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I have gotten most of the files together that I need for Harmonious Set 2. Above is a screenshot of the WIP folder 😅 I need to get a few more files, and hopefully I will be able to go all the image texture improvements before I start on the actual package files. (this step takes me a minute, so kindly bear with me 💗 I hope to have some pics to post later tonight Central European Time).

This morning while I had my coffee I perfected a small decor item that I made a long time ago, I will be posting that today while working on everything else.

Oh yeah! & I also got most of the files together that I need for the shoes decor set as well, for after the Harmonious set is finished. I'm looking forward to getting to do some creative things of my own after those sets, unless anyone has any requests! I hope everyone is having a nice week 🌺

Update (Wednesday morning):
Here we go! I spent a long time last night improving the image textures for everything so I could get startes this morning. All original swatches always included, with some extra by me because I just can't help myself! So far I have made the asian dresser, and the vine lamp. The dresser is functional. The lamp glows on its own, and also emits light as shown above. Added this vine as a seat, a wall hook that is made from vine (made by me), and I edited the vine purse so that it can be a wall object to hang from the hook (2 separate items). Also added 2 versions of the bonbori, a large tall one, and a smaller short one. The lighting effect is the same as with the vine lamp, it illuminates on it's own as an object, and also emits light in the dark. I added extra swatches to the bonbori and purse.
Update (continued, Wednesday afternoon):
Added the Japanese hearth, it is functional as a campfire & requires Outdoor Retreat to work. I added the asian privacy screen, the Hinaningyo, and the lamps light up in the dark. I then added the mochi pestle, the Dharma statue, and I made myself a Dharma flower pot. Some items have had extra swatches added by me 💗 My sim looks upset because she burned her hand lighting the hearth fire 😅
Update (Wed. evening):
Added the bird bath, with extra swatches, 2 of the water has magical colors. The sakura wall clock, and I made a little alarm clock myself to go with it. both original swatches & a bunch extra added by me. Added another lantern also, I think I am going to make a small version of it like with the other one.
Update (Wed. night):
I added a small version of the sakura lamp, I don't have a preview of it just yet. It's getting late, a little after 10 PM here where I am in the world, so I may take a break for tonight unless I can't sleep. I hope everyone likes how the set is coming along! 20 items so far, lots more to go!
Update (couldn't sleep):
Added the smaller sakura lantern. A pile of sakura petals, a functional sakura dance floor (requires Get Together), a coffee table, wall flag, kettle, and woven trivet that has a slot for the kettle. I also added a new version of the jar of glow moss, this one is made differently, it looks really nice in game if I do say so myself. This one is a large jar. I am going to make a medium and smaller sized one as well.
Update (continued 2 AM):
Added 4 more versions of the jars of glowing moss in different sizes (shown above lights on and off). There are a ton of swatches, some extra added by me. Aren't they just so cute? I'm personally going to love this group of items for my spellcasters.
Go check out the main page here, there is a surprise item update to an old set.

Update (Thursday evening):
This morning I made smaller the tea kettle and the trivet for it to sit on, they looked a little huge. Then I had some IRL things I had to do, then got back to our set. The next item I've made is another flower pot, this time a Maneki-neko with sunflowers for extra extra good luck!
Update (late Thursday night):
I've been working on one of my own items for the set: a make-up brush holder, with a glass cloche to go over it to keep dust-free. The brushes & holder took me awhile to make, but the cloche was easy. All items have more swatches, including the holder cups with no image on them and are just a solid color. 2 are wooden. These will be easy for recoloring!
Update (very early Friday morning):
Added the makeup table mirror. Extra swatches added by me of course.

Update (Friday morning):
I woke up after 4 hours, whoops. So I made a cup of coffee and continued working on our new set. Here are the bamboo seat & bench. I think they're really cute and can be used for a variety of locations.
Update (Friday afternoon):
Added the small japanese table lantern, the torii, the vine chair, and 3 vine objects (only had one swatch so I added a bunch more).
Update (Friday night):
ADded the stone arch (your sims can get married here), the sakura purse, another shoulder bag (with extra swatches added), and a miso soup, salad, and mini plate of spring rolls, extra swatches added for the dishes. The miso soup has 2 versions, with and without steam. I want to adjust the size of the sakura bag and the salad and spring rolls. The set is close to being finished, as of now we have 53 items.
Update (late Friday night):
I just wanted to upload a gif of all of the swatches I've added to this one shoulder bad decor because they're turning out so cute!

Update (Saturday evening):
I'm in the middle of getting all of the screenshots / swatch previews. I'm almost done with that part, just need to edit everything afterward. The set should be up later tonight! 💗



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