, everything else around us faded away.


Thanks for all the Support, Favs, and Follows 💖



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